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Joint Justitia - GOONS Announcement

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[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1296378253' post='2610895']
Hey CoJ and all the 10 alliances attacking us. Keep using your "strategy"

It's not like we've suffered worse.

Oh wait, I forgot about Roguefest 2010, in which the Ninjas were able to be more compelling opponents than all 10 of the alliances currently attacking us. Get another 10 and maybe you'll be able to compare. I'm not sure if this post is a complement to the Ninja's or an insult to your alliances.

I'll leave you to figure it out.

I'm glad to know CoJ is making you suffer right now. It's a shame more GOONS won't admit that their war prowess is nothing more than talk and that they're truly crying on the inside as their pixels burn around them. But, alas, they keep using their "strategy" of sending all their nations out to die at once in a misguided hope that it will somehow win them a war. What a silly idea.

Then again, what can I expect from a GOONS member who can't even decided what the topic of his post is about? Oh, hey, how about them Ninjas eh.

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[quote name='Lucius Aerilius' timestamp='1296372774' post='2610766']
Actually, I think someone (other than myself) called you out on letting your alliance burn while you hide away in PM. I didn't bring you up, though I'm sure you just got a little moist thinking that I did.

Speaking of, its awfully convenient of you to hide away, safe and sound, while all the followers of your Cult of Personality are taking it on the proverbial chin. I see you know all about quality leadership, standing amongst your zombies...

He isn't letting CoJ burn. If anything, we are gaining more in this war than what anyone could gain doing tech deals.

It's like Christmas except we are shooting Goons santa in the face and stealing his bag of goodies.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1296405940' post='2611186']
I'm glad to know CoJ is making you suffer right now. It's a shame more GOONS won't admit that their war prowess is nothing more than talk and that they're truly crying on the inside as their pixels burn around them. But, alas, they keep using their "strategy" of sending all their nations out to die at once in a misguided hope that it will somehow win them a war. What a silly idea.

Then again, what can I expect from a GOONS member who can't even decided what the topic of his post is about? Oh, hey, how about them Ninjas eh.
You really shouldn't put words in people's mouths, man. [img]http://cngoons.com/Board/Smileys/CN%20Emotes/frogbon.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296406279' post='2611192']
You really shouldn't put words in people's mouths, man. [img]http://cngoons.com/Board/Smileys/CN%20Emotes/frogbon.gif[/img]

You would know, wouldn't you?

It's not my fault your member admitted he had suffered worse, indicating he is currently suffering now. I suggest you comfort him as his tears will only feed Schattenmann to a point of near colossal size.

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[quote name='General Scipio' timestamp='1296378253' post='2610895']
Hey CoJ and all the 10 alliances attacking us. Keep using your "strategy"

It's not like we've suffered worse.

Oh wait, I forgot about Roguefest 2010, in which the Ninjas were able to be more compelling opponents than all 10 of the alliances currently attacking us. Get another 10 and maybe you'll be able to compare. I'm not sure if this post is a complement to the Ninja's or an insult to your alliances.

I'll leave you to figure it out.


You have a 58% anarchy rate right now. I'd say they aren't doing half bad.

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[quote name='Sargun' timestamp='1296406220' post='2611190']
I'm glad to see that of the three named rulers still here, one of them is Beefspari.
I'm always here, especially when I have nothing better to do. This thread in particular is always good for a laugh.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296402740' post='2611142']
SHOCK! Our NS is going DOWN? During a WAR? Say it isn't so! How could that be possible? Better surrender now; Admin knows NS charts are all that keep GOONS going. :rolleyes:

Oh wait, it's almost as if you added all 9 of the alliances that attacked us together, they've taken just as much damage as we have -- even totally ignoring the NPO front which is another 4m.

Hey look, MCXA's chart went down too. More than GOONS in fact. Guess you'll be surrendering now?


MCXA is not on the same front as GOONS, wether or not we're hurting has nothing to do with whether or not you're hurting.

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Another day has passed and I'm still without defensive wars while my three offensive wars were put down like rabid dogs after a single update. I expected a fight with nine alliances fighting us.

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[quote name='Cataduanes' timestamp='1296377430' post='2610879']
CoJ are anything but worthless Lucius, and such dismissal of others is unbecoming of an ODNista.

That is a little unfair man, there was a good deal of shame at those events that weighed equally heavy with ODN at the time yet ODN has moved on in a progressive fashion. Lucius is one guy whose views do not represent the whole of ODN.

E: Original post better suited to PM.
Unfortunately, in my experience ODN's not the ODN you left or the ODN I got to know (whether by embedded spies or negotiations). Representative of ODN on the whole or not, he's the only one out here [url="http://i.imgur.com/racRI.png"]and abroad[/url] aside from a few others also cheering on GOONS or with a smartass comment on the nature of CoJ, and that's what I've got to work with. For a brief moment ODN had a wide open field between being NPO and GGA's lapdog and being MK and Doomhouse's lapdog. Here we are. Maybe one day ODN can cheer itself on as I had hoped.

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1296410153' post='2611245']
Another day has passed and I'm still without defensive wars while my three offensive wars were put down like rabid dogs after a single update. I expected a fight with nine alliances fighting us.
You'll have to wait for them all to come out of peace mode. Of course, if they take too long, PB will win on the NpO side and come over to the NPO side. Actually, then maybe they won't come out of peace mode at all. It's safer in there.

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[quote name='zzzptm' timestamp='1296364464' post='2610481']
CoJ continues its run of victories. In the war of words, they just got several dozen anarchies and defeat alerts on their targets.

