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Sounds to me like they care calling C&G a joke. Perhaps a double meaning there, as Joker is a Villain they may consider C&G a villain as well.

I guess it depends on who created it, and whether or not they are for, or against C&G.

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I haven't seen this one before and I have no idea as to the creators intent but..

To me, it's poking a little fun at all the CnG claims that months of taunting and veiled threats were just good clean fun, and that perhaps they should see the tifdtt nukes in the same light. :awesome:

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It's because C&G were all playing poker one night. Just when rsox was moving all-in with his pocket Jacks pre-flop (hahaha amateur move, especially with a mid-ranged chip count); lebubu (you) was looking at his ever dwindling stack wondering just what should he do - move in now with a 9-10 suited (the best he'd had all night), wait around for the next blind, steal someone's else chips, make a map in order to escape or seek payment for the performance of the traditional Slavic dance that your grandfather made famous; MT was on tilt - he'd just gone all-in with 9-3 off-suit having misread that as A-A and subsequently drawing what he thought was a full house; and I was dominating the table as usual. Anyway, in walked the Joker from Batman, who pulled out his scissors and cut a hole in the top card in the deck.

Consequently, we had to re-deal that hand. We weren't too happy with this as the hand was developing into one of reasonably high stakes, so we shouted at the Joker. He said, "What's wrong C&G? Can't take a joke?".

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