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Testing... is this thing on?

Mic check... cacoo, cacoooo.

Ok, Ladies and Gents, tonight we bring to you a meeting of heavyweight rivals and division champions Gayrollers and Nordic Ballers.

The newcomers Gayrollers have been under the impression that they could beat the veteran presence of the newly reunited Nordic Ballers, and so the challenge has been met.

When we woke up this morning there was lead being boiled for our cereal and bombs being baked into our biscuits. We're born for this over at Nordic Ballers, a rare breed of Viking Basketball Warriors, the NBA got it's name from us! (Nordic Ballers Association for the mentally crippled out there) No longer will these youngin's clamor around like they run the place. To arms I say! And let us fight... for our... freedom!

Cliche's aside, we're really just looking to blow stuff up. So while we're rolling the gays and the UCLA prepares a class action lawsuit against us, just remember, All Your Balls Are Belong To Us.

Oh yeah, and a shoutout to OP, did we steal your targets again?


E: TFK is declaring too


Edited by lonewolfe2015
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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1296894719' post='2620293']
What happened to your guys tournament thingy and staying out of AA wars? Not that I mind seeing GR get whooped, just curious.
This isn't PS.

And let's be honest, while our guys had no intention of warring this round besides to defend PS (we thought more people would attack us, and they would be used to defend PS) no one hit us, so their nations got quite large. Large enough that they were going to be rogued at one time or another. So, we thought we'd make it fairly easy for everyone on who to attack (to not disrupt our tourney but still rogue us) by making NB. Hit NB and the tourney can still continue, hit PS and it gets jacked up.

Of course, one of the counters already is against one of the last three tourney players.

Please peace out this nation: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000116

That nation, myself, and Schad will all be attacked soon enough (by each other). If not, we're really not going to be happy that you can't keep PS separate.

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I quite enjoyed the fact that they have down declared on us and hit a few of the remaining tournament players.

If any of our adoring fans wouldn't mind protecting Pork Shrimp while we engage in this war along with anyone we send over there, we'd appreciate the sentiments.

I am curious though, what's GR going to do now? They began roguing us early on in the night to try and take us out, but it seems to have backfired.

Guess we rolled em the wrong way?

Oh, and btw, I guess they can't read between alliances? Nordic Ballers is not Pork Shrimp... but we did destroy their flag runners too, poor guys must be upset.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1296925258' post='2620583']
If any of our adoring fans wouldn't mind protecting Pork Shrimp while we engage in this war along with anyone we send over there, we'd appreciate the sentiments.

I'm an adoring fan! If Pork Shrimp has any need of additional security, they can feel free to let me know :awesome:

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[quote name='bcortell' timestamp='1296922591' post='2620548']
This isn't PS.

And let's be honest, while our guys had no intention of warring this round besides to defend PS (we thought more people would attack us, and they would be used to defend PS) no one hit us, so their nations got quite large. Large enough that they were going to be rogued at one time or another. So, we thought we'd make it fairly easy for everyone on who to attack (to not disrupt our tourney but still rogue us) by making NB. Hit NB and the tourney can still continue, hit PS and it gets jacked up.

Of course, one of the counters already is against one of the last three tourney players.

Please peace out this nation: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=1000116

That nation, myself, and Schad will all be attacked soon enough (by each other). If not, we're really not going to be happy that you can't keep PS separate.

[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1296925258' post='2620583']
I quite enjoyed the fact that they have down declared on us and hit a few of the remaining tournament players.

If any of our adoring fans wouldn't mind protecting Pork Shrimp while we engage in this war along with anyone we send over there, we'd appreciate the sentiments.

I am curious though, what's GR going to do now? They began roguing us early on in the night to try and take us out, but it seems to have backfired.

Guess we rolled em the wrong way?

Oh, and btw, I guess they can't read between alliances? Nordic Ballers is not Pork Shrimp... but we did destroy their flag runners too, poor guys must be upset.

Sorry, but in my opinion, switching AAs from PS to NB does not take away from the fact that those nations had all that time to build up in PS without being attacked. Also, it seems you have gone against what you said when declaring yourselves "nuetral" for the round.

[quote]Every few rounds, we take a break from the general hither and thither of TE to do something bizarre. This is going to be one of those rounds.

For Round 15, Pork Shrimp is going to be holding a dueling tournament involving our members. It'll consist of a group stage and then 1v1 thereafter, which will last the entirety of the sixty days. Those nations who aren't participating are going to be ensuring that those who are don't get destroyed by random idiots, which would kinda ruin the whole thing.

So, in short: hands off. We're not going to be participating in any alliance vs. alliance wars, and this isn't a clever trick to keep people from attacking us so that we can later spring a trap...we're really, truly, happily spending the round beating the bejeezus out of ourselves. To avoid the problems that arise with inter-alliance spying and the like, it's possible that we'll split Pork Shrimp into a couple different bits at various times so that opposing sides are in different AAs. If that becomes necessary, they'll be clearly identified...so hands off those, too. Failure to do so will result in a sternly-worded letter and/or the destruction of all that you love.

Kindest regards,[/quote]

Then again, I can understand your large nations getting bored and wanting to war, but damn, did you really need so many? And couldnt you predict that by having so many nations not participating in the tournament would lead to them growing crazy big due to your "hands off" message? Also, GR seems to have pulled some stunts which some dont like I guess.

