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The latest numbers



Here are the latest reparations figures and assorted demands being made by Doomhome and friends.

NPO: Must allow their top tier to be wrecked for a month by the tech heavy upper tiers of DH. In an official context they are:

1. 100% Of your nations above 80K NS must leave PM.

2. 85% Of your nations between 50K NS and 80K NS must leave PM (leaving room for banks)

3. These nations, once left PM must fight for 30 days.

3a. This period of 30 days will begin when less than 5% of the order are in peace mode, and no one above 80K NS is in peace mode.

4. Pacificans who have not individually surrendered will be considered part of the alliance until they do so.

No reps demanded, so that DH can pretend that they are offering some sort of generous terms, while they extort the rest of the coalition as follows:

Avalon: $50 million

ASU: $80 million

64Digits: $80 million

Sanitarium: $100 million

NSO: $100 million plus the annexation of RV for a month, OR $300 million

Invicta: $300 million

TPF: $400 million

CoJ: $400 million (They're not going to write a haiku, much less a Shakespearean play)

Legion: $2,000 million (aka, $2 billion, but just to keep the numbers formatted the same)

TOOL: 30k tech. Officially:

1. 150 slots for tech deals for 6 aid cycles.

2. Tech deals are in the form of $3 million/100 tech over 6 aid cycles.

3. Total tech delivered will be 100 tech/slot x 150 slots x 2 tech deals/slot = 30,000 tech (no cash conversion allowed).

NADC 36k tech

CD: 30k tech + other garbage. Officially:

1. No internal or incoming external aid is allowed for a period of 2 months.

2. 30k tech to be paid over a 2 month period, by nations that have over 1k tech.

3. Some sort of apology for breaking terms to the people who signed your terms (obv).

TSI: 12k

Let me ask you, would YOU accept this garbage?

Make no mistake about it. These are not fair or reasonable terms for anyone, no matter how much Doomhouse tries to pass them off as. They aren't anywhere near the realm of "fair and reasonable" even if we ignore the unjustified beginning of this conflict.

Anyone entering this war on their behalf is supporting these outrageous figures.

But what can one expect, in a war born of paranoia and hate?

I say you can shovel this garbage back into the bodily orifice from which it came.


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Let me ask you, would YOU accept this garbage?


Let me break it down for you a bit differently.

Avalon: $2m per nation

ASU: $1.7m per nation

64Digits: $11.4m per nation

Sanitarium: $16.6m per nation

NSO: $1.2m/$3.5m per nation

Invicta: $4.6m per nation

TPF: $3.8m per nation

CoJ: $18.1m per nation (with a simple way of reducing that down to a possible 4.5m per nation)

Legion: $7.3m per nation

TOOL: 300 tech deals (or 6 per nation under 250 tech)

NADC: 370 tech per nation (or 720 per nation under 500 tech)

Carpe Diem: 1300 tech per nation over 1k tech

TSI: 387 tech per nation (or 923 per nation under 500 tech)

The amount Avalon is required to pay is absolutely despicable. Doomhouse should be ashamed for that specific extortion attempt.

We wanted to live up to our reputation as truly terrible people.

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The amount Avalon is required to pay is absolutely despicable. Doomhouse should be ashamed for that specific extortion attempt.

Even more when there wasn't a single shot fired to the ones that insist on getting money :popcorn: .

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The only reps that are even that bad are the Legion and Pacifica reps. And those are because, SURPRISE SURPRISE, they have a ton of nations in peace mode. I wouldn't cry myself to sleep tonight at having to pay 100 mil in reps. Or even 400 mil for that matter.

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At the percentages given:

4 nations above 50k can stay in peacemode.

26 total NPO nations can stay in peacemode. Hopefully that wouldn't include all the DH nations ghosting us.

All the terms given are legit, and yeah 2 billion isn't divisible by 3.

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At the percentages given:

4 nations above 80k can stay in peacemode.

26 total NPO nations can stay in peacemode. Hopefully that wouldn't include all the DH nations ghosting us.

All the terms given are legit, and yeah 2 billion isn't divisible by 3.

100% of 80k NS and above nations leaving peace mode equals 4 nations still in peace mode? I think Pacifica would prefer your version of it actually.

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3a. This period of 30 days will begin when less than 5% of the order are in peace mode, and no one above 80K NS is in peace mode.

This term makes everything pretty much unacceptable. Over 95% of a 500 man alliance must be in warmode before the clock starts, and they can't re enter or deal is off? You guys are pathetic on nearly every level.

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100% of 80k NS and above nations leaving peace mode equals 4 nations still in peace mode? I think Pacifica would prefer your version of it actually.

I meant 4 nations above 50k

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NADC and TOOL seem to be getting hit disproportionately high, in comparison to the other numbers out there.

But don't you understand? This is supposed to shake up CN and make it more exciting and balanced!

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Let me break it down for you a bit differently.

Avalon: $2m per nation

ASU: $1.7m per nation

64Digits: $11.4m per nation

Sanitarium: $16.6m per nation

NSO: $1.2m/$3.5m per nation

Invicta: $4.6m per nation

TPF: $3.8m per nation

CoJ: $18.1m per nation (with a simple way of reducing that down to a possible 4.5m per nation)

Legion: $7.3m per nation

TOOL: 300 tech deals (or 6 per nation under 250 tech)

NADC: 370 tech per nation (or 720 per nation under 500 tech)

Carpe Diem: 1300 tech per nation over 1k tech

TSI: 387 tech per nation (or 923 per nation under 500 tech)

We wanted to live up to our reputation as truly terrible people.

You're missing the fact that a large number of nations are not able to pay even the assigned 'per nation' fees here.

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But don't you understand? This is supposed to shake up CN and make it more exciting and balanced!

Silly man, they're the heroes saving the game! We should be thanking them!

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Everything up to TPF looks fairly ok. Why exactly is TPF paying so much? I've heard from everyone they were nothing but upstanding opponents. Also what's up with NADC? Last I heard they were getting off with white peace if they decided to take it.

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Everything up to TPF looks fairly ok. Why exactly is TPF paying so much? I've heard from everyone they were nothing but upstanding opponents. Also what's up with NADC? Last I heard they were getting off with white peace if they decided to take it.

NADC decided to waste our time and run us along for a few days on that white peace thing.

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