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Old Coots' Weekly Letters


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Ahoy there whippersnappers! I am a little disappointed with all of you rascals for the disappointing turnout of my last issue, our old coot' fingers hurt after even the smallest pieces of writing. When you don't read them, it tears our artificial hearts in half. Hopefully you'll remember your bifocals and take a peek at this new issue that Maxy and myself whipped up, enjoy!:

[i][b][color="#0000FF"][size=5]The Old Coots' Weekly Letters[/size][/color][/b][/i]
[size=4][b]Issue #5[/b][/size][/center]

Hydra Island[/u][/size][/b]

Congratulations to Hydra and to the newly elected/appointed. I hope you serve Hydra to the best of your ability and achieve the goals that you set out to accomplish.

You're my CISter no more (see what I did there? :v: [/u][/b][/size]

Nemesis and SLCB recently canceled their MDoAP, but one must wonder why? Could it be that communications between the two alliances just weren't where they once were? (I could rant about how you shouldn't sign a pact in the first place if you aren't gonna put the communication effort in, but I'll save that for another time) Could it be a situation arose that caused tension between the two? I suppose those are some pretty good guesses, but personally I suspect something else. Yes that's right my fellow residents on Bob, I have reason to suspect that Nemesis and SLCB are secretly reforming the great alliance that was once Exion.

(From here on out, I hope to have "The More You Know" section pop up randomly in each issue...so here it goes)


Did you know that Exion was a yellow team alliance that was founded in mid-2006. It eventually grew close to 100 members (back then, that was pretty darn good for the short amount of time it was alive) before it merged with BOSS to create the once sanctioned alliance we know today as GOLD. That's right folks, the more you know.


[size="4"][u][b]Good For You GGA[/b][/u][/size]

Dementual, you've been my good buddy for a long time and I'm glad you've gotten to where you are today. I actually look forward to seeing GGA grow and prosper now. (which is something I never thought I'd catch myself saying after the GCW)Good luck dude, I know you'll do a great job.

[size="4"][u][b]OOh...So you guys are pretending to be government? I had no idea[/b][/u][/size]

Come on guys. I mean it was okay at first but to those still flying the Octava Orden tag, please let it go. (That includes you Zeke)

...ho ho ho, I'm such an old stinker. Now, as we all know OCWL is the best source of news out there, but since Max is helping me write this issue I suppose I better give One Fine Publication a nod. That was indeed one fine publication Maxy. And now we turn to Maxy for his part in this issue:

[size="4"][u][b]Democracy: It works?[/b][/u][/size]

Someone had to do it right eventually. Who better than our favorite Optionals, the Orange Defense Network? Recently their alliance has entered a new term and voted in their Secretary General, OsRavan, for a second term against strong competitors, Arsenal and Proximus. A week later, the public voted again, this time for ODN's Senate. Dylan Lusk, a two year member and Deputy, was elected for a full senate term after filling the spot of Proximus last term. Ironically enough, Proximus once again took the senate seat along with several other returning faces including Walling and Jaguar1. A new face was added to the ODN Senate, Azelie. Having tied with another candidate, Azelie won the following run off election for the 5th senate seat. After all elections were said and done, Secretary General OsRavan picked his top five and let the new Senate approve them. Most of the previous term's Secretaries came back to serve again including ZSandmann as their Economics Secretary, itseZe in Defense, and Joracy (yes, again) in State. . Their Interior Department however saw a new face of Max Cristof, who was previously a senator. Arsenal won't be out of government for long though as he comes back to serve as OsRavan's Assistant Secretary General. I'm sure the new government will continue to bring ODN into further greatness or at least as far as they can go with Joracy in government. Good luck folks!


Let me take you back. Remember the days, when Legion cared about its allies? When Orrple wasn't about the color you were on, or the written treaty, but the bond it represented. Back when Legion would stand by its allies like ODN for better or worse. In sickness and in health. Till death do..Ok now I'm getting a little carried away. The point is, Orrple used to mean something. It's funny what a few years and a defeat will do to you. Since their viceroyship under NPO, Legion lost their way. They seem to forget their previous allies, or what being an ally meant. They got close with the NPO and the Hegemony and basically forgot what it meant to be an alliance. Forget a real friendship, but rather whoever is top dog at that moment. Recently, Legion merged with the horribly inactive, M*A*S*H and as expected, lost several of their active members. Forum admins at Legion boards have been swamped with the masking of incoming M*A*S*H members and the de-masking of the outgoing Legion members. On an even sadder note, their [s]tool[/s] Imperator, Hubb, has stepped down. Perhaps this means a new age for Legion? It is possible, but doubtful. It is likely that Legion cannot understand the likes of a real friendship when their ties to the Hegemony are so great to the point where they appear to have lost their sovereignty. But hey. It's all ok now. They're sanctioned.