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1296941182' post='2620954']
Sorry, but in my opinion, switching AAs from PS to NB does not take away from the fact that those nations had all that time to build up in PS without being attacked. Also, it seems you have gone against what you said when declaring yourselves "nuetral" for the round.[/quote]

Not that *I'm* advocating this position, mind you...But now that they are Nordic Ballers, people are free to attack the alliance Nordic Ballers if they so chose. It's only those with the AA Pork Shrimp (from what I understand, anyway) that are off limits.

[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1296941182' post='2620954']
Then again, I can understand your large nations getting bored and wanting to war, but damn, did you really need so many? And couldnt you predict that by having so many nations not participating in the tournament would lead to them growing crazy big due to your "hands off" message?

LOL! Ah, StevieG, personally I've stopped attempting to predict just what anyone else will do or not do on Planet Steve. We (as a group) for instance, didn't have to have a crazy ultra destructive war just after the holiday season. Also, it's entirely possible that some group or individuals large or small could have decided to interrupt their games regardless of how many nations were sitting in the background playing the security role. If I were running a competition like that, I'd want too many nations as opposed to too few.

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1296941182' post='2620954']
Sorry, but in my opinion, switching AAs from PS to NB does not take away from the fact that those nations had all that time to build up in PS without being attacked. Also, it seems you have gone against what you said when declaring yourselves "nuetral" for the round.

Then again, I can understand your large nations getting bored and wanting to war, but damn, did you really need so many? And couldnt you predict that by having so many nations not participating in the tournament would lead to them growing crazy big due to your "hands off" message? Also, GR seems to have pulled some stunts which some dont like I guess.

At one point, there was about half of Pork Shrimp in the tournament. As people began losing, more piled up. We switched to NB at about halfway into the round in order to declare our separation from Pork Shrimp to not confuse people. We waited until the final 3 or 4 guys were left if I remember correctly, to even engage in war to make sure as little was interrupted as possible.

We didn't declare neutrality for anyone but those in PS, those in PS didn't war outside. If you weren't prepared for NB to go to war on you once we were on that AA for a couple weeks, not my fault. And if you attack an alliance not involved in Steve warfare because you were hit by someone else, kinda sad you can't read the AA differences.

We did our job protecting them, then changed our AA's to make sure people saw the distinction, what more do you want, a big post where we declare our independence and a big welcome sign to declaring on us? There has to be some sort of strategy involved once you're no longer neutral.

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1296941182' post='2620954']
Sorry, but in my opinion, switching AAs from PS to NB does not take away from the fact that those nations had all that time to build up in PS without being attacked. Also, it seems you have gone against what you said when declaring yourselves "nuetral" for the round.

Then again, I can understand your large nations getting bored and wanting to war, but damn, did you really need so many? And couldnt you predict that by having so many nations not participating in the tournament would lead to them growing crazy big due to your "hands off" message? Also, GR seems to have pulled some stunts which some dont like I guess.

Again, we had people move to NB after a few got rogued. At that time we still had about a dozen guys in the tourney, and it was pure luck that none of them got hit. To avoid anyone in the tourney getting hit (or at least hoping to avoid that) we moved guys to NB as they got knocked out of the tourney. It's not like we moved to NB and then just started declaring war. I know they were still able to build for most of the round without war, which certainly is an advantage, but we thought this was the best option for people wanting to rogue us to not disrupt the tournament. This at least made them not PS and free to be attacked (or attack, though we wanted to give someone sufficient time to attack us).

About the growing crazy big- we really thought some would hit PS. So, they would be used to crush guys as quick as possible while those in the tourney took as little damage as possible.

I will say that Inst has been kind with working with me in trying to get peace for our three remaining tournament guys so that we can finish the tournament we started. We do appreciate that.

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Yeah, I understand. Just in my opinion moving to NB after spending 30 days plus building(some fighting without nukes), then attacking goes against your statement at the beginning of the round, particularly this.

[quote]We're not going to be participating in any alliance vs. alliance wars, and this isn't a clever trick to keep people from attacking us so that we can later spring a trap[/quote]

And, also IMO, saying that NB is not PS, so the "not participating in AA wars" doesnt apply for NB is not, if you are honest in keeping with the statement at the start of the round.

Personally, I didnt know what the hell you guys were up to when you moved to NB, and by that stage you were way too big for everyone who had been in real war, so it wasnt like anyone was gunna go toe to toe with you.

Perhaps if people knew that what PS intended to do was offshoot to NB after growing unopposed, only to launch aggressive AA wars then maybe they would have engaged you earlier. Because lets face it, PS and NB are one and the same. You dont have different forums or different Irc rooms as far as I am aware.

Anyways, dont mind me. Just that if I was in GRs shoes I would have felt hard done by here. And what the hell, bcortell always sticks his nose in our threads as well :P

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[quote name='StevieG' timestamp='1296965911' post='2621278']
Personally, I didnt know what the hell you guys were up to when you moved to NB, and by that stage you were way too big for everyone who had been in real war, so it wasnt like anyone was gunna go toe to toe with you.

Perhaps if people knew that what PS intended to do was offshoot to NB after growing unopposed, only to launch aggressive AA wars then maybe they would have engaged you earlier. Because lets face it, PS and NB are one and the same. You dont have different forums or different Irc rooms as far as I am aware.

What did you think the rest of us uninvolved folks were going to do? We were the defense, then we had nothing to do. There were some, like OP, GR and the various affiliated rogues out there, who were going to attack us. Might as well make ourselves useful and attack others, seeing as the roguing had begun anyways.

NB and PS are different entities, we originally held 2 boards during the first NB run (On Asgaard and Basketball Ninjas) for example.

Don't know why you're upset either, unless you were looking for a flag from one of the GR runners we destroyed.

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