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Steampunk, Clockpunk, and All That Jazz

Cybil de Blanc

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[b]FIRST EDITION FOR RP GUIDELINES POSTED AT: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=80571[/b]


[b]Before you read this, if you are not familiar with the steampunk and/or clockpunk genres, please read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clockpunk#Clockpunk and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steampunk for more information. You can easily find information on the Internet on any of the time periods listed if you search, or even at your local library or book store.[/b]

Please use this thread for general OOC and questions, although I'd prefer if you sent them to the guide thread now that it is up. As soon as we can get a map thread up, you can start claiming land and RPing away. :D

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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If I can use this friendly little guy, I am so in.


(Though I will admit, it isn't so much steampunk as... meatpunk... A concept that terrifies me greatly)

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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Sargun - chipmunkpunk, huh...careful, Sarg; you might be onto something. Everything run by...chipmunks...would be different....

The term I believe you're looking for is "biopunk", Terra. I suppose that, with such anachronistic phenomena found inside the steampunk/clockpunk world, and with a first world nation, you [i]could[/i] have a giant whale-ship-thing. The problem is, how would it fly? Unless, of course, you built a ridiculously realistic airship that resembled a whale. I'm still trying to figure out mythological/fantasy creatures in regards to the RP mythos.... Maybe some sort of "sky whale"?

That's what I was thinking, Subtle - no high fantasy-type mages/wizards/etc. I might still, however, limit magic to some sort of technological application. "Magitech", if you will, kind of like...I don't know...dipping a gear into a certain spring to remove rust and enchant the metal? Or make it seem that way, give it a bit of a "maybe magic, maybe mundane" feel?

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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[quote name='Il Terra Di Agea' date='09 February 2010 - 09:25 PM' timestamp='1265779552' post='2172021']
If I can use this friendly little guy, I am so in.


(Though I will admit, it isn't so much steampunk as... meatpunk... A concept that terrifies me greatly)


*writes that down in his list of nicknames for porn*

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Maskofblue: You might need to apply for a nation in CNRP, if you haven't already. I was planning to do it as an alternate universe of the already existing RP...not as an entirely new canon on its own. However, if you just want to RP civilians and what-not, than a CNRP version of your nation is not necessary. And you are certainly welcome to bring people from your Alliance if they think they'd be interested. :)

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[quote name='Cybil de Blanc' date='10 February 2010 - 12:28 AM' timestamp='1265790495' post='2172329']
The term I believe you're looking for is "biopunk", Terra. I suppose that, with such anachronistic phenomena found inside the steampunk/clockpunk world, and with a first world nation, you [i]could[/i] have a giant whale-ship-thing. The problem is, how would it fly? Unless, of course, you built a ridiculously realistic airship that resembled a whale. I'm still trying to figure out mythological/fantasy creatures in regards to the RP mythos.... Maybe some sort of "sky whale"?
Well, it would have to be engineered, but it would use a mixture of the actual wale, and a vast array of symbiotic organism to produce a sustained level of methane gas, or better yet, hydrogen. The gasses would be stored in large bladder like compartments on the sides of the ship. It would require the use of engines for maneuvering, and weapons for its armament, but otherwise, the whole thing wold be the whale.

(Also, thank you, Biopunk sounds much less gross)

Edited by Il Terra Di Agea
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...That's definitely biopunk right there. What you're describing sounds almost exactly like the kind of thing you'd find in the biopunk/steampunk game [i]Bioshock[/i], for all your gamers out there. It's something I'd restrict to First World Nations - such a large construct, that is, but Modern Nations could do it to a lesser degree (like a semi-mechanical horse) - but I definitely enjoy the idea of it existing in the steampunk/clockpunk-version CNRP universe.

Also, speaking of mechanical beings, how do you all feel about mechanical, sentient constructs in this CNRP universe? I'm not talking about humongous mechas (not counting ideas such as Terra's as mechas here), but clockwork creatures like tiny dragons that run on steam that perch on your shoulder? It would tie the whole aspect of "magitech" into the setting, I think, quite nicely, but I want your guys' opinions first.

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[quote name='BaronUberstein' date='10 February 2010 - 12:29 PM' timestamp='1265822985' post='2172799']
The real question is, can I put DiVinci in a steam-powered clockwork "Darth Vader" suit and have him build a Frankensteinian army of flintlock-wielding lizardmen? :awesome:

Whats the policy on cataclysmic viral outbreaks?


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Baron Uberstein: If you can somehow justify that in this setting, I don't see why not. The punk genres are [i]full[/i] of such ideas.

Executive Minister: Think what happened during the Black Plague, and have a corrupt government behind the process of eliminating the disease. Not a comforting concept.

And yes, I have heard of medieval uses of biological warfare. Have to look that up, though.

