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Okay, just kidding theres nothing funny about what happened tonight, imo.

Normally I don't approve of log-dumping, but I also didn't approve of the war on NPO.

So heres how it all went down.

[quote][22:25] <@ChiefStubbs> What the $%&@ @ Doomhouse
[22:33] <@ChiefStubbs> Also, EmperorMarx, this is actually a really good idea.
[22:34] <@ChiefStubbs> You want us to mean something?
[22:34] <@ChiefStubbs> Here's our chance.
[22:34] <@Margrave> What, join DoomHouse?
[22:34] <~EmperorMarx> Can't just hit NPO if we do this
[22:34] <~EmperorMarx> That's just lame
[22:34] <~EmperorMarx> So let's hit someone else too
[22:34] <~EmperorMarx> Personallly
[22:34] <~EmperorMarx> I want NATO
[22:34] <@Margrave> YES
[22:34] <@ChiefStubbs> Join Doomhouse, turn it into UJP 2.0, and wreck !@#$@#$ shop.
[22:35] <@ChiefStubbs> But I want to be in on the talks with DoomHouse. My idea, I demand credit.
[22:35] <@ChiefStubbs> :P
[22:40] <@ChiefStubbs> Let's not second guess this, Marx.
[22:40] <@ChiefStubbs> We have to start talks now.
[22:40] <~EmperorMarx> Then go
[22:40] <~EmperorMarx> Talk to whoever, I guess
[22:41] <@ChiefStubbs> Haha, you giving me official authority?
[22:41] <~EmperorMarx> whether they agree or not is moot since we'll probably go to war again anytway
[22:41] <~EmperorMarx> Sure
[22:41] <~EmperorMarx> Just don't say or agree to anything you know everyone wouldn't like here
[22:42] <@ChiefStubbs> Basically, roll with my proposal?
[22:42] <@Margrave> ..
[22:43] <@Margrave> look
[22:43] <@Margrave> we ain't so tight with friggin Shrooms
[22:43] <@Margrave> the GOONS, well, we'll see.
[22:43] <@Margrave> we already had this big realization of "We are our own alliance, we will be free even if it kills us"
[22:43] <@ChiefStubbs> So who shall I hit up? Shrooms, GOONS, or Umbrella?
[22:44] <@Margrave> before we hop into the !@#$@#$ furnace, \m/ates, take like five seconds and figure if this is what ya'll want
[22:44] <@ChiefStubbs> It is, Margrave. This is our legacy and our birthright.
[22:45] <@Margrave> ...then I want to ask something of all of you, in order for me to endorse this.
[22:45] <@Margrave> well, both of you anyways
[22:46] <@Margrave> !@#$@#$ commit. Swear to me that the both of you will do this thing until the house burns down around us
[22:47] <@ChiefStubbs> You got me bro. I should've never left the AA when we disbanded, but I stayed til two days after we did. I'm here til nobody else is.
[22:47] <@Margrave> Marx?
[22:47] <~EmperorMarx> I'm here until I delete
[22:48] <@Margrave> All right.
[22:48] <~EmperorMarx> And I planned on retiring from office in the MArch elections anyway
[22:48] <@Margrave> And one more thing...
[22:48] <@Margrave> I want to write/help write the DoW
[22:48] <~EmperorMarx> better get to it then
[22:48] <@Margrave> since it's going to be tonight and all
[22:48] <@Margrave> $%&@ YE$
03[22:51] * Margrave is now known as WRITINGGRAVE
[22:59] <@ChiefStubbs> So, i'm gonna have to narq on my friend. !@#$.
[23:00] <~EmperorMarx> what
[23:01] <@WRITINGGRAVE> ?
[23:02] <@ChiefStubbs> One of the people in our Clinical group narqed on her for smoking around us, and I have to confirm the story or I'll get in trouble.
03[23:07] * EmperorMarx is now known as Liberal_Extinction
03[23:09] * Supreme has joined #Govern\m/ent
03[23:09] * Roleplay sets mode: +o Supreme
03[23:10] * Liberal_Extinction is now known as EmperorMarx
[23:13] <@WRITINGGRAVE> Okay
[23:13] <@WRITINGGRAVE> what do you think of the War Sermon
[23:13] <@WRITINGGRAVE> $%&@ this, I'll just do this in >_<.cn
03[23:28] * Caliph has joined #Govern\m/ent
03[23:28] * Roleplay sets mode: +o Caliph
[23:30] <@Caliph> so
[23:30] <@Caliph> reformation of UJP?
[23:30] <@Caliph> and war with NPO?
[23:30] <@Caliph> for the lulz or srs bzs?
