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GOON spy orders


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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285206085' post='2461643']
I will be interested in the $$ tally from this. It's going to cost GOONS and allies waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than 90 or 270 or whatever to fight Jim. Umar is going to be over a billion in the hole alone most likely. Probably a billion each or more for every ally that joins the fight.

So any profit GOONS made from Methrage is going to be long gone.

Money isn't everything my friend. What good is money if you just hoard it and let anyone with a passive-aggressive bone to pick walk all over you?

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1285203436' post='2461595']
And yet again you miss the whole point. We wouldn't goad him into attacking us.[/quote]

You sure?

[quote][quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1285138505' post='2460757']
Bring it on, Jim.

[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285156551' post='2460865']
If he doesn't care about his infra, he could've just declared on GOONS right away. Why bother with a warning if he doesn't care about his infra? Maybe he thinks nobody will call his bluff. Maybe he thinks large nations can just do whatever they want without consequences. Maybe he's trying to make it seem like he's the victim.

I'd re-state your position.

[quote]Aiding Methrage is a justified and accepted CB. He'd be openly inviting us to attack him.[/quote]

Because GOONS didn't make it plain early on that aiding Methrage would be an act of war... :psyduck:

He didn't think he'd get caught, just like the others. Of course he and the others didn't think about the fact they weren't just jerking GOONS' chain, they were also inviting trouble from PC, MK, Umbrella, etc. Had they been observant, they would have figured it out.

So when will the bloc be declared? Seems a minor formality really.

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Why are GOONS complaining they are being hit? Yall do this everyday to other nations, then you spy someone suspecting (I use that term loosely, since there was no way you could know he was aiding methrage) he was aiding a rogue. Then you label him a rogue, essentially backing him into a corner and forcing him to attack before you hit him.

Jim is a sensible guy, you could have talked to him in private rather than trying to slander him instantly. All I ever see on the here these days is GOONS at war with various parties, has it ever possibly occurred to you that it's not them, but you causing this?

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I haven't read the entire topic (a lot of it but not the last few pages...) but I wonder if it has been pointed out that Methrage is quite the jerk for doing significant damage to multiple alliances including my own? Sure the rebel and others were complete morons for aiding him, but he didn't have to accept the aid. We lost a member over this, others lost significant amounts of cash. I can't help but be mad, no furious!, at Methrage for inflicting so much harm on so many good people. Hey Meth, do the rest of the world a favor and stop accepting aid from idiots. Thanks.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1285206888' post='2461651']
Why are GOONS complaining they are being hit? Yall do this everyday to other nations, then you spy someone suspecting (I use that term loosely, since there was no way you could know he was aiding methrage) he was aiding a rogue. Then you label him a rogue, essentially backing him into a corner and forcing him to attack before you hit him.

Jim is a sensible guy, you could have talked to him in private rather than trying to slander him instantly. All I ever see on the here these days is GOONS at war with various parties, has it ever possibly occurred to you that it's not them, but you causing this?
I'm pretty sure Jim was the one who aided Methrage, hence starting this. No secret aid, no reason to spy, no potential for war. Nice try though. :)

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To: JimKongIl From: MikeTheFirst Date: 9/22/2010 6:42:30 PM

Subject: Sanctions!

Message: Trade and Foreign Aid sanctions have been setup against your nation by MikeTheFirst of the Orange team. You will no longer be allowed to trade or send/receive foreign aid while you are a member of the Orange team while these sanctions are active and all non-secret trades with the Orange team have been canceled.


Your favorite weapon

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[quote name='Choson' timestamp='1285207113' post='2461656']
I'm pretty sure Jim was the one who aided Methrage, hence starting this. No secret aid, no reason to spy, no potential for war. Nice try though. :)

Seriously? Are you guys going to spy everyone with secret aid from now on then with the "I'm pretty sure" line?

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1285206888' post='2461651']
Why are GOONS complaining they are being hit? Yall do this everyday to other nations, then you spy someone suspecting (I use that term loosely, since there was no way you could know he was aiding methrage) he was aiding a rogue. Then you label him a rogue, essentially backing him into a corner and forcing him to attack before you hit him.

Jim is a sensible guy, you could have talked to him in private rather than trying to slander him instantly. All I ever see on the here these days is GOONS at war with various parties, has it ever possibly occurred to you that it's not them, but you causing this?

Hey look another of these nearly identical posts from someone who (willfully?) ignores all the facts and then tries to put negative spin on GOONS over someone committing an act of war against us these never get old please post more since your contribution to this thread is so very original and valuable

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1285206888' post='2461651']
Why are GOONS complaining they are being hit? Yall do this everyday to other nations, then you spy someone suspecting (I use that term loosely, since there was no way you could know he was aiding methrage) he was aiding a rogue. Then you label him a rogue, essentially backing him into a corner and forcing him to attack before you hit him.

