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A Statement from Doomhouse


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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300403087' post='2668385']
I wasn't disagreeing with what you stated, I'm also of the opinion that if they don't want to take the terms they themselves would prefer perma war.

And I am of the opinion that if DoomHouse doesn't offer terms we will accept, they want permawar.

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[quote name='Lusitan' timestamp='1300403423' post='2668394']
I am not exactly sure how NPO's continuous lack of capacity to trust other alliances - which, considering what they did to other alliances, I can understand - is our fault.

It is to some degree your fault. You have to think like a Pacifican - they've tried so hard to convince the world that they're just a poor victim that they've actually convinced themselves too. In that light, and given that your preemptive strike was unprovoked (if not necessarily unwarranted), they feel they are once more being victimized.

They do not trust you. That is NPO's problem, but it is also yours if you ever want this war to end. A siege of Pacifica will be more costly to them than to you, but it will still cost you.

Edited by Lord Brendan
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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300403318' post='2668391']
Okay so what am I making up here genius? Sardonic has stated that you will pay 400 million if you do not want the 10-20 page play option added in the terms, he then stated he will give you 100 mill reps if you take the play option. what am I embellishing here? Nothing.

And that goes for you too sonny Jim.
I'm not going to bring it up again, I mentioned it once and mentioning it again might leave me open to divine retribution. But the point is that the play is unacceptable.

Also I'm not the Cult and they aren't my terms, please stop treating them as such.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300401016' post='2668316']
There is always pink waiting for you? :P sorry I couldn't help myself.

Too bad I wasn't in LoSS when they were on pink. I've been black the entire time I've been playing from ACDC til now.

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[quote name='Henry' timestamp='1300403786' post='2668404']
And I am of the opinion that if DoomHouse doesn't offer terms we will accept, they want permawar.

You're arguing about something I agree with, I would rather have NPO under perma war. And no I'm not the sole voice of DH, nor am I the grand master puppet master of all things relating to "our" side.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300403833' post='2668406']
I'm not going to bring it up again, I mentioned it once and mentioning it again might leave me open to divine retribution. But the point is that the play is unacceptable.

Also I'm not the Cult and they aren't my terms, please stop treating them as such.

My apologies, I just band you guys together, it makes it easier. Have you received terms yet?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300403001' post='2668382']
Sardonic has already confirmed the terms as 400 mil in this very thread.
Ugh, still you continue to spout lies.

The terms were:

a) 400m base amount with a percentage based discount based on a grade given for a play to be written by CoJ.
b) 100m with a play to not be graded, but has to meet minimum requirement guidelines.

The term is not 400m unless CoJ didn't hand in a play at all.

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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300403349' post='2668392']
You are mistaken, or twisting his words on purpose. The terms offered were a flat 100M plus a play, or 400M reduced by the grade the play receives.

So if Schattenmann believes his play will get better than 75%, the latter option is better. 400M would only have to be paid if he refused to write a play at all, which would be somewhat foolish - a half-assed effort split up among his members could manage to meet the length requirement, even if it was a terrible play.
Yep, you hit the nail on the head.

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[quote name='Hunterman1043' timestamp='1300403905' post='2668408']
Too bad I wasn't in LoSS when they were on pink. I've been black the entire time I've been playing from ACDC til now.
I was. Good times and good people, before LoSS decided to change for the worse. Thankfully, they've been coming back to their senses in recent days.

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[quote name='Henry' timestamp='1300403786' post='2668404']
And I am of the opinion that if DoomHouse doesn't offer terms we will accept, they want permawar.
And if you invoke your inner Methrage and refuse to accept any terms no matter what they are, we're oppressing you with eternal war?

Is that how it works now? The losing side dictates they won't take anything but white peace, then sits back and waits to be rescued because they're obviously being VietFANned?

