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STA February Press Conference


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[quote name='Wabooz' date='16 February 2010 - 05:35 PM' timestamp='1266359730' post='2186341']
will STA reconsider having treaties with blocs (members of blocs) in the future?

Is STA interested in creating it's own bloc to replace FB?

Extremely doubtful, and definitely not.

[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='16 February 2010 - 05:36 PM' timestamp='1266359803' post='2186343']
How do you feel about it when its called the NoCB war?

I don't understand your question.

[quote name='Kindom of Goon' date='16 February 2010 - 05:41 PM' timestamp='1266360115' post='2186352']
When will Tyga move to a proper timezone?

He seems to think he already is in one, and that the rest of us have freakish time zones. Clearly, he is backward.

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[quote name='bzelger' date='16 February 2010 - 04:50 PM' timestamp='1266357000' post='2186241']
Absolutely not.

/me mauls bzelger :D

Sorta specific question for each member of gov (Tyga, Uhtred, pez, etc.) since there might be various opinions. Also, I apologize if it was already answered somewhere else and I just missed it: do you consider TOP/IRON's preemptive strike on CnG, regardless of whether it was right or not, to have been part of the original NpO-\m/ war? Or was that strike definitely a new war in your opinion?

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The distinction is meaningless in my mind. I believe that TOP et. al. believed it to be the same action and in support of Polar, regardless of other concurrent motives. Given that C&G weren't involved at the time I see why they don't.

The important bit is that our allies were attacked without a treaty chain and we were therefore obligated to defend them. Whether or not it was the same coalition conflict really doesn't matter to me.*

*On that particular front, I should note. There are many others dragged along in this who I feel very bad about abandoning.

Edited by bzelger
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[quote name='Jyrinx' date='16 February 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1266364828' post='2186482']
/me mauls bzelger :D

Sorta specific question for each member of gov (Tyga, Uhtred, pez, etc.) since there might be various opinions. Also, I apologize if it was already answered somewhere else and I just missed it: do you consider TOP/IRON's preemptive strike on CnG, regardless of whether it was right or not, to have been part of the original NpO-\m/ war? Or was that strike definitely a new war in your opinion?

I, personally, do consider it a different war. While the original NpO-\m/ war definitely acted as a catalyst for it, The fact that none of the parties involved in the initial strikes were fighting in the NpO-\m/ war is a pretty good indication. Unlike Bzelger, I do not feel bad for leaving that front, as we ensured that everyone who entered the \m/-NpO war got peace. NSO did not get peace, but that's a whole story in and of itself.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='16 February 2010 - 04:24 PM' timestamp='1266366296' post='2186524']
I, personally, do consider it a different war. While the original NpO-\m/ war definitely acted as a catalyst for it, The fact that none of the parties involved in the initial strikes were fighting in the NpO-\m/ war is a pretty good indication. Unlike Bzelger, I do not feel bad for leaving that front, as we ensured that everyone who entered the \m/-NpO war got peace. NSO did not get peace, but that's a whole story in and of itself.

Yeah, I'll vouch for pezstar's efforts in attaining peace for STA's allies. She came to me but I was already talking with NV.

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[quote name='Killer Monkey land' date='16 February 2010 - 11:07 PM' timestamp='1266379676' post='2186986']
Does STA see its political leaning changing with their support for MK in the war?

Our support for our allies has nothing to do with our political leanings. I'm not even sure that STA really has a political leaning. We ally with alliances we like, and then we simply follow our treaties. That will never change.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='16 February 2010 - 04:45 PM' timestamp='1266360300' post='2186356']

I don't understand your question.


Shoot I really should stop multi tasking.

What I asked was how do you feel when its called the nocb war

what I meant to ask is, how do you feel when its called the wotc instead of what you normally call it.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='16 February 2010 - 08:16 PM' timestamp='1266380192' post='2187006']
Our support for our allies has nothing to do with our political leanings. I'm not even sure that STA really has a political leaning. We ally with alliances we like, and then we simply follow our treaties. That will never change.

Umbrella has had a somewhat similar philosophy. Have you ever felt pushed with regards to sides by your allies?

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' date='16 February 2010 - 11:20 PM' timestamp='1266380414' post='2187011']
Shoot I really should stop multi tasking.

What I asked was how do you feel when its called the nocb war

what I meant to ask is, how do you feel when its called the wotc instead of what you normally call it.

