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GopherBashi's Q&A


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01[01:49] <SuperCoolYellow[bTO]> why do you not have a bio on CN wiki?

[01:51] <Gopherbashi> mmm

[01:51] <Gopherbashi> too lazy :P

01[01:52] <SuperCoolYellow[bTO]> I'm going to send you a list of questions about your MCXA career to your OWF account

01[01:52] <SuperCoolYellow[bTO]> answer mmmkay?

[01:52] <Gopherbashi> oh god

[01:52] <Gopherbashi> eh, thats fine, i was thinking of having a gopher q&a at some point

01[01:53] <SuperCoolYellow[bTO]> you mean on the owf?

[01:53] <Gopherbashi> yeah

[01:54] <Gopherbashi> or on the blog, but link it on the owf

01[01:54] <SuperCoolYellow[bTO]> If such a post was on the owf where would you put it?

[01:54] <Gopherbashi> main owf section

01[01:55] <SuperCoolYellow[bTO]> Open world rp section?

[01:55] <Gopherbashi> yeah

[01:56] <Gopherbashi> send me the questions if you want, im heading to bed

[01:56] <Gopherbashi> ttyl

01[01:56] <SuperCoolYellow[bTO]> alright peace

Surprise Gopherbashi! I hope you like your Q&A thread :P

I've known Gopher for a few months now, and I know that he has had a very important and great career in CN, leading MCXA through the Karma war and the TSO split, and I think he deserves a page on Cybernations Wiki.

So here is the deal everyone, Ask questions for, and about Gohper, and Hopefuly he will answer them. I will take all this information and write him a Cybernations Wiki page for him.

0/ My trusted friend Gopher, slayer of judges, and Champion of MCXA

ooc: Hopefully Gopher isn't really pissed at me for doing this. He has no idea I decided to do a OWF post.


As Gopher answers questions I will post the question and the answer up here so we don't re-ask questions.

Questions answered so far:

Q:Gopher, when did you join CN, and is MCXA your only alliance?

A: Gopherbashi joined CN on December 21, 2006, after a link was posted on an alternate history forum which I frequented. I came over with a number of people; of which, only THUNDER-X remains. He was the one who suggested that we join the NAAC (after we both received recruitment messages from them), which is the only other alliance which I have been part of.

Q: Gopherbashi are you the coolest person in CN? Do you feel appreciated for the great work you do in the sanction race?

A: I doubt that I am the coolest person in CN - that being a very subjective measure in of itself - but I do feel that the SR work is appreciated.

Q: Can you please rig it so Sparta wins? kthx.

A: Only Sparta can rig it so that Sparta wins. Or maybe admin.

Q:How much would it cost to rig it so RoK wins?

A:Precisely 2.4785 tech. No more, no less.

Q:Gopher is WIN

anyway, in your opinion: what's was your most challenging moment in CN?

A: I would have to say the period just prior to the Karma War, when there was a considerable level of internal drama and treason accusations within the alliance. Not only were emotions running high regarding what our treaty obligations should be (and therefore who we would fight alongside in the upcoming conflict), but emotions were running high about emotions running high - the debate about the debate was something that was very difficult to handle, and it eventually turned into personal attacks which spiralled out of control. Having expulsion demands running rampant didn't help things either, which only added to the hostile environment, and it got to the point where I was going to ask everyone if we should just disband and get it over with, if the alternative was being at each other's throats for the rest of eternity. One of the sides in that debate apparently had the same thoughts as I did, and decided to throw in the towel less than 12 hours before I arrived at the same decision.

Q: Why did you decide to become a gopher on Bob?

A: My high school nickname was Gopher (a series of transmutations from my actual name), so that portion fit with the persona. On the same day I created my nation, Saparmurat Niyazov, the President of Turkmenistan, passed away - a man whose title was "Turkmenbashi", translating to "Leader of the Turkmen." I decided to adopt the latter portion of this title, and Gopherbashi was born.

Q: What was your favorite moment in CN history?

