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[quote name='Jocko Homo' date='07 July 2010 - 05:46 PM' timestamp='1278542787' post='2362823']
I remember when I was in the Legion (ages ago) I got in trouble because I bought nukes without getting prior permission from the MoD. Yes, you read that right. Apparently nothing has changed.

Haha that is amusing. Anyways, good luck to you man.

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[b]Dear Lmcfalcon12,[/b]

I apologize for overreacting in my initial posts. You are still a drama queen though (:P). That said, I do sincerely hope that we will take seriously what you have said. I know we've got much to work on, but we've also had a lot more to overcome than most. Ultimately, many of our key decisions will lie in the new Legion leadership, especially as it pertains to government personnel and reasonable application of the law.

While I may disagree with lot of the OP, disagreement only kills pixels. As you said its a game and its not worth it to get worked up over. If you do have any suggestions you wish to relay or just want to chat, you know where to find me. I wish you well whether you stay or leave the game.

[i]Imperial [/i]

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[quote name='T.Hubb' date='07 July 2010 - 12:21 PM' timestamp='1278516043' post='2362439']
LMC- You PM'd me one time, bro. Once. You were upset about the BB Ban and wanted to appeal it. You also CC:d it to Watcher. Watcher responded to you rather quickly. I did not feel the need to do so, which is known as [i]delegating[/i]. I was pleased with Watcher's response to you, and did not see a need to respond with the same type of statement. You can bash me all you want, and you've done a fairly good job in doing so. That's fine. I'm not mad anymore, because this is a game. I guess I didn't respond enough to your comments about how to get a girl you've been stalking for three years to like you in our public forums. C'est la vie.

Oh yeah, because a post in your special lounge is really what this is about. Bringing up my personal life and an issue I wanted a little bit of advice on is not real classy. So I guess we're both lowered to the same level now. Don't ever bring my RL issues to the BBs or up to me again. Very poor show. And as far as responding to my thread in the public forums...what? You never responded to me period. An effective leader is an active leader and one who "pretends" at the very least to give a damn.

Its not about you passing of my concerns to other members. I messaged you about how outraged I was with the racism...not a reply and no one said "boo" about it. I heard you were going to start lowering the boom on some of the rowdy members, i.e. your MoE and your MoD. Alas, I was misinformed by other members of your government. I'm sorry about whatever is going on in your RL with your wife, baby etc. That's not an issue anymore. Because if someone had told me WTF was going and why you were rarely, if ever online, I would have had more sympathy for you never responding to a PM, being online, or roaming on IRC.

[quote name='T.Hubb' date='07 July 2010 - 01:00 PM' timestamp='1278518389' post='2362464']
You know what? I admit when I'm wrong, and I was wrong to say that last part. It was unnecessary, and I apologize. The rest, however, stands. Good day.

The rest does stand. Poor show regardless. If you want to bite back on this thread, leave my RL life issues out of it. Sorry for asking your people for a little bit of advice. I'll know better next time. Any respect I had is gone. You got a shred of it back with that apology, but the rest. Whatever dude. And don't come back with the "I don't have any respect for you," or "I've lost all respect for you," because I've heard the same old song from your members and your government for far too long.

[quote name='aboooe' date='07 July 2010 - 11:48 AM' timestamp='1278514063' post='2362411']
Hai LMC :awesome:

Man I enjoy these threads. Shoot me a pm when you reroll. :)

What's up dude?! Been a long time. I will definitely shoot you a PM!

[quote name='assarax' date='07 July 2010 - 03:59 PM' timestamp='1278529159' post='2362597']
[b]Lmcfalcon12 has been an off-and-on member of The Legion for quite some time. He has left time and again due to differences with leadership and our charter, but still continued to return time and again.[/b] If he felt so wronged each time, why would he try to return? And upon returning, [color="#FF0000"][b]he never did a lick to try to implement changes;[/b][/color] he waited until something happened that he disagreed with, or an insult from another member, blew it out of proportion and stormed out of the building like a jilted ex. I'm sorry you felt that the actions levied against you were inappropriate lmc, but there were other avenues for expressing your distaste than in this public way. You knew what this would do, and you did it to stir up more angst and drama against our alliance. On that note, I hope you enjoy your time in Hydra; I'm sure you and Jacapo will have a lot to talk about. Not that any of it will be of any quality or relevance.

