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Announcing Red Dawn


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[quote][color="#FF0000"][center][size="5"]Red Dawn[/size][/color][/center]

[u][b][color="#FF0000"]Article I - Preamble:[/color][/b][/u]
We the workers of the world hereby unite into this agreement to promote and protect the spread of the socialist revolution worldwide.

[color="#FF0000"][b][u]Article II – Sovereignty:[/u][/b][/color]
The undersigned agree to avoid any violation of the sovereignty of another signatory, this includes but is not limited to direct and indirect warfare, espionage and economic destruction or the supporting of a 3rd party to do so.
Article III – Intelligence:[/u][/b][/color]
Should information vital to that of another signatory be obtained it is the obligation of those that have said information to share it. Such information includes but is not limited to terrorists, invasion plans, espionage and others similar.

[color="#FF0000"][b][u]Article IV – Military:[/u][/b][/color]
[b]Section 1:[/b] Should a signatory of Red Dawn fall under attack from a third party it is the obligation of all other signatories to defend the victim with all aid possible. This includes but is not limited to economic, diplomatic and military support.
[b]Section 2:[/b] Should an attack on one signatory be because of an attack the signatory has committed itself this article will revert to optional aid.
[b]Section 3:[/b] This article will not regulate internal matters such as rebellion or insurgencies. Only at the request of the recognized government may military aid from signatories be dedicated to internal conflicts of another.
[b]Section 4:[/b] While this treaty will not be supreme over all others it does mandate that in any kind of treaty conflict neutrality is chosen. Even when conflicting with a treaty containing a supremacy clause.
[b]Section 5:[/b] Should a signatory launch an aggressive attack against another state it may request assistance, such assistance while recommended is optional.
[b]Section 6:[/b] Red Dawn maintains the right to support and/or protect socialist movements worldwide. It is the obligation of all socialist states to assist in the liberation of workers and to combat reactionary forces.

[color="#FF0000"][u][b]Article V – Economic & Technology:[/b][/u][/color]
[b]Section 1:[/b] The signatories of this pact will allow free trade within their borders to individuals from other signatories. Economic barriers are against the spirit of this treaty.
[b]Section 2:[/b] The currencies of the signatories will be recognized within the borders of all signatories.
[b]Section 3:[/b] To spread the wealth and welfare and to properly protect the revolution the signatories will agree to sharing civilian and military technology to help Red Dawn as a whole remain strong.

[color="#FF0000"][u][b]Article VI – The Socialist Assembly:[/b][/u][/color]
[b]Section 1:[/b] The Socialist Assembly will be the ruling organ of Red Dawn. It will be headquartered in the capitals of each member state. The primary location of discussions shall vary each year.
[b]Section 2:[/b] Each member nation is allowed to send a permanent representative to the Assembly.
[b]Section 3:[/b] The Socialist Assembly shall rule on all matters involving Red Dawn, including but not limited to admissions, expulsions and economic issues.
[b]Section 4:[/b] The Socialist Assembly will have no control over the internal or external issues of any of its members. It is merely tasked with the maintenance of Red Dawn.
[b]Section 5:[/b] After an issue has been put forward to the Socialist Assembly all members have 72 hours to contact their governments and issue their vote before the vote will end and their vote considered an abstain.

[color="#FF0000"][u][b]Article VII – Admissions:[/b][/u][/color]
[b]Section 1:[/b] Any country following socialist ideals is welcomed to seek admission.
[b]Section 2:[/b] For an application to be approved the Socialist Assembly has to vote unanimously in favor of the applicant.

[color="#FF0000"][b][u]Article VIII – Expulsions:[/u][/b][/color]
[b]Section 1:[/b] Any representative to the Socialist Assemmbly may issue a motion to expel another country from Red Dawn.
[b]Section 2:[/b] For such an expulsion to pass it has to be proven that the country involved has violated this treaty, in addition all members(the country involved excluded) must vote in favor of such an expulsion. Should a country move away from the socialist system its membership will be revoked.

[color="#FF0000"][b][u]Article IX – Cancellation:[/u][/b][/color]
[b]Section 1:[/b] Any country within Red Dawn is allowed to leave it, for such a withdrawal from the pact 72 hours notice must be given to the remaining signatories.
[b]Section 2:[/b] During the 72 hours period all articles of this pact remain in effect.

