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Like a DoE man....

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[center][b][size="4"]The Imperialists Treaty[/size][/b][/center]
[center]The German Empire and The League of Imperial Nations Protectorate Treaty[/center]
The German Empire (TGE) and The League of Imperial Nations (LoIN) have decided to come to an agreement of Protection. TGE will provide Protection, aid and secure the fate of LoIN while it grows healthy and strong.

Section 1. Security
The German Empire and League of Imperial Nations' vows to uphold eachothers equality among Planet Bob through Diplomatic, Economic and Military means.

Section 2. Aid
While at peace or war, either signatory may ask for monetary aid from the other. Both Signatories reserve the right to decline.

Section 3. Intelligence
The German Empire and League of imperial Nations agree never to share sensitive information passed between eachother. If either signatory receives information regarding the safety of the other signatory, it will be passed along to the other signatories Government as soon as possible.

Section 4. Equality
As long as this treaty is active, both alliances are held to it on equal standing.

Section 5. Termination
If either alliance decides to cancel this treaty for any reason, they must give 48 hour notice before doing so. If either alliance merges or disbands, This treay becomes null and void.
Signed, TGE and LoIN Governments
-President Chris, German Emperor
- Karl August Von Hardenberg, Reichskanzler
- Nils von Leipzig, German Imperial Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Lord Graniteknight Deputy High Lord and Acting Lord of Affairs for the League[/center]

Edited by graniteknight
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[quote name='Earl Dumarest' date='21 February 2010 - 08:08 PM' timestamp='1266782917' post='2195371']

Of all the possible protectors....

This didn't work so well last time.

I LOL'ed.

Well sad to see TGE protecting them but have fun TGE, they will keep you busy.

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Just out of curiosity does the first clause mean that if one of you is getting pwnd the other one will come to their aid (militarily, monatarily, or otherwise)? Because this looks like a PIAT to me really (sorry for the E-Lawyering) unless I'm mistaken. Congratulations though, and good luck

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