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My particular feelings about anime aside, here's something that annoys me without even reading your newsletter.

[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1283324870' post='2438024']



[center][b]Sound and Voice Acting[/b]



This is usually a surefire sign of wanton fanboyism. Everything is 4 stars MINIMUM. That tells me that we're not going to be reading a fair and balanced review and more like we're reading unabashed gushing.

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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283412846' post='2439008']This is a valid CB right?[/quote]
Only if you want it to be.

[quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1283416408' post='2439019']This is usually a surefire sign of wanton fanboyism. Everything is 4 stars MINIMUM. That tells me that we're not going to be reading a fair and balanced review and more like we're reading unabashed gushing.[/quote]
Actually no, I just picked a really good movie to review. There are quite honestly some anime movies that are worth such a review.
(OOC: [url=http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/millennium-actress/]Rotten Tomatoes[/url] goes even further, giving it 94%. So no, not fanboyist gushing, but genuine praise.
Specifically, I chose to review it in honor of its creator/director, who passed away recently.)

[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283414506' post='2439015']Well its pretty simple all you have to do is legitimately enjoy foreign cartoons made for pubescent girls and [b]for some reason[/b] people won't like you![/quote]
Excuse me, made [b]for[/b] pubescent girls? [i]Grave of the Fireflies[/i] would like a word with you.

Edited by Arrnea
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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283414506' post='2439015']
Well its pretty simple all you have to do is legitimately enjoy foreign cartoons made for pubescent girls and [b]for some reason[/b] people won't like you!

Which boils down to a poor understanding of anime and "BAWWW STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE".

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1283400046' post='2438847']
Oh my God, I'd never have expected to hear those words come from your mouth. I think I'm in love. D:
Oh, good, I'm not the only one. Because I wanted myself to be creeped out, and it just wasn't happening.

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[quote name='michaeru' timestamp='1283424054' post='2439046']
Which boils down to a poor understanding of anime and "BAWWW STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE".

What is there to "understand" about anime besides it being cartoons from a foreign land?

Edited by Mandolus
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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283452157' post='2439356']What is there to "understand" about anime besides it being cartoons from Japan?[/quote]
That unlike western 'cartoons', it covers the entire range of subject material, not just the 'child-oriented' material you usually find in Western cartoons. The anime film I mentioned, [i]Grave of the Fireflies[/i], is the story of two orphaned children trying to survive in the middle of warzone. Hardly childrens' fare.

[quote name='Great Lord Moth' timestamp='1283453877' post='2439374']I've got two things to say:

1. ...Konata is 18? >_> Seriously?[/quote]
Strangely enough, yes (by the end of the series anyway). Considering her mother, it's not so surprisingly really:
(Yes, that's Konata's mother, not Konata herself).

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[quote name='Mirreille' timestamp='1283457803' post='2439424']...and you've managed to ruin my day yet again. I had no idea he passed, I think a a drink. :([/quote]
You might want to read [url=http://www.japanator.com/satoshi-kon-1963-2010-16301.phtml]this[/url]. Make sure you've got a lot of tissues.

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[quote name='Dr Beefstupid' timestamp='1283416408' post='2439019']This is usually a surefire sign of wanton fanboyism. Everything is 4 stars MINIMUM. That tells me that we're not going to be reading a fair and balanced review and more like we're reading unabashed gushing.

I feel I should point out that has someone who enjoys anime on a regular basis I can tell you that in like any other genre there are some real duds out there, the infamous Tsukihime anime that for many must not be spoken of for instance.

That said I've never seen this film before but I plan on it at some point in the future if only because Satoshi Kon also directed [i]Perfect Blue[/i] which I enjoyed.

Edited by Utracia
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[quote name='Arrnea' timestamp='1283455594' post='2439395']
That unlike western 'cartoons', it covers the entire range of subject material, not just the 'child-oriented' material you usually find in Western cartoons. The anime film I mentioned, [i]Grave of the Fireflies[/i], is the story of two orphaned children trying to survive in the middle of warzone. Hardly childrens' fare.

