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You guys suck at this game


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Once upon a time, there were a few players that put themselves ahead of this game and the direction it was taking. I'll name these characters later on. I want to bring attention to a small white team alliance starting out on a mission to replace Murder Inc. He was an admirable man, lost in an Utopian idea for TE. However, he soon realized that his alliance would never come to fruition as growth was stagnate and players were lethargic. One night while mulling over the decision to disband the alliance, God, sent this young man a message. He gave the young hero a riddle. He proclaimed, "You will only find the truth in complete confusion." our young protagonist was taken aback by this message. Why in his time of need would God send him a ridiculous question that would send him into a maze.

However, one night while the young man sleeps he suddenly awakens as the eureka moment can be seen gleaming in his eyes. In a moment of pure brilliance he deletes the alliances' way of communication. He sends out millions of mass messages proclaiming that they were the anarchy alliance that this game was built on. This way brought in massive growth to the small alliance. They soon sky rocketed past Bama's creation and would soon be the largest alliance in the game.

Two old confused and hurt men decided to stop this exponential growth with an ussurp sponsored by two leaders of the defunct MI. These men were hurt that they could no longer live their lives as the corrupt leaders they once were. The coup took off with a few bumps but, overall it went very smooth. They were able to quiet the dashing charmer who then returned to his fort of solitude to forever live out his last remaining days. While the two villains brought down the alliance formerly known as United Nations. The leader is known as English Empire.

Back to the list though. These members of the community have put themselves in front of the greater good:

Now this isn't a hitlist. It's not revenge. It's not even Karma. This is nothing but a second chance.

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Personally I would say I put my alliance and not myself specifically ahead of the game. But if that's what you meant then yes, I agree completely.

This game died a long time ago. What and who are left have done nothing to improve the situation. We all have Tournament Edition's blood on our hands.

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1291089966' post='2526271']
Then both of you leave already. Tactics change, either change with them or cry about the old days. Which one are you doing?
I'm not even sure what this response is even addressing. Who said anything about tactics? Or are you trying to sound more intelligent than you actually are by bringing up a sophisticated concept?

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1291092699' post='2526317']
I'm not even sure what this response is even addressing. Who said anything about tactics? Or are you trying to sound more intelligent than you actually are by bringing up a sophisticated concept?
Lol, are you trying to make yourself seem more intelligent than you are? People that try are never as intelligent as they try. If you don't like TE then leave, but stop crying about the old days and realize that change is a constant, you either adapt or get mowed over.

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I am still trying to understand what the point of this thread is about.

If it is about, as Paul said, the "good old days", then sit back in your rocker, put on a sweater and reminisce.

If it is about something else that is topical, then please explain. :D

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1291093599' post='2526334']
Lol, are you trying to make yourself seem more intelligent than you are? People that try are never as intelligent as they try. If you don't like TE then leave, but stop crying about the old days and realize that change is a constant, you either adapt or get mowed over.
What are you even on about? First you bring up tactics which hasn't changed in rounds let alone the person you're talking to has been around for all those tactics and was somehow involved in them. You say change is constant, but the mindset hasn't changed since ROUND 4. I'd type more but, it seems that I caught I virus do to all the things I've been watching and my comp. doesn't seem to catch up.

[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1291096209' post='2526366']
I am still trying to understand what the point of this thread is about.

If it is about, as Paul said, the "good old days", then sit back in your rocker, put on a sweater and reminisce.

If it is about something else that is topical, then please explain. :D

It's not a thread the youngsters will get. This is about the old old days. It does have a very solid message in it. If you find it, you will be enlightened.

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1291098745' post='2526396']
What are you even on about? First you bring up tactics which hasn't changed in rounds let alone the person you're talking to has been around for all those tactics and was somehow involved in them. You say change is constant, but the mindset hasn't changed since ROUND 4. I'd type more but, it seems that I caught I virus do to all the things I've been watching and my comp. doesn't seem to catch up.

It's not a thread the youngsters will get. This is about the old old days. It does have a very solid message in it. If you find it, you will be enlightened.

That's funny, I have been playing CNTE since round 1 and I think your post is garbage. So enlightened? Nahhhh you're having a giraffe.

Edited by Hiro Nakara
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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1291073779' post='2526073']
Once upon a time, there were a few players that put themselves ahead of this game and the direction it was taking. I'll name these characters later on. I want to bring attention to a small white team alliance starting out on a mission to replace Murder Inc. He was an admirable man, lost in an Utopian idea for TE. However, he soon realized that his alliance would never come to fruition as growth was stagnate and players were lethargic. One night while mulling over the decision to disband the alliance, God, sent this young man a message. He gave the young hero a riddle. He proclaimed, "You will only find the truth in complete confusion." our young protagonist was taken aback by this message. Why in his time of need would God send him a ridiculous question that would send him into a maze.

