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GOONS membership's real opinions regarding the war



I am a newbie and I have no idea what I am doing and I've made on NSO and one Olympus surrender.

This past week, Sirwilliam produced a check-in google doc which contained a space for members to voice their opinions regarding the war. The response was overwhelming. The majority of the alliance has already weighed in, and here are some of the choice quotes, which will be anonymous. If any GOONS reading this want to claim their quote, go for it.

A lot of it boiled down to this:

"It was a lot more fun before 2 nuclear capable nations declared on me. :) I went from 9.5K nation strength to 1.2K strength (and declining). But I've been getting aid and rebuilding will probably happen quickly, so it's all good."

even more of it boiled down to this:

"It was cool, but all my targets were good. And I got piled. But pixels are lulzy, so I don't care that much."

But sadly, there was a lot of dismay within the goons ranks:

"Its ok but not the opponents aren't doing much, so it ends up being somewhat uneventful once you declare and anarchy your offensive war opponents. Everything on our end is going very smoothly and I feel that we have a lot of support and coordination on this side."

It failed to live up to some expectations:

"I think we need some better opponents, these guys are dull and uninvolved with banter and ****, **** them"

"Two of my targets are going to delete. This war is boring and I need cash to pay my bills.

Also, nuke sard."

"Not enough competent enemies..."

"Need more targets"

"I cant declare on more then 3 targets? this is bull****"

"Having a blast, only damper is NPOs incredibly boring strategy of buying abloslutely nothing, and spying away money. I think they're betting on us having less money than them."

"NPO/NSO are worst war playmates ever."

"This war is quite literally the best thing about CN. Also, NPO are useless."

But overall, a good time was had by all:

""quite a bit" does not cover it.

Aid and nukes fall from the sky and I am loving this ****! Send down more NPO."

"Enjoying the war. Opponents at my level (high Aspie, low BYOB) are pretty disappointing. Haven't been in anarchy yet, accepted one round of aid ($15M, thanks) and have been feeding off targets otherwise.

Tried trolling NPO/Legion to get more defensive wars but that didn't work. I've given up on them. Enemies aren't surrendering/accepting terms so I'm willing to keep putting them in anarchy and eroding their nations.

Just DoW'd and attacked a nuke-capable target, so hopefully things will get more interesting."

"37 of my nukes have sailed directly into the enemy's collective anus, so I am a happy camper."

The overall opinion of the war has been overwhelming positive, proving once again the strength of the GOONS warrior spirit.

So to those who expected us to break and surrender: really? You really expected GOONS to surrender in the face of so much entertaining war? If your aim was to force us to surrender, you have made a grave miscalculation, because it is not war that kills us, it is lack of war. War feeds us, grows our community. If you'll glance over at our applicant AA, you'll see how your mistake was far graver than you could possibly imagine. When we have rebuilt, we will be far, far stronger than we we were at the onset of the war.


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We didn't expect GOONS to surrender.

I'm honestly curious what you did expect, then. A protracted low damage war against our lower tier that gives the rest of PB time to free up their fronts, while Umbrella and MK sit out of peace mode relatively unimpeded?

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I'm honestly curious what you did expect, then. A protracted low damage war against our lower tier that gives the rest of PB time to free up their fronts, while Umbrella and MK sit out of peace mode relatively unimpeded?

I expected to have a bloody good time, that goal has been achieved. Though I have only fought MK, so I can't thank GOONS.

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I really don't think they expected/expect you to surrender.

What I also don't think you realise is that the dogpile on GOONS is far less political than it really is; from where I'm standing, it seems to be more of a smack in the mouth from those who don't like you, or who don't appreciate your ways, than a real attempt at getting you to surrender.

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I really don't think they expected/expect you to surrender.

What I also don't think you realise is that the dogpile on GOONS is far less political than it really is; from where I'm standing, it seems to be more of a smack in the mouth from those who don't like you, or who don't appreciate your ways, than a real attempt at getting you to surrender.

Good, if the justification is that weak then I will feel even better charging reps to the non-NPO combatants.

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Good, if the justification is that weak then I will feel even better charging reps to the non-NPO combatants.

And those that didn't pile on GOONS, hmm? What about them? Not everyone was part of the GOONpile and I never thought that GOONS would surrender.

