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Constant Harassment by UINE

corey rolfe

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[quote name='Itsuki Koizumi' date='07 June 2010 - 02:51 PM' timestamp='1275940242' post='2328013']
There is our raid policy so by no means even if ricky was a member would the raid be state sanctioned. As I said, he can be dealt with at your discretion. Also up until this point, he did not seem to be any threat to the security of UINE and was ignored. Anyone that he has raided before retaliated after coming to us and he was dealt with, though not learning his lesson. Also corey, keve informs me that the reason you have been ignored was due to you saying that "you could destroy us in a day, that we are your inferiors etc". Logs will be posted shortly by keve.

I guess people are flummoxed because, whether he was a direct threat to your security or not, he's apparently a ghost and repeat troublemaker, in a range where you have a multitude of potential ghost-busters. And whatever the manner he was dealt with in the past, it apparently hasn't been too severe...his NS graph doesn't exactly indicate that you've made much effort to force him from your AA, nor are you now.

And I can definitely see where corey might be his own worst advocate, but that doesn't really excuse inaction.

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Corey, they're winding you up.

Apparently the nation is a ghost, request aid from your alliance, get members of yours to attack that nation, do whatever you want with him. Not many people pay reparations for attacks by ghosts. Also, when talking to Keve, if you need to now, might I suggest being a little more polite, less agressive and less lucrative with your demands?

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Franz: Would you like a list of people who assisted me with this war?
corey: sure
Franz: Ok, one second, let me find it.
Franz: Sargun, Abokasee, Curristan, Ivan Moldavi, Keve69, Van Hoo III, Centurius, SarahTintagyl, Kaiser Martens, d3filed, Emperor Marx, Doitzel, Schattenmann, Mykep, Penkala, Triyun, Drakedeath, BaronUberstein, Frederick III and Valdemar.
Franz: Also, Voodoo and Lavo.
Franz: I can't believe I forget them.

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Main Entry: he·ge·mo·ny
Pronunciation: \hi-ˈje-mə-nē, -ˈge-; ˈhe-jə-ˌmō-nē\
Function: noun
Etymology: Greek hēgemonia, from hēgemōn leader, from hēgeisthai to lead — more at seek
Date: 1567

1 : preponderant influence or authority over others : domination <battled for hegemony in Asia>
2 : the social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by a dominant group <extend their own hegemony over American culture as a whole — Mary K. Cayton>

The Karma war was a Battle for Hegemony, In defeating the old Hegemony, the group of alliances formerly known as Karma won the battle for Hegemony and became Hegemony.
tbqh The group of alliances formerly known as Karma aka the winners of the battle for Hegemony are failing as Stewards of Planet bob.

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[quote name='Sargun' date='07 June 2010 - 04:14 PM' timestamp='1275941628' post='2328053']
Wait, Penkala was in on this too?

nevermind, I want all my money back

What? Of course I'm not involved. I don't get involved in useless shenanigans like this.

[quote]Raiding a member of a 37 man alliance? Not exactly a brilliant political decision.
Raiding a member of a NOIR alliance? Absolutely idiotic.

Posture for the camera bro.

I think all you NOIR guys need to start talking straight. See, I [i]hear[/i] that you want this resolved peacefully, and then I see your method is threats and talk of war, which is counter-productive to achieving a reasonable settlement, but has the added bonus of maybe getting a war. Don't be shy or bashful; let us know which one you actually want.

I would also like to mention that GOONS talking about how some alliance ought to pay reps for a botched tech raid is [i]hilarious[/i].

Anyways, I've only heard one guy's side so far, and I think it's hilarious that people are jumping to talks of war over let. Let's wait to hear from Keve, eh?

Edited by Penkala
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[quote name='Penkala' date='07 June 2010 - 03:23 PM' timestamp='1275942168' post='2328061']
What? Of course I'm not involved. I don't get involved in useless shenanigans like this.

Oh, most excellent.

Never mind then, Franz.

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[quote name='Tiberius C Nero' date='07 June 2010 - 01:22 PM' timestamp='1275942159' post='2328060']
The Karma war was a Battle for Hegemony, In defeating the old Hegemony, the group of alliances formerly known as Karma won the battle for Hegemony and became Hegemony.
tbqh The group of alliances formerly known as Karma aka the winners of the battle for Hegemony are failing as Stewards of Planet bob.
You hear that, new Hegemony? You are failing Planet Bob by allowing corey to be raided by a ghost!

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[quote name='ktarthan' date='07 June 2010 - 03:24 PM' timestamp='1275942268' post='2328064']
You hear that, new Hegemony? You are failing Planet Bob by allowing corey to be raided by a ghost!
This isn't just about a tech raid, it's about harassing and tormenting people because you can, because nobody can challenge you.

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[quote name='Tiberius C Nero' date='07 June 2010 - 05:52 PM' timestamp='1275942159' post='2328060']
The Karma war was a Battle for Hegemony, In defeating the old Hegemony, the group of alliances formerly known as Karma won the battle for Hegemony and became Hegemony.
tbqh The group of alliances formerly known as Karma aka the winners of the battle for Hegemony are failing as Stewards of Planet bob.
It's called relevance, and that has none.

