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Declaration of War


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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1298995941' post='2648179']
OOC: I have absolutely no idea what in the world you just said. Regardless, we are at war. Have fun, last OOC post from me in this thread.

OOC: Finally.


"Republique Du Fleuve recognizes Hostilities with Great Britain, Communist Australia, Pravus Ingruo, and Ireland."

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A mass of Caliphate forces pour across the border into the Republique. Ground to air defenses have been activated, all aspects of the military organized short nuclear readiness.

[center][b][size="4"][color="#8B0000"]Caliphate of Africa[/color][/size][/b]
***[b]Official Response[/b]***

[left][font="Courier New"]900,000 Caliphate military personnel including infantry and armor divisions have deployed across the Republique du Fleuve border under aerial protection of several Caliphate air squadrons, nearly 300 air craft of the Caliphate air force.

[b]This land as well as its civilian population is now Declared under the protection of the Caliphate[/b]. Excluded from our protection is the government regime & Republique military units at war with the Coalition. Active Republique military is not to remain in this occupation zone and will be expelled, nor will combatants be harbored therein. No foreign military actions are to enter the occupation zones under any circumstances. This war is with the leadership of the Republique, so we expect the coalition to get in, get out and continue about their affairs outside of Africa.

This in response to the overuse of force and foreign military presence threatening Africa. Africa will ensure its own stability.

Calarification: This is a temporary occupation of the Republique. Excluded from our protection

Military units
Government officials[/font][/left]

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Due to escalation of the conflict, Burma now recognizes a state of war with the Republique de Fleuve. Burma does however recognize the Caliphate's mandate and will respect the integrity of its occupation zone.


Burmese troop transports began rounding the Cape of Good Hope and heading north. It would not be long before the first wave arrived in the OR. By now the ICBMs would have struck, delivering their payloads onto Ottoman fuel depots and airfields at critical combat points.

OOC: I left it ambiguous because I have no OOC knowledge of where Fizzy's bases would be, but my government would have intel reports from the UFE and Great Britain. Per procedure, Fizzy can RP his own casualties.

Edited by Shatner
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Could the Caliphate make clear what it has just done?
Our interpretation is that, you have temporarily taken over the Republique, but given the coaltion a free hand against their Government and Military, if we are wrong please make clear what exactly you mean.

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Trenches, Bases, Forts, Underground Tunnels, have began to be constructed all over Republique du Fleuve's shores, The AA batteries near the shore are constantly being manned and are scanning 24/7. Republique Du Fleuve is fully mobilized now.

Edited by Rotavele
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Tunisia is in support of move by the Caliphate as well as the expulsion of foreign powers from Africa immediately, following the wars end. While we cannot back the claims made by the Republique & Ottomans we are opposed to the over use of force, or any foreign force in Africa. A nation of Islam is at war with a foreign coalition; at this time we call for unity among the Muslim community in these times of crisis to see to it that the forces of invasion are brushed back by the hand of Allah.


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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298997042' post='2648203']

Trenches, Bases, Forts, Underground Tunnels, have been constructed all over Republique du Fleuve, The AA batteries near the shore are constantly being manned and are scanning 24/7. Republique Du Fleuve is fully mobilized now.

OOC: You need to RP the timebound construction of such construction intensive things as Forts, underground tunnels etc. Trenches also cannot be extensive and can only be as large as what the engineer units of an army on move can do in a few days, within reason. The bases you have more leeway but not extreme fortified bases without having RPd its construction earlier itself.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1298997434' post='2648211']

Thats a godmod Rota.
those things take years to build.
Kindly edit.
OOC: Not really the thread I made yesterday was where i stated the AA batteries were being manned. Also I changed it to the trenches were starting to be built.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1298997719' post='2648214']
OOC: Please keep military actions in the 'Dem red coats' thread as that is where Fizzy posted his military actions, why he made this thread I do not know.
OOC: Formal Declaration of War.

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Akhmed Shakir made the following public statement to the world:

"War is a necessary evil. This is something the world has come to terms with in today's society. War has been brought to the African continent. Foreign invasions on the African continent has not occurred in decades. These invaders have invaded for a cause, a purpose they feel correct. These invaders, their cause is the removal of an aggressive regime, the Ottoman Republic. In this cause, we support the removal of the regime. They are warmongers, they are among the reasons why Africa has been such a volatile and hostile continent. The Ottoman Republic is not alone. The Republique, and now recently the Caliphate, have caused Africa to plunge in to an era of uncertainty and war.

Africa has been among the most stable and peaceful continents. Rhetoric from many African nations has made the future of Africa, and it's always stable and peaceful ways uncertain. This war, as I hope it will do, will bring stability and peace back to Africa. The Ottoman Republic's government must become a peaceful government. The Republique, their government must become one of peaceful rhetoric and of peaceful action. Africa can become an example for the world in how to be peaceful in all forms of interaction.

Africa can become a beacon of peace once again. Africa will become a beacon of peace once again. In order for this to occur, the hostile governments must be removed, and they will be removed. To our allies, Novak will be pursuant of our primary African doctrine during and after this conflict."

