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The Ninjas Announcement


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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1285794777' post='2468696']
[color="#0000FF"]You know, rogue or not, after a couple months of war you'd assume that'd be long enough. Most people would think that, and let them go, money or no money. But again, human decency. I've grown not to expect it from GOONS. You're scum. It's as simple as that.[/color]
We seek justice, where is the justice in letting debts go unpaid?

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1285794988' post='2468699']
We seek justice, where is the justice in letting debts go unpaid?

Justice only when it suits you. Might makes right doesn't sit right with us.

[quote]Because you couldn't be further from the truth. Now, I know (hope?) you're not that thick and are doing this on purpose but come on, you're going down to the levels of HoT, TheAUT and shahenshahhahahaha. [/quote]

The ones that are most vocal are the ones that are most hated and opposed by the masses. So thank you, I appreciate that. Anything opposed to you is wrong, thick, and non level-headed. While I think you're nothing more than a pawn helping lead a mob attack. Go figure.

Edited by The MVP
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The GOONS/GGA comparisons are pretty flawed. The old guard GOONS like Umar are fully built up military and stacked. Whereas their younger members are still being boosted up or in the stage of getting economic wonders.

For example:
90 Stock Markets
45 Great Monuments
42 Great Temples
50 MPs
26 SDIs
13 WRCs

You can kind of see the trend there, lots of people starting out economic wonder purchases, but not a lot people deep into military wonders yet due to their age.

The GGA on the other hand dated back to GWI and had plenty of nations that had been around for awhile and was still ineffective. If in a year or so the GOONS still only have one or two dozen WRCs, then call them out by all means but right now they're still in the stage of laying the foundations for growth.

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[quote name='CRex of Gulo Gulo' timestamp='1285796186' post='2468733']
The GOONS/GGA comparisons are pretty flawed. The old guard GOONS like Umar are fully built up military and stacked. Whereas their younger members are still being boosted up or in the stage of getting economic wonders.

For example:
90 Stock Markets
45 Great Monuments
42 Great Temples
50 MPs
26 SDIs
13 WRCs

You can kind of see the trend there, lots of people starting out economic wonder purchases, but not a lot people deep into military wonders yet due to their age.

The GGA on the other hand dated back to GWI and had plenty of nations that had been around for awhile and was still ineffective. If in a year or so the GOONS still only have one or two dozen WRCs, then call them out by all means but right now they're still in the stage of laying the foundations for growth.

Thank you for understanding and noticing our alliance trend/growth. We are a young alliance, just about all our members joined post-Karma. We're working on it, but we're certainly not at mass WRC levels yet :P

On that note, this is also actually one of the reasons we are notably raid-heavy: raiding is generally a low-NS practice less enjoyed by older members, and we have one of the larger groupings of younger engaged lower-tier players.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1285785245' post='2468513']
What hypocrisy? The hypocrisy you invented in your head? I wouldn't really complain if you attacked RV, and while I don't speak for RV, I don't know that he would either.

Attacking all of NSO is a different story, which sets up a straw man for you to knock over, so lets keep it on RV for the sake of this discussion. You wouldn't hear a single complaint from me (Though I doubt I qualify as a 'moralist').

Another issue is big guy vs. small guy. Here The Ninjas are the small guy, and they basically get automatic praise, regardless of the circumstances, for having the testicular fortitude to go through with something like this. It's only made better when GOONS comes on to cry about it:

"Do something about it :smug::smug::awesome::smug::ehm::smug:"


"*whine* *cry* *baww* What gives you the right ;_;"
Thanks for agreeing with me.

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[quote name='ironchef' timestamp='1285790170' post='2468592']
LOL <3u2 potato, but you make it so easy. Can’t you guys just tell GOONS to put a sock in it so you don’t have to keep cleaning up after them?
Or is this how it works?
MK,Umbrella,PC> We need something to do, GOONS go run your mouth so you get attacked again.
GOONS> ok boss be back with fresh meat in a snap!

Is it asking too much to let a war-related thread go by without someone's depressingly awful rendition of what conversations they imagine took place behind the scenes? I can't speak for anyone but myself, but whenever I'm on the sidelines and I see a post like this it makes me view the poster with nothing but the utmost contempt.