Jim is a sensible guy, you could have talked to him in private rather than trying to slander him instantly. All I ever see on the here these days is GOONS at war with various parties, has it ever possibly occurred to you that it's not them, but you causing this?
You are waaaaaaaaaaaaay of the reservation here.

First up, no GOONS is complaining, if they are please point it out to me.

Second, If you read the thread you would know GOONS have been very effective in tracking down the sources of Methrage's secret aid. 3 out 3 so far. They didn't force him into doing anything. 2 others have aided Methrage without ending up fighting GOONS. Jim could easily have paid the 90m and avoided war, or better yet, he could have avoided everything by not aiding Methrage in the first place.

I like Aasgard but please check your facts before you post. If anything more is unclear contact me on IRC or by PM and I will be happy to explain it for you.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1285207460' post='2461664']
I can think of at least 200 reason why people would hate you...of course that is only the most recent wars.
[/quote]I eagerly await ChairmanHal's storyime.

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[quote name='JimKongIl' timestamp='1285195845' post='2461397']
I am not a rogue. Goons can accept white peace any time they choose.
Are you doing that on purpose? You know the reason we fought Methrage the first time is he aided someone we were at war with, refused to pay reps, then went on to chant that he's not a rogue while attacking us and saying we can have white peace.

It didn't work the last time, what makes you think we care this time? You're one of over a dozen rogues we're dealing with. It's not like one more is going to bother us.

I mean really, this is practically word for word. I refuse to believe this is anything but a joke.

[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1285198380' post='2461463']
GOONS seem to be the rogues here, with their slot filling and treating everyone who doesn't like them as guilty of sending aid to me, as well as distorting the meaning of the term rogue to fit their needs as they manipulate/threaten other alliances to destabilize their senate position and color sphere to benefit GOONS.
I was waiting for your post Methrage. Glad I hung in there. I could address this (there are sooooo many things wrong with it) but I think I'd rather just quote it so people can see it again.

But still, glad to see you're still feeling "remorse" for the people who get caught as a direct result of your shenanigans. This makes 3/3. And if someone sends you secret aid again you'll take it again won't you? Yeah, because you really don't care when this kind of stuff happens. As long as you get your 4.5m.

[quote name='Andre27' timestamp='1285199376' post='2461497']
An aid offer from beef.. something (don't recall the precise name, too lazy too look for it). Cancelled a few seconds later. Too bad i wasn't online to accept the money and soldiers.
Happened some time ago after i had some frequent debates with a couple of GOONS in either one of the UOKMB or Methrage related topics.

I'd be tempted so send some secret aid to someone to see if they would commit an act of war solely based on their paranoia.
If you did accept it it'd just be wasting your slot. But you're playing on our team here. The heart of this thread is that we're supposedly infringing upon people's rights and going after innocent people and demanding spy operations with no proof. We checked you and you were clean. So we didn't do anything about it. You were one of the guys in the police lineup, but you did no wrong. You totally prove our side of the story that we know what we're doing and aren't witch hunting innocent people. As long as you aren't sending out secret aid you have nothing to fear.

And if you did send secret aid just to bait us I don't know if anyone would take your side on that. You know the facts and would be intentionally planting evidence just to hassle us. When that blows up in your face you'd have only yourself to blame.

[quote name='Thrash' timestamp='1285199738' post='2461509']
Interesting, I should go buy the FAC.
Save yourself some time, just send GOONS 90m or attack us.

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1285202919' post='2461582']
Would you really want to listen to GOONS, MK, Umbrella, and friends for 15 pages goading you into attacking so they can shop around your nuke rogue status to their senators?

Call me camera shy but...ain't worth it. Neither is aiding Methrage, and yet...here we are. :rolleyes:
Finally something we can all agree on. :mellow:

[quote name='Ejayrazz' timestamp='1285203841' post='2461600']
I aided him. Do something about it.
No you didn't, Methrage would've told us. But if you're that gung-ho, just declare on GOONS or send non-secret aid. Everyone who sends secret aid believes they won't get caught.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1285207394' post='2461662']
Seriously? Are you guys going to spy everyone with secret aid from now on then with the "I'm pretty sure" line?
Apparently, detecting sarcasm isn't your strongest suite.

And we had/have some pretty definitive proof that he was secretly aiding Methrage.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1285206888' post='2461651']
Why are GOONS complaining they are being hit?
Dude, I have no complaints :D

[quote name='JimKongIl' timestamp='1285207123' post='2461657']
Your favorite weapon
I'll be introducing you to my favourite "weapon" later on :ehm:

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[quote name='Haquertal' timestamp='1285205304' post='2461628']
Of course, since the other alliances are :(( GONS :((

They would be high fiving the other alliance, but we're not good enough for that.

