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Cinco De GATO


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It has truly been an honor to be a member of GATO since November of 2006, my one and only alliance I have ever been a member of. I have made many friends and it's those friendships that keep a GATOld fart like me going. Also props out to Turbo who was my mentor when I first joined GATO and sent me a whopping $300,000 as start up aid and to Kevlar for giving me my chance and showing me the ropes in the FA department. Good to see you old friend.

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A truly special thread for a truly special alliance. To believe that 5 years ago, GATO was born on Cyber Nations and up to this day, we are still living as strong as ever.

There has been nothing buy praises in this thread so far and I am very astonished to see this. Kudos to you all!!

Congratulations GATO for withstanding Father Time and Cyber Nations for five long years!!

o/ Another 5 years!

Here is Chris_Kaos's huge GATO Collage.


I also brought the chocolate cake!!!






:wub: GATO :wub:

Edited by SoADarthCyfe6
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[quote name='Raider' timestamp='1294894258' post='2573783']
Oh and look what I dug up:

What an awesome time that was for us. And to see GATO at the 5 years mark when some tried to eradicate it is the most telling testament to how tightly-knit the community is within the Global Alliance.

Edited by Cataduanes
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[quote name='Turbomammoth' timestamp='1294879938' post='2573591']
Being back from the dead for that outstanding day is really worthy to enter BanLand forever...

Congratulations GATO and GATOans of new and old.

GATO has been a home for 3 and a half years for me. During that time, we endured so much and yet it felt as a family.

For me, the highlights:

- Being recruited by the most awesome woman to have ever graced the face of Bob: Dasgirl.
- GW I, where I cowered and ran away as the wimp that I was.
- The coup, when we lost so much and yet regained a sense of pride that had been so remarkably slowly destroyed by the NPO... That event alone, with hindsight brought us out of the WAE syndrome we were all beginning to take for the truth.
- GW II, III and I must admit, I lost count...
- The repetitive FA frack-ups.
- The great curbstomp, (was it NoVision? I don't remember anymore...) that showed to the world, as well as to ourselves what we were really made of in term of dedication.
- The year of submission to the NPO... where well... I discovered the NPO.
- Finally for me... the roster and GMMF, :P

So many great peoples have been at a moment or another, part of GATO, that I can't even begin to enumerate them.

To all of you, I say thank you. You made of a "foolish internet game" a human experience that made of me, a more complete human being.

I tip my hat to you, GATO and GATOans.
TurbZ! its been a long time buddy.... and your avvy should be added to the hall of fame, you were a machine back in the GMMF days... good times

and i must say congrats GATO! 5 freaking years.. who would of even thought.

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[quote name='Raider' timestamp='1294894258' post='2573783']
Congrats on the 5 years GATO. You are truly a great alliance. Oh and look what I dug up:


Wonderful memories. Hello raider, long time no see :)

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[quote name='kerschbs' timestamp='1294933440' post='2574080']
Wonderful memories. Hello raider, long time no see :)
Far to long old friend. I was reading though the old forums and there are more memories there than with any other alliance I have been with.

[quote]On the 21st I shall be leaving for three weeks and be living in Germany with a host family as part as a student trip. As I shall not be returning until the 5th of July it is impossible for me to carry out my duties as a Congressman, thus I hereby announce my resignation from the GATO Congress.

It is likely my nation, which has fought 15 battles over the course of last 42 days, and has inflicted and suffered tens of thousands of dead. Will be deleted before my return. However I pledged when I first arrived in the openings days of this conflict that I was honorbound to defend and fight with GATO until she once again knew peace. I will not waiver in that pledge. Infra may be destroyed, tech may be stolen, nations may be deleted, but this alliance can't be broken. Not by NPO, not by 1V, not by the entire Cyberverse. It is we who chose GATO's fate, not them. No matter how invincible our foe may seem. They can't beat GATO, so long as there as those who remain steadfast and refuse to bend in the face of hardship. We WILL prevail, we WILL get peace. It is only a matter when, not if. [/quote]

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