A: This is a really tough one. Most people would immediately refer to the glory days before GW2, but my entrance was late enough that the only experiences I have from that time period are from owning three 500 NS NPO nations and thinking it made a difference for anything. Simply by a process of elimination, I'm going to have to say the period surrounding the Unjust War - I was right in the heart of the action in Milcom then; the war itself being challenging enough to have to work hard for success, but not challenging to the point where it took all of the enthusiasm right out of you. Most other wars over the past two and a half years have just pissed me off more than anything else.

Q: In your opinion, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

A: A technical answer to this question would tell you that the egg came first, as sexual reproduction predated chickens by a long shot, and one of the gametes involved in said process is called an "egg."

The more traditional argument revolves around what one considers to be a "chicken egg." Either you consider this to be an egg which came from a chicken, or you consider this to be an egg which contains a chicken - two definitions which are similar, yet subtlely (and very importantly) different. Pick your definition, and you've picked your answer.

Q: Are you actually going to answer these questions?

A: No.

Q: What was your first reaction when seeing this?

A: At first I figured that scy had found some really juicy logs on me, and my reaction was this...


...and then I just got typing.

Q: It seems every thread I wander into I see your sig and stare at it for a good few minutes. How made such an epic thing?

A: It was made by VirtualElvis roughly a year ago. You'd have to ask him.

Q: When's the next barbecue, and am I invited?

A: Barbeques tends to be rather spontaneous, often involving someone being drunk on IRC at the same time I'm online. Lurking is your best option.

Q:How did you come to join MCXA, and what positions did you hold until become chancellor?

A:I applied for that alliance after getting to know Jenn.GoneWild while playing in #werebot on IRC. I started off as the commander of our military's second division, and was first elected to our Third High Council in August 2007 (after nearly being elected two months before without my knowledge). I briefly served as MoI during our Fourth High Council, resigned, and then was once again MoI for the Fifth, Sixth, and most of the Seventh High Councils. I was Director of Recruiting for some indeterminate amount of time, before being appointed to the Tenth High Council and elected to the Eleventh High Council, also serving during both terms as Minister of Finance, bringing us to February of this year.

Grub also made the fatal mistake of appointing me as Minister of the Interior with the NAAC in February 2007, which continued until the disbandment of that alliance two months later.

Q: I have another question now. How did Grub make the mistake of appointing you as Minister of the Interior in the NAAC in the year 2009, if the alliance known as the NAAC was disbanded by the year 2009?

A: lol, because I can't count. My bad.

Edited by supercoolyellow
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I'll ask the first question.

Gopher, when did you join CN, and is MCXA your only alliance?

Gopherbashi joined CN on December 21, 2006, after a link was posted on an alternate history forum which I frequented. I came over with a number of people; of which, only THUNDER-X remains. He was the one who suggested that we join the NAAC (after we both received recruitment messages from them), which is the only other alliance which I have been part of.

Gopherbashi are you the coolest person in CN? Do you feel appreciated for the great work you do in the sanction race?

I doubt that I am the coolest person in CN - that being a very subjective measure in of itself - but I do feel that the SR work is appreciated.

Can you please rig it so Sparta wins? kthx.

Only Sparta can rig it so that Sparta wins. Or maybe admin.

How much would it cost to rig it so RoK wins?

Precisely 2.4785 tech. No more, no less.

Gopher is WIN

anyway, in your opinion: what's was your most challenging moment in CN?

I would have to say the period just prior to the Karma War, when there was a considerable level of internal drama and treason accusations within the alliance. Not only were emotions running high regarding what our treaty obligations should be (and therefore who we would fight alongside in the upcoming conflict), but emotions were running high about emotions running high - the debate about the debate was something that was very difficult to handle, and it eventually turned into personal attacks which spiralled out of control. Having expulsion demands running rampant didn't help things either, which only added to the hostile environment, and it got to the point where I was going to ask everyone if we should just disband and get it over with, if the alternative was being at each other's throats for the rest of eternity. One of the sides in that debate apparently had the same thoughts as I did, and decided to throw in the towel less than 12 hours before I arrived at the same decision.

