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Facepunch Alliance -- Declaration of Existence

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[quote name='AirMe' date='23 May 2010 - 07:59 PM' timestamp='1274659158' post='2309630']
How does it not make sense? The MoD is supposed to be able to fight. The MoFA is supposed to be able to clean up messes. I didn't think I stuttered and I didn't think it was a difficult concept to grasp.

So all MoD are supposed to be absurdly over aggressive on a simple comment? I think not. I can find a dozen of good WarCon leaders that aren't aggressive or outspoken. Fallacy of accident is pretty easy to grasp. That's what you are doing.

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[quote name='AirMe' date='24 May 2010 - 12:59 AM' timestamp='1274659158' post='2309630']
How does it not make sense? The MoD is supposed to be able to fight. The MoFA is supposed to be able to clean up messes. I didn't think I stuttered and I didn't think it was a difficult concept to grasp.
There is being aggressive and there is being downright rude and confrontational. I can see the value in one of those traits, but the other one isn't going to help at all, especially when he is a government member (and therefore representative) of his alliance.

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[quote name='karthikking' date='23 May 2010 - 03:41 PM' timestamp='1274654476' post='2309537']
I think Nueva Vida fills it quite well.

I think ripping out 300 hearts, then sending the owners back to us as singing, chanting zombies was an unmistakable statement of significance.

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[quote name='All the wright moves' date='23 May 2010 - 07:54 PM' timestamp='1274658827' post='2309623']
I don't know about u but i haven't seen a single DoE besides this one mention DEFCON levels. RV makes a perfectly legitimate point and he basically gets cursed out and you are saying that is just how u should treat him because u don't like him. Stay Classy.[/quote]

So, what's you're point? Maybe FP wanted their DoE to be different? Didn't know they had to fit the boring cookie cutter definition of The Orders.

This isn't a thread about u so i don't see how he is clamoring for your attention, unless u believe that every thread is about u.

Nor is it about how the NSO apparently feels slighted by Syn's feelings towards them, or for them to criticize their DoE.

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[quote name='Jrenster' date='23 May 2010 - 08:03 PM' timestamp='1274659363' post='2309632']
So all MoD are supposed to be absurdly over aggressive on a simple comment? I think not. I can find a dozen of good WarCon leaders that aren't aggressive or outspoken. Fallacy of accident is pretty easy to grasp. That's what you are doing.

Or, you know, I could be saying that when you are the MoD being aggressive is an ok quality to have. I can think of a couple of MoD's who were aggressive and very good at what they did. Seriously though, if you have an issue with it, instead of complaining about it for 7 page, go to their MoFA and talk about. But I suspect instead of actual outrage you guys are just talking for the sake of talking because it is what you guys do.

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[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='23 May 2010 - 08:04 PM' timestamp='1274659444' post='2309634']
There is being aggressive and there is being downright rude and confrontational. I can see the value in one of those traits, but the other one isn't going to help at all, especially when he is a government member (and therefore representative) of his alliance.

Then, as I suggested to NSO, go talk to Facepunch about it instead of complaining that they were picking poor little ole NSO.

EDIT: If the guy keeps it up, there will be issues and the rest of us will sit back with our popcorn and watch. We can only hope he turns into the next PC, noWedge or 404 because we CNers get off over people who act like that.

Edited by AirMe
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[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='23 May 2010 - 08:04 PM' timestamp='1274659444' post='2309634']
There is being aggressive and there is being downright rude and confrontational. I can see the value in one of those traits, but the other one isn't going to help at all, especially when he is a government member (and therefore representative) of his alliance.

So, what you're saying is that RV was being rude and confrontational by critiquing FP's DoE?

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[quote name='Choson' date='23 May 2010 - 08:08 PM' timestamp='1274659686' post='2309642']
So, what you're saying is that RV was being rude and confrontational by critiquing FP's DoE?

In RV's defense, his original comment wasn't over the top. It was just straight forward.

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[quote name='Choson' date='23 May 2010 - 06:05 PM' timestamp='1274659526' post='2309637']
So, what's you're point? Maybe FP wanted their DoE to be different? Didn't know they had to fit the boring cookie cutter definition of The Orders.

Nor is it about how the NSO apparently feels slighted by Syn's feelings towards them, or for them to criticize their DoE.

So if a man walks around carrying a 5 foot tall unnecessary hat and says that it is unnecessary the correct response is shut up i hate u?

And personally i think we r just confused as to why an alliance that hasn't talked to us hates us, i guess our reputation precedes us.

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[quote name='AirMe' date='23 May 2010 - 08:11 PM' timestamp='1274659864' post='2309647']
In RV's defense, his original comment wasn't over the top. It was just straight forward.

One's comment, while straight forward, could still be perceived as antagonistic and rude, especially if that person has a history.

