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Your Drama Sucks Too


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Well hello everyone. I know you've probably been disappointed by the evil schemes uncovered by King Zog, the Hero of Pacifica, but I've got some real drama for you. As the Hero Pacifica Deserves, Though Not the One It Needs Right Now, I am proud to announce that I've uncovered a real plot to harm Pacifica. This plot, though not perpetrated by the Sith's shadow government, is perpetrated by the Order's triune God (Viktor, Corinan, and Doppelganger), and therefore almost certainly authorized by Sith gov. Without further ado, I present to you the evidence:

[23:38] <HetmanVladislav[CSN]> I'm in. DOWN WITH THE HEGEMONY!
[23:38] <Doppelganger> OH HELL YES
[23:38] <Doppelganger> WE RIDE
[23:38] <Doppelganger> AT DAWN
[23:39] <HetmanVladislav[CSN]> THIS IRC CONVO STAYS PRIVATE?
[23:39] <HetmanVladislav[CSN]> AGREED?
[23:39] <Doppelganger> yeah man def
[23:45] <HetmanVladislav[CSN]> 21 speed?
[23:46] <Doppelganger> anything will do
[23:46] <Doppelganger> I'll be on a pogo stick myself
[23:46] <Doppelganger> bounce to war
[23:46] <Doppelganger> Only the dead have seen the end of war, Hetman
[23:47] <Doppelganger> but you have to ask yourself
[23:47] <Doppelganger> ARE YOU READY?
[23:47] <Doppelganger> ARE YOU???
[23:47] <HetmanVladislav[CSN]> I was ready ever since the end of the Karma War
[23:47] * HetmanVladislav[CSN] puts on sunglasses
[23:47] <HetmanVladislav[CSN]> lets do this
[23:53] <Doppelganger> lets do it
[23:53] <Doppelganger> sower was in the shower
[23:53] <Doppelganger> sorry*
[23:53] <Doppelganger> might be my last shower ever man
[23:54] <Doppelganger> b/c you know
[23:54] <Doppelganger> we ride at dawn
[23:54] <Doppelganger> this isnt a game Mr Heyman

Naturally, there is more to the story, but I suspect you know that already. Look me up sometime and perhaps we can chat about that.

In any case, I do hope The Hero of Pacifica will be able to use this information to save the day.

The Hero Pacifica Deserves, Though Not the One It Needs Right Now

Edited by heggo
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[quote name='Ashoka the Great' timestamp='1280118040' post='2389291']
Methinks the Heggo doth protest too much.

You're worried this thread will be better than yours.

Well I guess it already is.

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[quote name='Corinan' timestamp='1280118649' post='2389308']
The lesson you should take from this, kingzog, is that we're better at this than you are. Don't let it happen again.

And here I thought you hated joke threads.

I shall from this day forward follow the dictates of the Brown Legion.

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' timestamp='1280120735' post='2389340']
Is not Dilber also similarly honored?

Nope. Dilber made Afslav a Hero of the Order and Cortath made me a Hero of the Order.

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