Let's see...the bold parts are true, the bold red part is not. You, like the others are blind to the fact that I pissed and moaned about Arbiter's conduct for years...literally years. I submitted multiple complaints to the IG's office and so since Konkrage is either too lazy or too ignorant to take care of them, I was ignored. Just because you get sick of hearing the complaints doesn't mean you ignore them. That means something's up and you probably oughta get up and do some research because it probably holds some legitimacy. So don't sit there and [i]attempt[/i] to save face for your alliance by lying and said I didn't try and levy some change. I asked for an environment where we could all get along and be respected. You choose not to see the countless posts where Arbiter and others called me out, blackmailed me, belittled me in the private forums, visitor wall areas, and worst of all in public. Need I say more? Legion's image continues to be tainted. Four years of existence and yet most of the garbage I hear from the general population is true. What a surprise.

[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' date='07 July 2010 - 04:44 PM' timestamp='1278531827' post='2362639']
Expel arbiter and your problems will dissolve.

Seems pretty straightforward.

Had they gotten rid of him, I had would have had no qualms about living in the alliance for the rest of my days. But he's above the law and I forget that. Silly me to think that we should all be treated equally and be forced to follow the same rules.

[quote name='The Arbiter' date='07 July 2010 - 07:56 PM' timestamp='1278543387' post='2362833']
Again, I had nothing to do with the fine. It was a little high [b]but I'm sure if Lmcfalcon12 was willing to talk about it instead of whining and leaving us angry messages, Konkrage would have lowered it.[/b]

Konkrage is not government. Its outlined in your charter. He can relay punishments but not dish them out. I did discuss it with him countless times, both in an irate manner, and several calm attempts. He ignored all opportunities to work out a payment plan, or lower the punishment. I didn't start leaving angry messages till I started receiving harassing messages about paying the tech when you know damn well that a 6 week old nation can't snap their fingers and cough out 500 tech. It doesn't happen.

[quote name='Imperial' date='07 July 2010 - 09:17 PM' timestamp='1278548258' post='2362921']
[b]Dear Lmcfalcon12,[/b]

I apologize for overreacting in my initial posts. You are still a drama queen though (:P). That said, I do sincerely hope that we will take seriously what you have said. I know we've got much to work on, but we've also had a lot more to overcome than most. Ultimately, many of our key decisions will lie in the new Legion leadership, especially as it pertains to government personnel and reasonable application of the law.

While I may disagree with lot of the OP, disagreement only kills pixels. As you said its a game and its not worth it to get worked up over. If you do have any suggestions you wish to relay or just want to chat, you know where to find me. I wish you well whether you stay or leave the game.

[i]Imperial [/i]

I am a drama queen :P that much is true. That alliance never ran smoother than when you were imperator and Arbiter was not MoE. Remember those days. Because that was the smoothest, calmest, and most cohesive I ever saw the Legion.

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='08 July 2010 - 02:59 AM' timestamp='1278554323' post='2362998']
Had they gotten rid of him, I had would have had no qualms about living in the alliance for the rest of my days. But he's above the law and I forget that. Silly me to think that we should all be treated equally and be forced to follow the same rules.

Konkrage is not government. Its outlined in your charter. He can relay punishments but not dish them out. I did discuss it with him countless times, both in an irate manner, and several calm attempts. He ignored all opportunities to work out a payment plan, or lower the punishment. I didn't start leaving angry messages till I started receiving harassing messages about paying the tech when you know damn well that a 6 week old nation can't snap their fingers and cough out 500 tech. It doesn't happen.

I am a drama queen :P that much is true. That alliance never ran smoother than when you were imperator and Arbiter was not MoE. Remember those days. Because that was the smoothest, calmest, and most cohesive I ever saw the Legion.
[/quote]I'm sure they'd be willing to expel me in exchange for you, someone who whines constantly and does no work for his alliance. Really, do you think you're special enough to have someone forced out simply because you don't like him?

Konkrage is not government although as the Inspector General it is his duty to handle situations like yours. Wouldn't you know that, Mr. Deputy Inspector General?

