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The GM's Court

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Considering the words of Spacingoutman and Emperor Mudd, I see no problem in permitting Zoot to RP his Ebolapox.

We do not know how Ebolapox may turn out to be in reality, so Zoot's Ebolapox [b]wont be a doomsday device[/b] per se and in time, with a death toll commissurate with a 500 KT nuclear weapon at the point of launch, Zoot's virii would be considered mutated out. The Zoot's target, if they have existing NBC defenses would be able to reduce the time of exposure and so would any others helping the target reduce the numbers of afflicted, but Zoot is entitled to a substantial number of casualties from this RP.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1301969756' post='2684403']
Fizzy, CNRP has a lot of experts. Players with great deal of expertise in various fields who know what they are telling. CNRP is not just a place to go pow pow but also a place from where you can learn a lot of things.

So I would really suggest that instead of posting all the time criticizing the community, you actually do any RPs and meanwhile read and try to comprehend the various topics being discussed here. Learning new things wont kill you.
I can't disagree with you. But Zoot's been RPing this thing for a year, right? And no one called him out for a year, right?

All I'm saying is we shouldn't run around pointing out every mistake. Or, even better, just PM the person about the mistake then rather whine in the GM thread. Much easier.

<3 you too zoot

EDIT: Oh, I see it has been solved.

Edited by Fizzydog
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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1302003095' post='2684592']
I can't disagree with you. But Zoot's been RPing this thing for a year, right? And no one called him out for a year, right?

All I'm saying is we shouldn't run around pointing out every mistake. Or, even better, just PM the person about the mistake then rather whine in the GM thread. Much easier.

<3 you too zoot

EDIT: Oh, I see it has been solved.

It took a while before people noticed Cochin with a ridiculously large (500 or so ships I think) navy. Just because he RP'd it in a thread people don't read often doesn't mean he should be allowed if it doesn't make sense or follow the guidelines.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1302012572' post='2684641']
It took a while before people noticed Cochin with a ridiculously large (500 or so ships I think) navy. Just because he RP'd it in a thread people don't read often doesn't mean he should be allowed if it doesn't make sense or follow the guidelines.

^ True. Not every thread made by everyone is read diligently by everyone. Indepth reading happens mostly when it is referenced during a time of conflict or such. It is a loophole that is often exploited, not the least by me in the past. Which is also why I am good at finding loopholes and blocking it, :smug:

GMs cannot read through every single thread all the time and pre-emptively prevent abuses. What we do and can do is to ensure that any RP which is done by referencing these threads are vetted as per community guidelines and rules.

And yes, Fizzy, this thing should be done right here, so that everyone can learn from each other's mistakes. Now we had a discussion on Zoot and the whole Ebolapox. Now if in the future someone else wanted to do something the explanation for the ruling is right here, isnt it? No one here insulted Zoot, discussions turn heated occasionally but we, GMs and other reputed members of community are here to ensure that it does not get derailed and is productive.

CNRP and the community which creates it is much much more mature than you give it credit for.

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Since Cent and EM are divided, Cochin can I get a GM ruling on whether my sat int operation to do an analysis of what likely is to be the Japanese nuclear triad bases (missile silos, heavy bomber bases, and submarine bases) does require only one roll or not.


If it does only require one roll than I request rolls on a mass worm to infect Japan's telecommunications and public information dissemination system. I request a second one to infect the power grid system for the home islands. If not I request two more spy rolls.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1301937598' post='2684053']

Requesting two rolls in order of success, first success is to have a mini-sub successfully conduct a torpedo strike with a signature similar to ammunition used by the Japanese Navy against a UFE mine laying boat of the coast of Kyushu in the East China Sea.

[i]Should[/i] this prove successful on the first roll, please then give me satellite photos of Japan's nuclear deterrent during the second roll. If the first one is not, the sub will disengage and try again so roll again for that.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1302034866' post='2684899']
Since Cent and EM are divided, Cochin can I get a GM ruling on whether my sat int operation to do an analysis of what likely is to be the Japanese nuclear triad bases (missile silos, heavy bomber bases, and submarine bases) does require only one roll or not.


If it does only require one roll than I request rolls on a mass worm to infect Japan's telecommunications and public information dissemination system. I request a second one to infect the power grid system for the home islands. If not I request two more spy rolls.

First of all the rolls.
90% Odds. 0-10 is a fail, 11-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.

First Triyun requested a set of rolls for

1) Mini sub conducting a torpedo strike with Japanese signature ammunition
2) Satellite imagery of Japan's nuclear deterrent

Then a second set of conditions were indicated.

1) Mass worm to infect Japan's telecom and public information systems.
2) Infect power grid system for home rolls.

You can choose only to perform the first set of attacks, namely mini sub and sat imagery at the present time. For the second set you would have to submit a fresh request 24 hours from now.

That being said [b]I permit Triyun to find Japan's nuclear deterrence[/b] based on the following reasoning.