[color="#FF0000"][u][b]Article X – Ratification:[/b][/u][/color]
We the workers of the world hereby recognize all articles of this treaty as a binding law, while governments may change and the signatures of this pact become invalid the obligations will pass over to future ruling bodies until cancelled. This treaty will enter into effect on the 21st of January 2011.

Signed for the [b]Athenian Federation[/b],
Her Imperial Highness Ariadne Notaras, [i]Empress of the Eastern Athenian Federation and its overseas territories, Priestess in the Cult of Athena, Supreme Commander of the Hellenic Forces.[/i]
His Imperial Highness Valerio Moretti of Bourbon, [i]Emperor of the Western Athenian Federation, Supreme Commander of the Hellenic Forces.[/i]

Signed for [b]Novak[/b],
Akhmed Shakir, [i]Chairman of the Party.[/i]

Signed for the [b]Union of Revolutionary Socialist Republics[/b],
Gerard Sinclair, [i]People's Secretary for Defense.[/i]
Michel Garland, [i]People's Secretary for Foreign Affairs.[/i]
Central Committee of the U.R.S.R.
Communist Party of the U.R.S.R.

Signed for the [b]United Federation of the East[/b],
Wei Hai, [i]Premier and Foreign Minister of the United Federation of the East.[/i]

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The Article IV, Section 6 of this Treaty clearly indicates a willingness to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations. Rest assured any attempt at creating or supporting any communist movement or any communists in the Kingdom of Cochin would be considered as an act of war. Thus we hope that the signatories of this treaty who also hold non aggression pacts with us would desist from embarking upon any such idiotic misadventures against the Kingdom of Cochin.

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"We congratulate these member nations on their union."


Hola fellow Socialist states,

We in España are apart of the Socialist ideals and would like to seek admission into this wonderful pact. We are currently allies with Athens, but we gladly seek relations with our Socialist counterparts of Novak, UFE, and the URSR.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1298341470' post='2641244']
The Article IV, Section 6 of this Treaty clearly indicates a willingness to interfere in the internal affairs of other nations. Rest assured any attempt at creating or supporting any communist movement or any communists in the Kingdom of Cochin would be considered as an act of war. Thus we hope that the signatories of this treaty who also hold non aggression pacts with us would desist from embarking upon any such idiotic misadventures against the Kingdom of Cochin.

Its sad to see that the Cochinese place so little faith in our treaties, fortunately the UFE places more trust in its relationship with the Cochinese and does not resort to speculation.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1298341952' post='2641254']
Its sad to see that the [b]Cochi[/b]n place so little faith in our treaties, fortunately the UFE places more trust in its relationship with the [b]Cochin[/b] and does not resort to speculation.

To say the truth we do have a lot of faith in UFE and the value it places for treaties and understanding, and so do we have faith on Novak another ally with whom we hold a Non aggression pact. Our remonstration was more of a general warning particularly intended at those signatories who may hold reactionary views regarding our internal stability. We are glad hear that the signatories of Red Dawn would be using the Article IV, Section 6 to define relations with Cochin.

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Burma praises the unification of revolutionary states into an alliance to further the human cause of progress.

On another note, Burma would like to put forth an application for admission into the Red Dawn, citing our communist system, our alliance with the UFE and our cooperation with the UFE, URSR, and Athens in the ongoing conflict in Alaska.

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"As Republique Du Fleuve would love to be in a treaty with the Athenian Federation, Lack of communication between the other signatories have lead us to vote down apply for membership. Although we think the Red Dawn treaty is a beautiful alliance and will prosper greatly. We are happy to see the Red Dawn come to existence in a world full of Capitalism."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1298411510' post='2641967']
"Red Dawn" is seen as a threat to the capitalist economies of the world. Nevertheless, we respect nations of the world uniting and staying as peaceful as possible.
"Sri Lanka, a capitalism-oriented nation, would like to note that the Ottoman Republic is only speaking for itself. We, for example, do not see this alliance as a threat at the time."

