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Star City ruthlessly attacked by warmonger!

Yuri Armstrong


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I come to the world stage today to speak on behalf of my country, Star City. We are a new nation at only 12 days old. We have entered into one major alliance but found that it was not best for us. Another smaller alliance asked for our assistance, which we gave, but unfortunately it disbanded. Unfortunately, transition periods between alliances can leave a nation quite vulnerable to warmongers seeking to destroy one's hard work.

The warmonger in question here is the nation of Amerikka, led by a Mr. Richard Nixon. He has engaged our meager defense forces four times in the past two days. Our men fought bravely for their country, but in the end the enemy's numbers were superior, his element of surprise daunting, and his attack without provocation or mercy.

Star City has never had a quarrel with Amerikka, nor in fact any nation. We have one goal in mind, that is to expand our technology, improve the daily lives of our citizens, and one day begin a space program. We entered into quite a profitable tech deal with a much larger nation, resulting in millions of dollars that we could use for our growth. I am sad to say that now a portion of this surplus now must be spent defending my nation.

Even worse, I owned 50 technology levels that were guaranteed to the larger nation in the tech deal agreement with me. Mr. Nixon decided to steal 10 of those levels for himself.

Mr. Nixon, I must ask, why have you decided to attack my nation without mercy or provocation? I have done nothing to upset you or your alliance from which you hail "Stupid Newbie".

Most rulers in this stage would either panic, or go crazy with revenge, spending ridiculous amounts of money and causing even more damage to the attacking nation. I have however, acted in the only way a gentleman should in such a situation where he is attacked in a cowardly midnight blitz. I simply ask that you declare peace and explain why this was done.

If Mr. Nixon were a true, noble gentleman (which I sincerely doubt, for what noble ruler would launch an invasion on a country he has no previous dispute with) then he would be kind enough to repay the damage that was done to me:

181 soldiers
6 miles of land
21.282 infrastructure
1,490,109.29 money

As you can see I suffered greatly of this attack. Highways have been destroyed, brave soldiers killed, farmland catpured, and even more grievous acts which I shall not mention here. I would very much appreciate, however I will not demand, that these losses be reimubursed.

Hopefuly the international community will see what Mr. Nixon has done, and condemn him as well as his alliance for endorsing these cold-blooded attacks.

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[quote]1,490,109.29 money[/quote]

This is probably the reason for his attack. Pretty tidy profit level at your size. Hit him back, harder than he hit you. Take your money and tech back from him by force.

inb4 horrible evil GOONS thread.

Edited by Poyplemonkeys
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[quote name='lonewolfe2015' timestamp='1281638906' post='2412989']
We told you that trying to survive on your own isn't gonna work.

Join someone who will defend you...

I was looking for a suitable alliance. I even made up a fake alliance name to stay off the search lists. Can't I go a couple days independent while trying to find another alliance?

[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1281639337' post='2413000']
This is probably the reason for his attack. Pretty tidy profit level at your size. Hit him back, harder than he hit you. Take your money and tech back from him by force.[/quote]

I'm afraid it's not as simple as that. If I counterattack without first discussing, then this will escalate into a long drawn out war which will end up costing me hundreds of thousands and suffering much more than I already have. Nation leaders must be rational when it comes to war, otherwise the cost could be much greater.

[quote]inb4 horrible evil GOONS thread.

I have no quarrell with the goons, though I do not like the practice of destroying people's hard work for amusement or personal gain. The alliance at fault here is Stupid Newbie, and they are the ones I'm adressing this to.

And for those who voted no, please explain. I'd like to hear your reasoning.

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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' timestamp='1281639337' post='2413000']
inb4 horrible evil GOONS thread.