Nuclear weapons by themselves are not very large and can be easily be hidden in innumerable places. However its delivery vehicles are much less camouflaged. There is absolutely no way to determine the locations of nuclear weapons fabrication facilities without HUMINT (Human Intelligence), however the launch systems of these nuclear weapons, ie, missile silos, strategic aircraft bases, submarine pens etc are quite vulnerable to Satellite imagery. Even underground silos could be detected using Remote Sensing. Road and Rail mobile ICBMs would however still be hard to detect.

So I see no problem in Triyun being permitted to gain complete satellite intel on the locations of the nuclear missile launch facilities, but he wont be able to be sure whether these said vehicles have been mated with nuclear warheads or not. Triyun would also not be able to find or track locations of any road/rail mobile ICBM launchers.

OOC: Belatedly I realize that Cent has already given the rolls on the first set of conditions, so this roll would determine the success of Triyun's second set of conditions.

Edited by king of cochin
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Requesting SIGINT to focus on breaking enemy encryption software for roll one, should the first attempt succeed requesting a worm to disrupt Japanese satellite access.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1302056517' post='2685193']
First of all the rolls.
90% Odds. 0-10 is a fail, 11-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.[/quote]
COchin, the odds in that picture are 70%. Not 90%.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1302329033' post='2687290']
Question: Can i put my troops on automode? They're either going to march east or just die, so I don't see the point of RPing too much on my side. GMs can RP my casualties if they wish.


You and only you can RP your own troops. If you dont respond to the attacks, your opponents would have an autowin in due time. Neither the GMs nor any other player can RP your casualties.

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It would appear that the Koreans are using human wave/ zerg rush tactics against the Japanese Zoot. I don't think Kankou is saying she's reach Biwa, just that thats the direction they are marching and going to continuously attack. The attrition rates would no doubt be extremely high, but it looks like she's RPing that.

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1 Roll against Fizzy to be able to analyze and spot points of interest (missile sites, radar, strong points, air fields, factories, ports, AA sites, etc.) from the pictures that are coming in through my continuous missions seen here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99270&view=findpost&p=2687763


Edited by Axolotlia
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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1302440781' post='2687816']
Considering the war is over the specific post will stay wiped, not that it matters anymore. Similar cases like this one in the future will be subject to the same ruling.
I would like to contest the "stay wiped" part.

First, sorry for the blotched tenses in the original post. I was out of it when I wrote it.

I have rewrote the post according to what it should have been (mostly future-tense) almost at the same time as the surrender, so I do not see the reason for the wipe.

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[quote name='HHAYD' timestamp='1302488764' post='2688234']

After the airfield is constructed, a underground airfield (50-100 meters deep, landing/takeoff paths slant toward the surface). A smaller underground submarine base is located deeper, just below the seafloor. A layer of depleted uranium, lead and tungsten carbide are constructed just above the underground field's ceiling serve as anti-bunker buster missile measure and concrete-steel would be used to support the walls and ceiling. The underground facility won't hold up against a sustained barrage of bunker buster missiles, but will last enough for at least some of the staff, aircraft and submarines to be evacuated before the facility caves-in.

It would be nearly impossible to detect the underground airfield without extensive spy operations unless if the underground runways open up. The submarine base would be even harder to detect as only stealth submarines would be permitted to use it.

I would like to bring attention to this post, specifically the underground airfield. The construction headaches alone would make many shy away from this, yet I still need to ask HHAYD these:

- How do you intend on covering up the underground airfield? Using steel doors won't exactly cut it, since you'd need to leave margin of error for your surface airbase (assuming they enter at about the same level) otherwise aircraft from above will damage your costly steel doors.
- Where in the world do you expect to actually place this? Not only do you need to place a large entryway for your incoming aircraft, you need to do the same to the opposite side. And assuming this island is long enough for this massively headache inducing construction nightmare, wouldn't it make more sense to just use an underground hanger like Kim Jong-Il? Also, there's only so long you can make that slope before it starts to level out, causing the ground effect to intensify on your aircraft. How long [i]exactly[/i] is this underground airfield?

In short, while I have no qualms with the underground sub base (that's out of my league) I call into question the practicality and usefulness of this monstrosity. It seems a bit ridiculous, even with modern equipment and construction techniques, that this would be feasible. And before you start going on about Italian underground airbases in WWII and Korean underground airbases, keep in mind those were built into mountains, not under naval base islands.

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I admit it, I went overboard since it's the only naval/air base that Midwest Republic has, and building a second one is not an option due to geographical issues and foreign oppositions. Therefore, in the event of a war, it will be no surprise that the enemy force(s) will concentrate their firepower on a single base to wipe out Midwest Republic's naval fleet and force MR's aircraft to fly farther and longer in order to recon or attack enemy forces that are in the Atlantic Ocean or around the north-eastern coast of North America.

That leaves only one option, heavily fortify the base and make it as hard as possible to wipe off the map.

I removed the underground runways and the rest of the airfield after I thought it over, except for the underground aircraft storage and repair stations.

Edited by HHAYD
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