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Questioning the Morality: AlmightyGrub


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\m/ has no history with pink

Nice attempt at disassociation Merrie Melodies, but in fact \m/ was founded as a merger between Bel Air and Rage Co. And if you remember before that Bel Air was formed as a merger between Republic of Allied Defenses and Internet Superheroes.

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Nice attempt at disassociation Merrie Melodies, but in fact \m/ was founded as a merger between Bel Air and Rage Co. And if you remember before that Bel Air was formed as a merger between Republic of Allied Defenses and Internet Superheroes.

Sorry, doesn't wash, members from those alliances came sure, yet there are many of us in \m/ who were not part of those alliances.

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Youwish; the old \m/, the one most relevant to the discussion about NAAC, had no association with pink (afaik).

Although that entire issue is off topic, so I don't know why it matters.

I originally posted being sarcastic saying SCM shouldn't disrespect his friends in \m/ or Poison Clan (since that is who he has aligned himself with) like that.

Sorry, doesn't wash, members from those alliances came sure, yet there are many of us in \m/ who were not part of those alliances.

Your wiki says it is a merge and that seems pretty official, so yes it does wash.

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Yes, clearly there was no reason. The membership just decided to disband. Out of the blue. You sure caught those liars, Doch.

Many alliances who are attacked forever will let their members go on and do other things rather than sit around for a couple of years.

never stated that there was not a reason to vote. just that the membership chose to disband instead of fight on. thus, while Polaris provided a reason to vote, the disbandment still lies solely at the feet of those who chose to disband instead of fight on. just as the decision to fight on lies solely at the feet of those who voted if it had gone that way.

i love how people are pretty much attempting to state that no alliance has a free will essentially and will decide for themselves whether they will deal with the circumstances they are in or disband. so you and SCM are basically saying that NAAC was a weak-willed, cowardly bunch of nations versus what most everyone thought of NAAC.

nice to see ya'll attempting to turn the honorable NAAC into something on the level of \m/. bunch of whining and crying little pansies that blame others for their decisions.

anyways, as others have stated this is getting off topic. you are obviously going to believe that NAAC was pretty much as weak-willed as \m/ was and thus blame others instead of knowing that regardless of the reasons, the decision was NAAC's and NAAC's alone.

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Yes Polar, you are abolished for CIN, \m/, Genmay, NAAC, GOONS, and such, because you are truly just. I guess we may just have to wait, you've truly never done anything wrong.

I will not comment anything apart from the fact that you are stealing our achievements :mad: .

During Karma war it was common "knowledge" that NPO was responsible for the destruction of these alliances, now for no apparent reason you give credits to NpO for the same thing. I hope that this revisionism of history will stop, as it is rather frustrating. Please people decide who is to blame and stand by your decision.

And a quote from that era in the thread concerning our terms, just for reference shake http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...t&p=1609513


Disbanded due to NPO: NAAC, LUE, GOONS, Genmay etc


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never stated that there was not a reason to vote. just that the membership chose to disband instead of fight on. thus, while Polaris provided a reason to vote, the disbandment still lies solely at the feet of those who chose to disband instead of fight on. just as the decision to fight on lies solely at the feet of those who voted if it had gone that way.

i love how people are pretty much attempting to state that no alliance has a free will essentially and will decide for themselves whether they will deal with the circumstances they are in or disband. so you and SCM are basically saying that NAAC was a weak-willed, cowardly bunch of nations versus what most everyone thought of NAAC.

nice to see ya'll attempting to turn the honorable NAAC into something on the level of \m/. bunch of whining and crying little pansies that blame others for their decisions. anyways, as others have stated this is getting off topic. you are obviously going to believe that NAAC was pretty much as weak-willed as \m/ was and thus blame others instead of knowing that regardless of the reasons, the decision was NAAC's and NAAC's alone.

Doch, I have always liked your posting, I have to say you're making yourself look bad with that nonsense, we accept that our actions upset Grub, we don't blame anyone else, I have seen no cases of \m/ members whining or crying, in fact I have seen us also accused of cowardice and of being afraid to fight a larger alliance amongst other things, so let refresh.