[23:31] <@ChiefStubbs> Kinda both.
[23:33] <@Caliph> wow
[23:33] <@Caliph> Doommhouse first striked NPO
[23:33] <@Caliph> guess they got tired of waiting for NPO to legitly enter
[23:34] <@Caliph> also
[23:34] <@Caliph> wtf is with the UJP thing?
[23:34] <@Caliph> and we're DOWing someone?
03[23:35] * WRITINGGRAVE is now known as Margrave
[23:37] <@Caliph> so wtf is going on?
[23:38] <@ChiefStubbs> EmperorMarx, we're recreating the Unjust Path solo.
[23:38] <@Caliph> who are we DOWing?
[23:38] <@ChiefStubbs> NPO.
[23:38] <@Caliph> for srs?
[23:38] <@ChiefStubbs> Yeah.
[23:39] <@Caliph> ...why?
[23:39] <~EmperorMarx> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97709
[23:39] <@Caliph> why the $%&@ are we hitting NPO?
[23:39] <@Caliph> for Doomhouse?
[23:39] <~EmperorMarx> no
[23:39] <~EmperorMarx> Because we want to
[23:40] <@Caliph> ...
[23:40] <@Caliph> why?
[23:40] <@Caliph> we're hitting them for some !@#$ in 2007?
[23:41] <@ChiefStubbs> Caliph, this is \m/.
[23:41] <@Caliph> ya
[23:41] <@Caliph> but we don't hit random folks
[23:41] <@Caliph> well random aligned folks anyway
[23:41] <@ChiefStubbs> Since when has NPO been random folks? We predicted we'd die in this war anyway, we might as well do it for something we want to do.
[23:42] <@Caliph> we're not dying
06[23:42] * @Weezy yawns
01[23:42] <@Weezy> so what have I missed
[23:42] <@Caliph> we could've gotten a peace out of it
01[23:42] <@Weezy> I fell asleep
[23:42] <@Caliph> but hiting NPO just makes us look like a bunch of !@#$@#$ tools
[23:42] <@Caliph> let them Doomhouse !@#$%* have their fun
[23:42] <@Caliph> why the $%&@ are we in on it?
[23:42] <@ChiefStubbs> Because it's fun.
[23:43] <@ChiefStubbs> Above all, Caliph, this is a GAME.
[23:44] <@Caliph> ya, it is a game
[23:44] <@Caliph> but we had some goodwill
[23:44] <@Caliph> it seems like ya'll are ready for a FAN
[23:44] <@ChiefStubbs> Do you not stand by this?
[23:44] <@Caliph> bandwagoning like a !@#$%*
[23:45] <@Caliph> i do not agree with this decision
01[23:45] <@Weezy> wtf happened
01[23:45] <@Weezy> >.>
[23:45] <@ChiefStubbs> Is it gonna make you leave the alliance?
[23:45] <@Caliph> i have never left an alliance in a war
[23:46] <@ChiefStubbs> Then what's the problem, amigo? Enjoy the dissonance!
[23:46] <@Caliph> heh
[23:46] <@Caliph> although you may not see me stick around for much longer than the war
[23:47] <@ChiefStubbs> It's gonna be a long war, I imagine.
[23:47] <@ChiefStubbs> And besides, apparently RoK still has our back.
[23:51] <@Caliph> doesn't matter
[23:51] <@Caliph> after this war
[23:51] <@Caliph> i'm out
03[23:54] * ddog241`Away has joined #Govern\m/ent
03[23:54] * Roleplay sets mode: +o ddog241`Away
[23:54] <@ddog241`Away> soup
[23:55] <@ChiefStubbs> You'll be a bit surprised
[23:56] <~EmperorMarx> Declare on NPO, ddog
[23:57] <@ddog241`Away> for real
[23:57] <@ChiefStubbs> Yep!
01[23:57] <@Weezy> So where exactly did this come from?
[23:57] <@ChiefStubbs> Me, actually.
01[23:58] <@Weezy> Heh. Now I know why is was *THAT* easy to win an election hear
01[23:58] <@Weezy> *here
[23:58] <@ddog241`Away> Cyber Nations is currently too busy to process your request at this time. Please try again later.
[23:58] <@ddog241`Away> lol
07[23:59] <@ChiefStubbs> Weezy, this is as \m/ as \m/ gets.
[23:59] <@ddog241`Away> welp we broke CN
Session Time: Tue Jan 25 00:00:02 2011
01[00:00] <@Weezy> sucking the !@#$ of GOONS/Umb/MK
01[00:00] <@Weezy> thats as \m/ as \m/ gets?
[00:01] <@ChiefStubbs> If you want to look at it like that, then you're in every right to do so.
[00:01] <@Caliph> attention
[00:01] <@Supreme> I don't get it either...
[00:01] <@Caliph> i am stepping down as gov
01[00:01] <@Weezy> I want to look at it as.. I'm the MoIA
01[00:01] <@Weezy> and wasn't informed until I woke up and saw and DoW
01[00:01] <@Weezy> *a