However, one night while the young man sleeps he suddenly awakens as the eureka moment can be seen gleaming in his eyes. In a moment of pure brilliance he deletes the alliances' way of communication. He sends out millions of mass messages proclaiming that they were the anarchy alliance that this game was built on. This way brought in massive growth to the small alliance. They soon sky rocketed past Bama's creation and would soon be the largest alliance in the game.

Two old confused and hurt men decided to stop this exponential growth with an ussurp sponsored by two leaders of the defunct MI. These men were hurt that they could no longer live their lives as the corrupt leaders they once were. The coup took off with a few bumps but, overall it went very smooth. They were able to quiet the dashing charmer who then returned to his fort of solitude to forever live out his last remaining days. While the two villains brought down the alliance formerly known as United Nations. The leader is known as English Empire.

Back to the list though. These members of the community have put themselves in front of the greater good:

Now this isn't a hitlist. It's not revenge. It's not even Karma. This is nothing but a second chance.

Is there supposed to be a complaint in this mess somewhere?

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[quote name='Believland' timestamp='1291073779' post='2526073']
I want to bring attention to a small white team alliance starting out on a mission to replace Murder Inc. He was an admirable man, lost in an Utopian idea for TE. However, he soon realized that his alliance would never come to fruition as growth was stagnate and players were lethargic.


The leader is known as English Empire.[/quote]

Although the fact that English Empire is a rubbish leader probably didn't help his alliance either.

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1291096209' post='2526366']
I am still trying to understand what the point of this thread is about.

If it is about, as Paul said, the "good old days", then sit back in your rocker, put on a sweater and reminisce.

If it is about something else that is topical, then please explain. :D
What he said. Shut up and War. Wait, is that even what you are talking about? I'm new and I catch on quick, but who the heck are you? I haven't seen you post DoE's or DoW's or post inside any of the recent war threads. It seems that you have un-ghosted from nowhere. Are you talking about TE? Is this a DoW? Do you even have a TE nation? If so, how many casualties? Um dude let me help you understand my viewpoint of TE, smack talk, war, war, smack talk, war some more, post in a non-sensical thread(this one), war till the end of the round. Those are my plans for round 14. If you have plans beyond that, I really think that you have lost the point of TE. But that's just me.

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Beazy, why do you always have to complain about how things were better back then? I see the decline in TE as well; however, you just sound like the grumpy elderly man next door. It's just politics. People didn't like MI, so they took it down. People didn't like NPO in SE, so they took it down. It's always a big game of king of the hill, and MI had their time in the spotlight.

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1291146963' post='2526666']
What he said. Shut up and War. Wait, is that even what you are talking about? I'm new and I catch on quick, but who the heck are you? I haven't seen you post DoE's or DoW's or post inside any of the recent war threads. It seems that you have un-ghosted from nowhere. Are you talking about TE? Is this a DoW? Do you even have a TE nation? If so, how many casualties? Um dude let me help you understand my viewpoint of TE, smack talk, war, war, smack talk, war some more, post in a non-sensical thread(this one), war till the end of the round. Those are my plans for round 14. If you have plans beyond that, I really think that you have lost the point of TE. But that's just me.
This goes farther than that. It's when you go out and get something. To use your muscle for your wants. Your nation will only last for 650 days. Might as well have fun with it. Personally, I stopped playing a long time ago. I'll take a gov't spot here and there to later quit sometime down the road.

[quote name='Anon1' timestamp='1291148477' post='2526683']
Beazy, why do you always have to complain about how things were better back then? I see the decline in TE as well; however, you just sound like the grumpy elderly man next door. It's just politics. People didn't like MI, so they took it down. People didn't like NPO in SE, so they took it down. It's always a big game of king of the hill, and MI had their time in the spotlight.

MI is still king of the hill. No one has replaced them.

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Well, I've been around on TE at least the past 2 years. If anything, it's gotten better, imo. Also, doesn't seem to me it's gotten much smaller than when I first joined.

(OOC: The only things that have changed is that it's gotten less like SE - aka: treaties are not highlighted so much and we don't have many alliances above 100 nations. To that, I say "Yes! Finally!")

I do agree with you that no one has reached the - er - reputation that Murder Inc. had during it's glory round or maybe two.

Well, you know - Lady Luck is fickle. So it goes.

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[quote name='Shaazzam' timestamp='1291153956' post='2526754']
Not much of an AA if a few blowhards can't keep it together after getting their butts kicked.
Amen to that Brother!


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[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1291151916' post='2526731']
Well, I've been around on TE at least the past 2 years. If anything, it's gotten better, imo. Also, doesn't seem to me it's gotten much smaller than when I first joined.
No no, not smaller at all. There's really no difference between a round with 3000 people and a round with 1300 people. Oh wait...

