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An Intruductiun tu Francuism

Jack Diorno

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Alright. As soon as Heft understands that we don't fear him, I'll stop. But for some reason he still appears to be under the impression that we've made 10 pages of posts because we're scared of what NSO will do to our ally.

I don't think you fear the NSO, your long-term forecasting skills clearly aren't that well developed. I do think you desire multiple pounds of our flesh and are relying on us to provide it to you, thus jumping on this thread like a pack of rabid dogs.

I believe "this" would be the SERIOUS threat regarding your "sovereign territory".

I believe that situation was resolved when it was established Jack wasn't intentionally violating our territory.

In other news, good attempt at raiding our channel. We'll work on your 4chan part later...

I understand some people have a compulsive need to try and top us, but analogizing what happened to your channel to a full-blown raid, complete with 4chan references, is really overcompensating. But good try, or whatever. Pat on the head etc.

Penkala, who cares if he understands that we aren't afraid of him. This thread is a joke. Don't get so worked up, just enjoy it.

this is my serious face mother$%&@er

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I figured. Calling someone requires working a phone, which is clearly too difficult for NSO - just handle all your business out in the open, it's coo'

Good one. Now I know who to call if I need pointers on my jokes!! What's your number again?

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I figured. Calling someone requires working a phone, which is clearly too difficult for NSO - just handle all your business out in the open, it's coo'

Actually handling business openly is how I prefer to do it. The whole "backchannels ftw" crap is one of the many things that have made the Cyberverse dull.

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The whole "backchannels ftw" crap is one of the many things that have made the Cyberverse dull.

Taking offense to everything (including !@#$ on IRC) is what makes CN dull. Handling business between two alliances in privacy is what we refer to as having the bare minimum modicum of respectability. I'm so sorry if NSO views this with contempt, but news flash, you guys aren't mavericks. You're showboating cowards, and this thread has displayed it wonderfully. Drop me a ring when you want a real fig- oh wait.

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Taking offense to everything (including !@#$ on IRC) is what makes CN dull. Handling business between two alliances in privacy is what we refer to as having the bare minimum modicum of respectability. I'm so sorry if NSO views this with contempt, but news flash, you guys aren't mavericks. You're showboating cowards, and this thread has displayed it wonderfully. Drop me a ring when you want a real fig- oh wait.

If we took offense at everything that came our way we'd never have time to have any fun, especially if we handled it all "privately." When CSN is deserving of respect we'll grant it to them.

Well, the thread has turned into a "too cool for school" show from NSO now. Shut it down everybody. Nothing new to see here.

I'm not sure that means what you think it means.

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When CSN is deserving of respect we'll grant it to them.

Sentiments like this is why NSO is treated with contempt by the vast majority of the world. Also this:

How the hell did he get back into #nso when I banned him from it a couple days ago? One of your members ban evading in our public channel is a good way to get a holiday DoW from the Sith, CSN.

Before anyone asks, I'm totally serious.

!@#$ or get off the pot.

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I am.

In that case you're either just wrong or deliberately diverting the thread then. Wonder why that might be?

Sentiments like this is why NSO is treated with contempt by the vast majority of the world. Also this:

We're not treated with contempt by the vast majority of the world, though. Sorry to disappoint you.

!@#$ or get off the pot.

Already addressed awhile ago. Anything new to add to the slobber party of your friends? Must seem to have passed out in their drool by now, apparently.

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Sentiments like this is why NSO is treated with contempt by the vast majority of the world.

Does it seem like we care?

If you like backchannels that much, you could simply send a couple of PMs instead of posting here.

Bob Planet is on holidays, you know, you won't get your so desired attention here.

Good try anyway.

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Didn't you hear it was all a big joke!?! :lol1: :lol1: :lol1:

Quite a few jokes itt but threats of war are anything but.

If you like backchannels that much, you could simply send a couple of PMs instead of posting here.

Oh the !@#$@#$ irony!

Edited by Xiphosis
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