07[00:01] <@Caliph> neither was i Weezy
[00:01] <@Caliph> i found out by reading the dow
[00:01] <@ChiefStubbs> We had limited time.
01[00:01] <@Weezy> Yea, consider this my resignation as well
[00:01] <@Caliph> after the war is done, i am leaving \m/
[00:01] <@ddog241`Away> so this is a official dow?
[00:02] <@Caliph> i didn't help us come back for this
[00:02] <@Caliph> we officially $%&@ed up our last year of FA
[00:02] <@ChiefStubbs> In such a case, however, whoever chooses to resign may do so, it's fully within everyone's rights.
01[00:03] <@Weezy> yea, you can have ur MoIA spot back.
[00:05] <@Caliph> i resign from deputy \m/land and rain machine operator
01[00:05] <@Weezy> So.. a hardly active member gets the bright idea to bandwagon on doomhouse, and Marx acts on it?!
01[00:06] <@Weezy> this is what ur telling me...
01[00:06] <@Weezy> I just want to make 100% i'm right before I decide my next move
[00:06] <@ChiefStubbs> Let's be fair, Acetone, Ty, TJ, J8, and Margrave all bandwagoned on it too.
[00:06] <@ChiefStubbs> I have sway.
[00:06] <@ChiefStubbs> Apparently.
[00:06] <~EmperorMarx> I just don't give a $%&@ anymore. I put so much work into this alliance with little to show for it for the longest time
[00:07] <~EmperorMarx> Or the "problems" people have with it
[00:07] <~EmperorMarx> Everybody wants \m/ to be \m/
[00:07] <~EmperorMarx> This is \m/.
[00:07] <~EmperorMarx> Maybe
[00:07] <~EmperorMarx> We wouldn't have done this so retardedly years ago
[00:07] <@Supreme> Things were turning around... this isn't the way \m/ is supposed to be.
06[00:08] * ~EmperorMarx shrugs
[00:08] <~EmperorMarx> I know
01[00:08] <@Weezy> You know... you could've given someone else another chance at running \m/
01[00:08] <@Weezy> besides !@#$@#$ us all over
[00:08] <@ddog241`Away> IMO this was a bad idea
[00:08] <@Caliph> this is not \m/
[00:08] <@Caliph> this is bandwagoning on a side that has done nothing to us for 3 years
[00:08] <@ChiefStubbs> If this isn't \m/, then I dunno what is. I've been calling for a shakeup like this for months now, it's about damn time somebody listened.
01[00:10] <@Weezy> Maybe if half of the $%&@s who supported this actually worked to do anything in \m/, they would've had a different opinion on this matter
07[00:11] <@ChiefStubbs> Don't try me, Weezy. I was a big part in keeping this !@#$@#$ alliance together when everything went to hell in August. I've put a lot into this.
[00:11] <@ChiefStubbs> And this makes me proud.
[00:11] <~EmperorMarx> It wasn't fair to everyone, I know. But I'll tell you guys what. I'm going on "administrative leave"
[00:11] <~EmperorMarx> Indefinitely.
[00:12] <~EmperorMarx> Which means someone else is taking over in an official capacity
01[00:12] <@Weezy> Merrie
[00:12] <~EmperorMarx> Probably but he really isn't that active.
[00:12] <@ChiefStubbs> Chain of command dictates it be Merrie; his lack of activity makes that difficulty; past that, I believe the job is up to Supreme, if he's up for it.
[00:13] <~EmperorMarx> He'd do a better job than I could *shrugs* Though this is a mess, it's pretty easy fix. At least compared to my other major $%&@ up
[00:13] <@Supreme> We see what Merrie says as defacto commander.
[00:13] <~EmperorMarx> Man I can't tell you about how great this feels to have this weight off my shoulders
[00:13] <@ChiefStubbs> Supreme, if Merrie's not active enough and you're not up to it, I can help out.
[00:14] <~EmperorMarx> I know what CSM felt like
02[00:14] * @Margrave Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[00:14] <@ddog241`Away> well, we seemed to have killed the game.... literally
01[00:15] <@Weezy> its workin for me
[00:15] <@ChiefStubbs> Ddog, are you gonna stick around?
[00:15] <@ddog241`Away> im here
[00:15] <@ChiefStubbs> As in, in government capacity and in the alliance.
