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[quote name='Working_Class_Ruler' date='20 March 2010 - 05:40 AM' timestamp='1269081585' post='2231189']
Apologies to the rest of Planet Bob. The bravery shown by watching these tired, circular arguments by clearly uninformed and biased people is commendable. Your massive lost of time is a testament to our struggle.

At least someone cares :)

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[quote name='Omas Nams' date='21 March 2010 - 12:55 PM' timestamp='1269190500' post='2232205']
Are you really trying to suggest that MHA cancelled those treaties to gain #1 ? Really ? Nothing to do with the whole warring thing that's been covered throughout this thread.
Are you saying you guys doing do what you've done in this war wasn't to come out on top? I'd like to think their was some logical motivating goal that would cause you to help burn a former long time ally, rather than semantics and CN legalish precedents regarding how TOP\IRON entered.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Methrage' date='22 March 2010 - 01:00 AM' timestamp='1269190800' post='2232209']
Are you saying you guys doing do what you've done in this war wasn't to come out on top? I'd like to think their was some logical motivating goal that would cause you to help burn a former long time ally, rather than semantics and CN legalish precedents regarding how TOP\IRON entered.

As of January 27th the day before TOP declared War
1 [622] (-5) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 57.03 --> 57.15 (+0.12)
• 2 [212] (+3) The Order Of The Paradox : 55.75 --> 56.01 (+0.26)



Edited by nutkase
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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='21 March 2010 - 05:25 PM' timestamp='1269188696' post='2232185']
I have a question for you: if the Grämlns attacked somebody, and the rest of Planet Bob jumped on them, would you stand by their side?
*sigh* You just don't [i]get it[/i], do you? MHA and Grämlins are not friends because of our love to strange letters and carrying a towel around. We are friends, because we know each other. Because we know what the others are capable of. Because we share common values. We are different enough (otherwise would it would be dull), and yet similar enough. Just the right mix.
One of the reasons we are friends with Grämlins is because they would never pull crazy $#&% like that. Feed us some variables that would make it possible, and I will be able to sincerely answer your question.
But if Grämlins would get into a curb-stomp, and we would be anywhere lower than 10 on a WTF scale about their reasons - Yes. We would stand by them.

[quote name='Methrage' date='21 March 2010 - 05:52 PM']
I see MHA is now the #1 alliance, good job gaining it by dropping NPO at their worst time when they had it and TOP at thier worst time when they had it. I wonder how long MHA will keep it now that their is no one left above them to assist in rolling.[/quote]
Well hello, poster that certainly did [b]not[/b] post several statements here already and is [b]not[/b] trying to rise people pressures again.
I'm afraid, that this came to your attention somewhat late. MHA have been #1 for like 2 months now. I wish you better luck spotting changes like this next time.

[quote name='Methrage' date='21 March 2010 - 06:09 PM' timestamp='1269191379' post='2232217']
Either way congrats on having the cursed number one spot, I recall even GPA getting rolled for having that one. :P
Ah, yes - the old #1 curse. I'm not very superstitious myself, but you would not believe how that attracts people that try to needlessly heat up discussions [ooc:trolls] to threads made by the cursed alliance. It makes you wonder.

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[quote name='Methrage' date='21 March 2010 - 01:00 PM' timestamp='1269190800' post='2232209']
Are you saying you guys doing do what you've done in this war wasn't to come out on top? I'd like to think their was some logical motivating goal that would cause you to help burn a former long time ally, rather than semantics and CN legalish precedents regarding how TOP\IRON entered.
I don't think MHA did this to come out on top to be honest with you. Even though my eyes are still shifting, it wasn't for the number 1 spot.