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"Novak is nothing but a Hypocritical nation. It never worked to determine Stability when Africa was in need. Recently nations began emerging in Africa and Novak sat on its butt and did nothing to even get to know the Nations. Novak didnt even speak to the League of Africa once. Novak claims it wants Stability but has never proved a bit of want for Stability in Africa. Novak now claims they want peace when they sat back and did not one thing when this war was boiling up. Not even attempt to talk to us. As with other nations. Britain did not want to leave Africa and avoid this war. They wanted a war. Now they have one and they're the victims."

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1298939209' post='2647255']
"The Athenian Federation hereby considers itself at war with the Ottoman Republic."

"Monaco declares its support for the Athenian Federation. Our airspace and waterways are closed to any transport vehicle from the Ottoman Republic. "

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[center][b][size="7"]Declaration from
The Democratic People's Republic of Maine
President Pegg woke up with a massive hangover. People are so inconsiderate declaring war when he wanted to go out for drinks.

He was immediately rushed to a podium to give a formal declaration, even though he looked a little worse for wear.

[i]"Sorry I didn't get to this sooner. Ohhh man, emm, The uh, Democratic People's Republic of emm, Maine declares war..."
He ran to a trash can situated beside the podium and vomited. The microphone just about hear him mumble something about mixing tequila and jagermeister.

[i]"Sorry, I ummm... was at a party last night. Okay we declare war on The Ottoman Republic and Republic of Flava Flav? Whatever the hell it is, we declare war on them. Okay bye."
He ran off, presumably towards the lavatory.

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Norwegian embassies around the world hosted liaison officers from the National Front of Transvaal. At the Norwegian embassy in all countries that had declared war on the African nations, the Norwegian ambassador called the hosting nation's foreign ministry and delivered a message on the behalf of the Nationalist Front of Africa.

The message stated simply that Walvis Bay and Swakopmund were open harbors for the unloading of material. Airfields in northern Namibia and southern Angola were open to Coalition aircraft and Coalition ground forces would be permitted to maintain a ground presence there for the duration of the war in both an offensive and defensive role.

The message was delivered personally, with no records kept.

[b]Message to the People of Africa and the World[/b]

The National Front of Transvaal calls upon the people of Africa to overthrow the violent Islamist regimes who are threats to regional and world peace.

Edited by Emperor Mudd
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OoC: Zoot, I'm not recognizing any more of your posts if every single one is "run through the streets and kill Ottoman soldiers who have already dug in." I don't care if you're the highest tech army in the world (which you aren't), once I place my troops around in fortified positions you cannot just slaughter them. I'm absolutely sick of it. When you want to reply, PM me. No more OoC in this thread or I'll get the mods.



"Ah, finally the power has come on. Ahem. Hello. This is King Ottoman.

Britain. You have done wrong. You plant yourself onto the afraid, desperate Ottomans and "help" us. Then, when we ask for you to leave, and you straight up DENY us, what do you expect? For us to allow you to BREACH our SAFETY? We were on the BRINK OF WAR. You nation had THOUSANDS of soldiers right on our soil. All we asked for was PEACEFUL imprisonment, in which your troops would have been completely out of harms way. Instead your STUBBORN nation STABS US in the BACK AND KILLS OUR SOLDIERS.

Furthermore, the nations of the world have shown that they just LOVE to interfere in foreign affairs. When an African nation is betrayed, the first thing the superpowers of the world want to do is join in on the slaughter. The rich, powerful men and women that own this world are hypocrites, killers and liars.

Britain is the aggressor in this war. They will win and we shall fall. They have slaughtered our people, shut down our economy. Abidjan is in ruins. Once this war ends, expect us to be worse off than before. We will never return to our Tagruato golden age. Britain, never return to Africa. You have shown that the chances of you pigs ever, EVER helping us Africans again is zero.

And because, once again, you refuse to listen to our demands, we have terminated 200 British civilians. And more are to come. You must leave immediately or we will destroy the remaining 5,800 citizens. The clock is ticking Britain. And expect a VX Bomb to hit around the time this announcement has been made. You obviously forgot about Tagruato's warning of T.I.D.O Wave."


The two VX bombs hurled themselves into Eastern Abidjan, destroying dozens of buildings and spreading disease across the entire city. Most of Eastern Abidjan and the small remains of Western Abidjan that hadn't been invaded were evacuated, though thousands were killed by the Scottish bombers.

The 20,000 remaining troops in the city began to die a slow, VXish death.

OoC: I've given you time to shoot down this bomb and since no one replied, it hit. congrats

Edited by Fizzydog
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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299010257' post='2648410']
Nova Scotia should realise that they declared war on us.
As it says at the start of this series of cables.

Oh, in that case, our apologies. For some reason, we must have read it wrong.

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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1299012629' post='2648456']
We are obligating our treaties. This is a defensive war, mind you.

No. It is an annihilation. This "coalition" has far overstepped necessary use of force against the African nations. Perhaps your cause, also should be put into question.

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