[00:15] <@ddog241`Away> yes i will
[00:16] <@ChiefStubbs> Good man.
[00:16] <@ddog241`Away> i do not agree with us hitting NPO. IMO bad idea. but whats done is done
03[00:21] * Margrave has joined #Govern\m/ent
03[00:21] * Roleplay sets mode: +o Margrave
[00:21] <@Margrave> what's good
07[00:21] <@ChiefStubbs> Caliph, Supreme, and Weezy are mad
[00:21] <@ChiefStubbs> MAD MAD MAD
[00:22] <~EmperorMarx> Well
[00:22] <~EmperorMarx> This was retarded, for real
[00:22] <~EmperorMarx> I know this
[00:22] <@ChiefStubbs> Do you regret it?
[00:22] <~EmperorMarx> Yes
[00:22] <~EmperorMarx> I regret a lot of things
[00:22] <~EmperorMarx> Though lately it's all pertained to this game
[00:23] <~EmperorMarx> But now, I don't care
[00:23] <@ChiefStubbs> Good man. Margrave and I will run ship til we can talk to Merrie, that cool with you?
[00:23] <~EmperorMarx> Either through death or survival of \m/, you'll end up just fine
[00:23] <~EmperorMarx> Uh
01[00:23] <@Weezy> Yea, thats a bright idea
[00:23] <~EmperorMarx> I'm thinking Supreme should take the reigns until merrie is on. I mean I'll be on tomorrow
[00:24] <@ChiefStubbs> By run ship, I just mean keep things level. And alrighty.
[00:24] <@Margrave> Whatever works
[00:24] <~EmperorMarx> but I already know how pissed off merrie si going to be
[00:24] <@Margrave> jeez
[00:24] <@Margrave> yeah
[00:24] <@Margrave> we overdid it, yah
[00:24] <@Margrave> but I don't regret it
01[00:24] <@Weezy> you don't regret putting this whole alliance in a !@#$ position
01[00:24] <@Weezy> and or loosing people who were actually trying to help bring \m/ back
[00:24] <@ChiefStubbs> Not one bit.
07[00:25] <@Margrave> Weezy.
[00:25] <~EmperorMarx> I regret reforming \m/, tbh. Shouldn't have been my decision to make.
[00:25] <~EmperorMarx> I shouldn't have even had a say
[00:25] <@Margrave> Marx.
[00:25] <@Margrave> Stop EMOing
[00:25] <~EmperorMarx> It's not emoing, sir
[00:25] <@Margrave> you boldly steered us here. Now you can use all of us as you may, but you will be boldly steering this !@#$%* out.
[00:26] <~EmperorMarx> It's outright fact. I was never in \m/. Sure I was around then. Yes I knew about you guys. Never actually was in it. I did fight polar though
06[00:26] * ~EmperorMarx shrugs
[00:26] <@Margrave> Hi
[00:26] <@Margrave> don't give a !@#$
[00:26] <@Margrave> We're here on the cusp.
[00:26] <@ChiefStubbs> Haha, I thought you said you were a member.
[00:26] <@Margrave> we either fight or we disband in seven days like fags
[00:26] <~EmperorMarx> I did. Figured it was the only way I could keep hanging around here in 2008
[00:26] <~EmperorMarx> and it snowballed.
[00:26] <~EmperorMarx> And snowballed.
[00:26] <~EmperorMarx> And snowballed.
[00:27] <@Margrave> Don't have a breakdown, Marx.
[00:27] <@Margrave> Query.
[00:27] <@Margrave> now.
[00:27] <~EmperorMarx> it's not a breakdown
[00:27] <~EmperorMarx> I'm just taking these weights off my shoulders
[00:27] <~EmperorMarx> But anyway
[00:27] <~EmperorMarx> \m/ will survive this
[00:28] <~EmperorMarx> Most likely without me anywhere in the cockpit
[00:28] <~EmperorMarx> You guys did way more to keep this alliance going than I ever have.
[00:28] <~EmperorMarx> And we've been through far worse
[00:29] <~EmperorMarx> But after almost 5 years of this game I can say I had my fun. Which is the whole point
[00:29] <~EmperorMarx> so
[00:30] <~EmperorMarx> Supreme's in charge as defacto commander until Merrie is on to make decisions.
[00:30] <~EmperorMarx> Because
[00:30] <~EmperorMarx> He's not a part of this
[00:30] <~EmperorMarx> And he's not prone to do stupid things like me
[00:30] <~EmperorMarx> It's probably best that I at the very least retain the title of office until things settle down
[00:31] <~EmperorMarx> Make the transition smoothly
01[00:31] <@Weezy> I disagree
01[00:31] <@Weezy> but w/e
