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TOOL's Throwdown

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Standings as of June 9th:
1. [b][color="#696969"]The Phoenix Federation[/color][/b] - 49 ([color="green"]+7[/color])
2. [b][color="#800080"]The Legion[/color][/b] - 23 ([color="green"]+3[/color])
3. [b][color="#696969"]Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics[/color][/b] - 16 ([color="green"]+4[/color])
4. [b][color="#696969"]The Order of Light[/color][/b] - 5 ([color="green"]+1[/color])
5. [b][color="#000000"]League of Small Superpowers[/color][/b] - 4 ([color="red"]+0[/color])
6. [b][color="#696969"]The Blood Brothers[/color][/b] - 1 ([color="red"]+0[/color])


Here we are, time for another update. [b][color="#696969"]The Phoenix Federation[/color][/b] was once again today's biggest gainer with [b]7[/b] recruits, which seems like a slower day for them, compared to the numbers they usually get. They are just shy of hitting 50 recruits and this is only the conclusion of the 4th day! [b][color="#800080"]The Legion[/color][/b] had another similar day, once again pulling out [b]3[/b] recruits, making their total 23. Legion, who once seemed like a contender for the top title, is falling farther and farther behind TPF. [b][color="#696969"]Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics[/color][/b] had an alright day today, pulling out [b]4[/b] recruits today to get them to 16. They are starting to gain some ground on The Legion. [b][color="#696969"]The Order of Light[/color][/b] is still struggling with their recruiting, only pulling out 1 recruit for the day. [b][color="#000000"]League of Small Superpowers[/color][/b] has a stagnant day today, pulling out no recruits. This allowed TOOL to firmly claim the 4th spot, while LoSS fell to the 5th spot. [b][color="#696969"]The Blood Brothers[/color][/b] is still sitting at the bottom with only 1 recruit, also having another stagnant day today.

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[quote name='dragonknight1000' date='09 June 2010 - 10:11 PM' timestamp='1276146695' post='2331327']
no kidding, double post-san

good lord TPF: save some for the rest of us :P
Nooooo, all None are belong to TPF!

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Standings as of June 10th:
1. [b][color="#696969"]The Phoenix Federation[/color][/b] - 56 ([color="green"]+7[/color])
2. [b][color="#800080"]The Legion[/color][/b] - 25 ([color="green"]+2[/color])
3. [b][color="#696969"]Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics[/color][/b] - 17 ([color="green"]+1[/color])
4. [b][color="#696969"]The Order of Light[/color][/b] - 9 ([color="green"]+4[/color])
T-5. [b][color="#000000"]League of Small Superpowers[/color][/b] - 7 ([color="green"]+3[/color])
[b][color="#696969"]The Blood Brothers[/color][/b] - 7 ([color="green"]+6[/color])


Tis update time! [b][color="#696969"]The Phoenix Federation[/color][/b] is, this time, narrowly today's biggest gainer, gaining another [b]7[/b] recruits to make their total 56. [b][color="#800080"]The Legion[/color][/b] had a slower day again with only [b]2[/b] recruits, giving them a total of 25. [b][color="#696969"]Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics[/color][/b] had a slow day today as well gaining only [b]1[/b] recruit. If they keep going at this slow pace, TOOL might come up behind them and take that 3rd position. Speaking of TOOL, [b][color="#696969"]The Order of Light[/color][/b] had a better day today, gaining [b]4[/b] recruits to give them a total of 9. Here's to hoping they have consistent days like this from now on. [b][color="#000000"]League of Small Superpowers[/color][/b] had a decent day as well, gaining [b]3[/b] recruits to bring them up to 7. The biggest story of today is [b][color="#696969"]The Blood Brothers[/color][/b] gaining [b]6[/b] recruits, pulling them out of their recruitless slump. This surge brought them up to 7 and has them tied with LoSS for 5th place! Let's see if they can keep this going.

