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Pacific Star Part 2


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[i]My countrymen, the time is now. We have watched, amidst a civil war, as Tahoe unjustly and irrefutably violated human rights that every nation should follow. It is with a heavy heart and a heavy hand that I declare full and total war on Tahoe and her allies. Our home front will give us all we need to fight against the despicable people that call themselves a nation. In my own interests and with the interests of European safety in mind, I must send young Swedish boys to war on a continent that they have probably never seen before, much less know the geography of. We will fight savagely, there is no question. God speed, Swedish Empire Military, and may the hearts and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere be with you.

- High King Valdemar Fransson[/i]

And it was done. Contact was made to the FSA, and an agreement was reached. A FSA transport flotilla would pick up 10,000 Swedish soldiers and five armored cars, and they would make the trip to the FSA to refuel. Their destination: New York.

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[size="3"]A PROCLAMATION[/b][/size]

I am gravely concerned by the rising trend of nations who have no issue with Tahoe or her allies engaging said nation in war, particularly when these nations lie a continent away. I find the recent declaration by the Swedish Empire against Tahoe to be laughable at best and distressing at worst. Why the King of Sweden sees it necessary to sacrifice the blood and treasure of his people, fighting a war an Ocean away which has no relation or bearing upon his nation or his people is beyond me. It is the highest responsibility of a leader to safeguard his people and their interests, something I see the King of Sweden failing to do. Whether this is the result of stupidity or an attempt to profit in some way from what appears to be a massively unbalanced war, I do not know.

What I do know, is that this kind of behavior is something I cannot agree with. Sweden has no bond of freindshp or treaty that would require them to be involved in a conflict an Ocean away. I do not condone what Tahoe has done, yet I do not intend to sacrifice the lives of my own people unless this nation's allies are threatened.

Thus the following are in effect:
First, a policy of neutrality is in effect and will remain in effect until an ally of this nation is attacked. Under this policy of neutrality, Sicilian waters and airspace will remain open as under normal conditions. However, any combatant ships or aircraft moving through Sicilian territory will be escorted by Sicilian forces for the duration of their stay in Sicilian territory and combatants must agree to refrain from engaging in combat in Sicilian territory.

Second, in response to the reckless actions of the Empire of Sweden, all diplomat contact with Sweden is hereby suspended indefinitely pending review. Further, all trade between Sweden and Sicily is hereby placed under a definite embargo, to be reviewed at a later date.

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[i]"While the Mesoamerican Federation currently stands neutral in this conflict we do detest the unwarrented foreign invasion of our continent, & dispicable disruption of peace in the Americas."[/i]

El Líder,
Porfirio Diaz II

We will permit the use of Federacion roads & highways for our allies in the HAE if & as needed. Mobilization of Mesoamerican arms is light. We have shifted to DEFCON 4.[/font]

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Deep within the bowels of the General Directory a small room could be found on its lower sub basement A. This room though inconspicuous, housed the computer task force responsible for supporting military operations abroad. Earlier that evening the team had conducted two cyber raids on the tahoan defense network searching out specifications on whatever defenses were set up on the Hawaiian islands. Both raids were fruitful.

GM Rolls: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=62869&view=findpost&p=2259687

Link to Defenses Discovered: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=58805&view=findpost&p=1575872

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*The office seal of the High Magistrate flickered onto the collective television of each Pacifican residence and the public screens view able around the nation. After a moment the picture cleared and it revealed the Magistrate, Thomas Deveraeux seated at his personal desk the crimson colors of the nation hanging behind him. The man had a solemn but determined look, it was the face of a man who had seen too many horrors to be idealistic, but also too many to give up. For a long moment there was silence between the speaker and the audience, it was a time of connection, just the attention of the nation and the piercing eyes of their leader.*

“Fellow Pacificans I come to you not with news of our prosperity but as a messenger of war. For the last fifty years of my tenure we have seen decline and rise, but for the most part our existence has been one defined by peace. Today this span comes to an end. The nation that is Tahoe has stood as a looming menace over the pacific for as long as any of us can remember. Time after time they have proven their propensity for aggression, their intolerant nature, and their narrow minded ethnic, cultural, and territorial policies all fraught with overflowing hypocrisy. As a people we have stood by and watched as they have committed numerous genocides: the holocaust they leveled against the Rebel Army, the purge of the Hawaiian nation, the policies of ethnic cleansing practiced in their south west region.

