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Official Umbrella Announcement

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Tonight, on Christmas Eve, Umbrella turns 2. We are overjoyed on this occasion. The founders originally expected a possibly much shorter lifespan due to external threats. Luckily, it did not turn out that way Statistically, it was a difficult year, but we have come a long way regardless. The alliance has changed in a fundamental way for the better after being tested for the first time in various arenas. Great strides have been made in preparedness, technology dealing, and community building.

Throughout the year, Umbrella has had to make many tough calls. Some of those stained our prior somewhat pristine image in the eyes of others, but it is impossible to commit to anything without displeasing other parties. We showed our commitment to our allies to the best of our ability during this year and are ready to stand behind any of them should they need our help. We also stuck to our principles when it was not the most popular option in many instances.

Although some may find us hostile and uninviting, we think that is far from the truth. It might be explained by the fact that there has been a complete change from our attitude last year towards the Open World Forum. Radio silence no longer suited any purpose for us and we did away with it to give members who desired to post an outlet to express their opinions. Bluntness is a common feature in Umbrellans and not all of us are quite diplomatic. This is not to say Umbrella is a hateful alliance. We are willing to give a fair shake to any party that desires it and we look forward to attending to those who want to mend fences or build relationships in the year to come. Feel free to drop by our forums at http://www.umbrella-alliance.com

With us overcoming the struggles many alliances face as they mature, we have persevered. Being hardened by the experiences we've faced, we have much a deeper sense of community than we have ever had previously. That factor will be key to any gains we make this year. A close knit community of members who have a good time together is what we aim to be. Umbrella moves onward to 2010 with a spirit of optimism.

With that said, let the celebration begin.


The Umbrella Government,


LJ Scott,


Field Marshall

Deputy Field Marshall

UCU Chief

NFL Generic,

Head of Umbrellian Guard

Triumvir Emeritus, Forum Staff

Triumvir Emeritus

Triumvir Emeritus

When the sun shines, we’ll shine together

Told you I'll be here forever

Said I'll always be a friend

Took an oath I'ma stick it out till the end

Now that it's raining more than ever

Know that we'll still have each other

You can stand under my umbrella

You can stand under my umbrella

(Ella ella eh eh eh)

Under my umbrella

(Ella ella eh eh eh)

Under my umbrella

(Ella ella eh eh eh)

Under my umbrella

(Ella ella eh eh eh eh eh eh)



Edited by Sceptor o Sordidness
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