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[quote name='Cormalek' date='21 March 2010 - 12:15 PM' timestamp='1269191721' post='2232224']
*sigh* You just don't [i]get it[/i], do you? MHA and Grämlins are not friends because of our love to strange letters and carrying a towel around. We are friends, because we know each other. Because we know what the others are capable of. Because we share common values. We are different enough (otherwise would it would be dull), and yet similar enough. Just the right mix.
One of the reasons we are friends with Grämlins is because they would never pull crazy $#&% like that. Feed us some variables that would make it possible, and I will be able to sincerely answer your question.
But if Grämlins would get into a curb-stomp, and we would be anywhere lower than 10 on a WTF scale about their reasons - Yes. We would stand by them.

Very good, you're starting to understand what a treaty should be based off of. Now, apply that to your other treaties, and you'll have a respectable position in no time!

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='21 March 2010 - 07:14 PM' timestamp='1269198850' post='2232319']
Very good, you're starting to understand what a treaty should be based off of. Now, apply that to your other treaties, and you'll have a respectable position in no time!

Stonewall,I don't think you should be talking bout respectability at a time when you're taking cheap potshots at Hitchhikers.

I don't know what your vendetta against my alliance is but I hope you realize how ridiculous your little petty grudge is making you look.

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[quote name='fallin' date='21 March 2010 - 02:40 PM' timestamp='1269200387' post='2232330']
Stonewall,I don't think you should be talking bout respectability at a time when you're taking cheap potshots at Hitchhikers.

I don't know what your vendetta against my alliance is but I hope you realize how ridiculous your little petty grudge is making you look.

I am not taking potshots at anyone, fallin. If you're going to respond to my posts, argue against the point I'm trying to make. If you don't feel like doing so, then don't make posts like the one above because you know as well as I do how ridiculous that is. I have nothing against the members of MHA, just MHA's policies, so you can get over yourself thinking I'd waste my time holding a "grudge" against you.

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='21 March 2010 - 09:33 PM' timestamp='1269207214' post='2232409']
I am not taking potshots at anyone, fallin. If you're going to respond to my posts, [b]argue against the point I'm trying to make[/b]. If you don't feel like doing so, then don't make posts like the one above because you know as well as I do how ridiculous that is. I have nothing against the members of MHA, just MHA's policies, so you can get over yourself thinking I'd waste my time holding a "grudge" against you.

Hello Stonewall

I have read many of your posts, yet you are not making your point clear, so please make your point clear, then we can set the issue straight ?

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[quote name='Ejayrazz' date='22 March 2010 - 05:24 AM' timestamp='1269195830' post='2232292']
I don't think MHA did this to come out on top to be honest with you. Even though my eyes are still shifting, it wasn't for the number 1 spot.
Not at all, we were already in the position before this war started and this cancellation changes nothing about the war or our position at #1. I'm not sure how it would to be honest.

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='21 March 2010 - 05:19 AM' timestamp='1269145141' post='2231871']
Yes, I realize that now; I was simply going off of the arguments of MHA members here, which is essentially that an MDP does not apply when a "CB" isn't valid.[/quote]

No I actually stated we chose not to apply our[i] optional aggresion[/i] part of the treaty because the CB was invalid!

[quote name='Lord Curzon' date='21 March 2010 - 05:37 AM' timestamp='1269146258' post='2231891']
Wow, beyond the obvious subjectivity of the first statement, lemme address the second one. I'm just gonna put it out there, but perhaps you would want to protect TOP because they were "friends". I mean, clearly from this thread it seems like that was not the case, but a pretty good portion of us think friendships should be the basis for treaties, otherwise treaties are just tactical. If they were your friends perhaps you would want to "shelter TOP" because you don't like to see your buddies to get curb stomped.

Well I for myself considered TOP a friend until I saw hundreds of millions of dollars of aid sent by TOP to our enemy GGA. After that I felt betrayed and cared a lot less about them getting curb stomped.

[quote name='Methrage' date='21 March 2010 - 06:22 PM' timestamp='1269192144' post='2232227']
MHA doesn't have a strong history of ally retention and Gremlins seem to be getting rid of most of their treaties only keeping Harmlins, it will be interesting to see who drops who at the end of the relationship.

Nonsense, 99% of our treaties lasted for at least a year! I do not think many alliances can say the same!

