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1000 days old and still a newb

Kevin McDonald

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[quote name='Salmia' timestamp='1291272798' post='2527893']
I never realized you were only 12 days older than me. Interesting the paths people take. Congrats on 1000 and here is to 1000 more!
I feel sad knowing that I've been here 400 days longer than both of you, yet you both have lead alliances. I must be doin it rong. :(

And congrats Kevin, don't know you well but I always though Corp was pretty cool.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1291444441' post='2529833']
I feel sad knowing that I've been here 400 days longer than both of you, yet you both have lead alliances. I must be doin it rong. :(

And congrats Kevin, don't know you well but I always though Corp was pretty cool.

Or you have more of a life than we do? :P

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It's a shame we never got the chance to accomplish all we should have together. Still, if the most I can say I did when I finally throw in the towel is made an awesome friend, it was worth it. We've had a hell of a lot of fun and I for one am glad we had that first conversation via query those years back.

Also, damn right you're coming to America, EVERYBODY'S gotta have some time away from Canada :v. Happy 1,000 days mate, I think this might be our last :P.

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[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1291264074' post='2527755']
Normally, I ignore these threads, but I noticed yours because, despite never being a "power player" so to speak, you've always managed to stick out to me. There's something about you, I suppose.

So, cheers.

While I know we never really knew each other during your short stay in the NADC, its been fun to watch you grow across the Cyberverse. Here's to another 1000!

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Congrats. I hope you are still here in another 1000 days along with me. I hope I am here also. I do plan to be. We will see.If I am here in 1000 days. I want to know you are to. So when I post my message in 600 days. I want to see you in my thread saying I am still here. Along with everyone else who has been here that long.

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I think I remember arguing with you while the reps IRON were going to get from the Karma War were being negotiated, you were in charge of some micro alliance allied to RoK iirc. Sorry about getting angry during negotiations (if I'm thinking of the right person here) and good luck to you.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1291676430' post='2532403']
I think I remember arguing with you while the reps IRON were going to get from the Karma War were being negotiated, you were in charge of some micro alliance allied to RoK iirc. Sorry about getting angry during negotiations (if I'm thinking of the right person here) and good luck to you.

Yes, that was me Methrage... I had some issues with what the "New Paradox Order" was doing in that thread.

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[quote name='Balder' timestamp='1291529775' post='2530667']
Also, damn right you're coming to America, EVERYBODY'S gotta have some time away from Canada

He's right (feels weird typing that). America is so much better. We have real, competitive hockey teams and better beer.

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[quote name='watchman' timestamp='1291874988' post='2534678']
He's right (feels weird typing that). America is so much better. We have real, competitive hockey teams and better beer.

Your competitive hockey teams are populated with Canadians (about 70% of the players are Canadian, look it up), and as for better beer? Try Canadian beer and come back to me.

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[quote name='SWAT128' timestamp='1291216817' post='2527275']
I was sad to see ACV go, the Teen Titans channel was the best channel I was ever able to be a part of. Congrats on 1k, hopefully we'll get a chance to talk more often.

Ima have to agree with you Swat, the Teen Titan chan is by far the most fun Ive had on IRC.

Congrats on 1k, Its been a while since we have talked. Hah I remember asking for duel membership into ACV just cuz you guys were so cool. Good times

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