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An Ordo Paradoxia/Duckroll Joint Announcement

the wompus

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Rule number 1 in warfare is know your enemy.
PS and OP/Duck fight different ways which is why I said this would be a fun war to watch :lol1:

If my guess is correct, PS had their stuff spied out just before the DoW right?
4 k increases are shown by both OP and Duck within a day of the DoW if my maths is right. PS dropped off slightly after the attack.
A member of PS had a warchest that was going to do serious damage to any attacker.
Fun to watch guys :P

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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1286206330' post='2474233']
Rule number 1 in warfare is know your enemy.
PS and OP/Duck fight different ways which is why I said this would be a fun war to watch :lol1:

If my guess is correct, PS had their stuff spied out just before the DoW right?
4 k increases are shown by both OP and Duck within a day of the DoW if my maths is right. PS dropped off slightly after the attack.
A member of PS had a warchest that was going to do serious damage to any attacker.
Fun to watch guys :P
We changed our tactics this time. Everyone in OP had orders to hold off spying until 30 minutes prior to the blitz. :)

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[quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1286177292' post='2474066']
Lol yikes, I just got declared on by someone with 700 more infra than me. He is now sitting at 300% my infra level. This how Pork Shrimp fights? :P
I wish someone would attack me, I need more casualties, as 2 people are turtleing and 1 is almost in bill lock.

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1286206708' post='2474238']
I wish someone would attack me, I need more casualties, as 2 people are turtleing and 1 is almost in bill lock.

Provided I don't eat another nuke I'll get you on the 6th...cool?

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1286206635' post='2474236']
We changed our tactics this time. Everyone in OP had orders to hold off spying until 30 minutes prior to the blitz. :)
I see the funny side of the comment as I can also see the dangers if "one" gets caught. <_<
My previous comment persists though, know "ones" enemy. (not that anyone in TE has any I'm sure :lol1: )

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[quote name='Son of Taeper' timestamp='1286208607' post='2474253']
I see the funny side of the comment as I can also see the dangers if "one" gets caught. <_<
My previous comment persists though, know "ones" enemy. (not that anyone in TE has any I'm sure :lol1: )
Sometimes you really do read too much into things :)

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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1286214373' post='2474308']
Sometimes you really do read too much into things :)

Other than days that end in "y", he really doesn't do it all that often.

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[quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1286177292' post='2474066']
Lol yikes, I just got declared on by someone with 700 more infra than me. He is now sitting at 300% my infra level. This how Pork Shrimp fights? :P

Well, my dear Owney...considering you haven't experienced the joy of anarchy thus far this war and have been consistantly sending planes, CM's and a full set of troops at me this entire time and that your partner in crime (of attacking me :P ) bones nuked me a while back (and again today, by the way) - thus devistating my airforce and any chance I had of properly welcoming your airforce...and you didn't have anyone else who declared on you until today - well, I granted myself the luxery of requesting assistance.

And yes - when a member of Pork Shrimp requests assistance, at least one other will respond.

That is how Pork Shrimp fights. :wub:

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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1286206808' post='2474239']
Provided I don't eat another nuke I'll get you on the 6th...cool?

I wish I saw this sooner :P

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[quote name='Cellardoor' timestamp='1286200662' post='2474186']
You guys declared war on us and you're upset at the choice of a counterattack?

In Owney's defense, on the other hand - now that I know WHO just attacked him - he should be concerned I suppose. I wouldn't want to fight THAT particular Pork Shrimper myself. However, it's not due to the amount of his infrastructure ;)

Have fun, Owwney :smug:

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[quote name='White Chocolate' timestamp='1286241068' post='2474896']
Well - both attackers are attacking - that's a HUGE plus. No lack of excitment :D

One of my opponents has effectively turtled. :(

But the other one is putting up quite a fight. :)

[i][size="1"]Edited for grammar[/size][/i]

Edited by dy Cazaril
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Well, this war has been fun...Now I just GA for giggles with very low odds since I can't win GAs now *Sigh*...Owell, I've had my fun leading the Casualty race.

