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Dear MK-hating community



Please stop asking me if we're going to force the New Pacific Order to disband or keep them in perpetual war. I'm tired of those questions. Let me explain why you are silly. Keep in mind that I am only a baron in the Mushroom Kingdom, and I am nowhere near in the loop for government decisions and what I say might quite possibly be countered by what the alliance actually does.

Actually, that's the first reason you're silly. I don't know all of what the government is seeking. Take a look at the majority posting from people with the Mushroom Kingdom affiliation. They're not government either. Sometimes it seems like the government and the people are of one mind, but let's face it: most of my comrades are idiots, and the government of the Mushroom Kingdom is filled with people whose faces are constantly red not from embarrassment, but from constant facepalming.

The next reason you are silly: thinking we'd force NPO to disband. That's hilarious. What would the Mushroom Kingdom do without a New Pacific Order? We'd collapse, eating our our members just to live until we eventually whither and fade away. We don't want that. We want to continue having fun. We need a rival, plain and simple. My alliance mates probably won't agree. Oh well. I rather like the idea of two immortals standing opposed to each other for the rest of eternity.

Guess I'm a romantic like that.

Plus, I know the NPO. I've been pitted against them my entire life in this world. They're just as likely to disband as we are. We can't make them disband, and it's an outright shame if we try. People are stupid if they think it would happen.

Perpetual warfare was tossed around, too. In the long run, that hurts us. No alliance can keep a front open forever, eventually there is nothing to grind into dust. And, if there is another incident we get involved in, we have to divide our forces. It's just not a good idea.

Yeah, we initiated an offensive attack. It was preemptive only in the fact that we didn't want NPO to rise to power again. It wasn't preempting an imminent NPO attack. Suck it up. Fight. No matter the winner, you got the wake-up call. The community has been spurred to discussion and action.

You're welcome.


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That's what I thought, but how am I backpedaling? This has been my opinion from the onset, as stated many times.

It's almost as if xoindotnler didn't read the very blog that he posted in.

Laziness, how sad it is.

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Someone really ought to disband though Stormsend. I believe you made a statement on one of the shows that "there are too many alliances in the game."

If that is the case, I humbly nominate the GOONs. Doom House benefits by not having to worry about sending ~400 slots of aid or whatever it is now in the next war. There are any number of alliances that would be willing to take their place at the Kingdom's side as a replacement.

Maybe when Cortath is on you could discuss a "trade."

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Doom House benefits by not having to worry about sending ~400 slots of aid or whatever it is now in the next war. There are any number of alliances that would be willing to take their place at the Kingdom's side as a replacement.

Maybe when Cortath is on you could discuss a "trade."

I don't think they're worried. After all, it's the least they can do given that they're seeing little action with your allies' uppers in Peace Mode and with you guys all but rolling over.

Why would Doomhouse trade GOONS for such a willing punching bag? I know I wouldn't.

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A few years ago, I would've been horrified at the idea of trying to achieve disbandment in a situation like this.

Now though...I think CN needs to up the stakes a bit. If this war ends with the normal cycle of reps, animosity, another war in 8-12 months, then it's going to be hard to take the next one seriously. People need to fight like their alliances are on the line.

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By the time it's done, I don't think anyone's going to be worrying about a need to up the stakes.

Get your fellow Mushrooms to stop threatening disbandment then. Nobody brought it up until you guys did.

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I would not describe my feelings towards MK as hatred, acute disappointment would be more accurate.

Sometimes it seems like the government and the people are of one mind, but let's face it: most of my comrades are idiots, and the government of the Mushroom Kingdom is filled with people whose faces are constantly red not from embarrassment, but from constant facepalming.

Given the waves of horrendous postings on view I can totally believe this is the case. I know potato has his hands full :D

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but let's face it: most of my comrades are idiots, and the government of the Mushroom Kingdom is filled with people whose faces are constantly red not from embarrassment, but from constant facepalming.

You've became my second most favorite MK member, right after Archon.


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If the rest of MK was half like you, I would like MK.

Surprise! Most of us agree!

NPO is the only alliance on your side halfway competent enough to lead the group. If they were gone, there would be no challenge left in the world. Who would you expect to lead if they were gone? Legion?

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Surprise! Most of us agree!

NPO is the only alliance on your side halfway competent enough to lead the group. If they were gone, there would be no challenge left in the world. Who would you expect to lead if they were gone? Legion?

So then why are you trying to make sure that they don't pose a challenge?

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If there is the possibility of what you say being countered by MK gov, then how does asking such questions make one silly? Is it really silly to ask about something, that you basically admit would be possible?

What I meant was that this is the general feeling in the government. If it changes, I have no control over that. I'll admit, the wording is a bit poor, and, again, this isn't the official view of the Mushroom Kingdom, but I haven't been yelled at for lying yet, so the night is young!

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