You are indeed a queen of drama. The alliance never stagnated more than when Imperial was Imperator and I wasn't MoE. I'm not blaming that on Imperial, I'm blaming that on incompetent MoE's. Not saying I'm great, just saying I'm not inactive and the alliance is growing. I thought both Imperial and Hubb were great Imperators, and served under both of them, although I believe that the alliance was smoother under Hubb. This is simply due to internal circumstances and lack of certain key troublemaking members under Hubb. Also, Hubb's reign was shorter.

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='07 July 2010 - 11:08 PM' timestamp='1278554866' post='2363007']
I'm sure they'd be willing to expel me in exchange for you, someone who whines constantly [b]and does no work for his alliance.[/b] Really, do you think you're special enough to have someone forced out simply because you don't like him?

Konkrage is not government although as the Inspector General it is his duty to handle situations like yours. Wouldn't you know that, Mr. Deputy Inspector General?

You are indeed a queen of drama. The alliance never stagnated more than when Imperial was Imperator and I wasn't MoE. I'm not blaming that on Imperial, I'm blaming that on incompetent MoE's. Not saying I'm great, just saying I'm not inactive and the alliance is growing. I thought both Imperial and Hubb were great Imperators, and served under both of them, although I believe that the alliance was smoother under Hubb. This is simply due to internal circumstances and lack of certain key troublemaking members under Hubb. Also, Hubb's reign was shorter.

The IG's position is a waste of pixels and forum space. Its a position that once you get it, you're ridiculed and hated. No one wants the job, and the people who take the job have it for like a month at a time. As far as the bold part is concerned, I practically ran the MoD during the Karma war. You're Commodore was a mere, inactive figurehead taking a tag just to make it look like you had a 2nd in command for that ministry. I was up till 2 AM sending out target lists, organizing squads, assigning squads, taking battle reports, and fighting my own battles, while you hid in peace mode because you were a bank nation. Don't give me your bull. Working in the MoE is just an excuse to sit back and watch your fellow alliance members get the crap kicked out of them. You sit and don't fight, which as hard as it may be to believe, I've never sat out a war for Legion...no matter how stupid the cause. That's more than can be said for you or your ministry.

You also mention me as a "queen of drama". Reiterating something I already said is a waste of time. Also, you state the sentence, but don't elaborate on it. What does me being a drama queen have anything to do with you not being MoE or when Imperial was imperator?

Absolutely nothing.

Edited by lmcfalcon12
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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='08 July 2010 - 03:17 AM' timestamp='1278555404' post='2363016']
The IG's position is a waste of pixels and forum space. Its a position that once you get it, you're ridiculed and hated. No one wants the job, and the people who take the job have it for like a month at a time. As far as the bold part is concerned, I practically ran the MoD during the Karma war. You're Commodore was a mere, inactive figurehead taking a tag just to make it look like you had a 2nd in command for that ministry. I was up till 2 AM sending out target lists, organizing squads, assigning squads, taking battle reports, and fighting my own battles, while you hid in peace mode because you were a bank nation. Don't give me your bull. Working in the MoE is just an excuse to sit back and watch your fellow alliance members get the crap kicked out of them. You sit and don't fight, which as hard as it may be to believe, I've never sat out a war for Legion...no matter how stupid the cause. That's more than can be said for you or your ministry.

You also mention me as a "queen of drama". Reiterating something I already said is a waste of time. Also, you state the sentence, but don't elaborate on it. What does me being a drama queen have anything to do with you not being MoE or when Imperial was imperator?

Absolutely nothing.
The IG position is useful as it audits ministries and makes sure things are efficient. Konkrage is not hated nor ridiculed. A lot of people want the job, that's why many people nominate themselves and only one person is elected. I fought in the 2UJ war and took 14 more nukes to add to my 20 total. I guess you're right though, I sit back and relax. Because sifting through 300 war aid requests and then organizing reps is a cake walk. I can understand if you don't like me, but don't say that "working in the Ministry of Economics is just an excuse to sit back." Nobody who works for the Ministry of Economics sits out in wars. Bankers used to sit out in wars but that policy was revoked several months ago while totem was MoD. I guess you were just too inactive to notice...

