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Best and Worst Military Alliances (2010 Edition)



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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1283111521' post='2434850']
Not at all IRON had been up against a beat down for a considerable amount of time then seen off Gramlins off alone. I appreciate C&Gs effort in the war but this has to trump everyone else. MK will probably win because of the number of brown nosers who vote for them
Yeah, hi. i fought IRON in Karma war and not only were they some of the worst fighters ive ever encountered they were some of the biggest crybabies. So i would chalk them up to worst because it takes talent to get your ass handed to you twice by the same alliance..in one year

Edited by wickedj
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Umbrella are good fighters, I fought them.

As for who is best and worst, I couldn't give a !@#$. Cool, people from one alliance can sit at their computers much longer than others. Plus this poll has NPO on it when we haven't fought a war this year.

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[quote name='Taget' timestamp='1283127825' post='2435174']Besides, even the best alliances always have at least one idiot who forgets to get a warchest.

heh, IIRC, that #2 TOP guy, Jenavia, had a really small warchest and had to be aided via 4.5 mil packages to stay afloat in the war.

Anyways, In many ways I think this kind of poll needs to be tiered within different alliance types. Just by raw strength, it was TOP hands down. But if you broke it down to things like Elite alliances (i.e. Citadel, TOBR, OMFG, Kronos, roughly 50k ANS+), small/medium sized mass recruiting alliances (30k ANS or less), mega-alliances (I'd say, 300 members+), and the 'middle class-tiered alliances' (35k-50k, like MK, Asgard, NV, STA, etc.). There, it'd be more comparable. Then you could fairly compare Kronos to Umbrella, or MK to BAPS and STA, NEW and TPF to Valhalla and RIA, or NPO and ODN to VE and Sparta.

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1283130138' post='2435209']
Yeah, hi. i fought IRON in Karma war and not only were they some of the worst fighters ive ever encountered they were some of the biggest crybabies. So i would chalk them up to worst because it takes talent to get your ass handed to you twice by the same alliance..in one year
It also takes talent to beat on an alliance that's already heavily outnumbered and being dogpiled by hundreds nations. And you did this twice!!

You sir have earned my respect

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[quote name='BlkAK47_002' timestamp='1283132579' post='2435262']
It also takes talent to beat on an alliance that's already heavily outnumbered and being dogpiled by hundreds nations. And you did this twice!!

You sir have earned my respect
I don't think you understand that you can still gauge how decent somebody is at war regardless of the situation.

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[quote name='KainIIIC' timestamp='1283131292' post='2435231']
and the 'middle class-tiered alliances'[b] (35k-50k, like MK[/b], Asgard, NV, STA, etc.). There, it'd be more comparable. Then you could fairly compare Kronos to Umbrella, or MK to BAPS and STA, NEW and TPF to Valhalla and RIA, or NPO and ODN to VE and Sparta.

You realize MK has a grand total of 40 players within that range, whilst almost 100 people (approx half our alliance - ghosts) above 50K. Just saying, you have the concept of MK as a 'middle class-tiered' alliance wayyyy off.

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[quote name='Drai' timestamp='1283132981' post='2435276']
I don't think you understand that you can still gauge how decent somebody is at war regardless of the situation.
Don't worry, I perfectly undrstand and given the circumstances there really was no reason to say that IRON was terrible or that his alliance defeated them twice in a lopsided conflict.

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[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1283110491' post='2434829']
My personal choices:

Best is New Pacific Order for intensive training to their members and a long history of fighting large, long wars, which in turn gives them a lot of experience. There are also countless other reasons, but I'm too lazy to type it out.

Worst is Wolfpack, as everybody should already know...

P.S. Some alliances have been left out of the polls because of lack of experience in combat. Furthermore, New Sith Order was not included because New Pacific Order is a bigger, better version. Hence it's nonsensical to put them in.

Who are you again?

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[quote name='BlkAK47_002' timestamp='1283133538' post='2435288']
Don't worry, I perfectly undrstand and given the circumstances there really was no reason to say that IRON was terrible or that his alliance defeated them twice in a lopsided conflict.
My bad, I thought you were saying his judgement on IRON's military performance was invalid. Not shooting him down for bragging.

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[quote name='Kryievla' timestamp='1283124925' post='2435120']
I can't decide between Umbrella and Nordreich. There are alliances with larger militaries and ones that are capable of dishing out more damage, but pound for pound, these are the best I've seen.

Can't recall any stagger slips, def5 attacks, or any other common newb errors. Both alliances were very professional as well as courteous. Both had high levels of skill.

Umbrella has some truly fantastic fighters. When we fought them, they were well-prepared, active, & coordinated well with each other and with their allies (Kronos). They made excellent use of tactics at the alliance level as well as individual levels. They also have the ability to cover upper tiers rather nicely.

Nordreich though...

We've fought some really good alliances, and I have NEVER seen such coordination as Nordreich showed. :hivemind: It was consistent through all the tiers, even the lower ones. In addition, they didn't let up & get bored after fighting for a while, & their next waves were just as fresh & fierce as their initial ones. They were relentless, precise, and still had time to exchange banter & all that.

Based on your recollection, I look forward to fighting alongside Nordreich or Umbrella in a future war. Would hate to fight against them tho. :lol1:

[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1283133175' post='2435280']
I had to vote Legion for being terrible, especially since they absorbed M*A*S*H, whom during the TOP-CnG war, all but about 2 of their upper tier nations had WRCs. We fought some Legion nations as well, who were equally terrible.