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' date='21 March 2010 - 05:33 PM' timestamp='1269207214' post='2232409']
I am not taking potshots at anyone, fallin. If you're going to respond to my posts, argue against the point I'm trying to make. If you don't feel like doing so, then don't make posts like the one above because you know as well as I do how ridiculous that is. I have nothing against the members of MHA, just MHA's policies, so you can get over yourself thinking I'd waste my time holding a "grudge" against you.

It's obvious you have something against MHA personally. Although you've attempted at making points (most, if not all, were countered) your posts are nothing more than talking points to make the alliance as a whole look bad. Your efforts to give MHA a negative image, only makes you someone hard to respect and have a real discussion with.

Please maintain class before you try to affect our image or even make a point.

Edited by DaveII
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[quote name='Il Principe' date='22 March 2010 - 12:09 PM' timestamp='1269220146' post='2232620']
Nonsense, 99% of our treaties lasted for at least a year! I do not think many alliances can say the same!
Indeed, most of our MDP's are well over a year old and still standing. TOP treaty was 2 years, NATO has been on the other side of the past two conflicts and that treaty has lasted 3 years, Gramlins were on the other side of GW3 and that has lasted 3 1/2 years. Then you've got Fark, on the other side of the Unjust War, and TAB whom we became friends with because of GW3.

Unfortunately some people only choose to see the war-based cancellations, which really only includes NPO and now TOP. The NPO (which was because of their own aggressive actions voiding our defensive obligations, as per the treaty) being funny because the majority of people at the time applauded that decision either because they were fighting NPO or also didn't agree with NPO's actions. I mean, it's not like we pulled a Coward Coalition on them either. MHA even protected NPO from bandwagoners attacking them without just cause; it's not the same as dying in a fire with them, but it's not the terrible betrayal some people try to claim it to be. They also forget that the treaty was only cancelled through peace terms agreed to by NPO and not proposed by MHA. But regardless, some people are stuck believing their views of MHA based on that one event and frankly, are unlikely to change.

At the end of the day, you can see this cancellation as a pattern, or you could actually look at the actions that brought us to this cancellation. I don't really see anyone except TOP arguing against what TOP did, no one arguing against the hundreds of million dollars in aid being given to our enemies. Everyone can see from posts here between MHA and TOP that the relationship is dead, there's simply no understanding there anymore. Earlier posters even said that this was well over-due. If we'd just dropped them at the start of the war because they were in a war, then you'd have a point. And we'd be no better than the people who dropped NpO, GATO, Wolfpack and others simply to avoid being beaten. But I think any intelligent person here can see this for what it really is - the sudden but unavoidable end of a friendship.

Edited by Working_Class_Ruler
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[quote name='Il Principe' date='21 March 2010 - 06:09 PM' timestamp='1269220146' post='2232620']
Well I for myself considered TOP a friend until I saw hundreds of millions of dollars of aid sent by TOP to our enemy GGA. After that I felt betrayed and cared a lot less about them getting curb stomped.
Where are you getting "hundreds of millions of dollars" from? According to the records we have, the figure is 78M. Of course these records may be slightly off but I doubt they are to the tune of several hundreds of millions.

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Still arguing about aid... We were busy fighting half of CN, I think the last thing on our mind was "helping the enemy of MHA" when we were trying to aid the nations on our side that were near bill lock. I am truly sorry if some 5k ns MHA nations took a few extra CMs because of our actions.

Now please excuse me while I eat my 48th nuke. :v:

Edited by Vladimir Stukov II
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[quote name='Il Principe' date='21 March 2010 - 09:09 PM' timestamp='1269220146' post='2232620']
Well I for myself considered TOP a friend until I saw hundreds of millions of dollars of aid sent by TOP to our enemy GGA. After that I felt betrayed and cared a lot less about them getting curb stomped.

I can see where you're coming from...but then you also did attack one of their closest treaty partners...for the second time in a row. Both kind of dick moves, probably just best to call it even eh?

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