Words are SO much more powerful than nukes, but GOONS will learn that the hard way. This will be a long war of attrition, and each CoJ word brings them that much closer to their ultimate goal. Nobody will fear that end result now because they are unable to see it, like a man with a tapeworm or burrowing parasite. In enough time, the influence will be insidious and decisive.

Princes are stronger than stonecutters,
Emperors stronger than princes,
Storms stronger than emperors,
Mountains stronger than storms...
But the destruction of the mountain comes from the slow, steady efforts of a lone stonecutter, chipping away at its base.
I'm sorry, I can't read this without the blue text.

Edited by Udelar Johnson
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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296357469' post='2610281']
Speak for yourself man. Most of us are doing just fine, and we haven't asked anyone to help us. I'd really rather be staring down a fast trip back to raiding range, but so far the three people I'm fighting aren't doing anything worth talking about.[/quote]

I had to laugh at this, most of you are doing fine and havent asked for anyone to help you? please thats as blatant of a lie ive ever heard, because your "upper/mid" tier as well as your lower tier have recieved after only 4-5 days fighting 414 mill of foriegn war aid (yourself included) if that isnt getting help then i dunno what is :huh:

GGA: who needs WRC when we have NPO

flashforward to 2011

GOONS: who needs warchest when we got MK/Umbrella :smug:

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296411096' post='2611257']
You'll have to wait for them all to come out of peace mode. Of course, if they take too long, PB will win on the NpO side and come over to the NPO side. Actually, then maybe they won't come out of peace mode at all. It's safer in there.
CoJ's lower tier isn't in PM, and the person you were talking to has about 5k of NS. I don't think CoJ's top tier members can DoW on him even if they weren't in PM.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1296332416' post='2609815']
I always find it hilarious when the opposition coalition in a war shouts about nations in peace mode. Gentlemen, let me introduce you to strategy. Strategy means not sending all your nations to the battlefield at once. Strategy means having a plan and not spouting about reparations before the war is over. Continue your ignorant ramblings though - it is making a lot of us laugh.
We all know the strategy involving peace mode. What we're saying is that you aren't keeping your nations in PM as a strategy but instead because you're a bunch of cowards.

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1296414866' post='2611333']
We all know the strategy involving peace mode. What we're saying is that you aren't keeping your nations in PM as a strategy but instead because you're a bunch of cowards.

Let's be honest here: People who think Schatt is a coward are literally retarded. That's like saying FAN are a bunch of ******* and ODN is honourable. Some things just don't make sense.

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[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1296414866' post='2611333']
We all know the strategy involving peace mode. What we're saying is that you aren't keeping your nations in PM as a strategy but instead because you're a bunch of cowards.
I'll believe the "coward" label when I see it proved on the battlefields.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1296414030' post='2611317']
I had to laugh at this, most of you are doing fine and havent asked for anyone to help you? please thats as blatant of a lie ive ever heard, because your "upper/mid" tier as well as your lower tier have recieved after only 4-5 days fighting 414 mill of foriegn war aid (yourself included) if that isnt getting help then i dunno what is :huh:

GGA: who needs WRC when we have NPO

flashforward to 2011

GOONS: who needs warchest when we got MK/Umbrella :smug:
I said we didn't [i]ask[/i] for help. Umbrella wanted to send aid to keep their slot efficiency up, since we're no longer selling them tech. They bug us constantly to find people to send money to. The two I have I didn't even need, I just couldn't find anyone else.

[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1296414180' post='2611320']
CoJ's lower tier isn't in PM, and the person you were talking to has about 5k of NS. I don't think CoJ's top tier members can DoW on him even if they weren't in PM.
Good point.

In that case I'll just have to assume that the 10 alliances we're fighting are simply incompetent. You can check yourself to see how heavily outnumbered we are, yet there are still tons of unused defensive slots.

[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1296415091' post='2611336']
I'll believe the "coward" label when I see it proved on the battlefields.
It's being proved right now, live, and in color. Schat declared war, and isn't participating -- for fear of having his alliance flattened by the likes of MK, Umbrella, and allies. It's also why he made sure to be the last of the alliances to declare. If he actually was fighting the coward comment wouldn't apply. But he's not, so it does.

Edited by Beefspari
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[quote name='Markus Wilding' timestamp='1296415351' post='2611343']

You were saying?
We all know you have a small number of nations at war, it's that small amount and the make-up of those nations that are under discussion.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1296415372' post='2611345']
1. I said we didn't [i]ask[/i] for help. Umbrella wanted to send aid to keep their slot efficiency up, since we're no longer selling them tech. They bug us constantly to find people to send money to. The two I have I didn't even need, I just couldn't find anyone else.

2. Good point.

In that case I'll just have to assume that the 10 alliances we're fighting are simply incompetent. You can check yourself to see how heavily outnumbered we are, yet there are still tons of unused defensive slots.
1. Why would they ship their money away if their ally didn't need them? Wouldn't be better suited for folks with depleted warchests?

2. Managing war is hard, determining who needs help the most and allocating support to such members is even harder.

However, if you are so upset over unfilled defensive slots, you can mail a list of such bored members to the 10 alliances. I'm sure they will appreciate it.

[quote name='Kowalski' timestamp='1296415645' post='2611352']
Not you personally, your alliance.

Patience. They will come to serve your alliance glow sticks on silver platters when most of your folks aren't expecting the surprise.

Edited by HHAYD
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