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300403833' post='2668406']
I'm not going to bring it up again, I mentioned it once and mentioning it again might leave me open to divine retribution. But the point is that the play is unacceptable.
Why is the play unacceptable while other people accept Mercy Board terms? Is it because Schatt is special?

It's because he refuses to swallow his pride.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300404131' post='2668411']
My apologies, I just band you guys together, it makes it easier. Have you received terms yet?
Yes, but they're unacceptable to us for a different reason - Not inability, but unwillingness, to reward GOONS with extortion funds after this war. Under different circumstances, the terms offered to 64Digits would be almost reasonable.

We intend to be broke by war's end. Beyond that, we never leave a war without our allies, so terms with us are pointless to discuss until CoJ gets reasonable terms.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300404145' post='2668412']
Ugh, still you continue to spout lies.

The terms were:

a) 400m base amount with a percentage based discount based on a grade given for a play to be written by CoJ.
b) 100m with a play to not be graded, but has to meet minimum requirement guidelines.

The term is not 400m unless CoJ didn't hand in a play at all.
Maybe they don't want to write this amazing play GOONS [i]must[/i] have? You may consider it a "lulz term", but CoJ may find it humiliating.

Edited by Ryan Greenberg
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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300402870' post='2668378']
GATO wasn't the only alliance banned from peace mode under threat of PZI.

Although we were never big on peace mode anyway. :P

Anyways, I feel like we're replaying the debates from the end of the Karma War here. NPO didn't trust Karma enough back then to come out of peace mode and fight, why on earth would they be more trusting now, when (in their minds at least) they have been attacked without reason at all?
It's not a matter of "trust", that is just a facade, a pretext to justify their cowardice. The truth is that they are posturing to avoid getting out of peace mode because they think we'll eventually get tired and relent and let them get away with the throw everyone they can into peace mode and avoid fighting strategy. I guess we'll just have to prove them wrong.

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[quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1300404515' post='2668420']
Maybe they don't want to write this amazing you play GOONS must have? You may consider it a "lulz term", but CoJ may find it humiliating.
We don't consider any term a "lulz" term, because we hate that word. If Schatt likes words so much he should have no problem structuring them into a play.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1300404504' post='2668419']
Yes, but they're unacceptable to us for a different reason - Not inability, but unwillingness, to reward GOONS with extortion funds after this war. Under different circumstances, the terms offered to 64Digits would be almost reasonable.

We intend to be broke by war's end. Beyond that, we never leave a war without our allies, so terms with us are pointless to discuss until CoJ gets reasonable terms.

Ohh well, I guess your alliance gets to soak up more war until Schattenman swallows his pride.

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1300402364' post='2668358']
Yes I think it's worse to promise an alliance peace and then break the promise on a whim than to attack an alliance on a whim. I don't really want a reevaluate that standpoint. How exactly does promising peace before attacking on a whim make it better?
Because a promise was made based on an agreement. Once the agreement is broken, what value is the promise? Yes I think NPO was out of hand in attacking all of FAN instead of just those that broke the terms, but that does not condone this genocide, and you really should read the terms of the op again and say that.

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[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1300400448' post='2668294']
I know you really like the "omg mk r evil hegemonies" line but you culd at least try to base it on facts or at least some logic that makes sense. We have no treaty with sparta, I'm fairly certain they did not enter this war for our sake. So no we did not lie to get them into this war in fact I doubt we said anything to them to get them into this war since it's not our palce to do so. These are not the puppetmasters you're looking for.

this post is rich. considering i never stated you lied to Sparta to get them into this war, you may want to look at yourself before you accuse others of not using logic or facts. but you are welcome to try again.

[quote name='neneko' timestamp='1300402364' post='2668358']
Yes I think it's worse to promise an alliance peace and then break the promise on a whim than to attack an alliance on a whim. I don't really want a reevaluate that standpoint. How exactly does promising peace before attacking on a whim make it better?

