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An announcement from RoA and TKTB


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Peace Intelligence and Aid Treaty between the Republic of Aquisgrana and the The Killer Turtle Brigade, entered into on this 23rd day of December 2009.

The Republic of Aquisgrana and the The Killer Turtle Brigade enter into this treaty to further the security and prosperity of both alliances. Furthermore, this treaty symbolizes the bonds of friendship and loyalty between these two alliances.

Article I - Sovereignty

Both alliances shall remain sovereign and independent. Action (aggressive or defensive) against alliances not included in this agreement does not imply involvement of the other signatory.

Article II - Non-Aggression

No member of either signatory may participate in, support, or condone military action against a member of the other signatory alliance. If a member nation of either signatory alliance is found to have done this, they will be ordered to offer peace within 24 hours of the initial notification, and pay reparations equivalent to the total damages inflicted. This payment of reparations must not take place if doing so would be in violation of any other treaty, document or instrument of surrender, and to the extent that it is not in direct conflict with the respective signatory’s protectorate agreement. Defending nations are required to limit retaliation to the number and type of attacks received.

If the attacking nation refuses to offer peace to the defending nation within the specified time frame, without credible reason explaining the lack of compliance to the articles of this treaty, the attacking nation will be expelled from their alliance. Further, the expelled nation is to be considered a rogue by both signatory alliances, and dealt with accordingly.

Article III - Civility

The members of each signatory will remain civil towards each other at all times, in channels public and private.

Article IV - Financial Assistance

In the event of an attack on a signatory alliance by a third party, the alliance attacked may request financial aid, and the alliance of which the aid is requested, while under no obligation to do so, is encouraged to send aid if possible. This article may be enacted by the leadership of either alliance, and legitimate requests for financial assistance include, but are not limited to rogue attacks. No aid may be given which would violate any other treaty, document or instrument of surrender. Defending nations are required to limit retaliation to the number and type of attacks received.

Article V - Espionage

Both signed alliances agree that under no circumstances shall either signatory alliance engage in espionage against the other. Further, should a signatory receive information concerning a possible leak in the other signatory's security, this information must be shared and discussed immediately.

Article VI - Intelligence

Neither signatory alliance shall withhold information from the other signatory alliance that constitutes a direct threat to the security or well-being of the other signatory alliance. Both signatories shall strive to keep the each other informed of non-emergency situations as often as possible.

Article VII - Sanctions

Signatory alliances agree not to support sanctions against members of the other signatory alliance. However, such sanctions may be placed against nations declared rogue by both alliances.

Article VIII - Termination

Termination of this pact requires 72 hours notice, to first be provided through private channels. Any intentional or planned violations of this treaty will, with immediate effect, render this treaty null and void, unless otherwise agreed upon by the leadership of both signatories.

Article IX - Upgrade and Review

This treaty will be subject to periodic review at the discretion of the signatory alliances and may be upgraded at any time upon the agreement of both parties hereto.

Article X

This treaty is incorporated into the law of the signatory alliances.

Signed for the Republic of Aquisgrana:

Valdemar, Magistratus

Elfriede Riotte, Minister Legati

Smylie, Minister Domesticus

Shermanaslovakia, Minister Frugalitas

Kurt von Equord, Minister Defensionis

Kaiser Milch, Minister Immigrationis

Signed for The The Killer Turtle Brigade:

James Maximus, Turtle Overlord

db00, Grand Turtle

Edited by nosoup4you
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What is TKTB? Never heard of them. Probably some nobody alliance.

Good luck with this anyway.

And who are you? Probably some nobody.

I agree. Their alliance theme is dumb. What was it again? Like futuristic knights? Like that hasn't been done to death on Teletoon.

You sir, are ignorant.

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