[00:31] <~EmperorMarx> I understand that
01[00:31] <@Weezy> I think if anything someone needs to take over as a non elected authority until !@#$'s done
[00:31] <~EmperorMarx> I'd want me out now too.
[00:31] <~EmperorMarx> Well
[00:31] <~EmperorMarx> Supreme is non-elected.
[00:32] <@Margrave> okay
[00:32] <~EmperorMarx> If he wants it, he's got it for the time being at least until Merrie is on.
[00:32] <@Margrave> this guilt train breakdown everybody catches the depressing crazies fest needs to stop
[00:32] <@ChiefStubbs> Margrave, I've been trying to query you forever and it won't work.
03[00:34] * EmperorMarx is now known as EM|Away
[00:34] <@ChiefStubbs> So !@#$%*, query me.
[00:35] <~EM|Away> is there anything anyone has to say to me before I go to bed now?
01[00:35] <@Weezy> Die?
01[00:35] <@Weezy> lol j/k
[00:35] <~EM|Away> Who knows
01[00:35] <@Weezy> Um.. Goodnight, sleep tight
[00:35] <@ddog241`Away> good luck man
01[00:35] <@Weezy> that is all.
[00:36] <@Supreme> Sigh, Nah go get your rest.
[00:36] <@ddog241`Away> hope things get better
[00:36] <@ChiefStubbs> Marx: you've continued to prove yourself as the ballsiest leader I've served under since R.
[00:36] <~EM|Away> No, supreme if you want to say something go ahead. You deserve to get your word in.
[00:36] <@Margrave> Stubbs, I queried you
[00:37] <@ChiefStubbs> Oh !@#$%*, this !@#$ isn't working then. You on Coldfront?
[00:37] <@Supreme> Oh I already got my word of disagreement in, I just was wanting to go 3 months without a crisis.
01[00:39] <@Weezy> lol. our topic has been viewed over 2,000 times
01[00:39] <@Weezy> almost up to NPO's
[00:40] <@Margrave> yep
[00:40] <@Margrave> what chan you in Stubby
[00:40] <@Margrave> yep.
[00:41] <@ChiefStubbs> Errr
[00:41] <@ChiefStubbs> ?
[00:41] <~EM|Away> 01:37 @ChiefStubbs • Marx: you've continued to prove yourself as the ballsiest leader I've served under since R. <--- ? I can't be compared to someone who did way way way way better than I did. Stupidity doesn't equal balls anyway
[00:41] <@ChiefStubbs> The self-loathing is unfortunate. Basically, I'm gonna ignore everything you just said and reiterate my previous statement.
[00:42] <~EM|Away> lol it's not self-loathing but ok!
[00:44] <~EM|Away> http://blinging13.com/forums/index.php?topic=2047.0
[00:45] <~EM|Away> There it's official
[00:45] <~EM|Away> Adios
02[00:45] * ~EM|Away Quit (Quit: )
[00:47] <@Margrave> $%&@in
02[00:48] * @Margrave Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
03[00:52] * Margrave has joined #Govern\m/ent
03[00:52] * Roleplay sets mode: +o Margrave
03[00:52] * @Caliph has left #Govern\m/ent
[00:55] <@Supreme> So limited options, Disbandments out... Tactical withdrawl is my recommended course of action, Pending what our New defacto president has to say when MM gets on.
[00:56] <@ChiefStubbs> Margrave and I have agreed to wait for Merrie's word.
[00:56] <@ChiefStubbs> You want to string up both of us and Marx, wait for Merrie, as well.
[00:58] <@Supreme> My want's are takin a backseat to \m/'s needs. But I hope MM gets on soon.
[00:59] <@Margrave> Glad you still have your priorities straight, Supreme.
[01:00] <@ChiefStubbs> You were purely objective in August, Supreme. Please do the same and let it be known that Marx, Stubbs, Margrave, Acetone, Ty, Thomas Jackson, and Jason 8 fully backed this war and this change of directions 100%.
[01:02] <@Margrave> Yep. If we gotta burn, might as well do it together. But truthfully, this is a great day and I hope we can win enough to warrant a greater reputation...and an \m/ out of the shadow of our disbandment.
[01:03] <@Margrave> But I've got to be a Marine tommorow, like I am every day
[01:03] <@Margrave> so I'm going to sleep.
