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[quote name='Lenny N Karl' timestamp='1285850122' post='2469668']
o> FnKa, good luck on your war

I'd stay out of it, if only GooNS manned up to fight you one on one. Remember, sometimes you CAN tell your allies, "Thanks, but I got this..."

I get the feeling you can't say this and hiding under the ruse of "sharing the fun" rings hollow in my ears.

By all means, please join in. And bring the rest of NATO with you?

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Welcome to the fray FnKa. Hugs all around.

One thing I've noticed:
Old and Busted: "Do something about it"
New Hotness: "We don't like you" CB (I've often wondered when this would finally happen. I love it).

Meanwhile a summary of one of the new narratives:
Triple team update Blitzes? Good Strategy
Bigger Nations teaming Smaller Ones? Good Strategy
Going into Peace Mode when your alliance attacks? Good Strategy
Getting help from allies in wartime? COWARDS!

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[quote name='denkimon' timestamp='1285854025' post='2469702']

New Hotness: "We don't like you" CB (I've often wondered when this would finally happen. I love it).


Take some and pass it on. Hope we seen GOONS use it soon.

[quote name='denkimon' timestamp='1285854025' post='2469702']

Getting help from allies in wartime? COWARDS!


This is one I do not understand. The more the merrier. Especially you fiesty PC and iFOK types.

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[quote name='CEverettKoop' timestamp='1285830680' post='2469514']
They've got more guts than you'll ever know, coward.

If you want some, bring it.

When was the last time the GOONS actually declared on an AA that, by their own charter, is an alliance? I do not pay much attention to politics, but I can't remember any time. If it's war you really want - find a real alliance with plenty of treaties and give it a go yourself. No? Than do the rest of us a favor and stop pointing fingers at everyone else.

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[quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1285826439' post='2469467']
You did not seriously just say that.

(OOC: Stealing a quote from Spock is very extremely high on the lame meter.)

You may quote me.

[i]OOC: Getting that I was quoting Spock: +1 Internet. Calling it lame, even though it fit the moment perfectly: -2 Internet. And some of your members are telling me to lighten up? Pfft.[/i]

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[quote name='Mistress Demona' timestamp='1285856308' post='2469737']
When was the last time the GOONS actually declared on an AA that, by their own charter, is an alliance? I do not pay much attention to politics, but I can't remember any time. If it's war you really want - find a real alliance with plenty of treaties and give it a go yourself. No? Than do the rest of us a favor and stop pointing fingers at everyone else.

I'll note that at the time, GOONS was roughly half the size of NATO

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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1285856958' post='2469742']

I'll note that at the time, GOONS was roughly half the size of NATO

NATO also had a ton of alliances pile on them as well, I just wanted to point that out since you felt the need to point out the size differential. Though yes, that would be GOONS declaring war on NATO as per their charter.

Edited by The MVP
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[quote name='flak attack' timestamp='1285856958' post='2469742']

I'll note that at the time, GOONS was roughly half the size of NATO

Hahahahahaha that thread got to 3 pages

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[quote name='Lenny N Karl' timestamp='1285858513' post='2469757']
Just to remind you, I never called GooNS cowards. they aren't. They and their allies seem to think that GooNS can't handle FnKa alone. that is all.

No, you never called GOONS cowards, you merely implied it. Carry on.

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[quote name='DOW']It makes us all look bad, and that was before you started letting ex-tR members join[/quote]

And FnKa letting ex-tR members join is different because...

Anyway it's such a warm and cozy feeling to catch up again. I'd kill to see you.

Edited by Lex Quintus
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Moralism at its best:


Edit: Hopefully this is easier to see.

Edit 2: Hah! Posting this got me banned from their forums! Because I posted a screenshot of their public area. :rolleyes:

Edited by Yankees Empire
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[quote name='DeadAnimal' timestamp='1285817400' post='2469189']
It makes us all look bad, and that was before you started letting ex-tR members join.

Aw, you still haven't gotten over us? It seems time really doesn't change a thing.

[quote name='DeadAnimal' timestamp='1285817400' post='2469189']

Prime Minister - SkaPunk
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Aspen
Minister of Internal Affairs - Lord of Assassins
Minister of Defense - DeadAnimal
Minister of Finance - MVP2000
Minister of Recruiting - Silent Fury
Minister of Subversive Activity - Mikhail K Vasilyev

Well this just seems to be a group of old friends, traitors, and saboteurs.

[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1285833926' post='2469557']
FnKa does tech-raid, and yet they still stood up to your tech raiding practices because it gave tech raiding a bad name.

Since when has tech raiding had a good name? There is no honor in tech raiding, nor honor in refraining from tech raiding.

[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1285849314' post='2469663']
P.S. FnKa are tough as hell, good luck to whoever has to fight these guys, lmao.