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Gopherbashi joined CN on December 21, 2006, after a link was posted on an alternate history forum which I frequented. I came over with a number of people; of which, only THUNDER-X remains. He was the one who suggested that we join the NAAC (after we both received recruitment messages from them), which is the only other alliance which I have been part of.

How did you come to join MCXA, and what positions did you hold until become chancellor?

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Why did you decide to become a gopher on Bob?

My high school nickname was Gopher (a series of transmutations from my actual name), so that portion fit with the persona. On the same day I created my nation, Saparmurat Niyazov, the President of Turkmenistan, passed away - a man whose title was "Turkmenbashi", translating to "Leader of the Turkmen." I decided to adopt the latter portion of this title, and Gopherbashi was born.

What was your favorite moment in CN history?

This is a really tough one. Most people would immediately refer to the glory days before GW2, but my entrance was late enough that the only experiences I have from that time period are from owning three 500 NS NPO nations and thinking it made a difference for anything. Simply by a process of elimination, I'm going to have to say the period surrounding the Unjust War - I was right in the heart of the action in Milcom then; the war itself being challenging enough to have to work hard for success, but not challenging to the point where it took all of the enthusiasm right out of you. Most other wars over the past two and a half years have just pissed me off more than anything else.

In your opinion, which came first, the chicken or the egg?

A technical answer to this question would tell you that the egg came first, as sexual reproduction predated chickens by a long shot, and one of the gametes involved in said process is called an "egg."

The more traditional argument revolves around what one considers to be a "chicken egg." Either you consider this to be an egg which came from a chicken, or you consider this to be an egg which contains a chicken - two definitions which are similar, yet subtlely (and very importantly) different. Pick your definition, and you've picked your answer.

Are you actually going to answer these questions?


What was your first reaction when seeing this?

At first I figured that scy had found some really juicy logs on me, and my reaction was this...


...and then I just got typing.

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It seems every thread I wander into I see your sig and stare at it for a good few minutes. How made such an epic thing?

It was made by VirtualElvis roughly a year ago. You'd have to ask him.

When's the next barbecue, and am I invited?

Barbeques tends to be rather spontaneous, often involving someone being drunk on IRC at the same time I'm online. Lurking is your best option.

How did you come to join MCXA, and what positions did you hold until become chancellor?

I applied for that alliance after getting to know Jenn.GoneWild while playing in #werebot on IRC. I started off as the commander of our military's second division, and was first elected to our Third High Council in August 2007 (after nearly being elected two months before without my knowledge). I briefly served as MoI during our Fourth High Council, resigned, and then was once again MoI for the Fifth, Sixth, and most of the Seventh High Councils. I was Director of Recruiting for some indeterminate amount of time, before being appointed to the Tenth High Council and elected to the Eleventh High Council, also serving during both terms as Minister of Finance, bringing us to February of this year.

Grub also made the fatal mistake of appointing me as Minister of the Interior with the NAAC in February 2007, which continued until the disbandment of that alliance two months later.

(All done :P )

Edited by Gopherbashi
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It was made by VirtualElvis roughly a year ago. You'd have to ask him.

Barbeques tends to be rather spontaneous, often involving someone being drunk on IRC at the same time I'm online. Lurking is your best option.

I applied for that alliance after getting to know Jenn.GoneWild while playing in #werebot on IRC. I started off as the commander of our military's second division, and was first elected to our Third High Council in August 2007 (after nearly being elected two months before without my knowledge). I briefly served as MoI during our Fourth High Council, resigned, and then was once again MoI for the Fifth, Sixth, and most of the Seventh High Councils. I was Director of Recruiting for some indeterminate amount of time, before being appointed to the Tenth High Council and elected to the Eleventh High Council, also serving during both terms as Minister of Finance, bringing us to February of this year.

Grub also made the fatal mistake of appointing me as Minister of the Interior with the NAAC in February 2009, which continued until the disbandment of that alliance two months later.

(All done :P )

I have another question now. How did Grub make the mistake of appointing you as Minister of the Interior in the NAAC in the year 2009, if the alliance known as the NAAC was disbanded by the year 2009?

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