[01:03] <@Supreme> I think we bit off more than we should have with this one, It's cost is greater than the gains. I can see the appeal of personal satisfaction, but if one is to do something like this it's to be done with all parties informed and the will of the people consulted.
[01:03] <@ChiefStubbs> And I have to be a senior tomorrow, and a medical student. I similarly must go.
[01:04] <@Margrave> Supreme. Stick with this alliance. You've got a good head on your shoulders.
[01:04] <@Margrave> now, adeiu.
02[01:04] * @Margrave Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
01[01:04] <@Weezy> Glad u guys could come $%&@ us all, and leave!
01[01:04] <@Weezy> Also, night
07[01:04] <@ChiefStubbs> Love ya too weezy.
02[01:04] * @ChiefStubbs Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
01[01:04] <@Weezy> Supreme, ddog
01[01:04] <@Weezy> I wish u guys luck
01[01:05] <@Weezy> but I'm not staying
[01:05] <@ddog241`Away> :(
01[01:05] <@Weezy> This was a total cluster$%&@ that wasn't needed
[01:05] <@ddog241`Away> i agree
[01:05] <@ddog241`Away> hell i just got home from work when i seen this !@#$
01[01:05] <@Weezy> I woke up and saw people talking about it
01[01:05] <@Weezy> only to check the OWF and seen what marx posted
[01:06] <@ddog241`Away> ive had about 6 querries from peeps on coldfront
01[01:06] <@Weezy> who deleted Marx's post in the gov forum?
[01:06] <@ddog241`Away> idk
[01:07] <@ddog241`Away> supreme when dose MM normally get on?
01[01:07] <@Weezy> odd hours of the night/day
[01:07] <@Supreme> He's on singapore time right now...
[01:07] <@ddog241`Away> so its prob 2pm there
[01:08] <@ddog241`Away> i think we can fix this !@#$. but all in all its bad
[01:09] <@Supreme> Real bad, as in the last several months of gains flushed.
[01:09] <@ddog241`Away> how you think rok and asgaard going to take this?
[01:09] <@Supreme> Not as bad as I feared from the RoK end.
[01:10] <@Supreme> Still not a good place as we had so many rough spots with Gov changes and instability in the past.
[01:10] <@ddog241`Away> hell i thought now we had a stable gov :|
[01:11] <@Supreme> It was till tonights fiasco.
[01:11] <@ddog241`Away> i can understand marx wanted to get out and !@#$
01[01:11] <@Weezy> coward
01[01:11] <@Weezy> he's a !@#$%*
[01:11] <@ddog241`Away> well he has RL issues.
01[01:11] <@Weezy> and this was the way out?
01[01:11] <@Weezy> no
01[01:11] <@Weezy> he's a !@#$%*
[01:12] <@ddog241`Away> well when I was called something else i was in athens.. well in NoCB i made a rouge Dow on echeslong
[01:12] <@Supreme> "25 then quit" is a crappy thing to do to an alliance you put so much time into.
[01:12] <@ddog241`Away> yea. def not cool
[01:13] <@Supreme> And Marx did put a lot of time into \m/... but damn theres other people who have a stake in this too.
[01:13] <@ddog241`Away> caliph i think is gone, idk if we can even get him to come back
[01:14] <@ddog241`Away> we all have a stake in this. i been here since sept. and ive done what i can to help with the extra time i have
01[01:14] <@Weezy> <Caliph> i'll have to see some change from the outside before
01[01:14] <@Weezy> <Caliph> and since i'm leaving during the NPO war not sure if i'd be let back in
01[01:15] <@Weezy> He's currently under the SLCB POW aa
01[01:15] <@Weezy> He's gone.
[01:15] <@ddog241`Away> :(
[01:15] <@Supreme> Aye. He already told me.
01[01:16] <@Weezy> Like I said, I would love to stay and help \m/ like I have been
01[01:16] <@Weezy> but I cannot trust this alliance as of tonight
01[01:16] <@Weezy> so.. without trust why be aligned?
01[01:17] <@Weezy> with that
[01:17] <@Supreme> Do as you must, I won't hold it against you.
01[01:17] <@Weezy> This is my resignation from \m/ Interior Designer and \m/
[01:17] <@ddog241`Away> yea. do what you feel is right man
01[01:17] <@Weezy> don't feel like posting a thread
01[01:17] <@Weezy> someone wit admin can remove my mask idc
Session Close: Tue Jan 25 01:17:59 2011[/quote]

