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[quote name='Thom98' date='19 March 2010 - 06:57 PM' timestamp='1269039459' post='2230620']
Not that it matters to me, but TOP was supporting their treaty backing an ally both militarily and financially. Then you a ally of TOP attacked one of their allies and now you are canceling your treaty with them?

Sounds like advice that TOP should have taken instead of attacking an MDoAP partner of one of their allies.

Congratulations to MHA and TOP for cutting some of the treaty strings.

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[quote name='jadoo1989' date='20 March 2010 - 12:30 AM' timestamp='1269041395' post='2230654']Why thanks for the tip[/quote]
I like to be helpful. Of course, in some cases, the address of my advice is to limited to accept it. Or comprehend it, even.

Why, you do carry on, MHAer.

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[quote name='Timeline' date='19 March 2010 - 11:37 PM' timestamp='1269041811' post='2230660']
They still have IRON, not all is lost

Oh you! Keep chasing that number one spot Timeline. Only 2400 places to go!

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[quote name='MCRABT' date='19 March 2010 - 11:40 PM' timestamp='1269042032' post='2230670']
Oh you! Keep chasing that number one spot Timeline. Only 2400 places to go!

Do not worry, I will keep chasing, i mean what else is there to do ?

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[quote name='Tyler Mattingly' date='19 March 2010 - 11:45 PM' timestamp='1269042324' post='2230677']
You've got a hefty 20,349 to go buddy....

I sure do but then you have no idea the context within which the comment was made :)

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Pathetic cancellation! I really love the way you mention the aiding your enemy crap, it obviously crippled your alliance. TOP are fighting for the existance of their alliance and you ditched them for the new in crowd and whined on about a little bit of desperately needed aid while your buddies are run out of existance. Grow a set and admit the truth, you sat back and watched one of your best friends get crushed and now ditched them for the ones who crushed them. Days like this make me wish for a return to the days of GPA being number 1. They may have been hippys but at least they didnt ditch a good friend who is being beat out of existance and make a lame attempt to make it look like it waS their fault. [b]P A T H E T I C![/b]

Dont expect ally of the yeay this year. [size="3"][b]PATHETIC![/b][/size]

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Tyler Mattingly' date='19 March 2010 - 11:52 PM' timestamp='1269042724' post='2230686']
Am I not reading the same topic as you? Last I checked I was... :P

Timeline was once a member of IRON, the comment was made on the basis of numerous statements made by Timeline during his membership in IRON ;)

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[quote]Pathetic cancellation! I really love the way you mention the aiding your enemy crap, it obviously crippled your alliance. TOP are fighting for the existance of their alliance and you ditched them for the new in crowd and whined on about a little bit of desperately needed aid while your buddies are run out of existance. Grow a set and admit the truth, you sat back and watched one of your best friends get crushed and now ditched them for the ones who crushed them. Days like this make me wish for a return to the days of GPA being number 1. They may have been hippys but at least they didnt ditch a good friend who is being beat out of existance and make a lame attempt to make it look like it war their fault. P A T H E T I C!

Dont expect ally of the yeay this year. PATHETIC! [/quote]

I really think you're grasping at straws here. TOP wasn't just standing there minding their own business on a street corner when someone came along and mugged them, no. They decided that they wanted to have a few beers and drive their mustang full speed into a wall because the wall called them names and looked at them funny. We did our part. We asked them to stop drinking, we asked them not to drive. We were ignored. Their being 'crushed' (still think that's a bit of an overkill) wasn't exactly some unforseen accident. Point is, we don't decide to attack blocks of alliances because they troll us on the OWF. They are fighting for the existence of their alliance? No, not hardly. Thanks for your input though, I guess I won't be getting any christmas cards from you?

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[quote name='Alterego' date='19 March 2010 - 07:52 PM' timestamp='1269042714' post='2230685']
Pathetic cancellation! I really love the way you mention the aiding your enemy crap, it obviously crippled your alliance. TOP are fighting for the existance of their alliance and you ditched them for the new in crowd and whined on about a little bit of desperately needed aid while your buddies are run out of existance. Grow a set and admit the truth, you sat back and watched one of your best friends get crushed and now ditched them for the ones who crushed them. Days like this make me wish for a return to the days of GPA being number 1. They may have been hippys but at least they didnt ditch a good friend who is being beat out of existance and make a lame attempt to make it look like it waS their fault. [b]P A T H E T I C![/b]

Dont expect ally of the yeay this year. [size="3"][b]PATHETIC![/b][/size]

Yes...TOP is certainly fighting for their existence. This is 100 percent unbias truth.