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[quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1285737176' post='2467784']
So just so I'm clear, here: You are advocating nuclear war because someone said niener niener? Looks like someone doesn't like free speech.

By free speech you mean "speech without consequences"?

You must be that rare GOON who doesn't cherish the memory of Shark Week.

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[quote name='Zombie Glaucon' timestamp='1285800773' post='2468849']
By free speech you mean "speech without consequences"?

You must be that rare GOON who doesn't cherish the memory of Shark Week.
As most of our members aren't old GOONS (DrBeefstupid included), it's not as rare as you think. Actually, it's funny you bring that analogy up. Shark Week was terrible right? But it's okay if ninjas does it?

ninjas, you seem upset that nobody is DoWing on you. A ninja declared on iFOK. Where's that DoW?

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285801488' post='2468871']
ninjas, you seem upset that nobody is DoWing on you. A ninja declared on iFOK. Where's that DoW?

Seeing as there is no formal declaration from iFOK, he could quite easily be considered a rogue. As such, CN norms dictate that there is nothing wrong with alliances declaring wars against rogues who attack them.

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285801488' post='2468871']
As most of our members aren't old GOONS (DrBeefstupid included), it's not as rare as you think. Actually, it's funny you bring that analogy up. Shark Week was terrible right? But it's okay if ninjas does it?

ninjas, you seem upset that nobody is DoWing on you. A ninja declared on iFOK. Where's that DoW?
He declared on us first sunshine. We figured he was roguing. :smug:

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285803864' post='2468934']
Well there you go, you just explained why nobody has DoWed ninjas.
Difference between an individual and an alliance.

I believe Sardonic already stated we're an alliance. You're side really, really needs to get on the same page.

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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285803940' post='2468936']
Difference between an individual and an alliance.

I believe Sardonic already stated we're an alliance. You're side really, really needs to get on the same page.
And if you're an alliance that makes this an alliance war, and we have MDPs, so you shouldn't be surprised in the slightest.

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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285803940' post='2468936']
I believe Sardonic already stated we're an alliance. You're side really, really needs to get on the same page.
Our side has at least 6 alliances. They all have the right to decide what they consider an "alliance".

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1285804964' post='2468955']
Our side has at least 6 alliances. They all have the right to decide what they consider an "alliance".
They don't even know as we're getting mixed answers. These half distorted versions of what an alliance is are quite foolish.

[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285804066' post='2468941']
And if you're an alliance that makes this an alliance war, and we have MDPs, so you shouldn't be surprised in the slightest.

By no Dows? I am very surprised. And yes, Goons stated they didn't hide behind their allies. Apparently you do. :) Nothing wrong with that, it's quite normal.

Edited by Ejayrazz
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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285805350' post='2468960']
They don't even know as we're getting mixed answers. These half distorted versions of what an alliance is are quite foolish.
What does it matter? You guys aren't getting sanctioned. Nobody's posting a DoW since it's not mandatory for MDP partners to post one, whether they consider you an alliance or not. We already have two threads about this so we don't need more. Unless you're trying to pull off some secret ninja scheme like invoking your own invisible MDP if someone DoWs on you, why even have this argument?

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285805487' post='2468962']
What does it matter? You guys aren't getting sanctioned. Nobody's posting a DoW since it's not mandatory for MDP partners to post one, whether they consider you an alliance or not. We already have two threads about this so we don't need more. Unless you're trying to pull off some secret ninja scheme like invoking your own invisible MDP if someone DoWs on you, why even have this argument?
I know I am opening a can of worms with this one; respect. We want this between us two, but we know it's idealistic as people can't grasp this concept, or simply disagree with it (its fine), but at least have the courtesy in DoWing us. Hell, even people on your own side are saying it.

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[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285805781' post='2468965']
I know I am opening a can of worms with this one; respect. We want this between us two, but we know it's idealistic as people can't grasp this concept, or simply disagree with it (its fine), but at least have the courtesy in DoWing us. Hell, even people on your own side are saying it.
I gave you the respect I thought you deserved for acting. Just don't think there's any need to have 8 threads about the same thing. "Post a DoW! Post a DoW! Post a DoW!" is just childish.

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