<Margrave> you mad bro?
<Weezy> :D I have accepted your query, you should feel privelaged.
<Weezy> yep :D
<Margrave> y u mad?
<Margrave> this IS \m/, dawg
<Margrave> we finally have the leash off
<Margrave> Weezy.
<Weezy> yes?
<Margrave> Listen to me, please. I'm not quite sure what came over us a few moments ago. But we're here. And I for one am going to enjoy this mad !@#$@#$ ride this war is going to be.
<Margrave> This is a defining moment; we can come out of this hardcore or a disbanded bunch of !@#$%*es
<Margrave> I know you feel $%&@ed. I'm sorry. But that's what we have on our hands right now.
<Margrave> Last thing we need is to have you ragequite
<Margrave> or anybody else
<Margrave> we're gonna need all hands on deck for this one
<Weezy> Dude
<Margrave> because only by pulling together and proving the strength of our convictions in the fire are we gonna survive this.
<Weezy> how can you $%&@ someone and then turn around and ask for their hlp
<Margrave> Hell of a thing, I know. But there it is.
<Margrave> Hell man, feel blessed. We're going to ride into battle with a vengeance. We pull this !@#$ off...No one will doubt our committment, we'll respect ourselves. There is a brave new world out there that needs to be seized and built.
<Margrave> We can do it.
<Margrave> Weezy, I don't know how the next fourty eight hours are going to go. The $%&@ up, if you call it one, is the fault of us OG's and a few others
<Margrave> At the end of the day, what may happen is discharges and some !@#$@#$ drama. But \m/ will survive, capish?
<Margrave> so stick with us and we'll all figure a way through this.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1295952464' post='2599824']
No need to log dump like this.
Quite honestly the level of idiocy of this move overwhelms everything. They were just gaining popularity after the !@#$ with VE and PC now this move is pulled and its all flushed away.