I was reiterating something you said, which is why I said "indeed." It has nothing to do with me being MoE or Imperial being Imperator, I was simply answering your concerns in the order they were stated. This is what you said, "I am a drama queen :P that much is true. That alliance never ran smoother than when you were imperator and Arbiter was not MoE. Remember those days. Because that was the smoothest, calmest, and most cohesive I ever saw the Legion."

Yesterday your comments were funny and absurd but now they're not funny anymore. :smug:

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='07 July 2010 - 09:59 PM' timestamp='1278554323' post='2362998']
Let's see...the bold parts are true, the bold red part is not. You, like the others are blind to the fact that I pissed and moaned about Arbiter's conduct for years...literally years. I submitted multiple complaints to the IG's office and so since Konkrage is either too lazy or too ignorant to take care of them, I was ignored. Just because you get sick of hearing the complaints doesn't mean you ignore them. That means something's up and you probably oughta get up and do some research because it probably holds some legitimacy. So don't sit there and [i]attempt[/i] to save face for your alliance by lying and said I didn't try and levy some change. I asked for an environment where we could all get along and be respected. You choose not to see the countless posts where Arbiter and others called me out, blackmailed me, belittled me in the private forums, visitor wall areas, and worst of all in public. Need I say more? Legion's image continues to be tainted. Four years of existence and yet most of the garbage I hear from the general population is true. What a surprise. [/quote]
Just because you piss and moan about something for years doesn't mean it's going to be changed just to suit your desires. If it was just you complaining, and 400 others who aren't complaining, it shouldn't come as a huge surprise that things don't change overnight.

And to be honest, one person complaining time and time again does not automatically make their complaint legitimate.

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='07 July 2010 - 11:34 PM' timestamp='1278556427' post='2363029']
The IG position is useful as it audits ministries and makes sure things are efficient. Konkrage is not hated nor ridiculed. A lot of people want the job, that's why many people nominate themselves and only one person is elected. I fought in the 2UJ war and took 14 more nukes to add to my 20 total. I guess you're right though, I sit back and relax. Because sifting through 300 war aid requests and then organizing reps is a cake walk. I can understand if you don't like me, but don't say that "working in the Ministry of Economics is just an excuse to sit back." Nobody who works for the Ministry of Economics sits out in wars. Bankers used to sit out in wars but that policy was revoked several months ago while totem was MoD. I guess you were just too inactive to notice...

I was reiterating something you said, which is why I said "indeed." It has nothing to do with me being MoE or Imperial being Imperator, I was simply answering your concerns in the order they were stated. This is what you said, "I am a drama queen :P that much is true. That alliance never ran smoother than when you were imperator and Arbiter was not MoE. Remember those days. Because that was the smoothest, calmest, and most cohesive I ever saw the Legion."

[b]Yesterday your comments were funny and absurd but now they're not funny anymore.[/b] :smug:

Probably cause the truth isn't funny. I was one of the most active members you guys ever had. I partied on IRC all the time and busted my you know what doing work for the MoD and totem. Contrary to what you "do" which is very little besides mock and ridicule me and other members, you do sit around and pretty much do nothing for war time. You end up giving orders as to where the aid will go rarely paying out any yourself. I forget how selfless it is to watch your brothers go into battle, but to not join them yourself.

The bottomline to summarize it all is, inactive and useless leaders are glorified with the Legion, hardworking and active members are ridiculed, belittled, embarrassed and forced out with petty punishments, and alliances with horrible rep never get it back...even four years later. Especially when their conduct has never changed. I rest my case. You guys are a joke and judging by responses from other alliances...you always have been.

Congratulations on absorbing a near defunct alliance to boost your scores. Enjoy your sanction. Huzzah. Right now you have the most members I've ever seen Legion have...by like 8. I guess recruiting isn't the way to go. Better put out the word that absorbing dying alliances is the way to pay the bills.

[quote name='Gopherbashi' date='07 July 2010 - 11:42 PM' timestamp='1278556902' post='2363033']
Just because you piss and moan about something for years doesn't mean it's going to be changed just to suit your desires. If it was just you complaining, and 400 others who aren't complaining, it shouldn't come as a huge surprise that things don't change overnight.