If FAN broke the terms, then they deserve to be attacked. i recall quite a stink being raised by DH over Carpe Diem's entrance into this war. unless of course you are now stating that Carpe Diem will not receive any punishment except white peace since it is obviously okay to break peace terms?

yeah, ya'lls !@#$ still stinks no matter how you attempt to dress it up. Ya'll claim that NPO should have put aside years of hate from MK/et al while MK/et al attack NPO due to !@#$ that took place years ago. yup. hypocrites. liars. and so on and so forth. seriously, ya'll need to step back and actually look at your actions before you attempt to criticize others for failing to do the same as ya'll failed to do.

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1300402452' post='2668361']
It is not we who are refusing to negotiate on the length of the play, CoJ refuses to even consider the play, regardless of length. I could logdump but I don't particularly like logdumping private negotiations. If he refuses to write the play, the price is 400m. Which is why he needs to swallow his pride and write the play if he wants to pay a reasonable amount (100m or less, depending on grade/or ungraded).

ooc: i still don't like OOC terms being used simply because they are OOC and should have nothing to do with IC. unlike the reviews which could be !@#$%^&*ted, you are actually forcing someone to take hours out of their RL time to do something for a game. i would say $%&@ you to hell and back and simply refuse to speak to you until you removed the RL/OOC term. i don't like reviews, but like i said, that can be bsed in a couple of minutes. that is quite different from having to spend several hours.

if it was a 1 act play that was maybe 2 pages max. sure. that can be bsed in a few minutes, but $%&@ if i am gonna write something that would take me as long as writing a 6-8 page college paper.

Edited by Dochartaigh
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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1300404258' post='2668415']
And if you invoke your inner Methrage and refuse to accept any terms no matter what they are, we're oppressing you with eternal war?

How about you try sending another offer and then see what happens?

Is that how it works now? The losing side dictates they won't take anything but white peace, then sits back and waits to be rescued because they're obviously being VietFANned?

Hey, it worked for FAN. If you want to end the war, you could try offering white peace too.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1300404640' post='2668422']
It's not a matter of "trust", that is just a facade, a pretext to justify their cowardice. The truth is that they are posturing to avoid getting out of peace mode because they think we'll eventually get tired and relent and let them get away with the throw everyone they can into peace mode and avoid fighting strategy. I guess we'll just have to prove them wrong.
Just like NPO proved FAN wrong?

Edited by HeroofTime55
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[quote name='Lord Brendan' timestamp='1300403787' post='2668405']
It is to some degree your fault. You have to think like a Pacifican - they've tried so hard to convince the world that they're just a poor victim that they've actually convinced themselves too. In that light, and given that your preemptive strike was unprovoked (if not necessarily unwarranted), they feel they are once more being victimized.

They do not trust you. That is NPO's problem, but it is also yours if you ever want this war to end. A siege of Pacifica will be more costly to them than to you, but it will still cost you.

considering what happened with vietFAN to Karma to FAN hitting NPO today. i would say it will hopefully cost DH far more than what you seem to think.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1300404845' post='2668429']
i still don't like OOC terms being used simply because they are OOC and should have nothing to do with IC. unlike the reviews which could be !@#$%^&*ted, you are actually forcing someone to take hours out of their RL time to do something for a game. i would say $%&@ you to hell and back and simply refuse to speak to you until you removed the RL/OOC term. i don't like reviews, but like i said, that can be bsed in a couple of minutes. that is quite different from having to spend several hours.

if it was a 1 act play that was maybe 2 pages max. sure. that can be bsed in a few minutes, but $%&@ if i am gonna write something that would take me as long as writing a 6-8 page college paper.
It's not OCC. The play must be about VE and GOONS, IC subjects. Either way, who cares? He has a month to write it, going by the NPO timetable.

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[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1300404767' post='2668425']
Ohh well, I guess your alliance gets to soak up more war until Schattenman swallows his pride.
A novel attempt to drive a wedge in our relations. The noble Cult has 100% of my support.

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