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I can see this going places already. :ehm:

This is most unfortunate. My understanding of this situation was that mistakes were made on both sides of this. So, anyone coming into this thread in a huff on either end needs to seriously evaluate their position first before inserting their foot in their mouth.

To those showing restraint, I salute you for having something resembling class.

And finally...Timeline: Really? You picked this topic to get into a slapfight with IRON in? Just stop.

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[quote name='Alterego' date='19 March 2010 - 11:52 PM' timestamp='1269042714' post='2230685']
Pathetic cancellation! I really love the way you mention the aiding your enemy crap, it obviously crippled your alliance. TOP are fighting for the existance of their alliance and you ditched them for the new in crowd and whined on about a little bit of desperately needed aid while your buddies are run out of existance. Grow a set and admit the truth, you sat back and watched one of your best friends get crushed and now ditched them for the ones who crushed them. Days like this make me wish for a return to the days of GPA being number 1. They may have been hippys but at least they didnt ditch a good friend who is being beat out of existance and make a lame attempt to make it look like it waS their fault. [b]P A T H E T I C![/b]

Dont expect ally of the yeay this year. [size="3"][b]PATHETIC![/b][/size]

Alterego, you need to get out more, you clearly have no idea whats happening in the big bad world of bob, do the following, Call a friend, take 50/50, ask bob if you will but please make statements based on facts.

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[quote name='jadoo1989' date='19 March 2010 - 10:50 PM' timestamp='1269039013' post='2230609']
Leadership from both of our alliances have met on several occasions to try and maintain control of the situation. We have discussed our issues together, from TOPs attack on CnG and our attack on IRON, to TOPs aiding of an enemy of ours to whom they held no direct ties and who only had one opponent, us. We have both tried to explain our positions, but it has been found time and time again that we simply cannot agree to understand each other's points of view. In between the talks, there has been large gaps of uneasy silence. As it stands, we cannot even agree fully on the cancellation of this agreement because we are too busy defending the decisions I have outlined above. All in all, the bond that was once there now seems to have broken.

The only issue i wish to question is the aiding of alliances we were not treatied to. We decided to aid them because we were all fighting the same war, regardless of the opponent. As the organiser of said aid, the only time i heard of your problem with it was a couple days ago when a member of Gramlins challenged me on it. Fark were good enough to come and explain the problem with it and we dutifully decided to back down on the aid. Unless you make your issues known, we can't act on it. But i guess that leads back to the communication problems.

For those of you who think we made you choose between us and Fark, i hope you understand that is not what we want, or what we should ever be seeking to do. We have made a lot of mistakes both during and before this war, but we have identified them and are remorseful. Anybody in MHA who has a problem with TOP or the way TOP behaves, please feel free to query/PM me so i can try to appease your concerns.


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Actually, I brought the concern up to TOP weeks ago and was simply told it was 'coalition aid' and that Crymson wasn't aware. I guess by the tone of your post, he probably was though. Thanks for posting a detailed response, though. It's good to see. You are right, however, communication could've been better.

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[quote name='Coursca' date='20 March 2010 - 12:02 AM' timestamp='1269043357' post='2230701']
And finally...Timeline: Really? You picked this topic to get into a slapfight with IRON in? Just stop.

Sorry not sure what this has to do with you, but thank you never the less.

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I'm pretty disappointed by some of the comments in this thread.

Yes MHA and TOP are on different sides in this war but yous were allies and its sad to see that friendship deteriorate so fast.

After fighting MHA in two global wars I've gained a lot of respect for you guys and your government as yous have been classier and a lot more fun than most of our opponents. The posts by some MHA members have been upsetting especially seeing as yous canceled the treaty, you could at least show a little respect to your former allies.

Best of luck to MHA and of course TOP in the future.

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[quote name='jadoo1989' date='20 March 2010 - 12:08 AM' timestamp='1269043662' post='2230710']
Actually, I brought the concern up to TOP weeks ago and was simply told it was 'coalition aid' and that Crymson wasn't aware. I guess by the tone of your post, he probably was though. Thanks for posting a detailed response, though. It's good to see. You are right, however, communication could've been better.

If you raised the concern with Crymson, i'm sure he probably did report it back to me in one way or another and that i either missed the message or there was a mix up in communication. As the head of aid, i'll take the blame for that.

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