1. How are we cowards when Grub has stated over and over that we could have peace anytime we want, a white peace at that and yet, we still fight?

2. How are we afraid to fight a larger alliance when we could have easily given into Grubs demands like the Goons did and avoided this war? While I total disagree with the words a few of our members used I 100% agree with the message, AKA Screw You Grub, we would rather fight than be your toy.

Yes we tech raid, yes we probably shouldn't tech raid alliances but that was resolved long before Grub showed up. But until Grub, NpO, you and all the other loud mouth anti tech raiders start howling at all the other alliances that tech raid I will firmly declare that it is you and your ilk that are the cowards.

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I declared on you because you are arrogant and seek to throw your weight around without consequence. Welcome to the consequence.

will you be declaring on yourself? i took out the rude part because by all accounts it seems that you aren't particularly rude, but arrogant and throwing your weight around...by god you may as well be looking in the mirror!

perhaps that's why you despise them so much, because in them you see the worst in yourself? just a thought.

Your personal standards re racism conflict rather heavily with polite society, your attitudes may well be an attempt at being cool and tough, but rather they show you to be the childish nerds you really are. If you have no comprehension of the dangers of racism, get an education. To attempt to distill your insults and petty foolishness in your channel as racist joking is completely disingenuous. The specific insults leveled to me were not only racist but delivered to me personally referenced as the Emperor of NpO. You want to make the cute IC lines between the dots then feel free to do so, but it truly shows you are as pathetic as I think you are for the filth you spew out.

It seems it is cool for the younger generation to buck social convention in the name of their freedoms, it is nothing new, but the level on which you have taken it is not only pathetic but also extremely offensive. I have been called all sorts of names in my life, personally I could not give a rats back passage outside CN, but here I will call you on being a assembly of crude, arrogant and ignorant twits if it suits my purpose. Don't want the accusation leveled, don't be twits. Uncomfortable with being labeled racist dills, don't make it you primary form of entertainment.

Calling them "childish nerds" gives you very little authority to stand on when protesting against offensive and insulting language. Certainly racism is unacceptable, but neither is ageism. To imply that your "generation" is somehow wiser for not bucking social conventions is pretty pathetic. If you don't want to be accused of being world police and being arrogant moralists, then don't be. The part which I have bolded, though, speaks loads of your character. Calling people out only if it suits your purposes is quite simply appalling.

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There were no wonders at the time of NAAC.

Christ, why do you make it so difficult to ever take you as anything more than a joke?


Continued work on national wonders. I'll be posting some info on them shortly.

Added a field in the nation display page for 'Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars' so that players can see how many solders they have lost throughout the life of their nation. This number will be important for one of the national wonders.

Can't find the exact date wonders were added, but I'm certain wonders were added before GW3, but they were so expensive almost nobody had any.

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Doch, I have always liked your posting, I have to say you're making yourself look bad with that nonsense, we accept that our actions upset Grub, we don't blame anyone else, I have seen no cases of \m/ members whining or crying, in fact I have seen us also accused of cowardice and of being afraid to fight a larger alliance amongst other things, so let refresh.

1. How are we cowards when Grub has stated over and over that we could have peace anytime we want, a white peace at that and yet, we still fight?

2. How are we afraid to fight a larger alliance when we could have easily given into Grubs demands like the Goons did and avoided this war? While I total disagree with the words a few of our members used I 100% agree with the message, AKA Screw You Grub, we would rather fight than be your toy.

Yes we tech raid, yes we probably shouldn't tech raid alliances but that was resolved long before Grub showed up. But until Grub, NpO, you and all the other loud mouth anti tech raiders start howling at all the other alliances that tech raid I will firmly declare that it is you and your ilk that are the cowards.

the whining and crying i was talkin about was when \m/ blamed Polaris for their disbandment and spent the last however many years constantly bringing it up on the forums. it has nothing to do with this war whatsoever. sorry for your confusion though, i should have written in, which era i was discussing.

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The issue at hand here is NOT tech raiding in general, which I disagree with but grudgingly accept.

But raiding small alliances in what is effectively an undeclared war.

A alliance no matter how small should at least be given the common courtesy of recognition and a declaration of war if war is declared against them.