And now Planet Bob comes my anticipated interview with the new Assembly Chairman of GATO, Omni. Enjoy.

[quote] <Kevanovia> Good afternoon Planet Bob, today I am joined by the newly elected Assembly Chairman of Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, Omniscient1.
<Omniscientone[gato]> hello Planet Bob
<Kevanovia> Omni, my dear friend, I’m glad you were able to join me this afternoon.
<Omniscientone[gato]> and hello to you Kevanovia
<Omniscientone[gato]> glad to be here Kevanovia
<Kevanovia> Hello right back ;)
<Kevanovia> So Omni, tell us...how does it feel to be the new AC?
<Omniscientone[gato]> it feels great
<Omniscientone[gato]> I had a close race
<Kevanovia> Against who?
<Omniscientone[gato]> and it's good knowing I have enough people behind me
<Omniscientone[gato]> to pull me through
<Omniscientone[gato]> Magicninja was the main competitor
<Omniscientone[gato]> he came out of retirement to run agianst me
<Kevanovia> Oh Lord....
<Omniscientone[gato]> haha
<Kevanovia> ...well thank goodness you won
<Omniscientone[gato]> not a problem
<Omniscientone[gato]> I had been preparing for a month
<Omniscientone[gato]> so I knew I had it all along
<Kevanovia> How many people did you have to pay off?
<Omniscientone[gato]> well I had 29 votes
<Omniscientone[gato]> so I paid 28 people
<Omniscientone[gato]> ;)
<Kevanovia> Right right
<Kevanovia> lol
<Omniscientone[gato]> just don't let that get out to GATO ;D
<Kevanovia> I'll be sure to keep it a secret
* Kevanovia looks at Planet Bob and looks back at Omni
<Kevanovia> Omni, how long have we known each other now?
<Omniscientone[gato]> well we knew each other two years ago
<Omniscientone[gato]> then you went on your hiatus
<Omniscientone[gato]> and ever since you came back
<Omniscientone[gato]> we re-found our freindship :)
<Kevanovia> haha, heck ya. And it's been a good one
<Omniscientone[gato]> that it has :)
<Kevanovia> So now that you're the new AC, can you tell us some of your goals?
<Kevanovia> What is your vision for GATO?
<Omniscientone[gato]> well we have many
<Omniscientone[gato]> the main thing I want to work on
<Omniscientone[gato]> is getting GATO back into the foreign affairs spotlight
<Omniscientone[gato]> We also want to reclaim sanction
<Kevanovia> How do you plan on doing that?
<Omniscientone[gato]> and get the kitty pip back ;)
<Omniscientone[gato]> my Minister of Finance
<Omniscientone[gato]> and my deputy ACs
<Kevanovia> Please do! I'll miss the kitty pip.
<Omniscientone[gato]> are working on a program to get out more tech
<Omniscientone[gato]> everyone does Kevanovia ;D
<Omniscientone[gato]> will*
<Omniscientone[gato]> I think our biggest problem
<Omniscientone[gato]> is being tech light
<Omniscientone[gato]> if we can get more tech out to our bigger nations
<Omniscientone[gato]> you will see a much stronger GATO
<Kevanovia> I look forward to that
<Kevanovia> Ya, It’s a pity that we’re going to be losing the cat and ball pip. I believe it’s something we all truly enjoy. (Except for Xiphosis) Who made that pip?
<Omniscientone[gato]> I beleive it was Jason Cyberius
<Omniscientone[gato]> he will be one of my deputy ACs this time around.
<Kevanovia> Well Jason, thank you for making all of those people happy
<Kevanovia> I'm really digging how you guys included IAA in the pip
<Omniscientone[gato]> yes
<Omniscientone[gato]> ever since IAA died for us
<Omniscientone[gato]> in one vision
<Omniscientone[gato]> our relationship has been awesome
<Omniscientone[gato]> we would do anything for IAA
<Omniscientone[gato]> and I know they feel the same
<Kevanovia> no doubt, you guys have been glued together for a long time no
<Kevanovia> now*
<Kevanovia> Omni, as you know “Legion” recently gained a sanction spot, moving GATO out of the sanctionhood. How is your alliance coping with this tragedy?
<Omniscientone[gato]> well it happened before with Vanguard and MK
<Omniscientone[gato]> and we made it back within a few months
<Omniscientone[gato]> so we will just regroup
<Kevanovia> Vanguard was sanctioned?
<Omniscientone[gato]> and take back our sanction from some else
<Kevanovia> O_o
<Omniscientone[gato]> no Vanguard merged into MK
<Omniscientone[gato]> making MK sanctioned
<Kevanovia> Right right.....I knew that *rolls eyes*
<Omniscientone[gato]> lol you've been out for a while Kevanovia :P
<Kevanovia> Apparently lol
<Omniscientone[gato]> but GATO is like cockraoches you can step on us amillion times
<Omniscientone[gato]> and we'll keep coming back
<Omniscientone[gato]> can't kill us CN!!!
<Kevanovia> lol
<Omniscientone[gato]> lmao
<Omniscientone[gato]> yes
<Kevanovia> So how do you feel that Legion is the alliance that gave you guys the boot?
<Kevanovia> Are you happy it was them and not someone else?
<Omniscientone[gato]> well MASH was destin to fall
<Omniscientone[gato]> for a long time
<Omniscientone[gato]> ever since Supreme left
<Omniscientone[gato]> it was all over
<Omniscientone[gato]> Legion isn't a bad alliance
<Omniscientone[gato]> if they could just get over stockholms syndrome
<Omniscientone[gato]> I know that's hard (I've had fights with the older guys about it even here before)
<Kevanovia> I concur...Legion isn't a bad alliance. This mockery of an alliance wearing the mask of Legion, however, is
<Omniscientone[gato]> I can agree with that
<Kevanovia> With the amount of time they have had to recover from the viceroy, they have no excuses
<Omniscientone[gato]> I think they need to do what LoSS done
<Omniscientone[gato]> and get back to their roots
<Kevanovia> Agreed.
<Kevanovia> GATO did the same thing as well
<Omniscientone[gato]> true
<Kevanovia> The worst thing Legion did, in my opinion, was let NPO change their charter
<Omniscientone[gato]> yes I agree
<Omniscientone[gato]> Democracy FTW!!!!!
<Kevanovia> Woop woop!
<Omniscientone[gato]> of course at that time they didn't have much of a choice
<Omniscientone[gato]> but they need to balls up
<Kevanovia> Amen
<Omniscientone[gato]> and get back independence
<Kevanovia> I'd love to see OORPLE come back, but I can't see that happening unless they go back to a democracy
<Kevanovia> Well Omni
<Kevanovia> That about does it
<Omniscientone[gato]> alright
<Omniscientone[gato]> it was a good interveiw Kev :D
<Kevanovia> Thanks for doing it again lol


