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A Briefish Comment on GOONS


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[quote name='Carrick' timestamp='1296184073' post='2606594']
Hey if you care about the game that much that you have such a strong emotional response to it more power to you man.

OOC: Honestly, my dislike for GOONS reaches back to EVE Online. Didn't like them there, don't like them here.

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[quote name='SiCkO' timestamp='1296179955' post='2606474']
It was a typo, I meant to say, I'm sorry we are on different sides.

best of luck legion, i still love you guys :)

Then if that's what you mean, [i]mea culpa[/i].

See you on our boards, where I'll probably still talk smack to you. :P

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1296174930' post='2606355']
I think i will, infact i know i will survive alot longer than a couple of days. Unless you talking about "You" as in NPO then please show me this magic 8 ball you're using, because going of commom sense, it will be you before us ;)

Speaking of common sense, you might want to try reading the post I quoted to figure out what the hell I was responding to.

[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1296174930' post='2606355']
Nah they got balls, you aint, thats abit harsh maybe you have but not your goverment doesnt as all they say whether its in wars or fighting rogues "Our allies will destroy you, blah blah blah" its like they a prison !@#$%* who get their boyfriend to deal with everything because you cant harm no one :v:

Hahaha....there's nothing better than a vocal Mr. Nobody to put us in our places. "they got balls, you aint"....truly a masterpiece of commentary on this war. You, sir, epitomize ignorance. Good for you.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1296190952' post='2606785']
Speaking of common sense, you might want to try reading the post I quoted to figure out what the hell I was responding to.[/quote]

You was responding to mine, here have a cookie.

[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1296190952' post='2606785']
Hahaha....there's nothing better than a vocal Mr. Nobody to put us in our places. "they got balls, you aint"....truly a masterpiece of commentary on this war. You, sir, epitomize ignorance. Good for you.

You looking in a mirror buddy because you're a nobody, just because i dont post regular in here doesnt make me one as there is more to do in this world than spam in here to be a "somebody" like you, so do yourself a favour before trying to insult me with [b]your[/b] ignorance.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1296223756' post='2607391']
Im sorry you have difficulty reading, its expected from the standard IQ where you reside.

Don't you have some boys in an orange muscle car to catch?

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poor uneducated GOONS, how desperate you and yours sound. Here is a golden oppurtunity for you to relish in the knowledge that you have your war with us, but alas we read naught but the petty and tame insults we've all seen before. I will gladly burn your nations to the ground, pillaging what little i find there, comfortable in the knowledge that i am doing this world a service that goes beyond ties and pacts, to that wonderful thing called comradery.

Edited by DanDesade
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[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1296230455' post='2607478']
your friend dan seems upset is all. Is his girdle on too tight?
Remember, this is Legion, the alliance that disbanded, then got couped and undisbanded, only to agree to reps \m/ disbanded to not take. Something tells me you don't have much to fear from them.

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1296223756' post='2607391']
Im sorry you have difficulty reading, its expected from the standard IQ where you reside.
you shouldnt argue with him. he thinks post count makes his opinion matter and unless his first language is not english, then his reading capabilities are clearly negligible, punctuation,spelling and useing the wrong word dont make it un readable unless you are some kind of retard or there are lots of mistakes it can be difficult to read, people who complain about things like 'was' just cant think of a comeback or anything original to say so have to resort to insulting the words and not even looking at what the words mean.

btw just to be clear the person who quoted saying some crap about i stopped reading here'was' is a !"£$%^&

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[quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1296184176' post='2606596']
OOC: Honestly, my dislike for GOONS reaches back to EVE Online. Didn't like them there, don't like them here.
OOC: Funny you should mention that, I have more skillpoints than most legion members have warchests (110m SP),I'm not in goonswarm though.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1296265393' post='2608274']
Remember, this is Legion, the alliance that disbanded, then got couped and undisbanded, only to agree to reps \m/ disbanded to not take. Something tells me you don't have much to fear from them.
if theres nothing to fear...why dont you fight them...if you already are...fight more of them...after all there not a threat....

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[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296266159' post='2608289']
if theres nothing to fear...why dont you fight them...if you already are...fight more of them...after all there not a threat....
while I am a GOON I am not in GOONS.

Figure that one out :D

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1296266279' post='2608290']
while I am a GOON I am not in GOONS.

Figure that one out :D
your a wannabe GOON but your not GOON enough so GOON would not accept you. all people with the right amount of GOON are in GOON and therefore it is evident that you do not posses the correct amount of GOONess and therefore are Wanting to have the correct level of GOONess = You are a wannabe GOON

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[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296266513' post='2608293']
your a wannabe GOON but your not GOON enough so GOON would not accept you. all people with the right amount of GOON are in GOON and therefore it is evident that you do not posses the correct amount of GOONess and therefore are Wanting to have the correct level of GOONess = You are a wannabe GOON

Are you purposely being this retarded?

If you are too dumb to understand what I meant, I am not explaining it to you. Others understand it, and if they take pity on you I'll let them explain it to you. If they don't care to I'll just go ahead and let this one sail right over your head little man.

Edited by Caliph
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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1296266702' post='2608296']

Are you purposely being this retarded?

If you are too dumb to understand what I meant, I am not explaining it to you. Others understand it, and if they take pity on you I'll let them explain it to you. If they don't care to I'll just go ahead and let this one sail right over your head little man.
who is them and they?

you said...you are a goon but are not in goons.

occ: (thats wat you say when talk bout rl????) if i call someone a goon. then it is an insult... so to me youve just said.. 'iam a retard but im not in goons'

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[quote name='The Catalyst' timestamp='1296268271' post='2608345']
who is them and they?

you said...you are a goon but are not in goons.

occ: (thats wat you say when talk bout rl????) if i call someone a goon. then it is an insult... so to me youve just said.. 'iam a retard but im not in goons'
Another swing and a miss.
I would have thought there was enough context to GOONS not in this world but in others for someone as dim as you to make a connection.
Perhaps we should've connected the dots for you in bright colours so you can't miss it.

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