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\m/ raided an "unprotected alliance", now Polar is attacking \m/. Doesn't polar have the same "right" to destroy \m/ as \m/ had in attacking that alliance?

If not, who defines what is "right" and "wrong". Obviously those who oppose Grub's decision are "moralists" in their own right, they just give the title to other people who don't adhere to their own definition of morality. Just my two cents.

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The issue at hand here is NOT tech raiding in general, which I disagree with but grudgingly accept.

But raiding small alliances in what is effectively an undeclared war.

A alliance no matter how small should at least be given the common courtesy of recognition and a declaration of war if war is declared against them.

Is it against.... Community standards?

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Take a stand, not miliarily, not physically, just simply use your words and tell Grub what he truly is; a snake in the grass.

It's funny because quite a few of us figured this out and have been saying as much for a while now - funny because "snake" is the exact word that came to mind and that we were using, because it just sums it up so well.

You tell Sparta if Athens gives in to your demands, you'll nuke their Ephor of Defense, and are surprised when it breeds such hostility? You attack \m/ after gloating for months over their death, with no CB but your own petulant desire to enforce your will on CN, and you're surprised when you're opposed? When your allies drop you like it's hot?

You. $%&@ed. up.

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To be blunt: I don't see why you're complaining OP. I'm not particularly taking sides though my alliance currently has ties to "your side". It's not an open secret in the world that politics and smokescreens generally come alongside war. Lies, and slants of the truth are hand in hand with each side, depending on who you ask. You'll always get a different story no matter what. It doesn't matter what you think the masses ought to do, or what Polaris is attempting to do by rallying various factions to them against \m/. At the end of the day this is simply business as usual. By that, I mean that there is always going to be a war branded in the name of some just or noble cause, and there will always be those that will cry out "Lies, we are the just!", or "Who are you to judge, or base us!".

So really all I can say is trying to make a post claiming or insisting that Polaris is in the wrong really only contributes to the general murkiness of the entire situation. It does not help your cause. It does nothing to garner you more support, other than the limits that your armies can impose (allies included). I suggest you stick to your guns, play the game of politics and realize that on the PR side of things, Polaris got the upper hand this round.

You do have one thing going great for you now: That being I do not think many people expected this to engage a wide ranging array of alliances. It appears to look just such the case.

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Does that mean I will not unmask your true intentions? Certainly no.

What if our true intentions turn out to be identical to our stated ones?

I'm genuinely interested in knowing if you're the kind of person who can allow for the possibility of this, or if you're just as empty-headed as so many others here. Is it truth you're after, or is the chip on your shoulder driving?

Edited by Zombie Glaucon
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Is it against.... Community standards?

Funnily enough some of us do not view people as a resource to be exploited and discarded, I would like to see a world where new nations are welcomed and not destroyed and driven into oblivion.

More can be accomplished by cooperative effort that works towards a common good than by mindless destruction.

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What if our true intentions turn out to be identical to our stated ones?

I'm genuinely interested in knowing if you're the kind of person who can allow for the possibility of this, or if you're just as empty-headed as so many others here. Is it truth you're after, or is the chip on your shoulder driving?

He fancies himself an orator, master of the written word. But this particular boy has cried wolf a few too many times already.

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He fancies himself an orator, master of the written word. But this particular boy has cried wolf a few too many times already.

Yep, arguing one thing one day then arguing the opposite thing the next day is hardly the stuff reputations for credibility are made of.

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<!--quoteo(post=2121357:date=Jan 21 2010, 12:41 AM:name=Starfox101)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Starfox101 @ Jan 21 2010, 12:41 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=2121357"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I certainly don't care about losing progress, but this war may go on for a while, as pride is involved, and \m/ has something to prove, that many casual players may leave the game.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

If this is really a concern of yours I assume you must against tech raiding. Who is more likely to be casual than the unaligned or a small untreatied alliance?

None of you moralists or anti-moralists or whatevers have any intellectual integrity. You're all just hacks. You march around here shouting your principles but you don't mean any of them. You're always on the side of your own material interests. Never the truth.

I am a mean, evil !@#$%^& who only cares about his own morals, his own ideals, and his own personal crusades, and the brothers who fight with me in them. That is the truth.

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