When they are properly supported with lower level nations or when they attack those who do not have supportive allies and the means to attack back.

[quote name='Lex Quintus' timestamp='1285860413' post='2469774']
And FnKa letting ex-tR members join is different because...

Anyway it's such a warm and cozy feeling to catch up again. I'd kill to see you.

Yeah, this reeks of vendetta. I'm glad we all got the chance to hang out again.

Edited by Smittay
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No. The GOONS aren't cowards, but let me straighten a few things out here. It seems like this thread is starting to argue over why we went to war, like i was one reason such as we hate ex-TR members, or we want to change their charter, we don't just don't like them, they like suicide or something else.

Let me explain first off, like many of you, the only wars we have ever fought have been for other people. While that is noble, and not a bad thing at all, just for once we wanted to do something for our selves. Secondly, we hate GOONS, and we hated them long before ex-TR members joined, this war isn't about them, but I do admit we all are extremely happy that they are there (minus lex, because I love him). Secondly to Mattski's post, yep we hate you, you go that right, and ITS NO BIG SECRET we called you out in the damn OP. No being a member of a "solid" alliance in the past isn't a CB, good thing it isn't our CB. But even if it was, you arent just a member, you are THE member. Next, we seriously don't actually believe that we are going to change their charter (however awesome that would be) it was more of a slap in the face to those silly GOONS. You are right about most of your reasons for us going to war, actually you might be right about all of them.

We aren't by any means moralist.

I would like to issue this challenge to anyone who feels the same way as we do, in the most friendly way as possible of course [b]do something about it and join up[/b]. Have some fun.

And to all of the haters that are going to say that we are doing that selfishly because we are scared now or what not, I'd like to say that we recognize that we are going to ZI whether or not they join, it's less about us hurting and more about GOONS getting hurt just a little bit more.

Also... o/ The Ninjas.'

Alright, speech over, continue hating.

Edited by Skap Q
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[quote name='Skap Q' timestamp='1285861776' post='2469789']
We aren't by any means moralist.

You're attacking GOONS because "they don't raid the right way." If it looks like moralism, and smells like moralism...it's probably moralism. Also, I've said moralism 4 times now, so, once again, moralism.

Edit: I'll be the first to say it in this thread: GOONS, if it's brown, flush it down. :)

Edited by Yankees Empire
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Yankee, hush.

Also too the people that are like you guys are terrible because you put your poor allies in danger, no we did not. We informed them that we were going to do this and that we knew they couldn't help us. We have nonchaining clauses in our treaty so we wouldn't have to deal with this.

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[quote name='Skap Q' timestamp='1285861776' post='2469789']
it was more of a slap in the face to those silly GOONS.
This was a slap in the face? You handed yourself to us and our allies on a platter. You can't harm us by declaring war on us, because we thrive on it, you can only harm us by starving us of it.

I am also happy to see the ex-tR members in our ranks enjoying themselves, this truly is a wonderful gift.

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[quote name='Skap Q' timestamp='1285861776' post='2469789']
No. The GOONS aren't cowards, but let me straighten a few things out here. It seems like this thread is starting to argue over why we went to war, like i was one reason such as we hate ex-TR members, or we want to change their charter, we don't just don't like them, they like suicide or something else.

Let me explain first off, like many of you, the only wars we have ever fought have been for other people. While that is noble, and not a bad thing at all, just for once we wanted to do something for our selves. Secondly, we hate GOONS, and we hated them long before ex-TR members joined, this war isn't about them, but I do admit we all are extremely happy that they are there (minus lex, because I love him). Secondly to Mattski's post, yep we hate you, you go that right, and ITS NO BIG SECRET we called you out in the damn OP. No being a member of a "solid" alliance in the past isn't a CB, good thing it isn't our CB. But even if it was, you arent just a member, you are THE member. Next, we seriously don't actually believe that we are going to change their charter (however awesome that would be) it was more of a slap in the face to those silly GOONS. You are right about most of your reasons for us going to war, actually you might be right about all of them.

We aren't by any means moralist.

I would like to issue this challenge to anyone who feels the same way as we do, in the most friendly way as possible of course [b]do something about it and join up[/b]. Have some fun.

And to all of the haters that are going to say that we are doing that selfishly because we are scared now or what not, I'd like to say that we recognize that we are going to ZI whether or not they join, it's less about us hurting and more about GOONS getting hurt just a little bit more.

Also... o/ The Ninjas.'

Alright, speech over, continue hating.
You seem like a reasonable person. I would like to engage in the long-forgotten art of "discussion" on these boards with you.

Since you have essentially stated that the only goal in this war was to deal as much damage to GOONS as possible, your statement that it would be "honorable" not to accept aid from our allies now seems like pure self-interest. How is it in any way "honorable" to fight hamstrung in such a way that your enemies' goals are easier to achieve?

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