Historically while an anti-colonialists in rhetoric they have demonstrated a record that is quite the contrary. Early on they moved to displace the native Hawaiian people from their homelands, colonizing it with their own Irish cultural majority. They established bases in Africa, and they possessed the Gibraltar all while playing continental arbiter. They pushed to lock out the people of Greenland from their rightful American status and attempted to block their annexation of Florida by occupying the territory with soldiers for years. Their policies ranging from those of an ethnic and cultural purist to an imperialistic hegemon cease to be tolerable. To this end I set this nation off on a path of war to endeavor for a world where this threat no longer exists. With this [b]I exercise my prerogative to declare war, and the power vested in me as commander in chief of our combined armed forces to prosecute this greatest goal of humanity.[/b]"

[b]*Somewhere between Johnston’s Atol and the Hawaiian Island Chain*[/b]

Stopping well out of range of the Tahoan torpedo defense network the Pacifican fleet was on alert watching for any and all pre-emptive action on the part of Tahoe. The Osiris battle network, and the experts at central command had spent the last few days analyzing the stream of data flowing in from Tahoe. The raids had given them the general idea of where and what was set up, they now needed to find it. Anti-air systems were logged, as were air fields, fuel depots, weapons caches and all manner and form of formal military, air and naval bases. What ships there were, were also pinned, and added to the targeting ledger. Communications centers, and networks, the electrical grid, and the power stations they could find were submitted to targeting. Construction history of the tunnel network had given them a rough idea of where things were, and with the aid of inferred satellite scans, centralized nexuses of this system were also targeted. They would try to take it all down at once.

The vanguard of the attack was salvo of 30 of their MX-35 Halder missiles. Each, armed with a series of MIRV compact high explosive (conventional) warheads, would be capable of targeting four hundred individual systems, and if aimed properly delivering five kilograms of high explosive to each. Climbing into low orbit well outside of Tahoan anti ballistic missile systems the 30 long range missiles shattered into their constituent parts and began making their final targeting adjustments as they arced toward their respective destinations. 70% of these would target strategic military installations (air fields, fuel depots, anti air systems, missile systems, weapons caches, military barracks, radar stations, coastal guns, (your rail guns) ect) the remaining 30% would target associated supporting infrastructure (communications networks, satellite uplinks, electrical grids, power stations ect).

Supporting this initial move, the super cruisers also fired a barge of KE - 25 Lance Kenetic Energy Missiles each targeting major naval vessels, nexuses in the tunnel system. As there was possibility for inaccuracy in targeting high priority targets (naval vessels) were assigned three lances and were given close attention.

A wave of two hundred conventional cruise missiles were also fired by the missile destroyers redundantly targeting high priority items on the ledger ensuring to fully pit the air fields, and wipe out fuel reserves.

The 11 Super Cruisers utilized 5 of their respective rail guns firing a 10 volleys at hardened tahoan targets.

50 Squadrons of M35 - Vengeance air superiority fighter bombers were scrambled and sent to conduct an air campaign over the islands.

Edited by iamthey
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The Kingdom of Cochin Declares war on Tahoe as per the Optional Aggression agreement we have with Greater Pacifica. Royal Cochin Defense Forces have been deployed to support Greater Pacifica militarily in this campaign.


A total of 168 KUB2 cruise missiles were launched towards various defense installations of Hawaiian islands, targetted principally at radar sites, air defense batteries, fuel reserves, weapon reserves and air fields. The Air fields would be littered with WAASMs launched by the KUBs.