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[quote name='Cybil de Blanc' date='10 February 2010 - 12:28 AM' timestamp='1265790495' post='2172329']
Sargun - chipmunkpunk, huh...careful, Sarg; you might be onto something. Everything run by...chipmunks...would be different....

The term I believe you're looking for is "biopunk", Terra. I suppose that, with such anachronistic phenomena found inside the steampunk/clockpunk world, and with a first world nation, you [i]could[/i] have a giant whale-ship-thing. The problem is, how would it fly? Unless, of course, you built a ridiculously realistic airship that resembled a whale. I'm still trying to figure out mythological/fantasy creatures in regards to the RP mythos.... Maybe some sort of "sky whale"?

That's what I was thinking, Subtle - no high fantasy-type mages/wizards/etc. I might still, however, limit magic to some sort of technological application. "Magitech", if you will, kind of like...I don't know...dipping a gear into a certain spring to remove rust and enchant the metal? Or make it seem that way, give it a bit of a "maybe magic, maybe mundane" feel?
As I said, nothing wrong with a little magitech--but I think it would be great for a little mystery if it wasn;t quite clear whether it was magic or mundane. So really, your choice on that...

[quote name='Cybil de Blanc' date='10 February 2010 - 07:18 AM' timestamp='1265815103' post='2172617']
...That's definitely biopunk right there. What you're describing sounds almost exactly like the kind of thing you'd find in the biopunk/steampunk game [i]Bioshock[/i], for all your gamers out there. It's something I'd restrict to First World Nations - such a large construct, that is, but Modern Nations could do it to a lesser degree (like a semi-mechanical horse) - but I definitely enjoy the idea of it existing in the steampunk/clockpunk-version CNRP universe.

Also, speaking of mechanical beings, how do you all feel about mechanical, sentient constructs in this CNRP universe? I'm not talking about humongous mechas (not counting ideas such as Terra's as mechas here), but clockwork creatures like tiny dragons that run on steam that perch on your shoulder? It would tie the whole aspect of "magitech" into the setting, I think, quite nicely, but I want your guys' opinions first.
Sentient constructs? Almost reminds me of the daemons from the [i]Golden Compass[/i] and its sequels, though that was more fantasy than this would be. I like that idea. It could almost fill the role of the 'wizard's familiar' in a more mechanical way, if you really wanted.

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[quote name='Il Terra Di Agea' date='10 February 2010 - 09:11 AM' timestamp='1265814680' post='2172599']
methane gas, or better yet, hydrogen.
IDTA, imagine this:
in whale form.

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So would the clockpunk/steampunk creations pictured here [url="http://riseoflegends.com/media/vinci_concept_art.htm"]here[/url] and [url="http://riseoflegends.com/media/screenshots/022006_Screenshot_01.htm"]here[/url] be allowed? And all save the massive ship in the anime movie Steamboy (if your not familiar, I can get some pictures) would be allowed too, eh?

If so, I'm in ^.^ I'd love to see how Steampunk would do in the Amazon rain forest heh.

Edited by JerreyRough
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Those first ones I count as mechas, unless you can make them smaller and for more mundane tasks, like repairing factory equipment (although fighting constructs might come into play later...still working out the stuck gears, pun intended). The second ones I can allow, as I saw something similar in [i]Howl's Moving Castle[/i], and I'm borrowing a few inspirations for it for this RP. And if you could grab me a few stills from [i]Steamboy[/i] about what you're talking about, I can make a better judgment, but from the sounds of it, it's cleared with me. I'm trying to keep things fair here, in regards to the mecha problem; can't have giant robots squashing everyone, now can we?

Also, no lasers from space, like normal CNRP. Otherwise, welcome to the world of (eventual) CNRP steampunk and clockpunk! ^.^

Edit: Razgriz, what do you mean "National and Medieval RPs"? Are you talking about the alternate universes that got dropped earlier?

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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[quote name='KaiserMelech Mikhail' date='10 February 2010 - 03:15 PM' timestamp='1265843710' post='2173351']
IDTA, imagine this:
in whale form.
KMM, that happened because proper safety precautions weren't being taken.

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[quote name='Subtleknifewielder' date='10 February 2010 - 03:57 PM' timestamp='1265846225' post='2173431']
KMM, that happened because proper safety precautions weren't being taken.
1. The atmosphere was electricity-fied cause of a storm nearby

2. nazi officials demanded that they land on time in the unsuitable weather to prevent embarrassment of Germany.

3. The wind combined with their attempts to land in it stressed the metal frame and cause cables to snap, cutting open a hydrogen bag.

4. Electricity arc'd from the skin to the metal frame, igniting the hydrogen.

This was the only major accident the Zeppelin LTD company had, they had flown countless trips through storms, Zeppelins were completely safe if in the hands of a compitent crew. It is because some nazi asshat ordered them to land in the terrible weather that the Hindenburg exploded.

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