Im sorry \m/ you now deserve whatever punishment and beatings you ever get from PC

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1295952881' post='2599833']
Quite honestly the level of idiocy of this move overwhelms everything. They were just gaining popularity after the !@#$ with VE and PC now this move is pulled and its all flushed away.

Im sorry \m/ you now deserve whatever punishment and beatings you ever get from PC
I do not agree with this move, and have resigned from \m/ gov and left \m/ as a result. I found out by reading the DOW after joining IRC minutes before.

Words cannot express how retarded I think this move is, so I have shown how I feel by leaving \m/.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1295953069' post='2599838']
I do not agree with this move, and have resigned from \m/ gov and left \m/ as a result. I found out by reading the DOW after joining IRC minutes before.

Words cannot express how retarded I think this move is, so I have shown how I feel by leaving \m/.
Let me know where you guys end up. I might join yall

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1295953390' post='2599845']
read the last part of the first log, then check my AA.

erikz doesn't do reading very well.

You are to be commended for your stance on this matter. The idiocy of the move is one thing, to announce it before some in government had a chance to tell them it was stupid is just plain insulting.

Edited by Tygaland
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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1295953069' post='2599838']
I do not agree with this move, and have resigned from \m/ gov and left \m/ as a result. I found out by reading the DOW after joining IRC minutes before.

Words cannot express how retarded I think this move is, so I have shown how I feel by leaving \m/.

Gee I wonder if only almost every other person that's ever been gov in \m/ has been trying to tell how retarded Marx is. Why do you think so many people tried to get rid of him?

Oh well \m/ will be put to sleep soon enough.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295955355' post='2599876']
erikz doesn't do reading very well.

You are to be commended for your stance on this matter. The idiocy of the move is one thing, to announce it before some in government had a chance to tell them it was stupid is just plain insulting.

Sorry for missing things written in my [s]2nd[/s], no 3rd language.

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[quote name='erikz' timestamp='1295957198' post='2599918']
Sorry for missing things written in my [s]2nd[/s], no 3rd language.

You didn't seem to have much of an issue reading the rest of it. You'd probably come across better if you just admitted you never read the whole thing before commenting rather than blaming language issues.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1295957733' post='2599931']
You didn't seem to have much of an issue reading the rest of it. You'd probably come across better if you just admitted you never read the whole thing before commenting rather than blaming language issues.

Both are true. I did read it rather quickly, I might have missed some relevant stuff here. But, have it as you will.

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Okay so this is dumb.

I'm honestly at a loss here.

I'll admit the situation is kind of funny, but it also really sucks considering all the progress we've been making. This has been my favorite of all the alliances I've ever been a part of and I was just starting to feel like we were getting somewhere.

I just found this all out now because I was too tired to stay on until update. So considering I wasn't on, I can't complain that I got no say in the matter. Still, what the hell man? I am [i]not[/i] okay with this.

However... the only way I could possibly leave right now is to become a POW which I really don't want to do. Surrendering just ain't me. Beyond that, I can't think of anywhere else I'd want to go anyway. I'm... not sure what I'm going to do. For now I guess I'll stick it out here just for the hell of it. Good luck Caliph and Weezy.

EDIT: Okay, now that I've read through it more thoroughly I understand a bit better. This was dumb as !@#$ and totally crazy, but if I was in Marx's shoes I might have done something even more ridiculous.

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It's a given y'all want to burn Pacifica. Anyone that isnt new has to feel that ache in their bones. But anyone with a functioning brain knows about something called impulse control too. Lacking impulse control has been a typical \m/ failing, so I suppose, in a way, this was just being true to that heritage. <_<

Good luck to Caliph and Weezy going forward. Let me know if I can help.

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[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1295967636' post='2600116']
It's a given y'all want to burn Pacifica. Anyone that isnt new has to feel that ache in their bones. But anyone with a functioning brain knows about something called impulse control too. Lacking impulse control has been a typical \m/ failing, so I suppose, in a way, this was just being true to that heritage. <_<

Good luck to Caliph and Weezy going forward. Let me know if I can help.

They may be fools sometimes and they may lack impulse control but at least they have ambition. I can respect that.

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