All the railguns in the fleet also fired volleys of 10 projectiles each at presighted hardened targets in Hawaiian Islands.

A BARCAP has been maintained with 8 JM2N fighters and a wave of 45 JM2Ns have formed up above the task force to conduct the Air Superioty campaign.

5 GS12 Tactical Ballistic Missiles under SOP program were also launched by the fleet against a variety of targets. Three of the GS12s were armed with WAASM, one with Facility Destruction and one with UAV packages.

The Cruisers have also readied their AAM SRBM missiles.

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In support of our friends and allies Greater Pacifica, citing not only the treaty both our nations signed, but the many and varied crimes of Tahoe, New South Wales declares a [b]state of war[/b] with the nation of Tahoe.

Johnston Atoll, the North Pacific.

Immediately, the crews scrambled to stations on board the ungainly fleet gathered at the atoll. Targeting data from the Pacifican fleet had already been dispersed to weapons control on board all vessels. Today, however, it was the cruisers Inflexible and Indomitable who would take action first. The block launchers fitted to the flight decks of both ships were wreathed in a halo of spitting flame. 30 seconds after the order had been given, four separate, compact groups of eight missiles were streaking towards pre-plotted impact points. the first eight were tracked on any visible SAM sights, the second on suspected fuel storage facilities. The final 16 were plotted at strategic points along Hawaiian runways. The 1,000lb warheads would hopefully make large enough holes to make scrambling air resistance impossible. It would be a tense few minutes while the cruise missiles closed in on their targets, but all that could be done was wait and see.

Edited by Silhouette
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RF01, RF02, RF05 regiments of Jadayu Mk.1 fighters, RF15 regiment of Mig35 and RF33 regiment of Jadayu Mk.2 fighters have scrambled into the air for potential strike missions to Hawaii. They have maintained comms with the two regiments of Naval fighters loitering near the RCN task force and the 3 HALOB AWACS maintaining aerial cover over the battle space. 15 more fighter regiments are waiting at standby at their designated air fields for reinforcements.

Meanwhile the helicopter carriers of the RCN task force is bristling with activity as the four Marine Divisions are readying for battle deployment.

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Immediately following the Declaration of War, and in conjunction with the Welsh, Cochinese, and Greater Pacificans, the signal to initiate combat operations in Hawaii went out to all military forces, especially those at Jouhnston's Atoll. A wave of 100 standard cruise missiles was launched, concentrating on all unarmored surface targets such as airfields, aircraft carriers, and AA and missile defenses.

Railgun salvos were focused on hardened targets such as bunkers.

When air defenses were deemd sufficiently reduced, all 10 squadrons, including two bomber squadrons, were launched in support of the air attack, which would seek to suppress Tahoan shore batteries and any remaining planes in the region.

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Eggman Empire has mobilized it's military. All bases are on alert. All ICBMs, as well as other missile types, have been placed on stand-by. Biological/Chemical warheads have been switched out with ten percent of the conventional warheads. These will be launched if the other side uses them first. The [i]E.I.N. Filoviridae[/i] battlegroup, along with the 10th Marine and 9th Experimental divisions, have been deployed to the area of contest. The fleet consist of the [i]E.I.N. Filoviridae[/i] supercarrier, two battleships, two destroyers, two frigates, two corvettes, and a myriad of support ships. The 10th Marine has 6000 combat ready troops on the way, while the 9th Ex is only sending 2000. However, the 9th Ex has more elite troops then the Marines, so it equals out.

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A lone SR-72 blackbird spyplane left the Western bases in Blue Heaven and drifted high at 81,000 feet over the border with the Tahoe Republic and made its way to the city of Anchorage...
Meanwhile - Several hours later
A squadron of F-14's, (twelve fighters) departed anoter Blue Heaven airbase and flew South to rally with half a squadron of B-52's (Six bombers).
Once the group moved into one formation over Blue Heaven, they to moved high into the sky and drifted at 45,000 feet towards Anchorage for a bombing raid on Fort Richards, a location believed to be of military Importance.