Ill support what you have just said with the following phrase: Purple Fails---with the exception of B.A.P.S.

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[quote name='Trace' timestamp='1283133351' post='2435284']
You realize MK has a grand total of 40 players within that range, whilst almost 100 people (approx half our alliance - ghosts) above 50K. Just saying, you have the concept of MK as a 'middle class-tiered' alliance wayyyy off.

Yeah, that's based on ANS, which you completely fall under.. no need to get unnecessarily defensive or butthurt about anything.

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[quote name='HisK Owns You' timestamp='1283125048' post='2435125']
2010 edition... read your own poll

Hey smarty pants, 2010 edition as in everything up to 2010. Since 2010 hasn't even ended it wouldn't even make sense to make a poll like the one you're thinking of.... Wow some real geniuses in CN.

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[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1283138502' post='2435369']
Hey smarty pants, 2010 edition as in everything up to 2010. Since 2010 hasn't even ended it wouldn't even make sense to make a poll like the one you're thinking of.... Wow some real geniuses in CN.

It wouldn't make sense, but people believed you were stupid enough to make it. I have to agree that the semantics imply a totally different poll from the one you intended and your OP does nothing to rectify that.

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[quote name='Titus Pullo' timestamp='1283138988' post='2435380']
It wouldn't make sense, but people believed you were stupid enough to make it. I have to agree that the semantics imply a totally different poll from the one you intended and your OP does nothing to rectify that.

Yeah people believe a lot of things, God included.

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[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1283114290' post='2434927']
As mentioned in the OP, Asgaard has never really fought and shown themselves as great fighters, so no one really knows you guys well enough. Also, Argent performed very poorly last war, I didn't add them in for great reason.


You mean when we took on 600+ nations and 16 million NS? Or when we had Silence, RIA and CRAP's big nations either in peace mode or being razed and owned the upper tier despite starting outnumbered at that level? Heck, VE had to come in to assist our original opponents.

I don't think anyone would say we performed poorly at anytime.

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[quote name='Batallion' timestamp='1283138502' post='2435369']
Hey smarty pants, 2010 edition as in everything up to 2010. Since 2010 hasn't even ended it wouldn't even make sense to make a poll like the one you're thinking of.... Wow some real geniuses in CN.

And you still voted NPO? yeah we really do have some real geniuses in CN. People like you?

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Is the question what were the best/worst military alliances as of January 1st, 2010, or the best military alliance at the moment? Kind of unclear.

If it is the former then the answer is pretty obviously TOP. Not sure why NPO is even an option if that's the question seeing as they had no nukes, navy or tech.

At the moment I'd say the strongest alliance would be MK, Umbrella or Fark. NPO is definitely up there though, although seeing as they haven't been tested in a year and a half it's hard to say.

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To me this clearly looks like a poll asking which alliance is militarily the best as of right now. Since it says as of 2010 not in 2010.

Based on that I voted for NPO. With their huge stockpile of nukes, their huge number of MP and their sheer size and very efficient organization they'd eventually grind up and spit out the high avg NS alliances with much smaller member bases as their members were able to cycle to PM while keeping the staggers going as those high average NS guys were ground through the gears like Gram members were by IRON.

Due to those reasons, in a 1 vs 1 alliance war NPO would currently take down any alliance on Bob imo.

As for worst, not sure, I voted for Sparta due to their absolute failure to even do well in a curbstomp vs NPO after months of planning for the war.

On a personal level, Mushroom Kingdom are the best I've fought, but I was getting 3 vs 1 at the time, still they kept the staggers much better than PC in Karma and kept me at war for almost 2 months without letting me into peace a single time.

The worst I've ever fought was Athens in WoTC, 2 weeks of war and not a single Athens member I fought at the time even fired a CM at me. They just turtled in every way possible. And in the last war WAPA was pretty bad.

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[quote name='janax' timestamp='1283141638' post='2435450']

You mean when we took on 600+ nations and 16 million NS? Or when we had Silence, RIA and CRAP's big nations either in peace mode or being razed and owned the upper tier despite starting outnumbered at that level? Heck, VE had to come in to assist our original opponents.

I don't think anyone would say we performed poorly at anytime.

Remember Janax, this poll is from "someone who actually knows things". What these things are and who this someone is are still a mystery. However, we as a society must trust the judgment and accept the bias of this mysterious omniscient being.

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All right forum kiddies, enough antagonizing Batallion. His SC1 BW got corrupted, and so did mine (@$&! you, pubians!) We'll re-install it and be content pretty soon :) Until then, try to not get butt-hurt by polls and posts.

As much as I passionately hate MK (Don't ask), they get a lot of good rep about being exceptional fighters, so they win here. Regardless, I voted VE; props to Batallion knowing I'd want it in a favorite alliance poll.

I voted Sparta for worst. Self-explanatory, really.

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[quote name='Titus Pullo' timestamp='1283146138' post='2435528']
Remember Janax, this poll is from "someone who actually knows things". What these things are and who this someone is are still a mystery. However, we as a society must trust the judgment and accept the bias of this mysterious omniscient being.

You sound mad, did I get on your nerves? :smug:
Not posting much on the OWF doesn't mean anything, I still read practically everything that's ever been posted here, I have too much time on my hands until the end of summer afterall. That makes me knowledgeable on the subject matter, so whether you are personally happy or not is not of my concern, there are always some haters.

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