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1291146963' post='2526666']
What he said. Shut up and War. Wait, is that even what you are talking about? I'm new and I catch on quick, but who the heck are you? I haven't seen you post DoE's or DoW's or post inside any of the recent war threads. It seems that you have un-ghosted from nowhere. Are you talking about TE? Is this a DoW? Do you even have a TE nation? If so, how many casualties? Um dude let me help you understand my viewpoint of TE, smack talk, war, war, smack talk, war some more, post in a non-sensical thread(this one), war till the end of the round. Those are my plans for round 14. If you have plans beyond that, I really think that you have lost the point of TE. But that's just me.
Because you clearly understand the point of TE. Idiots like you have been making your "ZOMG TE IS FOR WARZ ONLY NO TREATIES, TREATIES BAD" argument for a long long time. Go back in the forums to round 6 or something. Compare the level of interest and activity then to the level of activity and interest now. And want to know a secret? Not only did we have as many wars back then in the days of treaties and spying and drama galore, but our wars were a hell of a lot more fun, sophisticated, and destructive. Oh and they lasted weeks. Our wars had dozens of alliances and sometimes over a thousand nations involved. Right now wars never involve more then a hundred, a hundred and fifty at most, and they end after three days. I don't really see any improvement.

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[quote name='Shaazzam' timestamp='1291153956' post='2526754']
Not much of an AA if a few blowhards can't keep it together after getting their butts kicked.
There were many reasons why MI never started up again. Mostly due to most of the nations becoming LE. Not to mention the founders of the alliance actually merged in SE and that rendered the idea of a hang out useless.

[quote name='Qazzian' timestamp='1291160318' post='2526827']
If you're bemoaning the lack of MI replacement, perhaps Gab should come back and start up WOLF once more.
The main problem with WOLF was it was a defensive bloc. They could have used it for so much more. I also love Gabs.

[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1291162562' post='2526853']
Because you clearly understand the point of TE. Idiots like you have been making your "ZOMG TE IS FOR WARZ ONLY NO TREATIES, TREATIES BAD" argument for a long long time. Go back in the forums to round 6 or something. Compare the level of interest and activity then to the level of activity and interest now. And want to know a secret? Not only did we have as many wars back then in the days of treaties and spying and drama galore, but our wars were a hell of a lot more fun, sophisticated, and destructive. Oh and they lasted weeks. Our wars had dozens of alliances and sometimes over a thousand nations involved. Right now wars never involve more then a hundred, a hundred and fifty at most, and they end after three days. I don't really see any improvement.
To many want to survive not to win.

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Varianz- the war LE/PS/tW and a couple others had last round against RE/OP/TPC and whoever else had some 800+ nations involved.. though it didn't last that long. :/

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1291162245' post='2526850']
No no, not smaller at all. There's really no difference between a round with 3000 people and a round with 1300 people. Oh wait...

I'm letting my bias show. I'd much rather have a smaller and more active group over a larger group with most of them being only semi-active - at least in TE. Now, a larger group with almost everyone being active...well, we can always dream I suppose.

From what I've observed, only actual difference is the amount of trades available which, although it counts for something - is not exactly a game changer in terms of politics. There can only be so many alliance leaders and I don't think the difference between 3000 people and 1300 means anything in terms of the people leading the alliances - except that one's following is smaller. We can still have "spying and drama galore" with "sophisticated, and destructive" war with 1300 people if we want. If you want it - do it.

3000 compared to 300 - alright, THAT would be different. (alhtough I still think we could have fun - it would just change things a great deal)

Also, there were actually 2,169 total nations created this round. There are fewer now, but lots of time has passed. Many people I know, once they end up getting bill locked or below a certain level don't bother to reroll. Perhaps part of the numbers problem (assuming there is one - and by that I mean assuming that more people does make for better war, which I don't necessarily agree) is the trend toward eailier wars. People on the losing side figuring that since there is no way they will "catch up" - no reason to continue. Plus, it's hard to get any good trades 2nd time around (oh yeah, I've been there and I've done that...not much fun).

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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1291162562' post='2526853']
Because you clearly understand the point of TE. Idiots like you have been making your "ZOMG TE IS FOR WARZ ONLY NO TREATIES, TREATIES BAD" argument for a long long time. Go back in the forums to round 6 or something. Compare the level of interest and activity then to the level of activity and interest now. And want to know a secret? Not only did we have as many wars back then in the days of treaties and spying and drama galore, but our wars were a hell of a lot more fun, sophisticated, and destructive. Oh and they lasted weeks. Our wars had dozens of alliances and sometimes over a thousand nations involved. Right now wars never involve more then a hundred, a hundred and fifty at most, and they end after three days. I don't really see any improvement.
You should do a little research before you comment. I don't care if a war lasts the whole damn round and neither do the rest of The Hell Patrol. The reason why it is not like it used to be in TE is imagine the fact that alliances do not advertise that TE is a great way to blow off some SE steam until and SE war starts. CN apparently from what I've been told, peaked years ago, but it is not done yet. Only you stand in the way of your "revival". Get back on that horse. you don't have to listen to me. Make treaties all you want, just don't cry when you look out your window to see the Four Horsemen and their hordes of destruction rolling over you in the Noobiest(yeah, i said it) of fashion.

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Believland, if you are going to make one of these every round maybe you should just save some time and really start something in TE by making an AA?

Also random note Tibs :wub:

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