The Planes crossed into Tahoan airspace and into the unknown...

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The command center in Deep Tasmania was a buzz.. montioring the crawler systems and preparing for the potential for the entrance of the Queendom into the developing conflict. Although nothing was certain, a state of extreme readiness had been achieved. The Cultists command structure for the Imperial Guard, interfacing with the military of the Queendom, was ready.

Cynthia had been called to her private Bunker. She watched events in the world un-folding on at least 30 different monitors in her room. It was almost enough to be confusing.

"The mobilization of the Allied Coaltion is proceeding well." She observed.

'The General' as he was called in the presence of the cult nodded quietly in response. "We've interfaced with the Queendom's satellite early warning systems. We've got the public alerted and on standby to head to their nearest subterranean entrances if they are on the surface and nuclear war begins. Subterra Agriculture reports that their crops are doing well this year so absent multiple direct hits we should remain sustainable unless they use something fairly large. However, the surface economy of course will be gone.. again.. annoying as that is at least we will have minimized the important thing.. loss of life."

"Let's just hope people are benevolent enough that it does not come to that this time, shall well? Then again, knowing the dreamers behind these entities.. they're trigger happy. I doubt they can go a war without firing a nuclear device." She sort of snorted indignantly. Then blinked curiously at herself, "I don't even know why I snort these days. It's not like I have a muzzle any longer."

"No chairwoman, but sometimes old habits are hard to break, even if in a new body I suppose."

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Defcon one. Attacking troop count: 20,000. Defending troop count: 12,000. Attacking tanks: 119. Defending tanks: 100. Attacking Aircraft: 200. Defending aircraft: 100. Bio Weapons: 11. Restrictions: Use only under large pressure or attacked first with these weapons or nuclear weapons.

NTR is going to invade the Bay of Pigs.


"We have recently declared war on Tahoe, we are planning an invasion of Bay of Pigs. May you please help us on this invasion? We will need as many men as possible.


Yiroshi, Wenzel.

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[size="2"][size="2"][size="2"]OOC: If the initial computer attack fails, the rest of the post never happened. However, cyber-attacks would continue until they broke through.[/size][size="2"]

Hackers worked to infiltrate computer and defensive systems in the Northern Republic, to disable communications with satellites as well as detection systems capable of seeing missiles. [/size]
Long-range missiles stationed mostly in Limburg launched at 0200 that morning. 100 of them. Each carried the equivalent of 45 tons of TNT. Each was aimed at a different military target in the Northern Republic. Seven were aimed at the chief military harbor. Each bomb was capable of producing a small mushroom cloud, with a blast radius of just over 300m. One hour later, 100 more hit the same military targets, and two hours after that 100 more would hit different military targets. All missiles took a unique path to their targets, so that their origin was indiscernible.

Meanwhile, the Navy moved into position. Most of the RAF was aboard the aircraft carriers. 600 planes, 200 of them attack fighters, 350 interceptors, and 50 of them bombers, sat on the decks of the carriers. The Revolutionary Navy would reach the Northern Republic Navy and begin combat, engaging with their entire force if the enemy did not fire first. If they did know of the war by then, which was unlikely, they were to engage as necessary to counter the air units aboard the enemy navy. Submarines raced ahead of the Carrier Groups, waiting for the signal to attack from the carrier groups once they were in position. The submarines remained out of detection area until the signal was given to move in.

The remaining 450 planes in the Netherlands were on constant patrol of the skies and of the water. All military leaves were immediately cancelled, and all soldiers called to barracks. The army was on high alert, though no declaration of war was yet given. Most of them could speculate on what was going to happen, but none of them knew for sure, and there was no contact with the Navy or the Air Force, which they thought to be strange.

