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Declaration of a Milestone

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[color="#0000FF"]Hello ladies and gentleman. Some of you may know us, whether or not you wish that were the case, but it is. Anyway, I come before you to announce multiple milestones, but first a brief introduction. Rome is a brown team alliance founded on the basis of liberty and individual freedom. We have more or less a representative government in which our members entrust absolute confidence in the officials they elect. I could bore you with the specifics, but I shall not. If you are interested in reading our charter it is located in a public section of the forum.

Now that I have the basic thins you don't care about said, let me point out that we are aware that only 25% of our membership is currently on brown. They are switching. Further, I am aware of our rather small nations. We will grow. In fact, we are selling tech if anyone is interested. That said, we realize there is a lot of work ahead, but that is something we are willing to commit to, and Rome will be strong.

Anyway, now for the milestones. Just a few days ago we broke 100 members, and our recruiting is still going strong. Additionally, we have broken 200k NS. Not much, I know, but it is a start (and explains why we are selling). All in all, not bad for one month of existing I'd say.

Lastly, we're interesting in meeting you, so feel free to stop by our channel, #cnrome. If that doesn't suit your fancy, you can request an embassy at [url="http://rome.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx"]the forum[/url].

Rebel Virginia, Senator, Legate of Rome[/color]

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[quote name='Ryuzaki' date='09 March 2010 - 11:04 PM' timestamp='1268197778' post='2220579']
Where did all the members come from?

well we sacrificed a nice white goat to jupiter and he blessed us with some recruitment magic.

seriously now it was a lot of hard work by our recruiters that made this possible.

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[quote name='Merrie Melodies' date='10 March 2010 - 03:30 PM' timestamp='1268253366' post='2221215']
Cool news, so with the demise of FaiL is our war over or did it carry over?
[color="#0000FF"]Your government never recognized being at war with FAIL. There was no war.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='10 March 2010 - 09:18 PM' timestamp='1268256204' post='2221255']
[color="#0000FF"]Your government never recognized being at war with FAIL. There was no war.[/color]
Well then congrats and good luck in this endeavor, anything with RV in it brings value.

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