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[quote name='Tiberius C Nero' date='07 June 2010 - 01:27 PM' timestamp='1275942430' post='2328068']
This isn't just about a tech raid, it's about harassing and tormenting people because you can, because nobody can challenge you.
Oh, I was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming your post had at least a minute relevance to the topic at hand. I must apologize as I was incorrect. Please carry on discussing something entirely unrelated to the thread.

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[quote name='coreyrolfe' date='06 June 2010 - 08:14 PM' timestamp='1275873229' post='2327066']
Hi Planet Bob,
Here's the deal. In the past two months [b]I've been constantly harassed by UINE, both IC and OOC.[/b] I can't go anywhere on IRC without being harassed. I've been constantly attacked by their members IC. This is not uncommon for them but it's really starting to piss me off. I'm wondering what I should do at this point. Please reply with suggestions and such. UINE people don't reply.

Corey Rolfe
My post has relevance to the title of the thread and the bolded areas in the OP as I too am being victimized by IC and OOC harassment and OOC attack. by Neo-Hegemonic alliances.

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[quote name='Tiberius C Nero' date='07 June 2010 - 06:03 PM' timestamp='1275942816' post='2328077']
My post has relevance to the title of the thread and the bolded areas in the OP as I too am being victimized by IC and OOC harassment and OOC attack. by Neo-Hegemonic alliances.
UINE is not neo-hegemonic. This guy hasn't been OOC attacked (To my knowledge). You're situation and this guy are different. Not every thing that sparkles is gold.

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' date='07 June 2010 - 03:37 PM' timestamp='1275943005' post='2328082']
Why is my name listed?

Because of the aid you gave me eight months ago. I saved that particular three mil and sent it on to franz.

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[quote name='Tiberius C Nero' date='07 June 2010 - 04:33 PM' timestamp='1275942816' post='2328077']
My post has relevance to the title of the thread and the bolded areas in the OP as I too am being victimized by IC and OOC harassment and OOC attack. by Neo-Hegemonic alliances.

Yes, a ghost on an alliance affiliation is an alliance harassing a person.

Edited by Voodoo Nova
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[quote name='Tiberius C Nero' date='07 June 2010 - 01:33 PM' timestamp='1275942816' post='2328077']
My post has relevance to the title of the thread and the bolded areas in the OP as I too am being victimized by IC and OOC harassment and OOC attack. by Neo-Hegemonic alliances.
The only relevance you share with the OP is the fact that you both have used the word "harassment" to describe your situation.

Edited by ktarthan
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[quote name='Sargun' date='07 June 2010 - 01:38 PM' timestamp='1275943077' post='2328084']
Because of the aid you gave me eight months ago. I saved that particular three mil and sent it on to franz.
I don't recall sending you aid, though honestly I have a hard time remembering anything specific that far back. I don't usually hand out aid because of my rather low income, but it could have happened. *shrug* Frankly I don't appreciate my name on things that I have no knowledge of. If you're going to accuse me of plotting anything, at least have it be accurate to the things I HAVE plotted. The last time I included myself in alliance politics was two accounts and many alliances ago, when I started GAIN (which no longer exists and never went higher than 5 members).

Edited by BaronUberstein
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[quote name='Tiberius C Nero' date='07 June 2010 - 09:33 PM' timestamp='1275942816' post='2328077']
My post has relevance to the title of the thread and the bolded areas in the OP as I too am being victimized by IC and OOC harassment and OOC attack. by Neo-Hegemonic alliances.

You weren't the guy being harassed. You were the guy doing the harassing.

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' date='07 June 2010 - 03:40 PM' timestamp='1275943235' post='2328088']
I don't recall sending you aid, though honestly I have a hard time remembering anything specific that far back. I don't usually hand out aid because of my rather low income, but it could have happened. *shrug* Frankly I don't appreciate my name on things that I have no knowledge of. If you're going to accuse me of plotting anything, at least have it be accurate to the things I HAVE plotted. The last time I included myself in alliance politics was two accounts and many alliances ago, when I started GAIN (which no longer exists and never went higher than 5 members).

Don't attempt to weasel out of taking credit. Penkala? I can understand, he's a liar. But you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.

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[quote name='Tiberius C Nero' date='07 June 2010 - 04:33 PM' timestamp='1275942816' post='2328077']
My post has relevance to the title of the thread and the bolded areas in the OP as I too am being victimized by IC and OOC harassment and OOC attack. by Neo-Hegemonic alliances.

Also as a note MK pre-paid me to go rogue on your nation. They got frustrated that, despite dozens of man-hours of typing fake logs, they couldn't get a good enough CB on you. See ya when you get in range, sweetie. :awesome:

[quote]Don't attempt to weasel out of taking credit. Penkala? I can understand, he's a liar. But you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.[/quote]

I'm many things but I am not a liar, sir. I had no knowledge of this nor have I participated in it, but whatever *shrug*. Maybe this guy will attack me because of it or something and make my day.

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[quote name='Sargun' date='07 June 2010 - 01:42 PM' timestamp='1275943361' post='2328092']
Don't attempt to weasel out of taking credit. Penkala? I can understand, he's a liar. But you, sir, are a gentleman and a scholar.
See, this is why I save MSN logs, the only reason I'm in this thread is because Franz pointed out to me that he decided to use my name in some kind of "namedropping". I don't like my name on things I didn't do. Now do I have to stick around for this or can I just go back to my CNRP plotting?

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