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[quote name='AirMe' date='24 May 2010 - 01:07 AM' timestamp='1274659612' post='2309640']
Then, as I suggested to NSO, go talk to Facepunch about it instead of complaining that they were picking poor little ole NSO.
If I was really that bothered by it I would (were I not banned from their channel, ofc). As it is I was happy to debate the pros and cons of an aggressive MoD with you for debates sake only, but you are apparently more interested in telling us all how no debate should ever happen because it's an unproductive waste of time, and that we should instead be spending our time chasing up every little issue with an alliance's MoFA (because that is SO much more productive). Weird, but whatever.

Edited by Aimee Mann
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[quote name='stangad' date='23 May 2010 - 08:11 PM' timestamp='1274659898' post='2309648']
I don't think we feel they are picking on us. The mood is one of curious bemusement regarding why a valid comment was reacted to with such a harsh manner.

What exactly made it valid? The fact that no other alliance has done it before? Once again, why must FP conform to what RV (and the NSO) thinks a DoE should be?

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[quote name='Aimee Mann' date='23 May 2010 - 08:12 PM' timestamp='1274659936' post='2309652']
If I was really that bothered by it I would (were I not banned from their channel, ofc). As it is I was happy to debate the pros and cons of an aggressive MoD with you for debates sake only, but you are apparently more interested in telling us all how no debate should ever happen because we should be spending our time chasing up every little issue with an alliance's MoFA (like I can be bothered with that, ffs). Weird, but whatever.

I never said the debate never should have happened. This whole exchange actually started because I was amused that it seemed that NSO was complaining someone wasn't nice to them. Then I simplified the positions a little bit and now here we are.

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[quote name='AirMe' date='23 May 2010 - 08:06 PM' timestamp='1274659550' post='2309638']
Or, you know, I could be saying that when you are the MoD being aggressive is an ok quality to have. I can think of a couple of MoD's who were aggressive and very good at what they did. Seriously though, if you have an issue with it, instead of complaining about it for 7 page, go to their MoFA and talk about. But I suspect instead of actual outrage you guys are just talking for the sake of talking because it is what you guys do.

Sure. I can agree with being aggressive is an okay quality. But that wasn't your original point. "MoD is supposed to be aggressive." My point is that you're wrong.

And I'm not sure where you're getting our "outrage" from. Some person from FP decides to call us out, and I'm defending ourselves against him in particular. The issue is done there. It became more of an issue when people start calling out the Sith for defending ourselves. Like you.

Also, unfortunately for me, I wasn't here when the call out was made. I wasn't able to offer my opinion as immediate as others were. Talk for the sake of talking? I'm defending ourselves. If someone else was to call out Ronin, you would do the same damn thing.

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[quote name='Jrenster' date='23 May 2010 - 08:15 PM' timestamp='1274660082' post='2309659']
Sure. I can agree with being aggressive is an okay quality. But that wasn't your original point. "MoD is supposed to be aggressive." My point is that you're wrong.

And I'm not sure where you're getting our "outrage" from. Some person from FP decides to call us out, and I'm defending ourselves against him in particular. The issue is done there. It became more of an issue when people start calling out the Sith for defending ourselves. Like you.

Also, unfortunately for me, I wasn't here when the call out was made. I wasn't able to offer my opinion as immediate as others were. Talk for the sake of talking? I'm defending ourselves. If someone else was to call out Ronin, you would do the same damn thing.

You are probably right, I would probably call them on it. Though sometimes I just love to read the things that people who don't like us say. I get amusement out of it.

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[quote name='AirMe' date='23 May 2010 - 06:19 PM' timestamp='1274660375' post='2309666']
You are probably right, I would probably call them on it. Though sometimes I just love to read the things that people who don't like us say. I get amusement out of it.

You know what Airme?

Chicken butt.

Yeah I said it.

Welcome Facepunch. Way to dive right in. The water's fine.

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[quote name='Choson' date='23 May 2010 - 07:14 PM' timestamp='1274660025' post='2309655']
What exactly made it valid? The fact that no other alliance has done it before? Once again, why must FP conform to what RV (and the NSO) thinks a DoE should be?

Was being confrontational your idea? This is turning into a silly publicity stunt just to keep this conversation going. You shouldn't worry about it being a popular topic. Facepunch is a new large (members count) alliance that everyone was going to post about. Your going all nutso over a small observation (helpful advice) RV was pointing out.

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[quote name='Choson' date='23 May 2010 - 06:14 PM' timestamp='1274660025' post='2309655']
What exactly made it valid? The fact that no other alliance has done it before? Once again, why must FP conform to what RV (and the NSO) thinks a DoE should be?

The fact that no other alliance has done it before means that it is not conforming to what NSO thinks a DoE should be but what the whole planet of bob thinks it should be. And pointing out something that is different, and not necessary for being that is perfectly valid.

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[quote name='All the wright moves' date='23 May 2010 - 08:23 PM' timestamp='1274660619' post='2309676']
The fact that no other alliance has done it before means that it is not conforming to what NSO thinks a DoE should be but what the whole planet of bob thinks it should be. And pointing out something that is different, and not necessary for being that is perfectly valid.

Obviously the whole of Planet Bob does not think that a DoE should be blasé or FP would have left out the DEFCON information. I think it's funny that your alliance feels that it can dictate what is and what is not necessary in a DoE.

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