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\m/, I just want to help


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It seems that we are insignificant, otherwise people like \m/ GOONs and PC wouldn't have unofficially declared war on us.

Btw, FoA is still going to seek War Reps.

Good luck with that but those alliances clearly lack any sense of decency. They are also cowards and wont give up their easy tech. You really should have fought back so it wasn't so profitable for them. They'd cry if they came across any actual resistance and lost their precious tech & infra. Thats what's really pathetic about tech raiding alliances.

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You're going to seek reps, sure, OK.

But I don't think you'll get them. You were attacked, clearly provoked, and you didn't fight back, you accepted their peace offers. You gave the raiders what you want.

You've already proven that war isn't an option for your alliance. The raiders have no reason to pay reps. I mean, what are you going to do if they refuse to pay, attack them? You've already shown you wont fight.

The Corporation got the attackers to back off and extended its wings of protection, underscoring the peculiar nature of these attacks.

As for reps, we'll see what happens.

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The Significance that is desired is for people to realize that the acts performed by \m/, GOONS and PC were clearly acts of war and not a simple "tech raid."

You're going to seek reps, sure, OK.

But I don't think you'll get them. You were attacked, clearly provoked, and you didn't fight back, you accepted their peace offers. You gave the raiders what you want.

You've already proven that war isn't an option for your alliance. The raiders have no reason to pay reps. I mean, what are you going to do if they refuse to pay, attack them? You've already shown you wont fight.

I am trying to defend my fellow members of my alliance, if you were raided by three people stronger then yourself and do not have a good knowledge of the game, how would you act in that case? Some fought back, some did not, and all I know is that if I was them, I would feel pretty damn hopeless.

Our leader acted in acts of quick resolution to our desecration so he would not see our alliance be crippled in the matter of a few days. He is now in Anarchy and is now offering our aid to all young nations destroyed by this conflict so they don’t feel hopeless and lost. Sure our leader may have made a rash decision, but he did not want to watch his alliance, that he has put time and effort into making a fun community, crumble beneath his hands in the matter of one single, greedy act performed by such people. I believe that our Leader performed a noble act, and should be the one who should receive the “significance” as you put it.

I, for one, am trying to seek justice for these harsh behaviors. I applaud and have the gravest gratitude for all of those sending us aid now because \m/, GOONS and PC wont own up to there actions. I will also personally make notice to all of those who have helped out the FoA in our time of crisis. You are the people who make this a fun community.

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\M/ and GOONs (PC are just worthless so i wont count them) are know for tech raiding alliances and forcing small alliances to do what they want, this is there history, anyone remeber Shark week?

It seems that it is you who do not remember Shark Week, since that had nothing to do with Tech raiding or forcing small Alliances to do any thing.

The rest of this thread is just stupid so I am goiing to send my people to bed. Have fun all of you.

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Yes, it was wikipedia and Dictionary.com DONT LISTEN TO THOSE SITES!! THEY ARE WRONG! :)

AndI awaited your reponse to what I stated above about war. So if you do not deny it, then why not admit your mistakes and pay war crimes and move on? That would be such a simple solution you know, mistakes happen you know :)

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For War Crmes performed upon our alliance perhaps? Logic clearly is on our side.

A valiant effort, sir. However, there is no international court system, except that of public opinion, and unless your alliance provides some reasonable benefit, no other alliance will assist you in gaining reparations. There are no laws, and even if there were, people like GOONS, \m/, and PC, are like bandits. They wouldn't abide by any laws. The only solution when dealing with bandits is to put them to the sword.

What you should do is use this unfortunate lesson to strengthen yourselves. Militarily, diplomatically, your skills, and your resolve. If you are clever, you can maneuver yourself into being some one else's martyr and cause who has a grudge or dislike for those that attacked you. Who knows, perhaps someday you will be able to insist with the might of your armies on gaining those reparations.

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I was just being a smart $@!. If I wanted to disuse reps, Corp would come to us first. And sinc they already have, and the verdict is no reps except for those who were stupid enough to attack after the order was given for no new raids.

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The Courts are the People of Planet Bob. They decide, not us, I was merely making my case.

It actually doesnt work that way.

You have a lot of sympathy from the world at the moment, but "the court of world opinion" is a metaphor, not an actual court. No one is so foolish as to fight for you if you wont fight for yourself.

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\m/, I get that tech is profitable for you from raiding, but what do you gain from being complete and utter !@#$% bags?

It's profitable when the people getting raided don't fight back. If the people getting raided fight back, then they'll take a beating, but they'll take away the profit, and the raiders won't gain. (They may have fun, but they'll come out of it with less tech, less money, and less infra.)

The problem with that is that people who get raided are scared to fight back. I'd be all on FoA's side of this if they had fought back, but they look like they just gave up and gave the raiders whatever they wanted.

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