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DoW: Fashionably Late


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Thanks Jorost! I couldn't be happier from that statement from the official floater of SLCB. Well spoken!

Also, I'm glad Invicta and UPN have made peace and can work together. I saw the hostilities earlier today and feared for purple unity.


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We, the alliances of United Purple Nations and Invicta, do hereby cite

the following clause in our Purple Haze agreement:

Inasmuch as the the bloc known as "Rest & Recreation" consists of white

collar conservatives, possibly even jive white collar

conservatives, and that their behavior on the World of Bob constitutes

flashin' down the street, and behalf of our multi-headed brother in

PEACE, Hydra, we do hereby declare that our freak flag is hereby waved.

A state of war now exists between the United Purple Nations & Invicta

with the alliances of Rest & Recreation. May their castle of sand fall

into the sea.

Thats not what R&R stands for, it doesnt stand for anything..like of like FOK

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First of all, thanks to everyone who has said supportive things to us and our good friends at UPN. Yes, good friends. Despite the fact that one of our n00blets took the word of a certain wily Dutchmen when he should not have done, and declared on UPN! Heh. Like my parents always said, "Don't take candy from strangers, don't cross the street without looking both ways, and never, NEVER, trust a Dutchman!" :P

Second, I know Rest & Recreation is not a bloc. That was a slip of the mind when I was writing it. I was counting on my co-writer, President Altheus of the United Purple Nations, to catch that in editing. Sadly, his English skills proved to be no better than my own. I am beginning to suspect he may even be part Dutch. :ph34r:

Finally, let me state our determination to bring this to a swift and just conclusion. My people tell me that R&R are (or should that have been "R&R R?") an honorable alliance, and we are looking forward to a good fight.

Now excuse me while I kiss the sky.


o/ Jorost!

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The R&R-to-Invicta NS transfer has begun. Good luck R&R, you'll need it until your allies show up! :P

Which brings me to my second point, I haven't been attacked yet. I know you guys at R&R are a little tied up right now, but I at least expected one incoming attack :(

So, given that my high hopes were dashed, I don't suppose you could wonder over to y'alls allies and let them know I'd like to be attacked? It'd mean alot! :D

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For some reason I think I have heard this one before... Didn't work so well though if I remember correctly

Nice of them to give you all the free land and tech, eh? Have fun with this one.

Good luck to all in this conflict.

lol, free land and tech. 'Cause we are getting our @#$% kicked, right?

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