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Saint Marcelle

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Everything posted by Saint Marcelle

  1. Very nice flags, a big improvement from the old ones. May they fly proudly in victories for the socialist cause all across the world.
  2. Poor International, its tragic to see what they've become. Hopefully better days are ahead for my wayward leftist comrades.
  3. I wish to sign up as a buyer for this. ship link here: [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=26565"]astralasia[/url]
  4. Hello, I just sent you money. Looking forward to doing business with you!
  5. What a shame to see your alliance end in disbandment. But I hope you find freedom and happiness in a life without ideologies holding you back.
  6. I'd like to participate as a buyer. [url="http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=26565"]nation link[/url]
  7. God bless you, NpO! You are noble alliance for taking a stand against \m/. Their destruction brings me great joy.
  8. Good luck with that but those alliances clearly lack any sense of decency. They are also cowards and wont give up their easy tech. You really should have fought back so it wasn't so profitable for them. They'd cry if they came across any actual resistance and lost their precious tech & infra. Thats what's really pathetic about tech raiding alliances.
  9. No one should expect any kind of honor or class from the likes of \m/ . I hope to see them wiped off the face of Cybernations again. They cry like scared children when the find themselves on the losing side. Its a great side to behold.
  10. Aw, cheer up. They'll be plenty of wars for you to enjoy in the future. In the mean time tech deals and buying infra is pretty fun too!
  11. I don't see why everyone is all disappointed. Its a good thing to see common sense and peace prevail. The conclusion of this was a triumph of sanity.
  12. I would like to sign up as a buyer. my nation link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=26565
  13. Nation Ruler: saint marcelle Nation Name: astralasia Nation Link: http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=26565 Buyer or Seller: Buyer When slots available: Now Alliance: International Team Color: Black
  14. I hope FAN never gets peace. They were horrible people and bullies that deserved everything they got.
  15. I would like to sign up as a buyer. nation link - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=26565
  16. I can supply cattle and lumber for this.
  17. I am interested in being a buyer.
  18. I got lumber & cattle and can to switch to black. http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=26565
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