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An open letter to the SOS Brigade regarding spy operations


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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1294700074' post='2571401']
Bernkastel has intelligence and money? :v:

What was SLCB thinking?
[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1294708479' post='2571539']団[/quote]
This is not an English word why did you say it

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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1294700074' post='2571401']
I'm afraid there'll be no DoW in [u][i][b]this[/b][/i][/u] thread.

Well duh... everyone knows you make a [i]new[/i] thread for DoWs! :awesome:

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1294715445' post='2571684']
[color="#0000FF"]I'm not sure exactly what to say here, but I like SLCB's style. I support them on this. Also, roll SOS.[/color]
[color="#FF0000"]I'm not sure exactly what to say here, but I like NSO's style. I support them on this. Also, roll SLCB.[/color]

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[quote name='Petrovich4' timestamp='1294688996' post='2571239']
Usually I skip several pages a time to get the gist of things. This thread was the first in a very long time where I read every page for the lulz and amazements.

Pork, you still got your OP flow and witty, brush it off my shoulders humour intact regardless of the situation - kudos. SLCB still make fantastically awesome announcements. And multi is smart, he knows his stuff and he knew that was a provocative CB.

I'm not too sure about the logs and all but I've come to the conclusion that:

1. When I first read the OP, I interpreted it to mean that SOS was the guilty party.
2. SOS (the wronged) has no balls - rather it is SLCB that have the meatballs in their soup.


3. My alliance would have rolled yours for the spying. :nuke:

Much love to both entertaining parties.
I agree with this man here.

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1294738843' post='2571877']

Feel free to elaborate.
You should either learn what the negative connotations of the term 'Hegemony' mean to people on Planet Bob, and realise it's not in game spy attacks, or just stop ignoring said connotations so you can push one of the worst pieces of propaganda I've seen in my time in the Cyberverse.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1294743455' post='2571892']
You should either learn what the negative connotations of the term 'Hegemony' mean to people on Planet Bob, and realise it's not in game spy attacks, or just stop ignoring said connotations so you can push one of the worst pieces of propaganda I've seen in my time in the Cyberverse.

Not only that but if he meant that SLCB is part of the "New Hegemony" and SOS isn't, that's either inane or humorous. If you think the current PB/SF/CnG is the new hegemony, SLCB is as part as SOS is.

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How very mature of SLCB to deface our [url=http://cybernations.wikia.com/index.php?title=SOS_Brigade_%28Standard_Edition%29&diff=383367&oldid=382168]information bulletin[/url]. Not that I'd expect better.

You're just making our point for us, really.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1294743455' post='2571892']
You should either learn what the negative connotations of the term 'Hegemony' mean to people on Planet Bob, and realise it's not in game spy attacks, or just stop ignoring said connotations so you can push one of the worst pieces of propaganda I've seen in my time in the Cyberverse.

Oh, I had to deal with the old Hegemony too. And I was part of the coalition that took it down. This is not about some spy attacks. This is about utter arrogance. Spying on a sovereign alliance, showing contempt instead of an apology, then spying again, then vandalising their wiki, then telling them to do something about it, just cause you are allied to PB.

Sorry, this Hegemony is no longer better than the old one. You have to do better.

And I believe this answers to kriegfreak too.

This "propaganda" as you call it, is not going to stop unless you start treating all alliances with the same respect, based on facts and acts, not on the side they are on.

This is not some school's playground so that we have to deal with petty bullies. This community of nations and alliances has very little tolerance for tyranny, as it has already showed in the past.

You have to do better.

Edited by Trikoupis
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It's funny to see certain people who were against NEW's actions are now supporting SLCB's actions.

Also, by way of that, I assume no one will be helping SLCB should SOS decide to retaliate, otherwise they would be supporting an aggressive action. Correct?

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SOS Brigade: Are you really pitching a hissy fit over a gather intel spy attack? To the point where you required someone to post about it publicly, rather than just accepting an apology or asking for some paltry sum and forgetting about it, like every single other alliance ever?

I'd have made a mocking post too.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1294751018' post='2571927']SOS Brigade: Are you really pitching a hissy fit over a gather intel spy attack? To the point where you required someone to post about it publicly, rather than just accepting an apology or asking for some paltry sum and forgetting about it, like every single other alliance ever?

I'd have made a mocking post too.[/quote]
Polaris went even further than that when a =LOST= newbie gathered intel on one of their newbies. That one ended up with a full round of wars.

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