[b]And to be honest, one person complaining time and time again does not automatically make their complaint legitimate.[/b]

Ah true, but when other members complain about the same person time and time again as well, kind of makes you wonder as to whether maybe there isn't a bit of truth involved with the banter.

Edited by lmcfalcon12
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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='08 July 2010 - 03:45 AM' timestamp='1278557111' post='2363034']
Probably cause the truth isn't funny. I was one of the most active members you guys ever had. I partied on IRC all the time and busted my you know what doing work for the MoD and totem. Contrary to what you "do" which is very little besides mock and ridicule me and other members, you do sit around and pretty much do nothing for war time. You end up giving orders as to where the aid will go rarely paying out any yourself. I forget how selfless it is to watch your brothers go into battle, but to not join them yourself.

The bottomline to summarize it all is, inactive and useless leaders are glorified with the Legion, hardworking and active members are ridiculed, belittled, embarrassed and forced out with petty punishments, and alliances with horrible rep never get it back...even four years later. Especially when their conduct has never changed. I rest my case. You guys are a joke and judging by responses from other alliances...you always have been.

Congratulations on absorbing a near defunct alliance to boost your scores. Enjoy your sanction. Huzzah. Right now you have the most members I've ever seen Legion have...by like 8. I guess recruiting isn't the way to go. Better put out the word that absorbing dying alliances is the way to pay the bills.
Partying on IRC is really a whole lot of work there, sweet cheeks. :rolleyes: I mock and ridicule you because you're a mockery and you're ridiculous. I think it goes without saying that the Ministry of Defense has more work to do during war time than the Ministry of Economics. We do a lot of work with war aid, rebuilding, and reparations, however. If you say that's false, you were more out of it than I thought. I give orders because as the Minister of Economics that is what my job entails. I aid out on my own accord although I like to spend my slots tech dealing. The designated bankers do not like to tech deal and would rather send out aid, which is why they do that. As I've already said, I joined in the 2UJ. I didn't fight in Karma because I bought a Manhattan Project before it and had no warchest. That was my bad.

If you think we're a joke, that's fine. Although this is cliched, haters gonna hate. We always have people who make fun of us on our announcements. It's cool, it's fine. It comes standard with our announcements and it has been for years. You've been a Legionnaire for years and if you just recently decided we were a "joke" because of posts from haters, you're duller than I thought. Form some original opinions for God's sake. If after years [i]you[/i] think we're a joke, fine. But please...

We've been allies and best friends to M*A*S*H for over three years. It broke our hearts to see them go but it was understood that as an alliance MASH was beyond repair. We took them in and are trying to get them all settled. Are we happy that it gave us sanction? Yeah. So were you. Ironically, the reason this whole debacle ensued was because you were making unruly posts about our sanction and bragging about it on the BBs. Have you forgotten that, already? Did you really think anyone was going to not notice the irony here? What would you rather us have done with MASH? Sent a message to their gov after they asked us to merge into us and say, "Sorry allies and friends of three years. We are unable to accept your offer of a merger because you are a dying alliance. Enjoy your slow and painful decline. Love, Legion"? That's unbecoming.

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='07 July 2010 - 06:56 PM' timestamp='1278543387' post='2362833']
Yes, because I told someone to stop making unruly posts on the OWF I should get expelled! You sir are a visionary and an intellectual. I now see why Hydra is such a relevant and important alliance; they are led by the best.

Again, I had nothing to do with the fine. It was a little high but I'm sure if Lmcfalcon12 was willing to talk about it instead of whining and leaving us angry messages, Konkrage would have lowered it.

Jacapo Saladin, I ask you to please continue posting your bombastic rants. They're usually hilarious.
[color="#0000FF"]Unruly? Falcon is unruly? Tell me, what is your definition of [i]unruly[/i]? I'd have thought it'd describe someone with a demeanor similar to myself, or Penkala. You know, someone a little unruly. To be honest, I have rarely ever taken notice of Falcon. Maybe he took part in a discussion and seemed reasonably intelligent, but forgettable. No sir, you do not forget unruly individuals. They you remember.