Edited by Creekynoise
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Standings as of June 11th:
1. [b][color="#696969"]The Phoenix Federation[/color][/b] - 64 ([color="green"]+8[/color])
2. [b][color="#800080"]The Legion[/color][/b] - 29 ([color="green"]+4[/color])
3. [b][color="#696969"]Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics[/color][/b] - 20 ([color="green"]+3[/color])
4. [b][color="#696969"]The Order of Light[/color][/b] - 13 ([color="green"]+4[/color])
5. [b][color="#000000"]League of Small Superpowers[/color][/b] - 8 ([color="green"]+1[/color])
6. [b][color="#696969"]The Blood Brothers[/color][/b] - 7 ([color="red"]+0[/color])


Ok i'm getting bored with the way I was doing commentary so I will be more sporadic. But of course, as always, I must start out with the bending over that TPF is giving the rest of the alliances. [b][color="#696969"]The Phoenix Federation[/color][/b] pulled in 8 recruits today giving them 64 total! They are pulling farther and farther away from the competition now. [b][color="#800080"]The Legion[/color][/b] is doing decent, having gotten 4 recruits today, half of what TPF has, but it's safe to say they are nowhere in the same league as TPF in this competition as they were in the first couple of days. [b][color="#696969"]Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics[/color][/b] did alright as well, getting 3 recruits, sitting only 9 back from The Legion. [b][color="#696969"]The Order of Light[/color][/b] had another consistent day of getting 4 recruits, pulling themselves closer to FEAR, only 7 back from that third place spot. [b][color="#000000"]League of Small Superpowers[/color][/b] barely squeaked by today with 1 recruit, but it was enough to break the tie with BB. [b][color="#696969"]The Blood Brothers[/color][/b] has seem to break from their comeback, having a bad day with no recruits.

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While its nice to be out front.. It would be nicer to see some more recruits getting picked up by the others in this competition.
I'm personally for a real Win-Win Situation.. We all grow and we all get fresh [s]meat[/s] er blood for the alliance :)

oo/ Good luck to the others ;) *pssst Catch up!*

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The "TPF Applicant" alliance affiliation now has 105 members, thats alot of people, but alot who aren't following directions and posting an applicants.

In a few days time, their applicant AA will grow larger then their primary AA (which currently has 135, and realistically it could grow into the top 200 by the time this contest comes to a conclusion.

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[quote name='silentkiller' date='12 June 2010 - 06:24 AM' timestamp='1276341858' post='2334842']
What are you doing TOOL? Recruit some more :(

say, weren't you one of the original 'dream team' recruiters in the old TOOL, if so, go help them out :P (j/k btw though yeah, TOOL needs to push it or at least get TGL and gruchomarx back and in the fray)

good luck to the others btw, (cept for TPF - b/c you have enough luck as it is XD - <3 white team+Legion & LoSS)

Edited by dragonknight1000
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[quote name='memoryproblems' date='12 June 2010 - 12:09 PM' timestamp='1276362533' post='2335132']
The "TPF Applicant" alliance affiliation now has 105 members, thats alot of people, but alot who aren't following directions and posting an applicants.

In a few days time, their applicant AA will grow larger then their primary AA (which currently has 135, and realistically it could grow into the top 200 by the time this contest comes to a conclusion.
I wouldn't say a lot aren't following. But there are a handful, just like every other alliance.

And indeed, I never thought our applicant AA would be larger than our primary. Who knew. o/ Rob

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Based on TPF/Robster's recruitment messages, I have a feeling few applicants will actually be in the alliance when the contest is over. At least it gives good numbers now though haha.

Edited by Seth Muscarella
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[quote name='Seth Muscarella' date='12 June 2010 - 05:06 PM' timestamp='1276387550' post='2335530']
Based on TPF/Robster's recruitment messages, I have a feeling few applicants will actually be in the alliance when the contest is over. At least it gives good numbers now though haha.

Keep thinking that ;).. I for one have confidence, based on the academy activity, that we are gaining some enthusiastic and active members :) (I know you remember being like that in the beginning :ehm: )

Any Current and former TPFers remember that if they need anything.. we fellow TPFers are always willing to chip in :awesome:

oo/ Robster and "CREW".. Keep it up guys!!

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[quote name='Seth Muscarella' date='13 June 2010 - 01:06 PM' timestamp='1276387550' post='2335530']
Based on TPF/Robster's recruitment messages, I have a feeling few applicants will actually be in the alliance when the contest is over. At least it gives good numbers now though haha.
Sharing is caring.

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