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Announcement from Dark Fist

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Who is this Santa person? No such person exists on Planet Bob.

My nation celebrates Christmas and believes in Santa.

Unrelated to the OP but true.

On a note with the OP xfd rogues.

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Can't you declare war on them to get them off your AA?

It's funny I asked RyanGDI to do the same thing and got flak for it.

CN needs to make its mind across the board and ask the question that really needs to be answered...

What is a member really?

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It's funny I asked RyanGDI to do the same thing and got flak for it.

CN needs to make its mind across the board and ask the question that really needs to be answered...

What is a member really?

If you're trying to put an end to hypocrisy on Bob, you're beating a dead horse.

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Are you suggesting it's not possible? I expect people to check their facts before making accusations. The posts in question are NOT tolerated in any way shape or form within our community and the individuals would be punished to the highest degree (removed from our ranks). So I am as interested as you, in whether or not these posts came from my alliance. Proof would be nice. Otherwise, it's just an attempt at slander.

I'm not saying it was definitely an NSO member, since there isn't any definitive proof, but given the circumstances it's not very ridiculous - as many are making it out to be - to think that an NSO member might be behind it. Certainly more likely than a /b/tard choosing DF's forums randomly.

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Are you suggesting that someone other than an NSO member is likely to have posted the request on /b/?

Are you suggesting that NSO consented to any person, whether within our ranks or not, to have committed such an ooc attack? You can't pin it on anyone, so you assume it was one of our members. You then attempt to use that as libel to both our alliance and our individual persons own character. Shame on any person that steps over the bounds in such a way(in both cases). There is a difference though. While it may possibly have been a member of NSO(like it could have been a member of anywhere), NSO wouldn't approve of such an action. On the other hand, DF clearly condones ooc character assassinations towards a whole group of people on no other basis than "We don't like them, they don't like us." It is no wonder, however, that such an empty accusation(s) would be jumped on by someone so infatuated with NSO.

I'm not saying it was definitely an NSO member, since there isn't any definitive proof, but given the circumstances it's not very ridiculous - as many are making it out to be - to think that an NSO member might be behind it. Certainly more likely than a /b/tard choosing DF's forums randomly.

What does the actions of one potentially guilty unknown person have to do with NSO? We should be destroyed because of accusations with no foundation other than "We don't like them, they don't like us."

Edited by SpoiL
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