(OOC: Every time you post I want to play more KH :|)

I guess I thats why I don't fit in very well on these boards, but it just seems so wishy-washy, does nobody stand by their morals?

Good the subconscious advertisement is working "I will soon be very rich, rich, rich!!!! At least its not an Organization announcement, then we make people think of cross and balls..... I'll never be taken seriously :(

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[quote name='SirWilliam' timestamp='1285206279' post='2461644']
Yes Vol Navy, profit is what matters, and not combating rogues and those who aid them.

Well I am pretty sure I see the GOONS bragging in quite a few threads including this one about how much money they have been making off Methrage's roguery, the profit is now going up in smoke.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285207844' post='2461673']
Well I am pretty sure I see the GOONS bragging in quite a few threads including this one about how much money they have been making off Methrage's roguery, the profit is now going up in smoke.
We don't do this for the profit. We do it because we back our words 100%. If we rolled over and capitulated any of the three times someone has secretly aided Methrage, that would be a worse message, diplomatically, to the world than this.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1285207394' post='2461662']
Seriously? Are you guys going to spy everyone with secret aid from now on then with the "I'm pretty sure" line?
We've spied three people so far, and all three have been the culprit. We have yet to spy "everyone" or use "I'm pretty sure" as an excuse. When we approach we're quite certain, and so far our record is 3/3 with 100% accuracy and 0% spying on anyone who didn't do it. Please keep trying to perpetuate this line of reasoning no matter how false it is, it only helps our case.

[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285207844' post='2461673']
Well I am pretty sure I see the GOONS bragging in quite a few threads including this one about how much money they have been making off Methrage's roguery, the profit is now going up in smoke.
We "brag" because it's hilarious that Methrage's shenanigans have netted us 270m. And now his shenanigans are resulting in the destruction of the 22nd largest nation on the planet. I'm not saying the money's not nice, but we aren't looking at it from the profit angle (though until now it HAS been profit) so much as the "look at what one hilarious rogue can accomplish."

I'm curious if there's ever been a rogue as infamous as Methrage, who managed to get a quarter billion in reps and billions in damages for people fighting for his cause?

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285207684' post='2461668']
No you didn't, Methrage would've told us. But if you're that gung-ho, just declare on GOONS or send non-secret aid. Everyone who sends secret aid believes they won't get caught.

But..but..I've known him longer! He likes me more!

My point is, you can't prove that I didn't send him aid, can you? If so, please fill me in, and I say this seriously without an ounce of sarcasm.

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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1285206888' post='2461651']
Why are GOONS complaining they are being hit?
We're not.
Yall do this everyday to other nations,
No, actually we don't aid nuclear rogues attacking people we don't like.
then you spy someone suspecting (I use that term loosely, since there was no way you could know he was aiding methrage
We have our results, we only spy when we are certain. We have been successful. Just because you lack the imagination to see how we found it out does not mean there is no possible way we could have enough evidence to convict.
he was aiding a rogue. Then you label him a rogue, essentially backing him into a corner and forcing him to attack before you hit him.
If he had nothing to fear he should have allowed the spy attacks. Nobody asked him to aid methrage, nobody forced him to attack us, he is paying for his crime, nothing more, nothing less.
Jim is a sensible guy,
Sensible? What about aiding nuclear rogues is "Sensible"?
you could have talked to him in private rather than trying to slander him instantly.
He voided any "right" to privacy when he made this thread.
All I ever see on the here these days is GOONS at war with various parties, has it ever possibly occurred to you that it's not them, but you causing this?

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[quote name='Heinlander' timestamp='1285207157' post='2461658']
As soon as we come up with a catchy name for it.

Here's some suggestions:

1. Monster (as inspired by a comment from Potato)

2. The New Unjust Path (kind of a natural)

3. The Methrage Accords (let's face it, he helped to build it)

4. Legion of Doom

5. Ralph (it would be an image thing really...no one hates Ralph, it's not a hateable name)

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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1285208132' post='2461677']
I'm curious if there's ever been a rogue as infamous as Methrage, who managed to get a quarter billion in reps and billions in damages for people fighting for his cause?
I think this is a first. Of course my history is a little rusty.

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[quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1285206085' post='2461643']
Umar is going to be over a billion in the hole alone most likely.
You know what, I don't really give a toss as to what it costs, because I never get much of a chance to do any fighting these days. In fact, I'd be more than happy to give up a billion or two of my warchest and most of my NS to get back into the thick of things and enjoy a bit of a biffo :D

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1285208426' post='2461692']
You know what, I don't really give a toss as to what it costs, because I never get much a chance to do much fighting these days. In fact, I'd be more than happy to give up a billion or two of my warchest and most of my NS to get back into the thick of things and enjoy a bit of a biffo :D
That's the spirit!

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