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Looking for a new alliance


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Hi Lennox, depending what you're looking for in an alliance, we may be a good choice for you. Liberation Army is a Suikoden themed alliance, with the foundations of the alliance built on some of the similarities between Suikoden & CN, recruitment, team work, battles and the building of a strong alliance where each person contributes. In Suikoden, you recruit 108 Stars of Destiny, in CN those Stars of Destiny would be the members of Liberation Army.

Our aim is to create a strong community of 108 well educated, active people who all contribute to the alliance, whether it be just by being active on the forums / IRC each day or by actually getting further involved with the day to day running of the alliance.

We have a large academy to educate new members who then proceed to sell tech until they hit 2k infra, then we organise a 30m aid growth program to get them growing quickly. Hopefully using this method, nations will grow quickly within the alliance, get their wonders and mainly, their nukes sharpish.

Each nation in our alliance has a growth schedule to stick to, alliance signatures and avatars are available on request and we're aiming to promote a high level of activity and discipline among our members using these schedules.

I know you like war, so I should tell you that despite being a protectorate at the moment, we do allow tech raiding of nations in unprotected alliances & unaligned nations.

Forums: http://cn-liberationarmy.com/index.php


I'm Mayz[LA] if you want to chat, I'll be on for another few hours.


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[quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1287684712' post='2489896']
Edit: I will not join a terrible alliance.

Was that aimed at me? :D

[quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1287686138' post='2489915']
No, GPA practices PZI so I will be at war indefinitely. What will you do to change this?

Fart in their general direction. I've got lager & curry farts, it'll hurt them.

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So my attempts to recruit you would be futile then if you have PZI unless I can convince GPA to give you a second chance?

For a 'neutral' alliance it seems such a grotesque practice to use but then I am unfamiliar to the circumstances around yourself and GPA so I cannot really comment on that.

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Follow the path.. Join the Exodus :ph34r:

I'll let these 2 links speak for themselves.



Link to our forums:

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[quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1287686138' post='2489915']No, GPA practices PZI so I will be at war indefinitely. What will you do to change this?[/quote]
Ah ah :) .

[quote name='The Bringer' timestamp='1287687563' post='2489932']For a 'neutral' alliance it seems such a grotesque practice to use but then I am unfamiliar to the circumstances around yourself and GPA so I cannot really comment on that.[/quote]
We've been in peace negotiations with Lennox since well before he posted that.
Please consider that he is often kidding on this board (and BTW [i]everywhere[/i], AFAIK) so you don't necessarily need to take him seriously (even if he insists that he was serious, of course). Take his words with a grain of salt.
I [u]personally[/u] expect that our conflict with Lennox is over in a few days at worst, but the timing is obviously not entirely under our control as it also depends on Lennox's willingness to compromise.

Just as a (nitpicking) side note, I'd like to point out that practicing PZI isn't incompatible with neutrality as long as you don't PZI any third party's enemies, but just your own ones.
You're anyway correct when you imply that practicing PZI is incompatible with the GPA way of life. It is.

[color=green][u][b]Edit:[/b] please GPA non-government members refrain from posting here (in the highly unlikely chance that any of them ever noticed this thread, that's it...)[/u][/color]

Edited by jerdge
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[quote name='jerdge' timestamp='1287737639' post='2490511']
We've been in peace negotiations with Lennox since well before he posted that.
Please consider that he is often kidding on this board (and BTW [i]everywhere[/i], AFAIK) so you don't necessarily need to take him seriously (even if he insists that he was serious, of course). Take his words with a grain of salt.
I [u]personally[/u] expect that our conflict with Lennox is over in a few days at worst, but the timing is obviously not entirely under our control as it also depends on Lennox's willingness to compromise.

Just as a (nitpicking) side note, I'd like to point out that practicing PZI isn't incompatible with neutrality as long as you don't PZI any third party's enemies, but just your own ones.
You're anyway correct when you imply that practicing PZI is incompatible with the GPA way of life. It is.


Alright that is a respectable reply, thank you for clearing this up. If GPA chooses to practice PZI that is your Alliance's choice to make and I respect your alliance made the decision it made it did seem an odd practice to have for a neutral alliance but then what alliance doesn't had its oddities?. I do hope Mr Lennox does choose to compromise with your Leadership so that he can freely choose a suitable Alliance, and I have not really had much of the pleasure of talking with Mr Lennox or following a lot of what he has said on here so I could only go with what was said here.

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Well it matters on what you need.One thing is we can't provide aid but we can provide loyalty and friendship.Another reason is we can make a exception and let you in no matter how many wars you have.Also we have a dictatorship so if you like that form of government chose us.Next We are a small alliance with 3 members so far so if you like small alliances we are for you.Also we might give you a gov job if you are loyal and behave.Lastly we would like to know how active you could be on IRC and f.y.i we use mibbit chat.Please consider the irc and forums are bellow.


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[quote name='Lennox' timestamp='1287686943' post='2489926']
No, mayzie, my comment was aimed in the direction of Super Friends.

...and I was going to try and recruit you then... [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img]

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