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Barack Hussein Obama



Yesterday, I asked my boss (a crazy right-wing Republican) a question about Obama. He said "you mean Barack HUSSEIN Obama?" and I replied "Yeah. Like Franklin DELANO Roosevelt. And John QUINCY Adams. And George WALKER Bush. And William HOWARD Taft. And John FITZGERALD Kennedy. And Lyndon BAINES Johnson. And Richard MILHOUS Nixon."


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I wonder what right wingers would say about Obama if he had a different middle name and had never left the country before becoming president. There's always calling him a socialist, which isn't completely untrue. But they'd at least have to drop the whole "Secret Muslim terrorist non-citizen saboteur" bit, which is crazy. I've questioned a lot of what he's done, but some of the accusations about him are beyond comprehension.

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Yes, because all Republicans think Obama is a terrorist.

Idiocy is present in both parties as evident by the assertions people make on both sides of the aisle.

What sort of assertions are being made by the left?

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I'm not claiming all Republicans think that at all. This is based on reading thousands of comments on foxnews, drudgereport-linked articles, and pretty much everything else that naturally devolves into someone blaming Obama.

Admittedly, the people who take the time to make those comments are more partisan and politically active than average. And the nature of sites like foxnews (anonymous, surrounded by supporters) evokes a more extreme viewpoint. But it's a matter of fact that those types of comments pop up all the time.

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From a quick Google search it seems that a majority of Republicans think that Obama is a secret Muslim and nearly half don't think he was born in the US. Nothing about Mars, but I did find one that said: "24% [of Republicans] believe that Obama is the antichrist, a biblical figure who foretells the end of the world."

If these beliefs demonstrate "idiocy", then the Republicans are doing a very good job of capturing the idiot demographic.

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Seriously, no one sane thinks that.

I do.

From a quick Google search it seems that a majority of Republicans think that Obama is a secret Muslim and nearly half don't think he was born in the US. Nothing about Mars, but I did find one that said: "24% [of Republicans] believe that Obama is the antichrist, a biblical figure who foretells the end of the world."

If these beliefs demonstrate "idiocy", then the Republicans are doing a very good job of capturing the idiot demographic.

We just do a better job of sweeping things under the rug when compared to our Republican comrades.

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I wonder what right wingers would say about Obama if he had a different middle name and had never left the country before becoming president. There's always calling him a socialist, which isn't completely untrue. But they'd at least have to drop the whole "Secret Muslim terrorist non-citizen saboteur" bit, which is crazy. I've questioned a lot of what he's done, but some of the accusations about him are beyond comprehension.

I don't even see how he's a socialist. He's not even all that liberal. He's kept most if not all of Bushes policies intact since taking office.

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I don't even see how he's a socialist. He's not even all that liberal. He's kept most if not all of Bushes policies intact since taking office.

It's all about the buzzwords. Throw around a few "Socialisms" and "Communisms" here and there and you have a viable argument.

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From a quick Google search it seems that a majority of Republicans think that Obama is a secret Muslim and nearly half don't think he was born in the US. Nothing about Mars, but I did find one that said: "24% [of Republicans] believe that Obama is the antichrist, a biblical figure who foretells the end of the world."

Those reports aren't biased/fabricated at all!

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Have you any reason to suggest that they are? You can't just reject things because they don't fit with what you want to believe.

There was a lot of polling done about this, and they all say generally the same things (and they were highly publicised at the time). Is there significant polling that contradicts this?

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Have you any reason to suggest that they are? You can't just reject things because they don't fit with what you want to believe.

You can in America. Here we have museums that teach that Earth is 6,000 years old and people used to put saddles on dinosaurs and ride them. Scary part is that it's not taken as a joke by many and they actually believe it.

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I don't even see how he's a socialist. He's not even all that liberal. He's kept most if not all of Bushes policies intact since taking office.

I wouldn't call him a socialist either, but he's lead a few big initiatives (health care, stimulus bill, taking over GM) that are at least consistent with socialist values. Enough so that I can see where that accusation comes from, anyway.

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What sort of assertions are being made by the left?

Uhhhh...each side is insane. Left and Right. Problem with the GOP is that some of them think Obama is an evil Socialist Muslim. I think some of the Left said 9/11 was an inside job, so they have a problem too.

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Is it essential for a candidate to be born in the US? Or is it just sufficient that he be a citizen in good standing. From a constitutional viewpoint?

Apart from that, people [like the OP's boss] need to focus more on their own jobs than the middle names of politicians.

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Is it essential for a candidate to be born in the US? Or is it just sufficient that he be a citizen in good standing. From a constitutional viewpoint?

Apart from that, people [like the OP's boss] need to focus more on their own jobs than the middle names of politicians.

They must be a natural born citizen.

They've released a birth certificate, the state of Hawaii confirms that that they have a birth certificate in their records, despite all the evidence to the contrary, out-of-touch conservatives continue to spew filth claiming he was born elsewhere.

Really, its kinda sad that they are so upset over him being president that they have to spend their energy complaining about his citizenship status. If there was a shred of evidence that he was ineligible for the presidency, the cases filed in the matter would have gone somewhere, and instead of focusing on something pointless like that, perhaps they should focus on something useful, perhaps like helping improve the country? Just a thought, throwing that out there.

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Someone who isn't faithful at home can hardly be expected to be faithful to their employer. (We had a lot of sensitive information kicking around.) And I won't have backstabbers of any kind working for me.

Hahahahaha, nice. Did he sue you?

Nope. As far as he knew, he was being canned because of a couple of minor work-related infractions. Only one person other than myself knew what was really going on.

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