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I just checked our coalition forum, yep, no posts about expectations of GOONS surrendering. On the other hand, ODN's DoW on three micros totalling 40 nations is full of BYYYYAAAAAAHHHHHH WE ARE GREAT WARRIORS YOU WILL SURRENDER TO US. But t be fair, GOONS are cooler than ODN, so the comparison is not really congruent.

This is a nice show piece, but we all know the nuance of the battlefield. My GOONS--I M Tpl, dalstrs, Greek argos (or something)--have all turtled like prisses. Maybe they really enjoyed turtling, I know I enjoyed them turtling.

I think my favorite moment of the war was someone c/p'ing me real-time bragging from one of my GOONS in #cybergoons over his successful GA while I was nuking him and taking it all back and more.

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War feeds us, grows our community. If you'll glance over at our applicant AA, you'll see how your mistake was far graver than you could possibly imagine. When we have rebuilt, we will be far, far stronger than we we were at the onset of the war.

Assuming you dont get rolled it will take you a year to 18 months to rebuild your infra, tech and warchests. Your alliance is at about 18% of its original NS and this war is far from over. I doubt you will be as strong or stronger this time next year unless you merge with someone.

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"I am a newbie and I have no idea what I am doing and I've made on NSO and one Olympus surrender."

If I were you I'd be more worried about your memberships' lack of preparation for and inability to withstand war waged by a noob. You're more amused that a new recruit of ours didn't know what he was doing (but still forced multiple surrenders)?

We'll keep taking out your trash, don't worry, there's just so much of it. :(

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Assuming you dont get rolled it will take you a year to 18 months to rebuild your infra, tech and warchests.

Please tell me, where can we get one of those magic anuses that you pull all your estimates out of? IKEA?

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I just checked our coalition forum, yep, no posts about expectations of GOONS surrendering.

If all 11 alliances attacked just GOONS with no expectation of us surrendering then I'd say the entire "strategy" going on revolves around just taking a pot shot at GOONS when people have the chance to do so. In which case there's no actual strategy, just desired destruction of GOONS, and reps are completely justified.

And those that didn't pile on GOONS, hmm? What about them? Not everyone was part of the GOONpile and I never thought that GOONS would surrender.

The opinions and expectations of people not hitting us aren't that relevant.

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Assuming you dont get rolled it will take you a year to 18 months to rebuild your infra, tech and warchests. Your alliance is at about 18% of its original NS and this war is far from over. I doubt you will be as strong or stronger this time next year unless you merge with someone.

In what alternate universe is 1.8 only 18% of 4.8? And GOONS being a bottom-heavy alliance, a round or two of aid/reps will bring most of us back where we were. And we have 45 new applicants at the moment. Besides which you're acting like nothing is relative and this won't look a lot better if all our enemies are just as bad off, or in fact worse.

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In what alternate universe is 1.8 only 18% of 4.8? And GOONS being a bottom-heavy alliance, a round or two of aid/reps will bring most of us back where we were. And we have 45 new applicants at the moment. Besides which you're acting like nothing is relative and this won't look a lot better if all our enemies are just as bad off, or in fact worse.

Pay up, MK. GOONS wants their allowance.

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Assuming you dont get rolled it will take you a year to 18 months to rebuild your infra, tech and warchests. Your alliance is at about 18% of its original NS and this war is far from over. I doubt you will be as strong or stronger this time next year unless you merge with someone.

I don't think you quite understand how easy building is at the lower tier with aid.

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Considering you've lost over half of your NS it is a sign of resiliency to be keeping up the positive talk. It is a shame that you have to sacrifice so much.

That's where we differ. We haven't sacrificed anything of value. In our eyes, nations are built up for the explicit purpose of using them. Rebuilding them is just part of the cycle.

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If I were you I'd be more worried about your memberships' lack of preparation for and inability to withstand war waged by a noob. You're more amused that a new recruit of ours didn't know what he was doing (but still forced multiple surrenders)?

We'll keep taking out your trash, don't worry, there's just so much of it. :(

To be fair, the only NSO surrenders have been people who joined us within the last week or two. No NSO member who has been a member for the at least a month has surrendered. We're only losing ghosts and new recruits.

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I don't think you quite understand how easy building is at the lower tier with aid.

I wonder which figure will be bigger: the amount of aid that would be required to bring GOONS back up to its pre-war NS, or the amount of extra tax collections MK and Umbrella will make due not not having to really war anything or go to PM.

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