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[quote]The Free Association notes the signing and legality of this pact. We maintain our position of non-interference in others affairs and will neither condemn nor praise this agreement in general. We do however express concern with Article IV Section 6 and voice strong disapproval with any interference in a nation that is ruled with the blessings of its people.[/quote]

Free Association Office of Relations

Edited by Californian
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"A few years ago the founding fathers of The United States of The Islands established sovereignty, justice, freedom, and a Republic. A Republic that was founded on the principals of Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness. True Republics around the world - not the "People's Republics" that scatter the globe with misleading names - were founded under similar principals of Freedom and Democratic Republicanism.
In the name of justice I look not only to Republics but I also look to Constitutional Monarchies, Absolute Monarchies, Empires, and even Dictatorships. This is not an pocket-sized organization looking for world peace and prosperity. This is also not an organization looking to destroy Capitalism world wide, from what I know... What I understand it to be, and what it is easily seen to be, is a direct threat to any nation, small or large, strong or week, warm or cold that is not a Communist People's Republic or one with strong relations, or moving close, to one."

-Congressman Ron Paul of The United States of The Islands

"Any peoples that tries to incite political violence, another communist revolution, or espionage will be detained and kept in the United States to face maximum charges. To make all things clear, [i]death[/i] is the only charge for espionage. It will also be taken as an act of war.

Furthermore, due to the preamble, 'We the workers of the world hereby unite into this agreement to promote and protect the spread of the socialist revolution worldwide' any nation that belongs to this organization will be set on a watch list for terrorism towards the United States of The Islands."

-The President of The United States


Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1298424814' post='2642236']
"A few years ago the founding fathers of The United States of The Islands established sovereignty, justice, freedom, and a Republic. A Republic that was founded on the principals of Life, Liberty, and The Pursuit of Happiness. True Republics around the world - not the "People's Republics" that scatter the globe with misleading names - were founded under similar principals of Freedom and Democratic Republicanism.
In the name of justice I look not only to Republics but I also look to Constitutional Monarchies, Absolute Monarchies, Empires, and even Dictatorships. This is not an pocket-sized organization looking for world peace and prosperity. This is also not an organization looking to destroy Capitalism world wide, from what I know... What I understand it to be, and what it is easily seen to be, is a direct threat to any nation, small or large, strong or week, warm or cold that is not a Communist People's Republic or one with strong relations, or moving close, to one."

-Congressman Ron Paul of The United States of The Islands

"Any peoples that tries to incite political violence, another communist revolution, or espionage will be detained and kept in the United States to face maximum charges. To make all things clear, [i]death[/i] is the only charge for espionage. It will also be taken as an act of war.

Furthermore, due to the preamble, 'We the workers of the world hereby unite into this agreement to promote and protect the spread of the socialist revolution worldwide' any nation that belongs to this organization will be set on a watch list for terrorism towards the United States of The Islands."

-The President of The United States


"The workers of USIT should take this speech and realize their freedoms are being violated. Even in Novak, political parties are allowed to exist to oppose the Party. In your country, your leader fears opposition from what the people want. If it is what you desire, go forth and rise up against the elite who say you cannot have a revolution for the people, to have a government of your choice. You will have my full support." - Ali Nasir Muhammad Husani, Deputy Chairman of the CPN.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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[quote name='Shatner' timestamp='1298344027' post='2641292']
Burma praises the unification of revolutionary states into an alliance to further the human cause of progress.

On another note, Burma would like to put forth an application for admission into the Red Dawn, citing our communist system, our alliance with the UFE and our cooperation with the UFE, URSR, and Athens in the ongoing conflict in Alaska.
[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1298411842' post='2641976']
The Democratic People's Republic of Maine would like to apply for membership.

The URSR will sponsor Burma and the DPRM on this.

[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1298424814' post='2642236']
"Any peoples that tries to incite political violence, another communist revolution, or espionage will be detained and kept in the United States to face maximum charges. To make all things clear, [i]death[/i] is the only charge for espionage. It will also be taken as an act of war.

Furthermore, due to the preamble, 'We the workers of the world hereby unite into this agreement to promote and protect the spread of the socialist revolution worldwide' any nation that belongs to this organization will be set on a watch list for terrorism towards the United States of The Islands."

-The President of The United States


The USI had been placed on the People's Secretariat for Foreign Affairs's list of Unfriendly Nations.

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