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Pacifica: Really? come out and play


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I have to say one big mistake has been made by the NpO/NPO side. That is, keeping too many nations in peace mode. Yes, you are outnumbered and out-statted. But, by keeping most in peace mode and basically offering up sacrificial lambs to fight, you have done just that: sacrificed parts of your alliance. I know from experience, it's much easier and safer to be 1/4 of an attack on someone, then to be the guy getting blasted by 4 nations. So, that is your mistake. You are sacrificing nations and their stats, and not necessarily for a better future either, unless you have cavalry somewhere.

Edited by DogeWilliam
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[quote name='Achilles' timestamp='1300250545' post='2666210']
Is this the KARMA war all over again? Where can I find information on this war, as I've been out of the loop for quite some time.

not by gravedigging a callout thats for sure

The wiki will have a general overview of what happened but the tldr is as follows:

VE, PC, iFOK, FOK, Misfit Nations, declare war on NpO for alleged spying
the war expands along the web
Doomhouse attacks NPO because of some great strategy that is too long for a tldr
NpO has since surrendered, though the NPO-Doomhouse war continues

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1297369583' post='2628228']
As Allies of NPO come to her defense, while NPO's top 74 nations hide in peace mode. Friends don't hide in in pm when their allies are fighting for them. There is no strategy in this cowardly tactic. This is tossing allies into the flame to watch them burn. NPO, consider yourself lucky that your allies came to your aid, hopefully they have seen your true character this time around. Who needs enemies when you they have friends who will toss them into the flames to save your own skin?

This is the difference between the new hegemony and the old hegemony: the new hegemony values its allies and has burned for them time after time while the old hegemony was in power. NPO's past actions have driven them into this political landscape. Don't pity them for they deserve this. What I fail to understand is why NPO's allies let their upper tier suffer the wraith of the combined forces DH, CnG, among others when NPO is hiding every nation above 39,500 ns in pm. This shows that NPO values its allies as meat shields who they can toss into the flames as they sit back in pm.

I argue that they should be held to the same standard as they held Fan: 2 years of war. If memory serves me correctly, NPO told fan that every nation must fight 2 rounds before peace can be discussed (or something to that affect). FAN spent over two years while you held them captive. I proclaim why shouldn't NPO be held to their standard that they set? Bullies become bullied.

Its time to come out and play, your allies have taken enough damage in your defense as you sit back and watch. Face the consequences of your past. Your past reflects your present and your future. Coming out of pm is the first step. Time to prove to your allies you aren't just using them.

**My opinions are my own opinions, not Umbrella or Dh. Have a problem with what I have said, I have 3 defensive slots available, take your pick. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT : D

Actually, I'm pretty sure all the friends are in peace mode too. :lol1:

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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1300250946' post='2666216']
not by gravedigging a callout thats for sure

The wiki will have a general overview of what happened but the tldr is as follows:

VE, PC, iFOK, FOK, Misfit Nations, declare war on NpO for alleged spying
the war expands along the web
Doomhouse attacks NPO because of some great strategy that is too long for a tldr
NpO has since surrendered, though the NPO-Doomhouse war continues

Well apparently he can, because he just did and you gave him the information :v

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1297469941' post='2629787']
I wonder how long people will praise and hail NPO's strategic and honorable use of peace mode before they realize that NPO is happy to let all its allies burn to save themselves. It's kind of why the war started to begin with. And they're still doing it.

Complete and utter tripe.

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Why can't we just be thankful they're giving us the opportunity to dissect their nations and the nations of their allies as we wish?

And it's not like VietFan...I could be wrong (feel free to correct) but I think the economic penalty for peace mode is higher than it was then...so I mean...we don't need call out threads. They'll come out before they run out of cash and bill lock themselves some distant day far off in the future of 2012 (or, whenever).

I'm not sure these guys were that badly outgunned when it started. Sure TOP and Umbrella and MK are nasty but it's not like NPO and their allies didn't have decent upper tiers. Not saying they would have lost, but NOW, they certainly will with Pandora's Box dusting itself off.

The cavalry is coming but it ain't on NPO's side. I think we all know these things at this point, right?

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[quote name='mattski133' timestamp='1300288386' post='2666473']
Why can't we just be thankful they're giving us the opportunity to dissect their nations and the nations of their allies as we wish?

And it's not like VietFan...I could be wrong (feel free to correct) but I think the economic penalty for peace mode is higher than it was then...so I mean...we don't need call out threads. They'll come out before they run out of cash and bill lock themselves some distant day far off in the future of 2012 (or, whenever).

I'm not sure these guys were that badly outgunned when it started. Sure TOP and Umbrella and MK are nasty but it's not like NPO and their allies didn't have decent upper tiers. Not saying they would have lost, but NOW, they certainly will with Pandora's Box dusting itself off.

The cavalry is coming but it ain't on NPO's side. I think we all know these things at this point, right?

up against umbrella + tops top tier?

you can't honestly say we had a chance.

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