Western cartoons like Family Guy, South Park, and Beavis and Butt-Head have some mature subject matter too but that doesn't make adults who obsess over Bratz and My Little Pony any less creepy and weird. Think about it.

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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283412846' post='2439008']
This is a valid CB right?
People quoting large blocks of text without editing them to be smaller deserve to be declared on; seriously.

[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283452157' post='2439356']
What is there to "understand" about anime besides it being cartoons from Japan?
Japan? Where is this place? Can you point it out for me on a map? :unsure:
I think that's it, actually.

[quote name='Great Lord Moth' timestamp='1283453877' post='2439374']
I've got two things to say:

1. ...Konata is 18? >_> Seriously?

2. I feel like I've repeated the same day over and over 365 times. x_x
Yes, though I seem to recall her being 17 when the series started.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1283465322' post='2439536']

No worries SoS Brigade, Pedobear totally approves of your choices.
So does Konata's father.
"I'm just a pedo [i]also[/i]!"

[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283466126' post='2439549']
Western cartoons like Family Guy, South Park, and Beavis and Butt-Head have some mature subject matter too but that doesn't make adults who obsess over Bratz and My Little Pony any less creepy and weird. Think about it.
Because fart jokes and gratuitous swearing make programming "mature."

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[quote name='Locke' timestamp='1283470679' post='2439594']

Japan? Where is this place? Can you point it out for me on a map? :unsure:
I think that's it, actually.

OOC: Pulling this card is pretty pathetic on your part, but it's obviously been established by your alliance and this thread that anime and Japan exist on Planet Bob, otherwise the second post is just as out of character as mine.

And do you really want me to get in to the "mature" themes in anime? The schoolgirl panty flashes? The excessive, pointless gore? The thousand year old women reincarnated as twelve year old girls? (It's not pedophilia that way! :rolleyes: )

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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283471294' post='2439603']
And do you really want me to get in to the "mature" themes in anime? The schoolgirl panty flashes? The excessive, pointless gore? The thousand year old women reincarnated as twelve year old girls? (It's not pedophilia that way! :rolleyes: )
While I'm sure you'd be perfectly happy if everyone shared your same taste in media, attempting to make them a pariah or otherwise culturally censure them simply because they do not is not only fairly silly, it's downright rude. Oh well, I guess it speaks more to your (im)maturity than that of the anime you despise.

Edited by Michael von Prussia
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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283471294' post='2439603']
OOC: Pulling this card is pretty pathetic on your part, but it's obviously been established by your alliance and this thread that anime and Japan exist on Planet Bob, otherwise the second post is just as out of character as mine.

And do you really want me to get in to the "mature" themes in anime? The schoolgirl panty flashes? The excessive, pointless gore? The thousand year old women reincarnated as twelve year old girls? (It's not pedophilia that way! :rolleyes: )
OOC: Anime yes, but I'm pretty sure Japan isn't something we've established. Even so, you were certainly not using it with intention of referring to an RP construct, no?

What, every single anime ever made has those elements? That's like saying that because porn exists, anything use video as a medium is henceforth porn. :mellow:

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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283471294' post='2439603']
And do you really want me to get in to the "mature" themes in anime? The schoolgirl panty flashes? The excessive, pointless gore? The thousand year old women reincarnated as twelve year old girls? (It's not pedophilia that way! :rolleyes: )
Point out any of those things in Mushishi. In Baccano. Paranoia Agent. Ghost in the Shell. Ergo Proxy. Fullmetal Alchemist. Cowboy Bebop.

Learn about the subject material before you deride it.

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[quote name='Mandolus' timestamp='1283452157' post='2439356']
What is there to "understand" about anime besides it being cartoons from a foreign land?

That there are different demographics served, among them, but not exclusively, little girls. And, well, I can only speak for myself, but I don't watch the little girl animu.

Edited by michaeru
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