No, you're playing internal politics. You are finding any excuse you can use to get a rival out of an alliance. I know. I used to be in the NPO in late 2007. Internal politics were the worst at that point, and got even worse. I don't know if it is still that way, and nor do I care, as I've long been divorced from them. But my point is, I know the rules, and I know what you're playing here.

Also, did you just call Hydra irrelevant? Now forgive for being ignorant, it is my job after all, but exactly how many strings is Legion pulling? How many people take Legion seriously? A few, maybe. However, to the rest of the world you are a laughingstock, and as far as they are concerned you are just a puppet waited to be pulled (unless you're the type in which is hand is put all the way in - which kind are you?). So, lesson learned: you're one of the last persons out there to be lecturing anyone on relevance. You may be king of your particular hill, but you would do well to keep in mind that it is merely an anthill.[/color]

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[quote name='lmcfalcon12' date='07 July 2010 - 10:17 PM' timestamp='1278555404' post='2363016']
Working in the MoE is just an excuse to sit back and watch your fellow alliance members get the crap kicked out of them.

Hey, while the rest of the thread really isn't too much my business, real MoE people fight alongside their alliance while aiding.

Then they usually have the cash to rebuild after doing so. :smug:

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='07 July 2010 - 07:08 PM' timestamp='1278554866' post='2363007']
The alliance never stagnated more than when Imperial was Imperator and I wasn't MoE. I'm not blaming that on Imperial, I'm blaming that on incompetent MoE's. Not saying I'm great, just saying I'm not inactive and the alliance is growing. I thought both Imperial and Hubb were great Imperators, and served under both of them, although I believe that the alliance was smoother under Hubb. This is simply due to internal circumstances and lack of certain key troublemaking members under Hubb. Also, Hubb's reign was shorter.

Does this stem from the fact you were fired from Econ when you first displayed poor work ethic and respect towards your boss and then when you harassed the new Chief of Financial Staff both in the members channel and in query (which was me at the time)? I was done with this thread until you decided to spit on a number a talented people (Madalchemist, Toraji, SIW) that I worked under and for. Your behavior has been petty and unprofessional for a long time now and I honestly don't understand why you can't change. You have happily dragged Legion's name through the mud multiple times these past 2 months and I know that no one else in Legion deserves it. I suggest you pick your words carefully in the future, you just single handedly insulted the current Imperator, MAX, the current Inspector General, a number of Government members in an alliance you have an MDoAP with, and about every legionnaire who worked in econ during Imperial's tenure. Your arrogance disgusts me.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='07 July 2010 - 08:05 PM' timestamp='1278558308' post='2363046']
No, you're playing internal politics. You are finding any excuse you can use to get a rival out of an alliance. I know. I used to be in the NPO in late 2007. Internal politics were the worst at that point, and got even worse. I don't know if it is still that way, and nor do I care, as I've long been divorced from them. But my point is, I know the rules, and I know what you're playing here.

If I remember correctly the government as a whole decided to impose the punishment on lmcfalcon, not just Arbiter. Other members in the government know Arb's history, and take that into account when taking recommendations from him, and yet still decided on this punishment. To my knowledge we've never had someone violate a BB gag before, because everyone else has realized it's a bad idea, or complained about the gag on our forums (sometimes successfully). When lmc disobeyed the gag gov as a whole put together what they thought was a fitting punishment. It was by no means Arbiter acting alone.

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[quote name='Gamemaster1' date='08 July 2010 - 04:08 AM' timestamp='1278558462' post='2363050']
Hey, while the rest of the thread really isn't too much my business, real MoE people fight alongside their alliance while aiding.

Then they usually have the cash to rebuild after doing so. :smug:
He's talking about our bankers who used to peace out during the first 5 days of war and then come in to aid. That policy was removed after the Karma War, so despite how active and informed lmcfalcon12 says to be; he's not. Everybody in the alliance fights unless they're on LoA or have other permission to peace out.

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Linco i remember as a young legionnaire getting pulled aside by KW and imperial for violating a gag. :P

They yelled at me for a bit, then hugged me and sent me on my way. :awesome:

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[quote name='SiCkO' date='07 July 2010 - 08:12 PM' timestamp='1278558754' post='2363057']
Linco i remember as a young legionnaire getting pulled aside by KW and imperial for violating a gag. :P

They yelled at me for a bit, then hugged me and sent me on my way. :awesome:

You agreed to stop, no? And not do it again?