Next week we will be having a special surprise guest :o Also you will get to hear me rambling about how great my experience has been in UPN thus far, as well as another The More You Know. If you are interested in writing an article for 'Old Coots' or would like to post an advertisement for your alliance, please feel free to drop me a message. Well my fellow Elderly, this has been another edition of Old Coots' Weekly Letters. Have a good night, drive safely...and stay off my damn lawn!!!!

[u][u][b]OCWL Archive[/b][/u][/u]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=75704&st=0&p=2024861&#entry2024861"]Issue #1 Written by Kevanovia (Special Guest Chimaera. Guest Writer Vilien)[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=76099&st=0&p=2034966&#entry2034966"]Issue #2 Written by oddjob (Special Guest Midas)[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77970&st=0&p=2094633&#entry2094633"]Issue #3 Written by Kevanovia (Special Guest Proximus. Guest Writter N/A)[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=88405"]Issue #4 Written by Kevanovia (Special Guest N/A. Guest Writer Vilien)[/url]

Edited by Kevanovia
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[quote name='DictatatorDan' date='09 July 2010 - 07:45 PM' timestamp='1278729928' post='2365428']
[color="#FF0000"]I am always down with a little Legion bashing. +1 point[/color]

Don't you have a treaty with Legion?

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' date='09 July 2010 - 07:58 PM' timestamp='1278730662' post='2365449']
[color="#FF0000"]HAHAHA...I hope not[/color]


well done there

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[quote name='SiCkO' date='09 July 2010 - 10:02 PM' timestamp='1278730904' post='2365457']

well done there
[/quote] [color="#FF0000"]Then the answer is no.

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[quote name='magicninja' date='10 July 2010 - 05:22 AM' timestamp='1278735742' post='2365545']
I ruin one alliance you are in and now you're happy I don't win AC?


I think it's just a love for me Magic :P

Good read as always Keveanovia. Awesome convo we had too.

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[quote name='DictatatorDan' date='09 July 2010 - 08:09 PM' timestamp='1278731360' post='2365468']
[color="#FF0000"]Then the answer is no.

then change your avatar, im too lazy to look it up

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' date='10 July 2010 - 04:01 PM' timestamp='1278774093' post='2365815']
<Omniscientone[gato]> but GATO is like cockraoches

An interesting analogy to illustrate your perseverance.

Good read.

Very creative wasn't it ;)

[quote name='IronsightSniper' date='10 July 2010 - 07:57 PM' timestamp='1278788235' post='2366031']
Great read! Loved the chat with Omniscientone, that was as superb in all manners, and very interesting too!

Thanks I enjoyed doing it :)

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