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The Third Court

Sargun II

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Another thing to settle: Since the person sending the letter relating to nuking england has no relationship to Burgundholmr (check the link below), the thing about the letter being from Burgundholmr cannot be valid.


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[quote name='Karl Martin' timestamp='1286760962' post='2480832']
Another thing to settle: Since the person sending the letter relating to nuking england has no relationship to Burgundholmr (check the link below), the thing about the letter being from Burgundholmr cannot be valid.


It is Valid, your catboy was not recognised so it was traced back to Burgundholmr.
Regardless of your arguments, your attack on London is CB enough.
There is no way around the kick in the vagina your about to get dude.

For confirmation a GM ruling on this would be good.
We have a war to RP ICly, nevermind OOCly.

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Requesting spy rolls for KC and Mykep. The first two are for shutting down their military communications. The second set (to be done after midnight), is to shut down civilian communication. Roleplay has already been done laying the groundwork for my hackers attempting to break into their systems.



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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1286960472' post='2483435']
Cochin is complaining because I removed MY War Memorial from HIS country.

I'd like a ruling on this.

Matter of fact, so would I. So quoted it in this thread for the GMs to muse upon.

Also here is the pertaining thread.

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=93320"][CNRP+T] Dimensional Rift. The Birth of George Intializing thread of the CNRPT dimension[/url]

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' timestamp='1286961229' post='2483444']
My argument is that if I no longer support him having my memorial he can no longer sustain it within his country, because it was my nation supporting it IG via my cultists, which he no longer has. He has his own memorial, he can use it now.

The building exists on my territory. It is no longer his wonder ever since the territory became mine. It may not be a wonder, but it is still a structure in my nation.

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You can't just revert a wonder to a structure. That's like saying.. the Eifel Tower.. Great Wall of China.. or numerous other icons become "just structures" because they are taken over by someone else. They are pegged to the cultural identity of the creators. The creators are no longer there to sustain it. Like the Great wall, it's gonna crumble.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1286963536' post='2483459']
You don't really get any benefit out of having a war memorial in CNRP, not sure why you guys are harping about it.

Precisely. His war memorial ceases to be his thing to RP once I have the territory. Then it becomes just a structure under my control.

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It's not so much that it is his war memorial or yours, but more so the fact that they don't do bupkis for you anyway. Just go build another damn war memorial. If it was an SDI or a MP I'd understand, but a war memorial?

Seriously Mael, this love in you are having with Cochy is getting a little weird.

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Well yeah... though there is that old saying of giving the customer exactly what the want. You did just finger his cultists for the nuclear attack. Why not take it the next step further with an expression of rage from your kingdom loving population and their sledge hammers?

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