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='07 July 2010 - 08:14 PM' timestamp='1278558855' post='2363059']
You agreed to stop, no? And not do it again?


i didnt do it again for a couple months

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[quote name='SiCkO' date='08 July 2010 - 04:09 AM' timestamp='1278558537' post='2363051']
Does this stem from the fact you were fired from Econ when you first displayed poor work ethic and respect towards your boss and then when you harassed the new Chief of Financial Staff both in the members channel and in query (which was me at the time)? I was done with this thread until you decided to spit on a number a talented people (Madalchemist, Toraji, SIW) that I worked under and for. Your behavior has been petty and unprofessional for a long time now and I honestly don't understand why you can't change. You have happily dragged Legion's name through the mud multiple times these past 2 months and I know that no one else in Legion deserves it. I suggest you pick your words carefully in the future, you just single handedly insulted the current Imperator, MAX, the current Inspector General, a number of Government members in an alliance you have an MDoAP with, and about every legionnaire who worked in econ during Imperial's tenure. Your arrogance disgusts me.
[/quote]I was fired from econ because I was a douche bag. I know I'm a douche bag and everyone else knows I'm a douche bag. Whatever. Poor work ethic was certainly not one of the reasons for being fired. I had no respect towards my boss nor you because the MoE was completely inactive and signed onto the forums once every 15 days. When he did, he put in place awful plans. The CoFS, you, again put in place terrible plans that caused the stagnation of the alliance for several [i]months.[/i] Being a douche bag that I am, instead of taking the issues to the proper authorities I simply flamed both of you in public. My bad. I got fired, fine. I'm not referring to Madal and Tora, they were fine. SIW on the other hand was absolutely atrocious. This is a digression from the OP, however. My behavior is unprofessional because I am not a professional. I am a 17 year old playing an internet browser game under the rule of Minister of Economics. Do I know economics? Yes. Am I a professional? lol no. What exactly does "professional" mean when referring to cybernations? When did I insult Watcher, MAX, or Konkrage? I like and respect all three of those people. We no longer have an MDP with UPN, get with the times.

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='07 July 2010 - 10:34 PM' timestamp='1278556427' post='2363029']
A lot of people want the job, that's why many people nominate themselves and only one person is elected. I fought in the 2UJ war and took 14 more nukes to add to my 20 total.

I wouldn't quite call turtling to be fighting.

14 nukes huh?

Arbiter = 62,750 Attacking + 433,825 Defending = 496,575 Casualties

So did you ever rebuy or just sit there and take the nukes?

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[quote name='SiCkO' date='07 July 2010 - 08:16 PM' timestamp='1278558969' post='2363063']

i didnt do it again for a couple months

The difference between you and lmc is that you at least pretended to be contrite and they knew you were willing to stop and figured you had just misread the announcement or something. Granted, I wasn't there for KW and Imperial's conversation, but that's what it seems like to me.

[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' date='07 July 2010 - 08:19 PM' timestamp='1278559124' post='2363067']
I wouldn't quite call turtling to be fighting.

14 nukes huh?

Arbiter = 62,750 Attacking + 433,825 Defending = 496,575 Casualties

So did you ever rebuy or just sit there and take the nukes?

Are we really trying to bring up people's casualty counts? Maybe we could focus on the topic a little instead of you two's personal beef, hm?

Edited by Lincongrad
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[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' date='08 July 2010 - 04:19 AM' timestamp='1278559124' post='2363067']
I wouldn't quite call turtling to be fighting.

14 nukes huh?

Arbiter = 62,750 Attacking + 433,825 Defending = 496,575 Casualties

So did you ever rebuy or just sit there and take the nukes?
I was fighting people with way more infra and way more NS than me and so my GA odds were not sufficient to launch aggressive wars after three days of fighting. I won all of my aggressive wars during that time and I won almost all of the defensive wars until they stopped using GAs. At that point it was just a nuke fest.