I think Stupid Newbie is disbanded, actually, so just go forth and slay. (Now watch me being corrected, chastised and condemned by people who are more in touch :P)

e: ooops it happened; ignore this, read nippy's post a bit down instead (sorry)

Edited by Louisa
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[quote name='Louisa' timestamp='1281641773' post='2413061']
I think Stupid Newbie is disbanded, actually, so just go forth and slay. (Now watch me being corrected, chastised and condemned by people who are more in touch :P)

Stupid Newbie is GOONS' applicant AA. So while Richard Nixon is not a goon yet, he is certainly making a good case for himself. :v:

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[quote name='Mofeta' timestamp='1281642053' post='2413070']
Stupid Newbie is GOONS' applicant AA. So while Richard Nixon is not a goon yet, he is certainly making a good case for himself. :v:

Ah, then you can speak for his actions, for surely an alliance must take responsibility for the members it accepts, or is preparing to accept. I will therefore consider Mr. Nixon's attack on my country as a GOONS endorsed attack on my country.

Explain to me why GOONS has attacked my nation. I have done nothing to provoke your alliance. We are a peaceful nation trying to grow normally, and do not wish for war.

Edited by Yuri Armstrong
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[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281641611' post='2413054']

And for those who voted no, please explain. I'd like to hear your reasoning.

Didn't vote for this reason: Law of the Jungle.

There is no international court and only a very loose and often hotly debated set of moral/ethical behaviors. At the lowest level it's like this, if you can't extract reps by force or strategy then you don't deserve them. Get some friends, or appeal to the alliance they are a member of and they *might* take mercy on you and throw you a bone, or take the money back by force, beg for aid on the forum here, or think up something no one has done before to extract your money/revenge. Otherwise give it up.

Good luck.

Here, I'm sending some aid your way. Don't piss it away by getting attacked by someone stronger than you. Join an alliance or make your own (do it right by getting a protectorate treaty, there is a good topic by Duncan King that explains it) or otherwise accept the fact that those who wander without protection will travel the path of constant war.

*Edit: Get some protection quickly otherwise you'll be swooped in on by the raiders.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281641611' post='2413054']I was looking for a suitable alliance. I even made up a fake alliance name to stay off the search lists. Can't I go a couple days independent while trying to find another alliance?[/quote]
Sadly that's not really the state of affairs as it puts you in diplomatic no-man's land. If you can't convince an alliance to let you remain on their AA for an additional day or two, or at least on their applicant AA, you're best entering peace mode while you shop as a sort of insurance policy.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1281642290' post='2413082']
Didn't vote for this reason: Law of the Jungle.

There is no international court and only a very loose and often hotly debated set of moral/ethical behaviors. At the lowest level it's like this, if you can't extract reps by force or strategy then you don't deserve them. Get some friends, or appeal to the alliance they are a member of and they *might* take mercy on you and throw you a bone, or take the money back by force, beg for aid on the forum here, or think up something no one has done before to extract your money/revenge. Otherwise give it up.

Good luck.

Here, I'm sending some aid your way. Don't piss it away by getting attacked by someone stronger than you. Join an alliance or make your own or otherwise accept the fact that those who wander without protection will travel the path of constant war.

I realize that those who wish to be independent suffer the threat of constant war, but I wasn't planning on staying independent for long. I'm also curious as to why such a practice as this is allowed by the international community. If I may use an OOC reference, a country in "real life" can't just go around attacking small countries with no allies or otherwise they'd face serious consequences from the UN.

However, I appreciate your aid and promise that I will not use it for war purposes. It shall be used to rebuild my nation after Mr. Nixon agrees to peace. I just want the war to end.

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[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281642660' post='2413098']
I realize that those who wish to be independent suffer the threat of constant war, but I wasn't planning on staying independent for long. I'm also curious as to why such a practice as this is allowed by the international community. If I may use an OOC reference, a country in "real life" can't just go around attacking small countries with no allies or otherwise they'd face serious consequences from the UN.[/quote]

Well, that's the way it is on this mortal coil.(OOC: Actually, there is war in many places, with or without the approval of the UN. In CN there is no higher authority than the might of your arms. More directly, there aren't enough people who don't agree with raiding to force those who like to raid to stop.) Life is barbaric and there are plenty out there who take pleasure in stealing your money and killing your citizens. Just about every member is in an alliance to prevent that from happening. I would suggest you [b]immediately[/b] get on an AA and apply at their forum.