I have never heard anyone complain about the different names of the war with any seriousness. I certainly don't care what anyone calls it, and I doubt anyone else in STA gov does either.

[quote name='Antoine Roquentin' date='16 February 2010 - 11:26 PM' timestamp='1266380764' post='2187030']
Umbrella has had a somewhat similar philosophy. Have you ever felt pushed with regards to sides by your allies?

I don't think any of our allies have the guts to try to push us like that. We've definitely been pushed to stay our of a war, most recently at the beginning of the Polar-\m/ war, Polar told us to keep out, but we declined to do so. That was never going to happen. We have made similar requests in the past which were promptly ignored. :P That's the mark of a great ally, I think. Have you had to deal with that at all in Umbrella?

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[quote name='Alfred von Tirpitz' date='16 February 2010 - 10:55 PM' timestamp='1266378912' post='2186962']
Where is Henious? Why has he left the owf to wither and die all by itself?
Heinous One had lost interest in governing the Children of the Corn and was intending to dissolve the state altogether before the present conflict began. I believe the war piqued his interest at least temporarily, but I don't know whether it was sustainable enough for him to continue to grace us with his presence.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='16 February 2010 - 09:40 PM' timestamp='1266356411' post='2186214']
Goon ate those twinkies immediately. That's why he is so fat.[/quote]

I-I think I love you.

Moving on: Did STA give any serious thought to either neutrality, or defending allies on both 'sides' of this latest war?
How does STA feel about NSO's declaration on CSN and the subsequent lack of peace on the NSO/Superfriends front?

Edited by Poyplemonkeys
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[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' date='17 February 2010 - 10:55 AM' timestamp='1266422132' post='2187582']Moving on: Did STA give any serious thought to either neutrality, or defending allies on both 'sides' of this latest war?[/quote]
Yes. I know that at least one of us (:P) lobbied very aggressively for defending all of our allies. In the end we decided that we didn't have the strength to do that and if we tried we would in effect be defending none of our allies rather than all of them. We determined that we would fight for the Mushroom Kingdom (where we had an inviolable obligation) until we were no longer of use to them and then re-evaluate where we could be of aid.

[quote name='Poyplemonkeys' date='17 February 2010 - 10:55 AM' timestamp='1266422132' post='2187582']How does STA feel about NSO's declaration on CSN and the subsequent lack of peace on the NSO/Superfriends front?
Personally, I feel very guilty. Things moved very fast in that time period and I hadn't the faintest clue what was going on for days. I don't think I even realized that the NSO had declared in our defense until after we were at peace (I was having a great time as things stood and was only vaguely aware that others even wanted help), much less knew that we were leaving them in the lurch. I regret having left the field while the front they opened on our behalf was still open. I believe Pezstar knows more about this than I, so I'll let her address it more fully.

Edited by bzelger
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[quote name='bzelger' date='17 February 2010 - 10:25 AM' timestamp='1266423909' post='2187615']
Yes. I know that at least one of us (:P) lobbied very aggressively for defending all of our allies. In the end we decided that we didn't have the strength to do that and if we tried we would in effect be defending none of our allies rather than all of them. We determined that we would fight for the Mushroom Kingdom (where we had an inviolable obligation) until we were no longer of use to them and then re-evaluate where we could be of aid.

Personally, I feel very guilty. Things moved very fast in that time period and I hadn't the faintest clue what was going on for days. I don't think I even realized that the NSO had declared in our defense until after we were at peace (I was having a great time as things stood and was only vaguely aware that others even wanted help), much less knew that we were leaving them in the lurch. I regret having left the field while the front they opened on our behalf was still open. I believe Pezstar knows more about this than I, so I'll let her address it more fully.
Pezstar had brought up NSO in discussions of peace between CSN and STA. In preliminary talks, I had agreed to peace with NSO when STA and CSN reached an accord. Between that time, and the announcement of peace between CSN and STA, NSO refused the peace offers from Fark and redeclared. At that time, I agreed to peace with STA and mentioned that CSN could not offer peace to NSO until their offensive against Fark was ended. I can't tell anyone how to interpret things, but STA did right by NSO in regards to their support. NSO continuing to be at war now hinges upon IRON and not STA. I'd consider STA's obligation to NSO to be over.