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[quote name='The Arbiter' date='07 July 2010 - 08:16 PM' timestamp='1278558986' post='2363064']
I was fired from econ because I was a douche bag. I know I'm a douche bag and everyone else knows I'm a douche bag. Whatever. Poor work ethic was certainly not one of the reasons for being fired. I had no respect towards my boss nor you because the MoE was completely inactive and signed onto the forums once every 15 days. When he did, he put in place awful plans. The CoFS, you, again put in place terrible plans that caused the stagnation of the alliance for several [i]months.[/i] Being a douche bag that I am, instead of taking the issues to the proper authorities I simply flamed both of you in public. My bad. I got fired, fine. I'm not referring to Madal and Tora, they were fine. SIW on the other hand was absolutely atrocious. This is a digression from the OP, however. My behavior is unprofessional because I am not a professional. I am a 17 year old playing an internet browser game under the rule of Minister of Economics. Do I know economics? Yes. Am I a professional? lol no. What exactly does "professional" mean when referring to cybernations? When did I insult Watcher, MAX, or Konkrage? I like and respect all three of those people. We no longer have an MDP with UPN, get with the times.

Finding tech deals and facilitating trade circles was our goal this was achieved. As for insulting them, you claimed every MoE was incompetent. Now you back track and say only one was. Ironically, the MoE you refer to was Konkrage. As for your immaturity towards people, that is no excuse to your behavior towards fellow members and allies (i.e. IMD and UPN)

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[quote name='Lincongrad' date='07 July 2010 - 11:10 PM' timestamp='1278558593' post='2363054']
If I remember correctly the government as a whole decided to impose the punishment on lmcfalcon, not just Arbiter. Other members in the government know Arb's history, and take that into account when taking recommendations from him, and yet still decided on this punishment. To my knowledge we've never had someone violate a BB gag before, because everyone else has realized it's a bad idea, or complained about the gag on our forums (sometimes successfully). When lmc disobeyed the gag gov as a whole put together what they thought was a fitting punishment. It was by no means Arbiter acting alone.
[color="#0000FF"]In every government there is always a supreme ruler, uncontested in his wisdom, a few high ranking yes-men (whom the other yes-men say yes to), and then your average yes-man. Which one of these are you? And don't think you can fool me. I know who's running the show over at Legion, and it certainly isn't you.

Also, a gag order? I've seen how well those work in the past. Not only does it peeve the members, it also allows your critics to rail at you unchallenged. Whatever they say becomes truth, in time, as there is no counter-argument. Why do you think Vox was so effective? Sure the anti-NPO sentiment that had brooded over the years helped, but NPO simply saying nothing to oppose Vox also helped. How incompetent is Legion's government to realize it is making ineffective policy? If anything Falcon should have been commended for standing up against the blatant idiocy of his government, which clearly is not fit to govern.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='07 July 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1278559456' post='2363075']
In every government there is always a supreme ruler, uncontested in his wisdom, a few high ranking yes-men (whom the other yes-men say yes to), and then your average yes-man. Which one of these are you? And don't think you can fool me. I know who's running the show over at Legion, and it certainly isn't you.
First of all, this has no bearing on the validity of this argument. Second of all, I have zero respect for Arbiter's interpersonal skills and, when I was MoD, spent a lot of time jumping down his throat. Third, I have never claimed to run the show over at Legion, but I would like to think I do a little thinking of my own as opposed to simply being a yes-man. In other words, please avoid pointless personal attacks when you have no idea what you're talking about. Thank you.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='07 July 2010 - 08:24 PM' timestamp='1278559456' post='2363075']
Also, a gag order? I've seen how well those work in the past. Not only does it peeve the members, it also allows your critics to rail at you unchallenged. Whatever they say becomes truth, in time, as there is no counter-argument. Why do you think Vox was so effective? Sure the anti-NPO sentiment that had brooded over the years helped, but NPO simply saying nothing to oppose Vox also helped. How incompetent is Legion's government to realize it is making ineffective policy? If anything Falcon should have been commended for standing up against the blatant idiocy of his government, which clearly is not fit to govern.

I happen to agree with you when it comes to complete gag orders, but it was a gag order directed specifically at him, not a complete gag order. We viewed his personal comments as disrespectful/counterproductive, and wanted to leave the smack talking to people who we viewed as better at it.

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