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August STA Press Conference

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Welcome to STA's August Press Conference. In way of announcements, we have very few right now. Uhtred has stepped back into a government level position, so there's that. That's about it, though. So if you have any questions about things at this really dead period in the Cyberverse, ask away.

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[quote name='PhysicsJunky' timestamp='1281148887' post='2403367']
Can we get a juicy public statement on Moridin leaving to found Africa or would that be trying to stir up too much trouble?

There isn't really anything juicy to say. He left to form an alliance. We wish him luck, and we miss him. HEAR THAT MORIDIN? We miss you. We're here all alone, missing you. Abandoner.

[quote name='kevin32891' timestamp='1281149157' post='2403371']
On a scale of 1 to 10, how awesome is STA?


Edited by pezstar
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[quote name='PhysicsJunky' timestamp='1281148887' post='2403367']
Can we get a juicy public statement on Moridin leaving to found Africa or would that be trying to stir up too much trouble?
The private lair smells much better now.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1281149555' post='2403375']There isn't really anything juicy to say. He left to form an alliance. We wish him luck, and we miss him. HEAR THAT MORIDIN? We miss you. We're here all alone, missing you. Abandoner.[/quote]
If it makes you feel better you can have Jyrinx back.

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[quote name='pezstar' timestamp='1281149555' post='2403375']
There isn't really anything juicy to say. He left to form an alliance. We wish him luck, and we miss him. HEAR THAT MORIDIN? We miss you. We're here all alone, missing you. Abandoner.

I only really have one thing to say on the subject. It'll take a lot to drag me away from here.

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[quote name='PhysicsJunky' timestamp='1281149799' post='2403378']
If it makes you feel better you can have Jyrinx back.
Hey, that's a good idea. Stick Jyrinx in Africa and Moridin will come crawling back in no time.

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What are STA's thoughts on TIO's new leadership? (Sup4l33t3ki11a as Imperial High Commander, Michael von Prussia as a new Imperial Commander)

Also, thoughts on WAPA being accepted into AZTEC?

Edited by Skippy
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Sorry to see you step down, although Sup4 should do fine. Michael von Prussia should not have been allowed within ten miles of a government position.

I wish both WAPA and Aztec the best of luck. I hope they have let go of their issues with us; we're certainly happy to let them be for our part.

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[quote name='PhysicsJunky' timestamp='1281149799' post='2403378']
If it makes you feel better you can have Jyrinx back.

They don't want me actually. Apparently they don't love me as much as Moridin. Been trying to figure out why. Only thing I can think of is the keffiyeh. Can't be anything else since I'm better than Moridin in every other way. Definitely has to be the keffiyeh.

[quote name='bzelger' timestamp='1281150189' post='2403386']
Hey, that's a good idea. Stick Jyrinx in Africa and Moridin will come crawling back in no time.

Moridin already has to deal with me on a semi-regular basis, so doubt that'll get him to leave :P .

Also, [color=red]*mauls bzelger*[/color]

[quote name='PhysicsJunky' timestamp='1281150632' post='2403394']
Best we've ever been able to tell Jyrinx stands for juvenile syrinx, a medical condition that includes headaches, pain and weakness.

(OOC: I actually just typed random characters into AIM when I was trying to find a new screen name and Jyrinx came up as a combination that was available. Decided to roll with it. I later found out that some guy from Oregon also apparently independently came up with the name and has been using it on various political sites/blogs.)

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How would you rate the various blocs that exist today in friendliness (not as in which you are best friends with, but those that are the least hostile in general.. well, you understand what I mean, I hope), and alliances (neutrals don't count!)?

(EDIT: Wiktionary tells me belligerent is the word I'm looking for...)

Edited by saxasm
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[quote name='bzelger' timestamp='1281156832' post='2403479']
Sorry to see you step down, although Sup4 should do fine. Michael von Prussia should not have been allowed within ten miles of a government position.

I wish both WAPA and Aztec the best of luck. I hope they have let go of their issues with us; we're certainly happy to let them be for our part.

If I may add;

WAPA has been close to the individual members of AZTEC (although not formally) for some time now... and they've been interested in membership in AZTEC for quite a while. They are well aware of what a commitment in AZTEC means (all for one, one for all), and they are also well aware of STA and Nueva Vida's bonds. I think you can draw a few reasonable conclusions ;)

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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1281160151' post='2403533']
In a perfect world with no consequences, who would you roll and who would you treaty right now?

If you don't want to answer that, then you need to write a haiku on Lakerzz.
Ohh....i like this

Why are your forums and IRC so quiet?

/me mauls bzelger

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