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[quote name='Goose' date='17 February 2010 - 11:39 AM' timestamp='1266424761' post='2187638']
Pezstar had brought up NSO in discussions of peace between CSN and STA. In preliminary talks, I had agreed to peace with NSO when STA and CSN reached an accord. Between that time, and the announcement of peace between CSN and STA, NSO refused the peace offers from Fark and redeclared. At that time, I agreed to peace with STA and mentioned that CSN could not offer peace to NSO until their offensive against Fark was ended. I can't tell anyone how to interpret things, but STA did right by NSO in regards to their support. NSO continuing to be at war now hinges upon IRON and not STA. I'd consider STA's obligation to NSO to be over.
[s]That was not a question.[/s] [img]http://thecastlehall.com/boards/Smileys/kickass/colbert.gif[/img]

[s]Boy howdy, that's a lot of acronyms.[/s]

Err... Thank you for that. I wonder why I don't know these things. Maybe I did at some point. :P
Perhaps we didn't do them wrong and it was just a slug of bad timing and circumstance muddled with the rest. I still feel indebted to them, as they declared for us without a treaty and ended up stuck with the whole bill, regardless of how it played out.

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[quote name='StevieG' date='17 February 2010 - 11:57 AM' timestamp='1266425865' post='2187653']
What are the alliances that you would go to the end of the earth for? oA on a flimsy CB just because you trust them and they were in need of your help etc.
We would not oA in on a CB that we didn't believe in for anyone.

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[quote name='pezstar' date='17 February 2010 - 04:16 AM' timestamp='1266380192' post='2187006']
Our support for our allies has nothing to do with our political leanings. I'm not even sure that STA really has a political leaning. We ally with alliances we like, and then we simply follow our treaties. That will never change.

What can change, however, is the composition of said treaty stock. Do you intend to review your treaties at the end of this war, considering the awkward situation you were placed in? A vague answer would satisfy me either way.

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[quote name='Goose' date='17 February 2010 - 11:39 AM' timestamp='1266424761' post='2187638']
Pezstar had brought up NSO in discussions of peace between CSN and STA. In preliminary talks, I had agreed to peace with NSO when STA and CSN reached an accord. Between that time, and the announcement of peace between CSN and STA, NSO refused the peace offers from Fark and redeclared. At that time, I agreed to peace with STA and mentioned that CSN could not offer peace to NSO until their offensive against Fark was ended. I can't tell anyone how to interpret things, but STA did right by NSO in regards to their support. NSO continuing to be at war now hinges upon IRON and not STA. I'd consider STA's obligation to NSO to be over.
STA had zero obligation to NSO. There is no treaty in existance between our alliances. Just as NSO had no obligation to assist STA.

In retrospect, considering that we are at war with CSN only because of our defense of STA and the likelihood of a CSN declaration towards NSO after peacing with STA would have been extremely remote, I can only fault myself for coming to their aid in their time of need since the favor was not returned.

CSN was never at war with NSO because of Fark. Fark declared on the NSO and we refused to surrender to them. That, in and of itself, is an entirely separate issue that had nothing to do with the NSO declaration upon CSN.

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[quote name='Goose' date='17 February 2010 - 04:39 PM' timestamp='1266424761' post='2187638']
Pezstar had brought up NSO in discussions of peace between CSN and STA. In preliminary talks, I had agreed to peace with NSO when STA and CSN reached an accord. Between that time, and the announcement of peace between CSN and STA, NSO refused the peace offers from Fark and redeclared. At that time, I agreed to peace with STA and mentioned that CSN could not offer peace to NSO until their offensive against Fark was ended. I can't tell anyone how to interpret things, but STA did right by NSO in regards to their support. NSO continuing to be at war now hinges upon IRON and not STA. I'd consider STA's obligation to NSO to be over.

That is a lie, since for the millionth time, there was no peace offer from Fark. It doesn't matter how often you state this. It is just not true. Not that it matters to STA's behavior, since we declared to support them unilaterally, but I just thought I should clear that up. [b]Again[/b].

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[quote name='Mussolandia' date='17 February 2010 - 12:34 PM' timestamp='1266428083' post='2187690']
What can change, however, is the composition of said treaty stock. Do you intend to review your treaties at the end of this war, considering the awkward situation you were placed in? A vague answer would satisfy me either way.
We will be reviewing all of our treaties at the conclusion of our participation in this conflict.

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