Thanks for the fun fight, PS.

bcortell - I'm waiting for you :smug:


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[quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1286177292' post='2474066']
Lol yikes, I just got declared on by someone with 700 more infra than me. He is now sitting at 300% my infra level. This how Pork Shrimp fights? :P

Um... yeah... hypocrite much? you attacked Strykewolf of RD at 2400NS when your NS was 4200+

I'm already at war with two nuclear targets, both who had more infra & more nukes than me when I declared on them and Ive eaten nukes from them... I needed a troop dump, you were it, sucks for you, but sucks for Strykewolf too and I don't think you considered his feelings before down declaring.

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[quote name='Jack Shepard' timestamp='1286242075' post='2474916']
Um... yeah... hypocrite much? you attacked Strykewolf of RD at 2400NS when your NS was 4200+

I'm already at war with two nuclear targets, both who had more infra & more nukes than me when I declared on them and Ive eaten nukes from them... I needed a troop dump, you were it, sucks for you, but sucks for Strykewolf too and I don't think you considered his feelings before down declaring.

How am I a hypocrite? Did I have 700+ more infra than Strykewolf, or 3x his infra? My NS was bloated as hell due to my military, at least there was less infra disparity between he and I than you and I. ;) I didn't criticize you for down-declaring, only for declaring on someone without a chance(I don't even have nukes). I thought Pork Shrimp didn't do that, but all is fair in war I guess. :) Besides, I up-declared on my other 2 targets, they had about 900 and 1000 infra I believe compared to my 619 at the start of the war. Anyway I just think it's lame to attack someone with 1/3 your infra, I don't know how it could end up being fun for either one of us.

Anyhow, it's been a fun war so far gents, looks like I may have to re-roll by the end of it. :lol1:

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1286241506' post='2474909']
Well, this war has been fun...Now I just GA for giggles with very low odds since I can't win GAs now *Sigh*...Owell, I've had my fun leading the Casualty race.

Thanks for the fun fight, PS.

bcortell - I'm waiting for you :smug:


...just have to get out of anarchy first. :lol1:

[quote name='Owney OSullivan' timestamp='1286245125' post='2475110']
How am I a hypocrite? Did I have 700+ more infra than Strykewolf, or 3x his infra? My NS was bloated as hell due to my military, at least there was less infra disparity between he and I than you and I. ;) I didn't criticize you for down-declaring, only for declaring on someone without a chance(I don't even have nukes). I thought Pork Shrimp didn't do that, but all is fair in war I guess. :) Besides, I up-declared on my other 2 targets, they had about 900 and 1000 infra I believe compared to my 619 at the start of the war. Anyway I just think it's lame to attack someone with 1/3 your infra, I don't know how it could end up being fun for either one of us.

Anyhow, it's been a fun war so far gents, looks like I may have to re-roll by the end of it. :lol1:
It's fun for the rest of us to watch the whining. ;)

Can someone get Dom Zak to buy some troops and attack me. I am blaming him for me being out of the top 10 in casualties. Bones, thanks for rebuying. :)

Edited by bcortell
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Certainly a very very destructive war on all sides.


Top 7 Day Smallest Alliance Gains
1) -100,828 Strength Change - Roman Empire

2) -79,190 Strength Change - Pork Shrimp

3) -44,315 Strength Change - Ordo Paradoxia

4) -43,438 Strength Change - Duckroll

5) -30,112 Strength Change - Rodentia Dominatus

As it should be :P

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[quote name='Confusion' timestamp='1286241506' post='2474909']
Well, this war has been fun...Now I just GA for giggles with very low odds since I can't win GAs now *Sigh*...Owell, I've had my fun leading the Casualty race.

Thanks for the fun fight, PS.

bcortell - I'm waiting for you :smug:


You're buddy is effectively steamrolling me. So there ya have it. :)

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I'd rather someone declare on me with 700 more infra than a full fleet of planes and such (accounting for the NS from the build-up). I'm really surprised to see someone complaining about counter-attacks.

And sorry Paul, since I posted that message I've eaten two more nukes. You'll have to find another huckleberry :(

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At least planes can be nuked away. Unfortunately I don't have any nukes to shed any of that infra. Fun war though, guys. Definitely my favorite of the round thus far. :awesome:

Edited by Owney OSullivan
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