[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281642660' post='2413098']
However, I appreciate your aid and promise that I will not use it for war purposes. It shall be used to rebuild my nation after Mr. Nixon agrees to peace. I just want the war to end.

I would suggest that you use some of it to bolster your defenses so it isn't all stolen by your attacker.

Be sure to help someone else someday when you get the chance. Good luck.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281642660' post='2413098']can't just go around attacking small countries with no allies or otherwise they'd face serious consequences from the UN.[/quote]
The CN World is, compared to rumor of other realms, a very young planet. If our understanding of these other worlds is correct it took hundreds of generations for any sort of organized international system to arise aimed at stopping the sort of behavior you're referring to, and even that proved inconsistent and unwilling to stop many atrocities commited on both the large and small scale.

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[quote name='Mofeta' timestamp='1281642053' post='2413070']
Stupid Newbie is GOONS' applicant AA. So while Richard Nixon is not a goon yet, he is certainly making a good case for himself. :v:

Oh I know that well (I was there a while myself) -- I just seem to remember that we disbanded it a while back.

OK, ready for my corrective chastisement and condemnation now.

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[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281642660' post='2413098']
I realize that those who wish to be independent suffer the threat of constant war, but I wasn't planning on staying independent for long. I'm also curious as to why such a practice as this is allowed by the international community. If I may use an OOC reference, a country in "real life" can't just go around attacking small countries with no allies or otherwise they'd face serious consequences from the UN.

However, I appreciate your aid and promise that I will not use it for war purposes. It shall be used to rebuild my nation after Mr. Nixon agrees to peace. I just want the war to end.

You need to either join an established alliance or we have the RIA Trade Partner route:

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[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281641611' post='2413054']
I was looking for a suitable alliance. I even made up a fake alliance name to stay off the search lists. Can't I go a couple days independent while trying to find another alliance?

[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281641611' post='2413054']
I'm afraid it's not as simple as that. If I counterattack without first discussing, then this will escalate into a long drawn out war which will end up costing me hundreds of thousands and suffering much more than I already have. Nation leaders must be rational when it comes to war, otherwise the cost could be much greater.
smart choice, dude.

[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281641611' post='2413054']
I have no quarrell with the goons, though I do not like the practice of destroying people's hard work for amusement or personal gain. The alliance at fault here is Stupid Newbie, and they are the ones I'm adressing this to.
As already stated, Stupid Newbie is our applicant AA. If they want to raid unaligneds, they're welcome to.

[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281641611' post='2413054']
And for those who voted no, please explain. I'd like to hear your reasoning.
If you fail to take precautions against attacks, you're going to get attacked. There's no one to blame but yourself.

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[quote name='nippy' timestamp='1281643777' post='2413137']
If you fail to take precautions against attacks, you're going to get attacked. There's no one to blame but yourself.

I'm not sure how I'm at fault by tending to my nation's affairs. I simply ask for peace from the GOONS so I can move on with my nation building. I'm not a threat to your interests or soveireignty.

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[quote name='terveis' timestamp='1281645157' post='2413169']
I feel sorry for all the men your country have lost because of this attack. Terkkulas people mourn with you, your people and the families of those who have been killed.

Star City appreciates your condolences.

GOONS, I would like to discuss the peace that I have laid out on the table.

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12 days old, already through two alliances and found the forums.

You are a smart guy. Maybe smart enough to realize going independent and doing tech deals will always get you raided? If advice would be needed, I'd say suck it up, find an alliance and stay there for a while (at least that's what I did after getting raided).

still a noob

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[quote name='Yuri Armstrong' timestamp='1281645426' post='2413176']
Star City appreciates your condolences.

GOONS, I would like to discuss the peace that I have laid out on the table.

Again, this guy is not in our alliance. We can't discuss peace on his behalf; the only jurisdiction we have over Stupid Newbie is that we protect them from outside attacks. My personal suggestion is to ask him for peace personally, and if he doesn't agree to it fight back and hope he doesn't take the rest of your money.

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