The Revolutionary Army Corps of Engineers was immediately tasked with building fortifications and backup systems for the dams in Amsterdam and other coastal cities, but especially Amsterdam. Threats of terrorist activity by foreign invaders had been received, albeit not acted upon, but received and not forgotten nonetheless.

Then, five hours into the undeclared war, 200 more missiles, these slightly smaller than the ones used in the initial attack, launched, each carrying the equivalent of 10 tons of TNT. Each one took a unique target again, some circling the entire world before arriving via the North Pole to their target. What was that target? Simply, the capitol city of the Northern Republic. Each missile locked onto a different government building, including two on the home of the leader of the Northern Republic.[/size][/size][/size]
[/size][size="2"] [size="2"][size="2"]OOC: Repost of post in other thread.[/size][/size][/size]

Edited by Mergerberger II
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[font="Lucida Console"][center][color="#FF0000"]--< < Classified > >--[/color]
--[ Report: Norwegian Far North Radar ]--
Time: 0300
Several, estimated 150 small, incoming targets. Current Trajectory points to an assault on the Northern Republic; This after another wave of similar size hit roughly one hour ago.
Origin: Unknown, assumed combatant.

Time: 0800
Estimated 100 to 350 smaller projectiles, current trajectory over the polar ice, some uncomfortable close to this station. Projected Trajectory indicates that the projectiles are headed further south.
Origin: Remains unknown.

--[ Incoming Command // MilCom ]--
Time: 0830
Do not engage or interfere with incoming missiles, we want to prevent any possible incidents
Raise alert, and continue to monitor incoming projectiles and sending data to MilCom
Do not bring weapons online
Continue action as a silent observer
Do not alert outside nations, especially combatants[/font]

OOC: Rawrg, missiles over my North Pole

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The 10,000 Swedish troops and five "Badger" armored cars have arrived in North Carolina. Their objectives are outlined below:


5,000 troops and five armored cars will go to the area on the first arrow (closest to sea)
2,500 troops will go to the second arrow (middle)
The remainder will be sent to the third arrow.

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The Bay of Pigs invasion is going to need full support. A bombardment of the beach, along with multiple airstrikes and many men to storm the beach, will be neccasary to the success and completion of the destruction of the Tahoenean Cuba/Jamaica Area. Please respond. The invasion will start roughly around April 15th or 16th. Any supplies or bombardments are wanted and needed. Thank you.

OoC: The invasion will start when I post it starts, kay?

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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='14 April 2010 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1271296610' post='2260739']

The Bay of Pigs invasion is going to need full support. A bombardment of the beach, along with multiple airstrikes and many men to storm the beach, will be neccasary to the success and completion of the destruction of the Tahoenean Cuba/Jamaica Area. Please respond. The invasion will start roughly around April 15th or 16th. Any supplies or bombardments are wanted and needed. Thank you.

OoC: The invasion will start when I post it starts, kay?

[b]**Classified Response**[/b]

Please move your men to Florida. From there Crimea and NTR can launch a joint-assault on Cuba. Avoid FSA waters and airspace.

[i]David Hightower[/i]
Minister of War

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NTR Understands. Thank you for your time.


We will do as said. We are moving 13,000 men, 100 O-1 superheavy tanks, and 57 Banshee bombers. A chemical weapons will be used if things get out of hand, although NTR will try to restrict this.

Edited by Fizzydog
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[quote name='Fizzydog' date='14 April 2010 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1271296610' post='2260739']

The Bay of Pigs invasion is going to need full support. A bombardment of the beach, along with multiple airstrikes and many men to storm the beach, will be neccasary to the success and completion of the destruction of the Tahoenean Cuba/Jamaica Area. Please respond. The invasion will start roughly around April 15th or 16th. Any supplies or bombardments are wanted and needed. Thank you.

OoC: The invasion will start when I post it starts, kay?

The Distopyan navy is already bombarding coastal defenses of Cuba, and a full invasion with the 14th armored corps is imminent.

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